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Everything posted by KatanaViolet
[QUOTE=Starwind]At the moment there is no clear end in sight and the problems in the middle east are only getting worse. With the bombing of the Shitte shrine in Baghdad and all the retalitory strikes since, I can easily agree with Katana in saying that this is a nation on the verge of exploding. How much of it is the US's fault is hard to say. This has been a nation with alot of turmoil, long before we came back over. As much as I would hate to say it, this nation doesn't seem to want what were trying to give it. Which for those who don't realize, we are trying to give them a free democracy, though many believe to the contrary. I'll be the first to admit that we went there for some pretty stupid reasons, that turned out to be a load of crap, but that's neither here nor there now. The fact remains that we are so far in now that it would be more damaging to the nation in both security, stability, and economically. Unfortunatly, do to all this undue focus we put on Iraq we missed the nation that is perhaps the truest threat, Iran. We are talking about a rogue nation here, a nation that has repeatedly defied the UN. They have now effectivly withdrew all there assets back home before the UN could offer up a sanction and now they gatherd all there power at home where we can't touch them. I doubt people here in the US will suffer much from this, or at least not immeidatly. The ones my heart goes out to are the people of Isreal who are in very real danger from this radical and violent nation. More then once, Iran has threatend to annihilate Isreal, and now that they may have nuclear capacity, this may be a reality now. Our allies in Pakistan and India are starting to waver; this is a hard time our nation is faced with. The whole of the middle east could errupt in to a full scale war, which could easily go nuclear. We can't leave Iraq, but because of this we have had to neglect the real threats to our security and our nations peace. The national debt continues to row and now we are sufferin from a shortage of troops in Iraq. That's right, now there aren't enough people ther to get the job done. Is this administration ever going to make a good call!? Or at least stick by there bad ones and take some damn responsiblity? I'm tired now. I've gone and got myself all worked up. In short, this war is far from over, and our real problems are only just begining. PS: By the way Katana, war isn't always bad. Think about if we had just gone "You know what, we don't need to fight. I'm sure the Germans will call off this whole invasion thing soon. And those crazy japanese were just in an off mood. I'm sure it'll be fine." Think about that before going with the whole "What is it good for? Absolutly NUTTHIN" route, okay[/QUOTE] Oh my goodness. As much as I can agree with [I]some[/I] of what you say, I can't believe how brainwashed you sound. Yes, Iraq was allready screwed before the US invaded, but the fact of the matter is, this is an illegal war. The US had no UN approval in invading Iraq. But no, bombs over Baghdad, again. Based on LIES. In addition to what Dodeca said, "liberating" this nation and giving it a "democracy" came after the people starting realizing "Hey, where are all those WMDs?" then the Bush admin. was like "We're here to free this country! Saddam Hussein is a evil doer..." And I'm sorry, but what right does the US have to blow the bejeezus out of a country and then claim it was for their own good? How do you know that you angered more people who may not have been extremists before that now are because you destroyed all they had? Okay, maybe that's not completely realistic, but you never know. Now, I'm not saying that Saddam Hussein isn't a bad man, because he is. But personally, I think President of the United States just as guilty of war crimes as Saddam Hussein is. That's right, [I]I said it.[/I] And now you're (when I mean "you" I mean the USA) looking at IRAN? What, are you going to invade them too? Maybe Bush just thought it was easier because he allready knows how to pronounce Iraq, he just as to switch the last letter (Har har). Okay, I will be the first to admit that I don't know the whole situation with Iran, but I do know that nuclear programs aren't just for building bombs, however likely or unlikely it may be that they are using nuclear programs for energy. But what is the deal? Is nobody else except the US allowed to have nuclear capabilities? Do we really want to repeat history all over again? Rogue nation? Bush didn't even listen to the UN on invading Iraq!! I can understand the implications if we do [I]nothing[/I], but there's got to be a better solution then pulling another Iraq. Enough countries hate the US as it is. Besides, if anything, I'm sure Iran sees the US as a threat to [I]their[/I] security. And in the midst of all this, I still have one question. [I]Where is Osama Bin Laden.[/I] or for that matter, [I]why were members of the Bin Laden family who were in the US shipped back to Saudi Arabia days after the 9/11 attacks, when there were no flights allowed?[/I] God, lets just blow ourselves up and get it overwith. I'm sick of all this crap. I'm tired of the Canadian and other hostages who aren't even there to fight, Canadian soldiers getting axed in the head while holding peace talks with village elders, and the whole time our Prime Minister wants to put more money into spending so we can provide the necessary backup in the mess that was created over there. :animesigh And what's more I'm sick of George Bush and his poor excuse of a presidency. P.S. Don't be so cocky as to compare this to WWII, maybe if the US killed, you know, [I]over a million people[/I] then we can compare it to the Germans. This can be compared to Vietnam, but its not even close to WWII. Not yet anyways. And just in case I offended anybody here, I am not anti-American. I have family in the states, I have been there many times, but when it comes to the Bush Administration and the Iraq war, thats where my disgust comes in. So I'm sorry if I bruised the ego a bit. But this is what it's coming to. This is how people are starting to view the US. It's a sorry, sorry state of affairs, that it is. I wonder how humanity is going to recover from this one...
[quote name='Japan_86][COLOR=DarkRed']What about K-POP? You know, Korean POP. They are just as good if not better.[/COLOR][/quote] Why don't you recommend some? I think I might have heard one song before, but I have no idea what it was called or what artist it was. Reiku, I haven't heard the Phase Shift mix... oh my, I'm going to have to go on another downloading spree.
Anime Which series grabbed you from the start?
KatanaViolet replied to Nekova's topic in Otaku Central
Usually it takes me a couple episodes to really get into it, and I generally have an idea of what the anime is roughly about, through reviews and whatnot... But here's my list: [B]Rurouni Kenshin[/B] I had seen only 5 minutes of the OVA, and I knew I had to see more, but I never got the chance to watch the whole thing. Then I rented the Samurai X movie and I loved it. Then I watched the first episode of the TV series and it is one of my favorite animes. [B]Naruto[/B] I love the mix of humor mixed in with a ninja-modern-fantasy plot. I've loved it since I first seen it, although at first I wasn't sure if I'd like it, with all the hype it was getting, but my biases were quickly changed. -
[QUOTE=Revolut1on][COLOR=DarkRed] If you're looking for a really good J-pop band I [B]highly[/B] recommend L'Arc~en~Ciel. Their lead singer, Hyde, has one of the most amazing voices I've ever heard.And Ken's gutiar work is nothing short of brilliant. I recommend their song Forever ~Eien, it's so beautiful. Other cool J-pop artists/groups: Utada Hikaru [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I agree about L'Arc~En~Ciel, "Driver's High" and "Ready Steady Go" are both really good songs. Ready Steady Go appears in Fullmetal Alchemist. I haven't heard Forever ~Eien though... :babble: I also really like "Colors" By Utada Hikaru. Although I haven't heard of the other ones you listed, so I'll have to take a listen. [quote name='Reiku']I didn't know T.M. Revolution did Heart of Sword. I love that song! Always makes me smile. ^_^[/quote] Well then you learned something new today :catgirl: Heart of Sword is also one of the endings in Rurouni Kenshin. [QUOTE=Reiku]Don't they also do Haruka Kanata? Or is this the same song we're talking about here? The intro for Naruto one? Anyway, T.M. Revolution has another good one called 'Invoke'. It's from the Gundam Seed soundtrack.[/QUOTE] Yep, Asian Kung Fu Generation is the band behind the Naruto opening theme you speak of. And lastly, I have heard "Invoke" many times, and I love that song! TM Revolution is pretty popular in Japan, and has also provided voice acting in Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed destiny, and other song of his that appears in Seed is "Meteor" check it out
I've been asking myself that question. Moreso, I'm asking myself why this war was started in the first place. The claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction turned out to be false. And chances are that any they did have they got from the US. Osama Bin Laden doesn't have any known ties to Iraq, at least in regards to the tragedy of 9/11. The violence only seems to be getting worse. The US pulling out won't solve any problems, it'll just put the responsiblity onto the other countries there on peacekeeping missions. The civil unrest there is so out of hand, if the US were to pull out there would be a full scale civil war. The whole state of affairs makes me sick, and it's sad that it's come down to this. Haven't enough lives been lost because of the horrendous acts of 9/11 been enough? I mean, forgive me for sounding like a character in Gundam Seed, but what is this war about? When is the fighting really going to end, and what will end it? I just feel like history is repeating itself. I'd go into more depth, but I'm getting so disgruntled just thinking about the issue makes me angry... "War, HUH, yea, what is good for? Absolutely NOTHIN! Uh huh yea..."
[quote name='GoldScorpion78']If the US lost power, the reigning "country" wouldn't be A country at all. It would be the EU. They're the other superpower.[/quote] Don't forget about China. They're the ones who make almost everything we own. Also, I just want to note, that if Canada's Prime Minister ever tried to instill something like the Patriot Act, I wouldn't stand for it. That's such a violation of so many rights. See, most Canadians aren't Anti-American, we just don't want to be like you guys. I've been to the states many times, and the actions of the Bush administration don't reflect on American society very well at all. Needless to say, the state of affairs today make me lose faith in humanity.
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
KatanaViolet replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
"What happens when you tell Donald you had Peking Duck for lunch." -
[quote name='Japan_86][COLOR=DarkRed']I got an idea. How about you just don't date ever! At least till you are mature and can think for yourself instead of relying on a message board on the internet.[/COLOR][/quote] You stole the words right from my mouth. Perhaps my patience has faded after seeing all these advice threads... Neko, your 15 years old. I had to look it up in your profile because just by hearing about everything I would have thought you were younger. This is seriously so junior high I want to vomit in your shoes. Then why am I replying? Probably for the same reason all of you did. Because this is the stupidest thread ever and my brain has exploded. I still can't seem to get a grip on everything. But what I will say is if you want to break up with him then stop being a tool and do it, rather than wasting our/your/his/her time. You're a big girl, and you need to start figuring things out for yourself. Maybe if you used your noggin you would not be in this situation, I don't know. I'm done high school thank you. I guess none of that was really advice... but like I said, Japan_86 sums up my feelings pretty accurately.
I don't think new member posts are really encouraged here... but you did have a peice of artwork included, so maybe it's okay! Just in case you haven't, go over the rules and whatnot, mods expect members to know the rules of the forum, and it keeps ya outta trouble
This thread is a bit vague and doesn't promote alot of discussion, but it has the potential to. I've been going on a bit of a Japanese music craze lately. I can't really say that I'm particular to a certain band or artist, but I do have a list of songs that I quite enjoy! TM Revolution//Ignited Chemistry//Wings of Words Weiz Kreiz//One Night Carnival (I don't know if that's how the name of the band is spelled, that's just what I got from the katakana) High And Mighty Color//Pride High And Mighty Color//Ichirin No Hana TM Revolution//Heart of Sword TM Revolution//Imitation Crime Amuro Namie//Come Angela//Shangri-La Angela//Seperation Okina Reika//Tsuki No Curse Hitomi Takahashi//Bokutachi no Yukue Luna Sea//Tonight Asian Kung Fu Generation//Rewrite
I no longer hold "n00b" status, as you would call it. I have been a fan of anime for a few years now, and I've been on many a message board before stumbling onto this one. Personally, I think it's just great. Compared to other boards that I post on, this one is the raddest of the rad. I still post on another one called AnimeOST, but the boards are seriously overrun with new members that post one sentance posts. Even though I was at that board before this one, I post at it alot less now, because I like the intellectual structure that this board has, and it's not just a bunch of Twinkies exclaiming "OMG I lyke totally luv [insert anime]!!!!1!111!!" and making other totally pointless threads and posts. I can't say I can compare the OtakuBoards now to the Old Skool OtakuBoards, but this is definately the best forum that I've ever came across.
I can't really say I know how to help you... this is a wayyy out there kinda problem. I mean, I didn't even meet anyone openly gay until university! What it seems to me is that you are having a gender identity/ sexual orientation issue here correct? And I need to clarify that you still have all your female... parts, right? I mean, I don't really blame you, being a woman can suck... periods, PMS, menopause, pregnancy, hormones, not to mention the way that (some) men treat us! But to be completely honest, I don't really think this is a problem one should come to the boards with... as much advice as we could give, most of us are completely uneducated on the issue, and I'm even a psych student. We can't say that you are a transexual, or bisexual female, or if you have gender identity disorder. We don't know. My best advice I could give to you with confidence is that maybe you should see a councellor or something.... or even a psychologist. I'm sorry, but that's the best I can do... I'm stumped.
Naruto Ninja Council is an RPG, and it's not only in Japan, because I'm in Canada and I have it.... I baught it for $30 at Walmart. I believe it would count as an RPG, you get to pick between playing with Naruto or Sasuke, and you go through the levels, and you try to beat what I'm assuming is like a Chuunin exam...I forget what they called it. You fight bad guys and bosses, you can pick up different weapons along the way, you can charge up your chakra and use different jutsu attacks (similar to DBZ) It even has the voices too from the anime. Playing with Naruto was alot of fun, I've allready beaten it, but playing with Sasuke has proven to be a challenge, because he sucks. But I'm doing my best! Anyways, it's a game I reccommend. It's lots of fun, and keeps me busy.
I love AFI tattoos. I wanted one for the longest time. They've been one of my favorite bands for years now. But I realized that if I got an AFI tattoo, chances are I wouldn't like it when I'm like 40, so I decided to skip it. Unless it was something inconspicuous. I wouldn't get the Nephilim or Art and Articia tattooed on me, but maybe I'd get that heart with the eye, or some lyrics. That's kind of why I wanted a phoenix tattoo, because not only does it represents an anime that is reborn out of its own ashes, but my favorite AFI song is "Days Of The Phoenix". So maybe I'd get a Pheonix and the words "I Fell Into Fantasy" or something. I dunno. Just speculations over here. :catgirl:
I absolutely love it. The colors are vibrant, and all my favorites
Well, you should consider yourself lucky then. I am glad to hear that nothing is wrong, although I would call you an even bigger idiot if there was. "I told you so!" would have been along the lines of what I would say... however when it comes to stupidity, I'm not very sympathetic, so don't take it personally
Definately, I'd say if your under 17, 18... don't bother with it. Chances are you'll change your mind about it a couple years down the road. Not to mention, you need parental consent. The best idea is, if you want a tattoo, find a picture you like, and put it somewhere where you will see it all the time, and then if your not sick of it a few years down the road, then you should be fine. :catgirl:
Thank you so very kindly!! I love it! I actually didn't think it was from an anime, I kinda thought it was just an original anime drawing or something. Thanks for the link
This doesn't really invoke much discussion, although it has the potential to. I have one tattoo, on my right shoulder blade of a shooting star, for a friend of mine who passed away a few years ago. I love it, but at the same time I don't want it to be my only tattoo because of the story behind it. I want one that is my own story, that can accurately represent who I think I am. I hope to get another tattoo one day, but I'm in no rush because I don't really know what I want. Someone put up a thread that got closed asking about pictures of fairies for a tattoo, and while I was searching for some for her on Google, I found one that I really liked, but I don't really know if I'd actually want it inked on me. I know that I want to get one on my calf, or on the back of my ankle, depending on how big it is. I don't really want to get any kanji, just because it's overdone so much. I'd like something perhaps Japanese influenced, but I would wait until after I actually experienced Japanese culture to get it (hopefully in a year!). I also thought about getting a dragon and a tiger... or a pheonix and a dragon. I was really thinking about getting a pheonix and something with the mercury symbol and the gemini symbol. But they're all just random ideas. I haven't came up with anything concrete, and I don't plan on getting another tattoo until I know for sure that I can pick something worth wasting the money for. Because tattoos are so freakin' expensive these days!
[I]He's lumps, he's lumps, he's lumps, they're on his head[/I] :bdance: If you don't get it,it's a Weird Al song...
In regards to the geisha style interface...This isn't a request for an avatar or anything, but I really like the anime picture of the geisha that is on the left side on the site, where the menu is. You can barely see it, but it looks really cool. I was just wondering if someone had this picture and could post if for me, I really like it. If not then mods, go ahead at delete this thread. If anyone can help me, thanks in advance. If this thread needs to be deleted, sorry for the inconvenience!
How do I love thee Otaku Boards? Let me count the ways... It's not like other boards I have been to where little twinkies (young kids) do one sentence posts consisting of "OMG LOL I LOVE [insert anime here]!!!!!111!!!111!!oneone" . I admit it did take me a bit to get used to putting both quality and quantity into my posts, but I like it much better that way. Pretty much what Stuart said. Just the way it is set up in relation to The Otaku website as well. I find it as a great reference and information source on my anime. The mods don't power trip. I just find it as one of the more superior boards out there. I just like it okay!
[COLOR=Red]Note: New Members, you gotta give the thread more than just single sentences in your replies!! [/COLOR] Also, zerosystem, hehe, I was also obsessed with the Phantom of the Opera, but not any remixes... just the one from the movie. I have most of the soundtrack on my computer and I like to listen to them in order haha. Wow I'm a dork. Still listening to Ignited constantly. I learned the lyrics, word for word. :animeblus I have too much time on my hands. Other songs I'm really diggin right now: [B]Reel Big Fish- Skatanic[/B] (Ska/Punk.) It's basically about how a stalker/crazy man loves this girl, it's hilarious. [B]Madonna- Sorry[/B] I can't believe I actually like this song... it's kind of random for me, but I just like the beat and singing along to it. [B]The Strokes- Ask Me Anything[/B] One of the lyrics is "Don't be a coconut", that's reason enough!
Let's hope you don't change anything in the time I post this, lol. I really like the font in your sig, plus the little quote underneath. I'm not sure what it may mean, but I like it. The av is very nice too, simple but creative. I like how they have an abstract feel to them. The next thing I want to ask is if you made these yourself, and what they mean or stand for... 8/10
Believe me, I meant it in the least rude of ways. Piercing your own ears is something in an entirely different ball park than piercing your own tongue. There is so much bacteria in your mouth, and a fresh tongue piercing is like an open wound. He (or she) is not a trained professional, and if he/she had peirced the wrong spot it could have caused severe bleeding or permanent nerve damage. There are alot of nerves on your tongue. It may sound harsh but I'm telling it like it is. I just think that only an idiot would give themselves a DIY oral peircing. An even bigger idiot would do it when they are high... what happened to just having the munchies?? I certainly wouldn't want to get anything peirced by someone that unprofessional. Ears, that's fine... eyebrow and bellybutton, a little sketchy... tongue or lip, no way.