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Everything posted by KatanaViolet

  1. "Another fine example of when too much wood is a bad thing." har har... :catgirl:
  2. Oh my goodness, there are so many... but lets start with one... [B]NOFX- Decom Poseur[/B] She's a painting out of focus, with no good sense of intention She's authentic She's a model of disaster with the heart of revolution She's so innocent, but guilty's her plea Everybody wants to save her from her self, they really want to save themselves She's got the grace of a tourist, with the charm of demolition She's a poem without meter or rhyme, a random design of a flower Like a rose... no one really knows. She's a masterpeice deserving restoration or condemnation Time will tell us, if she's a lifer, or a decomposeur She is rose, no one really knows.
  3. The Phantom of the Opera is hands down my favorite. It's soundtrack is phenominal, it's a great story... just spectacular. I loved the movie. Next would definately be Chicago. I loved the songs, and the whole movie was done so well. One day I want to go to New York and see both of those productions.
  4. [URL=http://www.dobi.nu/emo/girls.htm]How To Dress Emo v.2.0, For Girls[/URL] [URL=http://www.dobi.nu/emo/boys.htm]How To Dress Emo, v.2.0, For Guys[/URL] heh, This is what google threw at me when I looked up Emo. I was looking for a different picture, but these are pretty funny. Personally, people who try to be too much of any scene kind of annoy me. That reminds me of this song I know "Baker's Dozen" Oh my God! I'm confused! I want to go punk, but there's way too many rules Pardon me, Mr. Punker I'm looking for some insight on the core that's right for me Tell me please, I'm down on my knees I like my beer, I like my steer I don't want any holes in my face I'm no queer I bought some docs, Black Flag Rocks Mosh and crowd surf! I wanna be unusual I wanna be punk rock I wanna be unusual Should I be emo and just cry? Maybe I'll go skacore and skank until I die How about hardcore? Really hardcore I ******* hate that metal **** Sober vegans you all suck! So what's your core? Stupid *****! You must be a riot girl You're not very funny Hey, nice tattoo, use some shampoo Rice cakes, soymilk Go Sid Vicious! [IMG]http://www.rootsofcompassion.org/newshop/catalog/images/2003_0609AT.JPG[/IMG]
  5. [QUOTE=Panda]I think I may be one of the only people here who can say that I have "been there and done that". I already have my own business license (oh the joys of paying taxes upon taxes!) so I answer this question with a very realistic view on the joys of business ownership. In case someone is wondering I designed and created beaded jewelry that I sold in a little boutique. If I had massive disposable income to open up a shop of my very own I would like to have a little anime/manga/japanese music/game shop. I would do rentals and sales, found a club for fans to join and maybe a little cafe. I would have screenings of different anime series and get anime industry guest - voice actors and artists - to make in store appearances. I would also have Japanese cultural events. Tea ceremony, lessons on how to put kimonos on, origami and maybe even fan dancing lessons.[/QUOTE] That would be an amazing idea! It's like my idea... only way better! Too bad we both aren't totally loaded with cash, otherwise we could go into business together. Especially the cultural events. If there was a place like that here, I'd go all the time. And I"m sure everyone in my Japanese class would go too. Depending on where your located, I'm sure a store like that would make great profits. :animesigh One can dream...
  6. I don't think it matters at all!! What difference does it make, if you enjoy the anime that's all that matters. Whoever told you that is a tool, and if they think that they are these huge "otakus" because they watch anime in Japanese over someone who watches it in English, they're even bigger tools. Although some dubs can suck, the ones that are well done will get the same message across as its Japanese counterpart. But preferring one over the other doesn't make someone more or less of an anime fan. Personally, I don't mind either one. I like Dubs because it's in my native language and it's much more convenient, plus I find that most of the dubs are pretty good. I like watching it in Japanese because sometimes there's just some humor that you'd miss otherwise. Sometimes things get edited out in dubs. But you watch whichever you prefer best. Different strokes for different folks right?
  7. I didn't know where to post this, so I hope I'm in the right place. Just to let all my fellow Canadians know, if they didn't know allready, on Friday, March 3d, 10 E/P, following Naruto... FULL METAL ALCHEMIST will be airing! There isn't much info on the YTV website... but there is this that I got from an about.com newsletter [QUOTE][B]Anime News Flash[/B] FMA fans in Canada have something to celebrate - FUNimation has announced that Fullmetal Alchemist is coming your way on YTV. In a recent press release, FUNimation announced that YTV has picked up Fullmetal Alchemist for broadcast in Canada. "Fullmetal Alchemist is one of those series that really captures its audience," continues Fukunaga. "It has an intriguing storyline, great content and incredible animation." The Canadian debut is schedule for March 3rd and will air on YTV at 10:00pm, encore at 1:00am. For more Fullmetal Alchemist news, check out the official website.[/QUOTE] :animesmil I'm so excited!
  8. The new type of intestinal worm that was discovered made avian bird flu look like the common cold.
  9. It would be like a comic book shop, but specializing in anime goods. Manga, DVDs, OSTs, shirts, accessories... but it would also have a little eating nook built in, so people could by some simple japanese snacks and stuff... It would have posters all up on the wall, and I'd rotate music between J-Pop/Rock and my own personal music. It'd be like a comic book shop and anime convention mixed into a quaint little store...
  10. I haven't gone snowboarding in a few years :animecry: There's a mountain here, but I don't know the way, and my car isn't exactly built for driving up a mountain. I don't really have anyone to go with either. :animedepr That sucks too, because I was just starting to get better... I hope it's like riding a bike, you know, once you stop for a long time, you can still pick it back up. Skiing is a definate no no for me though.... I only tried going once and that was in 6th grade... and it was my first time ever, and my friend decides that 20 minutes on the bunny hill is good enough practice and drags me up to the chair lift. Yea, I barely made it half way down the hill when I started to pick up way to much speed and bailed, HARD. My knee is still messed up from that... but then again, I have bad knees as it is. Anyways... haven't skiied since.
  11. That's a good question Sayuri... I'll let you know in a couple years... I'd expect it to be something like graduation from high school, only more intense. I mean, because when you graduate high school, it's like "Okay, now I"m going to go to post-secondary school" but when you graduate from college/university, there's a whole lot of things that are uncertain... that's when you really gotta go out into the real world... Eek... :animeblus
  12. Thanks to all her practice on the high jump, Kasumi was about to unleash her deadly Scissor Kick to finish off Elliot. Suddenly from just out of sight, Miroku appears and sucks Kasumi into his Wind Tunnel. Haha, that is lame compared to the "Forgotten" one. Oh well! :animesmil
  13. Don't be so shy! Have a little bit of confidence! You don't need to try too hard, just start little, by saying hi or cracking a joke when your around her. If you don't believe in yourself then she's not going to notice you. Girls like confidence.. although, you should avoid being cocky. I'm sure if you just try talking to her rather than being shy your off to a much better start! That's just my reasoning. She won't be able to acknowledge you if you don't put yourself out there a little bit. I hope it helps.
  14. 1) favorite character? Sailor Jupiter and Mars 2)favorite season? The first will always be a classic. I was in fourth grade when I first started watching it. Watching that season a couple months ago for the first time since it went off air was soooo nastalgic, it was weird. 3) least favorite character? hmm... nobody really, although both Usagi and Chibiusa are way too whiney for my liking. 4) Least favorite season? SuperS was kind of blah. 5) Do you hate DIC and Cartoon Network for dubbing the show? Meh, I don't hate them, but they could have done a better job. 6) Have you seen the fifth season yet? I have not! Is it good?
  15. Following the news of Paris Hilton's upcoming cd, Tinkerbell decided it was fair time to show up the heiress in her moonlighting ways.
  16. I don't really know much about them... but I have a few songs on a cd somewhere. They're a pretty good ska band, I'm not even sure where they are from.. My favorite song is "Let's Go To Canada". I guess I'm not a whole lot of help, but I'll try to find the cd I have the songs on and maybe I can send them to you or something.
  17. One thing Donald Rumsfeld could not talk himself out of.... the receding hair line.
  18. Contacts are pretty nice, I wear glasses, and I got contacts once before, the only thing that bugged me about them was that they dried out my eyes, I'd probably consider laser eye surgery before I got contacts again. Freaky contacts, on the other hand, I find are pointless. They just look.... stupid. Although neat purple ones or something, but nothing really extreme, like cat eyes, or white contacts... white contacts freak me out, it makes the wearer look like they have no soul. *shudder* As for peircings, I used to have my tongue, belly button and lip peirced. But now I only have my lip peircing left. I remember when I got my tongue peirced not many people had it, but then after I got it peirced, it just became this huge trend. Not saying I started it, but I guess I just got it done before it was the "cool" thing to do. I really like my lip ring though, I think it looks fabulous on me. Unfortunately it's making my gum line recede so I might have to take it out. Boo. I don't know many people with septum peircings, maybe just one or two. And my one friend who has it is the only person it doesn't look totally rediculous on.. that I've seen anyways. Of course, when it comes to peircings, some people get them for the wrong reasons and they totally waste their money. Like when I got my bellybutton peirced. It wasn't until like 8 months later that I realized my belly button was waaay cuter without it. And then there's all those "punks"... I'm sorry, but if you get a peircing because other scene kids have them wouldn't that make it "trendy" instead of "punk"? It's beyond me...
  19. mmm The White Chicks? is that what its even called.... I think?
  20. "And THIS could all be yours, IF THE PRICE IS RIGHT!"
  21. [QUOTE=DemonAngeL_Zero]If one show had to have a sequel, I'd pick Excel saga. The anime was Funny as hell, why not? It'd make a good show to see what happend to Excel and Hyatt after the world blew up, or Puni puni Poemy! POEMY POWER!! :love:[/QUOTE] My friend had an episode but I only saw like 2 seconds of it. It was hilarious! My nominations would be Fruits Basket and Gunslinger Girl. [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]KatanaViolet, please remember to explain your answers. Posting lists does not help in conversation unless you explain the reasons behind each item. For example, why do you nominate Fruits Baskets and Gunslinger Girl? - Arvi[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  22. Your both right, Ice Rose go ahead...! :catgirl: *Also, if anyone has any suggestions on how to organize this game, I want to do this idea, but right now it's not really working :( I was thinking someone just guess the title and put a quote from a different movie. I guess this works alot better with your with people in person rather than in a thread. *
  23. I guess I should have thought this through a little bit... it sounded like a good idea in my head!! :( But you put an entirely different quote from a different movie. And I guess I'll be the judge to say who gets it right, kind of like in the caption game threads. It was Peter Pan.... But I don't want this thread closed because it's not getting anywhere, so let's try another one... :animeswea "Savvy?"
  24. [B]1. Anti-Flag- Die For Your Government[/B] This is probably one of the first songs that got me into Anti-Flag, they're a political band from Pittsburg. As of late, they've had alot to write about and taken a major stance against the War in Iraq and the policies of the Bush administration. [URL=http://www.anti-flag.com]www.anti-flag.com[/URL] [B]2. The Blood Brothers- Ambulance vs. Ambulance[/B] Yea, this is quite a strange band... I don't even know how I ended up with one of their albums. But once in a while I'm in the mood for them. [B]3. Strung Out- Alien Amplifier[/B] This is from the American Paradox album, and definately my favorite Strung Out cd.... I used to really love these guys, they were one of the first punk bands I got really into. [B]4. NOFX- The Idiots Are Taking Over[/B] This is from the American Errorist CD, and it's probably one of the best ones NOFX has made, because it's more politically driven then their other albums, although NOFX are punk legends, so I just love them. [B]5. Ensign- Black Clouds vs. Silver Linings[/B] I got this from the Punkzilla comp, it's not that bad, it's got some nice guitar riffs, and I really like the title. [B]6. The Pillows- Stalker[/B] I just love how mellowly awesome The Pillows are! [B]7. Pain- Square Pegs[/B] Probably the best ska band I ever heard. I love them. [B]8. Alexisonfire- Control[/B] Canadian band, can't go wrong there. I love the screaming. I didn't like them before, but I really like the Watch Out! album, it has a nice mix of screaming and singing. [B]9. The Vandals- I Have a Date[/B] I actually just started getting into The Vandals, and I have no idea how I didn't sooner! All the songs I've heard so far I've loved. [B]10. Protest The Hero- Blindfolds Aside[/B] This is the first song I've ever heard by this band, but the guitars are so unreal that I can see myself buying one of their cds. The singers voice is a little iffy, but he's not that bad. I quite enjoy this song.
  25. 1. Pick a Band or Artist: The Phantom of the Opera Sountrack 2.Are you male or female: Little Lottie, Let Her Mind Wander 3.Describe yourself: Child of the wilderness 4. How do some people feel about you: Flattering child 5.Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Ignorant fool 6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Sing once again with me, our strange duet. My power over you, grows stronger yet. 7.Describe where you want to be: Masquerade 8.Describe how you love: When will the flames, at last, consume us? 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: Sir, this is indeed an unparallelled delight! I had rather hoped that you would come, And now my wish comes true, You have truly made my night! 10.Share a few words of wisdom: Learn to be lonely, learn to find your way in darkness. 11. Now say goodbye: Farewell, my fallen idol and false friend We had such hopes, and now those hopes are shattered.
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