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Everything posted by KatanaViolet

  1. I'm sorry, I know we all have pretty diverse opinions on the issue, but all this jargon and rhetoric is kind of redundant. Yes, smoking ANYTHING is bad for you and your lungs. No, just because I smoke pot doesn't mean I can't read or that I'm an addict. Yes, I do smoke pot everyday. No, I do not suffer withdrawl symptoms from going without smoking pot. Yes, I can smoke pot everyday and still read WELL, in fact, I enjoy reading. Don't lump pot smokers with the rest of those chemical drug users. Why don't we start talking about something we can all agree on, cokeheads, e-tards, the growing issue of meth, and how these three drugs as well as others are becoming increasingly MORE available than pot.
  2. Well put Ziggy. I don't really have much else to say on the matter, but I'm gonna pull something that I typed up sometime back in my MSN Space. [QUOTE]?Saddam Hussein is a homicidal dictator who is addicted to weapons of mass destruction.? -George W.Bush (But who REALLY has the most weapons?) "A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it.? -George W. Bush. "Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.?-George W. Bush "No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God."- George Bush Sr. "Our enemies send other people's children on missions of suicide and murder. They embrace tyranny and death as a cause and a creed. We stand for a different choice - made long ago, on the day of our founding. We affirm it again today. We choose freedom and the dignity of every life."-George W.Bush (Aren't THEY sending other people's children on missions of suicide and murder?) There is much more... but I'm getting so angry about all of it. It makes me sick. I'm not anti-American, but those kind of mentalities are not going to bring peace or liberty to ANYONE. What is more important to them is having all the power, and by using weapons against these "evil-doers" they can secure the fact to the rest of the world that America IS the only superpower in the world. Be that as it may, I think that the road they are taking is not one that is going to secure peace in this world or the next. This war was based on a lie. The American public was twisted into it by use of propaghanda and fear. My beliefs may not be based on what is REALLY happening, but to be honest, I'm not sure if anyone knows whats really happening. But if Iraqi civilians are being killed, Canadian diplomats are being shot at, peacekeeping anti-war activists are being taken hostage, Iraqi POW's are being degraded (remember Al Graihb?), and the president is using the Patriot Act to listen to your phone calls... things can't be going well.[/QUOTE]
  3. I could have sworn I replied to this thread... perhaps I didn't... I have .hack//mutation, and i got stuck when I had to fight that thing that looks like a puzzle peice/mosaic. it kept killing me.. I'm wondering if perhaps I missed something because I hadn't visited all the places on my word lists, but I had visited all the places that had checkmarks by them.... Am I totally missing something??
  4. I don't know what possessed me to do this poll, I guess its just out of curiousity. What chatting software do you use?? I've used all four at some point. Now I use MSN. What about you guys??
  5. [QUOTE=Raiyuu][font=Trebuchet MS]I think Kanye West actually said "George Bush [b]doesn't care about [/b]black people", not that he hates them. That would have been a bit over the top. While this is kind of a different take on the subject, since it all started with renayiiq's opinion on freedom of speech I'm going to merge it with Amelia's freedom of speech thread. Just for tidiness' sake. [/font][/QUOTE] Just providing a different point of view, is all. No need to be too critical. They are, of course, just opinions. Ohhhh the irony. :catgirl: My quoting wasn't per batem either, but thanks for pointing that out.
  6. [B]Jesus: [/B] Ha! I'm the allmighty Jesus, son of GOD! Look and marvel at my God-like ability to walk on water!!! [B]God:[/B] Smartass, I show you...
  7. Hmm There are a few... I really enjoyed Memoirs of A Geisha by Arthur Golden But I really like Chuck Palahniuk, who wrote Fight Club and Invisible Monsters. I'm yet to read Survivor, even though I have it. There's just not enough time sometimes. I enjoyed Michael Moore's books Stupid White Men and Dude Where's My Country also. ooo and Hardcore Zen by Brad Warner, as well as the CSI original novels. Hahahah it's hard to pick a favorite. I like reading all sorts of books.
  8. 1. Pick a Band or Artist: Anti-Flag 2. Are you male or female: watch your sisters back 3. Describe yourself: You got to scream to make your voice heard, I won't stop screaming till mine is heard. 4. How do some people feel about you: no one has any idea what this feels like. 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: and you feel so sick 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: You can't change whom you love 7. Describe where you want to be: far off foreign lands 8. Describe how you love: That night she said, "I will be true" Meant every word she said to you 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: as evil hacks and rips at every corner of the world, the people's voice will sing as one voice, our voices sing in union! 10. Share a few words of wisdom: One People, One Struggle, Stand United, Stand Peaceful. 11. Now say goodbye: Another life leaves this world, so full of hate This one was harder to do because they're such a political band.
  9. 1. TM Revolution- Invoke 2. Nami Tamaki- Reason 3. Eminem- The Kids 4. My Chemical Romance- I'm Not Okay (I Promise) 5. Alanis Morisette- One Hand In My Pocket 6. CHARCOAL FILTER- Tightrope (Saiyuki ending) 7. Anti-Flag- Bring Out Your Dead (Live) 8. Alexisonfire- Happiness By The Kilowatt 9. The Strokes- Razorblade 10. Siam Shade- Tears I Cried
  10. Hahha okay, holy cow, Drix. It's going to be difficult to have a rebuttal to! Thanks for the kudos first of all, it's not easy admitting something like that, because it can illicit alot of false judgements. But I've changed and grown a great deal in the years that have past, and I see marijuana as being in the same ballgame as alcohol. And, not that its an excuse, but I AM from BC. As for how it helped me quit? It's hard to explain, and I don't really see why I would need to go into great detail, but it did help. It wasn't that I became "addicted" to another drug, I had always smoked pot. Nowadays, I don't sit around and smoke pot like some stoner or anything. I work, I go to university, I do homework, I watch anime, I practice Japanese... I'm not any different from any of you, except for that at the end of the day, I'll smoke a joint. I don't toke during the day, and it doesn't interfere with my everyday life. I can function like any other regular person in society. I'm sure if you met me and never knew I smoked pot, you wouldn't know until I actually told you. Like alcohol, its best used in moderation. Just because I smoke a joint every night doesn't mean that I'm a menace to society, let alone that I have lost control of myself. And most people that do smoke alot of pot don't even know what's going on half the time.
  11. So the ay's have it. The guys a tool and your much better off without him. We're all here for you and we all believe in you. You can do it, just think about it. You must know that if he actually cared about you he wouldn't be doing any of this. You don't deserve to be treated this way, and the truth is, no matter how much you love someone, that doesn't mean that won't take advantage of that. Sometimes your heart is wrong.
  12. 1. Pick a band or artist: My Chemical Romance 2. Are you male or female: Sister, I'm not much a poet but a criminal.. 3.Describe yourself: I wouldn't front the scene if you paid me 4. How do some people feel about you: A pretty face but you do so carry on and on and on 5. Describe your exboyfriend/girlfriend: You wear me out. 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: If you marry me, would you bury me? Would you carry me to the end?? 7.Describe where you want to be: Ride into the sunset 8.Describe how you love: Don't stop if I fall, and don't look back, oh baby don't stop, bury me and fade to black. 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: If this is what you want, then fire at will. 10. Share A few words of wisdom: Hallelujah, lock and load. 11. Now say goodbye: So Long and Good Night
  13. I used to be into a lot of things that I'm almost ashamed to admit. But now I'm clean, and anyone who says that pot is a bad thing.... that stuff helped me get off much worse drugs. I may be a "habitual marijuana smoker" but that's alot better than the person I was 3 or 4 years ago. With that being said, anyone who does any other drug (Coke, meth, exctacy, etc...) are losers. Even after I got clean all my friends started doing all that stuff, I haven't hung out with them since I found out. And I continue to be a better person for it.
  14. Canada supports gay marriage... Well I don't know what's going to happen any more though, because now we have a new Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, who is pretty much the Canadian version of a Republican. Barf. Who will also, I imagine, kiss butt to the Bush Administration. He's kind of "Yay America" (I'm not tryingn to be America bashing, I just mean in regards to the Bush Admin)... I don't trust him. Also, thanks for the "hear hear" Syrius! :3
  15. Your absolutely right. You have done what you could to let them know how you feel, whatever the issue is. The rest, of course, is up to them. I hope things work out the best for you and your friend.
  16. That wasn't really the point was trying to make. The point is that Kanye West exercised his right to free speech, and did you see how uncomfortable even Mike Myers looked? There was obviously going to be some criticism, but I'm sure alot of African American families would have liked to say something to that effect as well. There were alot of people angry at the response to the disaster who I'm sure would have liked their anger voiced. At least someone became a spokesperson for them.
  17. Perhaps a games forum?? So then all thread games and what not could be grouped all together?
  18. here we goooo... 1. My Chemical Romance- You Don't Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison 2. Nami Tamaki- Reason 3. Anti-Flag- Spaz's House Destruction Party 4. NOFX- We Got Two Jealous Agains 5. Wednesday 13- Elect Death for President 6. Anti-Flag- Mind the G.A.T.T. 7. Eminem- My Dad's Gone Crazy 8. Bana- Shell 9. See-Saw- Anna Ni Issho Datta No Ni; We Were So Close Together 10. TM Revolution- Meteor
  19. Heh, then you got Kanye West "George Bush hates black people." That was awesome.
  20. Ew, poor grammar. Not all of America sees things that way. Like I've allready said, half the country DIDN'T vote for him. Don't generalize a whole country based on the incompitence of its leader.
  21. oh this sounds like fun!!! 1. Pick a Band or Artist: NOFX 2.Are you male or female: This girl, she sure knows how to rock. 3.Describe yourself: She's the got the grace of a tourist, with the charm of demolition. She's a poem without meter or rhyme, a random design of a flower, like a rose... 4. How do some people feel about you: No one really knows. 5.Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: *********'s like to test the limit. 6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Can't you see I'm no good without you. 7.Describe where you want to be: Mattersville 8.Describe how you love: All of me, why not take all of me. 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: Yea, let's go to the punk rock show! 10.Share a few words of wisdom: The war has just begun. 11.Now say goodbye: It's been real fun, but now I must say goodbye.
  22. Sometimes the best thing a person needs is the cold, hard, truth. But I guess you did, so good for you!
  23. yes. you are. Don't be foolish. You may care about him, and whether or not his intentions are good or not (because he may not realize what he's doing to you), don't let yourself be taken advantage of. You don't deserve this. You may have feelings for him, and I'm sure its a hard pill to swallow, but your only hurting yourself more by letting things continue on this way. The best thing to do is just let him go, which I know is hard... sometimes your heart just doesn't want to listen to reason. But you will be better off if you do. Your broken heart will heal with time, stop prolonging the pain. Only once you let go will you be able to recover. And believe me, you WILL love and trust again. PM me if you need me to slap more sense into you
  24. I'm quite enjoy: TM Revolution HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR Siam Shade ASIAN KUNG FU GENERATION as well as many other random artists who have done soundtracks for various animes.
  25. If you have any hesitations, then don't say it. You'll know when it's the right time.
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