Usually no matter what you say, someone will be offended by it.
Just look at the whole situation with the Denmark cartoon. Civilians rioted over one stupid cartoon that probably wasn't even expected to cause such a disturbance. Of course, something like that would fall under freedom of press, correct?
People are going to say things that others will disagree with, dislike, or downright abhor.
I think it's how you react to such things that matter. Overseas, they burnt down the Dutch embassies. In Canada, Muslim store owners discontinued Dutch Products. In both contexts, they were still offended, but reacted differently.
If someone drew a cartoon of Jesus as a terrorist or whatever, I'm sure many Christians would probably be angry, and who knows what that could result in, I mean, who knew that some cartoon would cause riots? Personally for me, I don't really care. I think religion is overrated.
I guess I'm kind of just rambling on... my point is, people need to stop taking everything so literally, and if something offends them, then screw it. I think actions are much more offensive than words or drawings. People will say what they say, get over it.