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Everything posted by KatanaViolet

  1. I've used it in other forums. I'm not sure where it came from, I kinda just pulled it outta my head. Katana's are cool. Violet's my favorite color. (well, purple is, but KatanaPurple just doesn't have the same ring to it dontchya think?)
  2. Either. But if it's a dub it has to be good quality, and keeping to the emotional quality of the original.
  3. I would have changed the ending to Inu Yasha... or rather, i would have not let it end.... I was soooo mad! Same with Gundam Seed Destiny, with Seed having such an awesome ending I was kind of disappointed there.
  4. Hey, people got to start somewhere. The mainstream is a great way to start getting into anime, then you can start discovering lesser known animes. Inu Yasha could be considered a fad because of it's popularity, but it's an awesome anime, so who cares? Besides, most tv stations that have anime will broadcast an anime for an amount of time, and then show something else. Escaflowne was on YTV for a while, but then was taken off. And it's still a good anime. My points are kind of jumbled, but what I'm trying to say is don't get your panties in a knot over it.:catgirl:
  5. Keep in mind that he was re-elected by a small margin. It truly was a nation divided.
  6. Think of it, if there was no freedom of speech, think of all the great people of the world who have had such a powerful effect on the way people think: Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr, and others. Where would we be if these kind of people couldn't express their beliefs?
  7. Inu Yasha, Naruto, Gundam Seed/Destiny, Rurouni Kenshin
  8. I'm not an American, so I don't know everything about American politics. But at the same time, it's better to have an outsiders opinion. To put it frankly, I think George Bush is an idiot. The whole Iraq war is based on lies, propaganda and fear. Sure, they got rid of Saddam Hussein, who was a horrible dictator, but does that really make the world a safer place? Who's to say... People like him make me lose faith in humanity.
  9. Guys can be a little hard to read. Being a girl, you can't be sure if they are talking to you purely for the sake of being friends, or if they have[I] other[/I] motives *cough* But I find that guys are a bit easier to get along with than girls. And even though I'm a girl, I don't understand girls either. We can be mean.
  10. The self-expression point is probably the best point that there could be made about free speech. Nobody would be able to stand up for their rights or their beliefs.
  11. Usually no matter what you say, someone will be offended by it. Just look at the whole situation with the Denmark cartoon. Civilians rioted over one stupid cartoon that probably wasn't even expected to cause such a disturbance. Of course, something like that would fall under freedom of press, correct? People are going to say things that others will disagree with, dislike, or downright abhor. I think it's how you react to such things that matter. Overseas, they burnt down the Dutch embassies. In Canada, Muslim store owners discontinued Dutch Products. In both contexts, they were still offended, but reacted differently. If someone drew a cartoon of Jesus as a terrorist or whatever, I'm sure many Christians would probably be angry, and who knows what that could result in, I mean, who knew that some cartoon would cause riots? Personally for me, I don't really care. I think religion is overrated. I guess I'm kind of just rambling on... my point is, people need to stop taking everything so literally, and if something offends them, then screw it. I think actions are much more offensive than words or drawings. People will say what they say, get over it.
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