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Everything posted by KatanaViolet

  1. Ovoviviparous Obvious victors on vacation in Venice, In Paris and Rome, Oh U Suck. Hahah first thing that came to mind.... FARFANOOGAN
  2. [QUOTE=Kira93]*laughs* Noooope TPBM has a boyfriend[/QUOTE] True, today is our 3 year anniversary! TPBM wants to travel to foreign countries.
  3. I sure hope so.... EEP I'm totally joking!! Guess it's not really obvious on the computer. But seriously, False. TPBM likes Fudgcicles.
  4. [QUOTE=Sojiro47]No way!! False!! TPBM tried to sell Coca Cola's secret soda recipes to Pepsi![/QUOTE] False, But I should Have! TPBM Lives with their parents.
  5. STOPIT Squish The Old People, Ideally, Today. KENSHIN
  6. ...And it's H-O-M-E-R!!!! TPBM is Canadian.
  7. I have one younger sister, whom I am 2 years senior. Growing up we weren't particularly close, we didn't hate each other, we just weren't super tight. But over the years as we grew up we got closer. She was always there for me, even when I was an idiot and becoming someone I didn't want to be. Her (and my parent's and bf's) support got me through it. She would never judge me, she'll always be there for me and care about me for who I am. My sister is one of my best friends, she's smart, she's funny, we like the same music (mostly), we dress the same, we've even been mistaken for twins before. Sadly, I'm ALWAYS mistaken for the younger one. And now she just graduated out of high school, and I'm going into my third year of university... I went to her graduation and it was so crazy. Seeing her all grown up and coming into her own skin. I'm not gonna lie, I bawled, haha. Soon she'll be off to university, and it's just crazy... she's my baby sister! She's not allowed to grow up! But she's going to come and stay with me soon, so I'm excited for that! At least we'll get to hang out and stuff before she's off to school. Yup, my sister rocks. I can honestly say I'm lucky to have a sister I'm so close with. We are like twins, just two years apart. I'm really glad I wasn't an only child.
  8. [QUOTE=The13thMan][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Depends on if you like getting kicked in the shins. ::wink:: tpbm loves Scrubs. [/COLOR] [/FONT][/QUOTE] Heh, not so much ^_^ False, I haven't really seen it before! TPBM is picking their nose. RIGHT NOW.
  9. There's going to be MORE?!?!?! :animeblus Oh me oh my!! That's exciting! Is it going to be the same format, kind of like a DBZ Budokai thing?
  10. [QUOTE=BlackTigerGurl][FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]True, it's a butcher knife. Lol. I wonder what I should do with it? TPBM liked Barney when they were little..[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] False! I loathed Barney. I was more into Sesame Street and Sailor Moon ^_^ TPBM wants to kick me in the shins. EDIT: Sojiro: False, I am Katana Violet!
  11. DELTA REBELLION : Devilsome Enemies Light Their Armour Ready Even Before Eagles Lie Low In Open Nests. That was tough! I hope it made sence... This one might be easier: NINJA
  12. Dude, this SUCKS. Everytime I win, I never get to post my own picture. What happened to the [I]five[/I] day waiting period?? Guess I still wouldn't have made it ...blast. :animedepr Well, here's my contribution to this one "Dude, I'm SO sending this light back to IKEA, I can't sleep like this!"
  13. Apart from food, air, water and sex (the obvious biological needs I mean, not trying to be perverted people)... [B]Music. [/B] Music is an outlet for me, it can cheer you up, make your good mood even better, help you vent out frustrations when you are angry or upset, and it's just a great thing when you have stuff to do (ie. clean, drive, work). [B]Purses.[/B] I am a purse girl. And girls like me can NEVER have enough purses. [B]Anime.[/B] Enough said. [B]Ciggarettes/Marijuana.[/B] Although the irony is that they are actually horribly bad for me... but what can I say, I'm happily addicted. [B] Showers.[/B] Think of how smelly people would be if they didn't exist! [B]Dr.Pepper[/B] I swear there is cocaine or something in this stuff, because I can't get enough of it. [B]My boyfriend[/B] This guy is my rock. I love him to peices... life wouldn't be the same without him. [B]My family[/B] I know everyone says it, but I have the best family in the world. My parents are awesome, and my sister is one of my best friends. I have great aunts uncles and cousins too. [B]TV[/B] Self-explainatory. TV is the shizzle.
  14. Currently, I work. In retail. Nothing really exciting haha. Outside of work, I like to hang out with friends, play video games, watch tv, play cards, make music videos. When I have the time, I like to read. I also smoke alot of pot. Thankfully I'm not one of those stereotypical stoners (okay, maybe sometimes), I usually save it for the later hours of the evening and for someone who's been smoking the stuff for 4 years, it doesn't take me much to get lifted! I like watching movies as well, I usually save that for the weekends. Lately my life hasn't been exciting because I've been working full time and I don't have much energy left over for other things. I spend alot of time on the phone with my boyfriend, because we have a long distance relationship as well. It sucks, but you gotta do what you gotta do! Come fall I'll be back to working part-time, and then it will just be school, work, friends, and me-time.
  15. Ultimate Ninja is probably the best Naruto game I've seen yet. I like Ninja Council for GBA, but it doesn't compare to U.N I tried out C.O.N before, and I wasn't too into it, unfortunately. I like Ultimate Ninja because the graphics are great, the controls are easy to handle, there's a great character selection, and all the moves are awesome. I haven't gotten too far yet, I've managed to unlock Neji and Hinata, and I'm at Chunnin level in the missions. Too bad I've only rented it for a week... Guess I'll have to track it down and buy it! However, characters I wish were in it are Choji, Kiba and Akamaru, Tsunade, and the Perverted Hermit (I'm meaning as playable characters).
  16. [SIZE=1]I'm very opinionated when it comes to these sorts of issues. I've agreed and clashed with many other OBer's opinions as well. But just because I have strong opinions doesn't mean I know the solutions any more than anyone else. I can say things that we need to find solutions to, that I know are entirely possible: - Energy consumption (which segues into the ever-so-real global warming issue) - World Trade - Issues with the Middle East (maybe it's a little idealistic, but I know that something can be done...its just a matter of what) I think it's hard though because solutions are always being thrown around. I'm think I could pretty much be classified as a pacifist when it comes to issues of the Middle East and Nuclear Programs and all that stuff. I hate the whole idea of war. I've heard it said before that if there wasn't nuclear and non-nuclear bombs or guns then there wouldn't be wars. I disagree with that. If we got rid of every weapon in the world, I still think there would be violence. It was like that thousands of years ago before there were those types of weapons, and we look at the people of those eras like they are savages, when in reality, the only difference between then and now is the means by which we kill people. The way I see it (as idealist as it may sound) is that if we, as a race, don't get our **** (pardon my French) together, we're in trouble. We're all on this planet, and we need to work at the issues that affect us as a people. We have so much information and technology at our disposal, we are more intelligent then we were 100 years ago, if we don't put it to use, how are we going to evolve? It really is survival of the fittest, and I'm starting to believe that the human race is starting to fall behind.[/SIZE]
  17. [quote name='Rapture Ruckus][color=crimson']Where does the buck stop then? If the Palestinians reason for kidnapping and possibly killing this soldier is revenge for Israeli's imprisioning women and children, what stops Israel from retalliating and claiming a mandate for it as retalliation for the kidnappings? Surely then, for that revenge, the Palestinians are going to have to take revenge for that! It's ridiculous and unsolvable. I agree totally with the Lightbulb on this one. //snip//[/color][/quote] I wasn't disagreeing with Lightbulb at all. Just adding some thoughts, more or less. It is true, how can there be an end in sight when it's all just eye for an eye? But the women and children thing I wholeheartedly disaggree with. Yes, women can be involved in terror plots, but children? Although I'm not saying that children are totally sheltered from militant propaghanda, because I'm sure they aren't. Children are impressionable, and I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to force or coerce them into joining extremist/militant organizations. But I don't think they are the ones who should be held accountable, they are not the masterminds of what is happening, they are merely the pawns and are completely expendable. I'm sure they did not do anything because they chose to. Either way, it's wrong for them to even be involved in it. [quote]The UN Security Council Resolution 1261 "strongly condemns... recruitment and use of children in armed conflict in violation of international law." (UN Sec. Council Res. 1261 (1999), art. 3, 8, 13.)[/quote] As for them being imprisoned, I don't think "guilty until proven innocent" is exactly the way to go. It may not be cost effective to lock up innocent people, but in Guantanamo, they have people locked up for no grounds whatsoever except the hunch that they might be a threat to the American people. No phone call home, less-than-humane environments, do not pass go, do not get bail. It's the same mentality. Yea, I'm sure alot of them are guilty. But I doubt every last one of them are. I have a love/hate relationship with your response, I see what you're saying, but I don't necessarily agree. But then again, I don't think there is any single solution to it either. Meh. Delicate situation in the middle east, and I don't see it ending any time soon. EDIT: I actually found this on Wikipedia, I thought it would be relevant to my post: [quote][B]Israeli-Palestinian conflict[/B] Professor of Georgetown University William O'Brien wrote about active participation of Palestinian children in the First Intifada: "It appears that a substantial number, if not the majority, of troops of the intifada are young people, including elementary schoolchildren. They are engaged in throwing stones and Molotov cocktails and other forms of violence." (Law and Morality in Israel's War With the PLO, New York: Routledge, 1991) According to the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers 2004 Global Report on the Use of Child Soldiers, there have been at least nine documented suicide attacks involving Palestinian minors between October 2000 and March 2004, "[t]here was no evidence of systematic recruitment of children by Palestinian armed groups. However, children are used as messengers and couriers, and in some cases as fighters and suicide bombers in attacks on Israeli soldiers and civilians. All the main political groups involve children in this way, including Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine." [1]. According to Israeli security forces, there have been 229 cases of minors involved in militant activity. Arab journalist Huda Al-Hussein wrote in the London newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat: "While UN Organizations save child-soldiers, especially in Africa, from the control of militia leaders who hurl them into the furnace of gang-fighting, some Palestinian leaders... consciously issue orders with the purpose of ending their childhood, even if it means their last breath." (Oct. 27, 2000, translated by MEMRI, Arab Journalist Decries Palestinian Child-Soldiers Special Dispatch 146, Nov. 1, 2000) In an interview with the Kuwaiti newspaper Azzaman (June 20, 2002), Mahmoud Abbas condemned the practice, saying that he opposed "that little children go to die", stating that "[i]t is a horrible thing. At least 40 children in Rafah became cripples after their hands were blown off by pipe bombs. They received 5 shekels [slightly over $1] to throw them" (Quoted in the Jordanian newspaper Alrai) [2] [3]. On May 23, 2005, Amnesty International reiterated its calls to Palestinian armed groups to put an immediate end to the use of children in armed activities: "Palestinian armed groups must not use children under any circumstances to carry out armed attacks or to transport weapons or other material." [4] [/quote] These children aren't criminals, they're victims of war. [indent][font=trebuchet ms][color=darkgreen]No need to quote Rapture's entire post, KV. --Raiyuu[/color][/font][/indent] EDIT: Thanks Rai, my bad. :animeshy:
  18. I don't remember that one, but do you remember the one and I think they were doing a Godzilla thing or something, and Wayne Brady went out and grabbed an audience member and went to pick her up and accidentally lifted up her skirt and she flashed her undies LIVE! It was sooo funny but horrible at the same time. Must have been so embarassing! made for some good television though XD
  19. Love that show. Used to watch it all the time when it was on. Wayne Brady rules, and even Stephen Colbert was on it!! And Stephen Colbert, my friends, is the "shizzle", as it were. I remember having to do the same sort of thing in drama class, it's really fun!
  20. [QUOTE=Lost Lightbulb]Israel strikes Palestine in retribution for a previous attack, Palestine strikes israel in response. In resonse to that, Israel strikes Palestine and so on and so forth form here into eternity. Sucks don't it? As long as retribution and the ole "eye for eye" addage is exchanged and exchanged, with no side wiling to be the better one and walk away, there will be no peace. It's not excusable to justify the kidnappings with "well, they started it!" when all the troubles in the mid-east today are based in revenge and retribution. Until the pair of them stop squabbling like 3 year olds, peace will be an unachievable goal.[/QUOTE] While I totally agree with you, I must acknowledge that it is alot more complicated than that. If Israeli's were detaining women and children without any justifiable reason, I don't really blame for the Palestinians for retaliating. By killing two Israeli soldiers and kidnapping one, it would be hard for the Israeli's to just sit back. And I don't think that they would negotiate with "terrorists" either, at least most military doesn't (maybe just depends on the circumstances). One can only hope is that perhaps Israel would comply and at least let out the innocent people they are detaining *COUGHguantanamoCOUGH* and that no one else needs to be killed. [QUOTE=Farto The Magic] This isn't war, no declarations have been made and, Israel having nukes, war is really not a good idea. [/QUOTE] I think they ment just the whole issue with the Middle East. Iraq, Afghanistan, who knows where else... [quote name=' Farto The Magic']What happens when you fall off a horse? Let me tell you a little story about african slaves who aren't anymore and now are just as respected as everyone else. That's the story right there. The moral is, get over it and move on. Homes can be rebuilt and there's millions of acres of land in the world. They could take land from Iowa, its all wasted anyway. Also let me mention that that land was stolen from the Jews way back in the day. Your grandparents lost their home when Israel was formed. You're upset by that. I lost my home ten years ago in a tornado. I have a new house since then.[/quote] Not to get off topic, but there are ALOT of displaced people there. Haven't you watched the whole Angelina interview. That braught up alot of discussion, and for those people it isn't as easy as just brushing yourself off and picking up where you left off. If the richer countries put more money into helping these people find homes rather than starting new wars then perhaps that would be a step. [QUOTE= Farto The Magic] [QUOTE] For example, some women are forced to give birth at a checkpint because they won't let them pass. [/QUOTE] Now that one is crap. I'd doubt that many women give birth to bombs. Sorry if it seems like I'm ragging on you Chabi, but my opinion differs. Personally, I don't think that Israel should've gone all John Wayne cowboy-style and blown stuff up like that, but then again, Palastine shouldn't have taken that guy. They should just get both of the leaders in a room for 1 day to negotiate peace. After the 1 day is up, if there's no peace, there's war. Get it out of their systems. Palastine, it seems, wants war. Israel would probably be, after saddened, more than happy to oblige. Of course, everybody would call their friends over and it'll be WWIII, so maybe my idea sucks. But they should try REALLY hard to make peace a possibility. And why doesn't Palastine recognize Israel's existence? Just wondering.[/QUOTE] Well we at last somewhat agree! Except at that first part, it's not because they think they are hiding bombs in their uterus' (at least I hope not). They are just stuck there, or for whatever reason they just simply can't pass and are forced to give birth there. I agree that the two sides should both strive for peace. Alot needs to happen between the Western world and that region before we make any real progress. Sometimes I wonder if what is happening there now is just the foreshadowing to WWIII. I don't think that would be a good idea for any country. Either way, there needs to be some discussion and negotiations happening there.
  21. Trying to keep up with the Dance Dance Revolution craze, Milton Bradley's new and updated version of Twister never picked up off the ground, after repeated incidents of inter-tester brutality.
  22. [quote name='Kenshin DX][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen']Definetly kenshin from Samurai X not Rurouni Kenshin.When he was the Hitokiri Battosai . The way he kills so brutally and fast. His amazing speed and agility. He fights without mercy and kills in the most brutal ways.Kenshin definetly gets my vote.[/COLOR][/quote] I second that one. Hitokiri Battosai was the baddest *** of the bad *****. I'll also have to add Sesshomaru. He's so cold, and so mysterious. And when he gets pissed off he turns into a demon. And my favorite chick badass would have to be Jo from Burst Angel. She's awesome with guns, she has a 'tattoo' down her left arm and shoulder blade the appears when she gets mad and she wears chaps.
  23. I honestly tried to do the hippo>>tin-foil hat. That one was hard, so I had to go backwards. Tin Foil Hat> The Simpsons> Elephant> Hippo Here's one: CSI>Family Guy.
  24. There is so much about all this. I'm telling you, the Despair Faction (AFI's fanclub) is a cult-like following. They read into everything. Although I am a member of the DF, I don't participate in events anymore or even go to the site. But I did find [URL=http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1527079/20060328/story.jhtml][b]this interesting article[/b][/URL] on MTV in regards to the "mystery". There are always underlying mysteries involving AFI.. 336, Rabbits Are Roadkill to name a few. There are always hidden links that hardcore fans are more than happy to explore. I also wanted to add, I burnt Decemberunderground, and after not liking it, I do like it alot more now, but I still prefer their older stuff. I feel that with the new album they alienate fans of their older and, in my opinion, better stuff. But of course, true blue AFI fans will stick by them, I still love them, but I do long for AOD and BSITS. But perhaps I will continue supporting them and actually go out and buy the cd.
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