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Everything posted by KatanaViolet
Definately the Pheonix. [quote]Said to live for 500 or 1461 years (depending on the source), the phoenix is a male bird with beautiful gold and red plumage. At the end of its life-cycle the phoenix builds itself a nest of cinnamon twigs that it then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix arises. The new phoenix embalms the ashes of the old phoenix in an egg made of myrrh and deposits it in Heliopolis ("the city of the sun" in Greek), located in Egypt. The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible ? a symbol of fire and divinity.[/quote] I've always felt a kinship to this mystical animal, mainly because the idea of being reborn from my ashes is, metaphorically, my life story. Also, my fave song is "Days of the Pheonix" by AFI, which although it has nothing to do with the bird, it still makes me think of that image.
[SIZE=1]I love my boyfriend. He's probably one of the biggest parts of my life, and he deals with me and my craziness. So that's why I have chosen this song. [B]Good Riddance- One For The Braves[/B] Sometimes it seems so tough Good friends are not enough And I'm powerless to help When you take it all upon yourself Feels like you just can't win The whole wide world is closing in And it's so hard not to think the worse When you're the centre of the universe I see you struggling with the wait of the world Remember I'm always by your side Too many problems for one little girl I'll be beside you when all your tears have dried I lay next to you at night I know something's just not right But there's nothing I can say When you feel ten thousand miles away I don't have all the answers yet But I get scared when you're upset And your heart feels like an empty home When you feel so scared and all alone Think everybody's talking about you And conspiring to bring you down You're thinking that nobody loves you Ever wonder why I'm still around ***************** And this is pretty much my song. It just describes me so accurately. [B]Alanis Morrisette- Hand in My Pocket[/B] I'm broke but I'm happy I'm poor but I'm kind I'm short but I'm healthy, yeah I'm high but I'm grounded I'm sane but I'm overwhelmed I'm lost but I'm hopeful baby What it all comes down to Is that everything's gonna be fine fine fine I've got one hand in my pocket And the other one is giving a high five I feel drunk but I'm sober I'm young and I'm underpaid I'm tired but I'm working, yeah I care but I'm restless I'm here but I'm really gone I'm wrong and I'm sorry baby What it all comes down to Is that everything's gonna be quite alright I've got one hand in my pocket And the other one is flicking a cigarette And what it all comes down to Is that I haven't got it all figured out just yet I've got one hand in my pocket And the other one is giving the peace sign I'm free but I'm focused I'm green but I'm wise I'm hard but I'm friendly baby I'm sad but I'm laughing I'm brave but I'm chicken**** I'm sick but I'm pretty baby And what it all boils down to Is that no one's really got it figured out just yet I've got one hand in my pocket And the other one is playing the piano And what it all comes down to my friends Is that everything's just fine fine fine I've got one hand in my pocket And the other one is hailing a taxi cab[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][SIZE=1][QUOTE=RiflesAtRecess][font=trebuchet ms](I'm not going to go through each of the tracks, I don't really see the point after four other people doing it.) I still have my leak, and honestly, it's not a cd I'm interested in picking up. It just feels like they either become the mainstream or the mainstream becomes them with each release. This time, their sound was pre-existing. Before, I would never compare AFI to UnderOath or From First to Last, but now they sound like a mix between the two bands to me. Especially if you hear what's on UnderOath's new album. Do I also sense some Hawthorne Heights? Yuck! But really, while the first four songs are decent, plus maybe a few cool parts in other songs; none of them even come close to songs like "The Leaving Song II" or "Dancing Through Sunday," or much if any of their older stuff.[/font][/QUOTE] AFI has always been an ever-changing band. If you look at [I]Very Proud of Ya[/I] and [I]Answer That And Stay Fashionable[/I] and compare it to [I]Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes[/I] , you would notice that the kind of "skater's punk rock for the high school kids" morphed into an album of hard guitars and alot of yelling. And then you get the change from SYMAOYE to [I]Black Sails in the Sunset[/I] and later on, [I]Art of Drowning[/I] , where there was still those awesome guitars, but the best lyrics that Davey has produced as well as those awesome hooks that probably every AFI fan knows by heart. And then you move from AOD to [I]Sing The Sorrow[/I] , which in my opinion, was a really big change. STS still had those songs that had everything which made for an awesome AFI song (ie: Leaving Song Part II, Miseria Cantare, and Death of Seasons (minus that electronica part)). In fact, it was Death of Seasons that caused the buzz that the next album would have alot of electronica. It probably wouldn't be that bad if I was in the right mood, but I have other music for that, and I really miss the pre-STS AFI. I like Hawthorne Heights and UnderOath, but what I liked about AFI was that they weren't like any other bands I have ever heard. Now it just doesn't really feel that way so much anymore. They may still be very different from most popular music, and at least that it will open up their fanbase, but I think that in turn they could lose alot of older fans who were disappointed in the change. Although there are a couple good songs on Decemberunderground, AFI used to be a band that had albums FULL of good songs. I'd rather listen to ATASF or AOD than STS or DU anytime.[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Well, being a disgrace to AFI fans everywhere, I'm a little hesitant to buy this album, I downloaded the tracks to check it out first. I still don't know how I feel, but maybe this little review will help me make up my mind. [B]Prelude 12/21[/B] - I love the chimes, and this is very traditional for AFI albums to have an interesting little opening to their album. This one is a little longer than most, and isn't my favorite (I prefer Strength Through Wounding and Miseria Cantare), but still has that AFI feel to it. [B]Kill Caustic[/B] - Hearing Davey's screaming is a little new, but the beginning is very catchy, this is definately one of the songs that I really enjoy listening to. It makes me want to dance. I can see this being a fan fave at shows. [B]Miss Murder[/B] - This was the first song of the album I heard, because they posted it on their website. I like the mixture of old AFI with the new AFI that eminates for this song. Seeing the live performance at the VMA's was a little disappointing though, I didn't see any of the Davey High-kicks that I love so much. This song is reminescent of Art of Drowning. [B]Summer Shudder[/B] - I really like this song, this is something that I could listen to anywhere, in my car, in the shower, cleaning... I don't like the phone dialing half-way through though, I think it takes away from the song. My only other complaint is that this song is a little repetitive and could get overplayed. [B]The Interview[/B] - I like the bass at the beginning, and I don't mind the song, but I've heard alot better slow AFI songs (ie. Morning Star, God Called in Sick Today, This Time Imperfect). But half way through the song it does redeem itself. This song I would listen to on one of those days when I just feel crappy. [B]Love Like Winter[/B] - The beginning I don't really care for, Davey sounds wayyy too whiney. The chorus isn't that bad, I don't mind the synthesisers either. This isn't really my favorite track on the album, so I'm a little indifferent to it. [B]Affliction[/B] - Davey's screaming really weirds me out in this song, haha. But I actually like it. It has that same angst that shows in the other albums. [B]The Missing Frame[/B] - At first I didn't like the song, but once Davey started singing I started to like this song a little more. I agree with you Amelia, it is a little to upbeat and "The Bravery"-ish for me. But this song does appeal to the dance-y little girl in me. [B]Kiss and Control[/B] - Meh, the synth at the beginning. I do like Davey's soft singing at the beginning, and then the chorus I just LOVE. But the little shouting and speaking was kinda lame. That kinda ruined the song for me. [B]The Killing Lights[/B] - Meh, this is okay. I really like the "Cut cut cut cut cut cut you up" part though. This song was aiight. [B]37mm[/B] - Although it's different for AFI, I have to admit the electronica is pretty cool. I would have to say that this is my favorite song on the album I think, either this or Kill Caustic. It's a little more upbeat than other favorite AFI songs of mine, but at least I'd be able to cruise around in my car and enjoy this song. [B]Endlessly, She Said[/B] - This song's not bad. The beginning reminds me of a cold quiet winter day, this one reminds me of AOD, but revamped. So the verdict? Not the best AFI album to date. I feel a little empty after hearing this album, like there's something missing from the old AFI. I wouldn't go so far out as saying they sold out, but I think they are evolving into something far different from where they started. It makes me not want to think of what their next album is going to be like. Will purchase it? I doubt it. I think I'll buy Answer That and Stay Fashionable instead. I do think they've changed too much, but perhaps I just haven't grown with them as a fan. There aren't any songs that really jump out at me as have happened on previous albums, and I wasn't moved in the same way as I have been with previous albums. I do appreciate that they remain unique as a band, but I think I'm starting to lose interest, which makes me really sad because AFI has been one of my favorite bands and have actually gotten me through alot of hard times. I guess there's always the older stuff though. That stuff will always be absolutely AMAZING.[/SIZE]
[QUOTE=Hanabishi Recca]Too bad the antichrist is already born. But if some of you don't even believe in christianity why even make a big deal out of it? I'm not going to say that christians are a religion. Since they aren't, but if some of you don't believe that way, why be afraid? Why be afraid of the day that has three sixes in it? It was just another day, you were just sowing and reaping your seed ;) [/QUOTE] Woah, where was I when I heard the antichrist was born? No wonder the world is goin to hell. :animeswea 06.06.06 wasn't any really freaky satanic day (pretty much what I expected), it wasn't a particularly good day, but it was just a day. It was really nice out too! And I just wanted to comment on this quote too, I don't think it's so much that people who are non-Christians or atheist/agnostic fear the day because they fear the apocalypse, I just think it's the negative connotation that denotes the number that just makes people all like "oOoo what's gonna happen?" It's kinda like Friday the 13th, same idea.
It's just like that whole Y2K thing. And being that I'm not a religious person anyways, today is just any other day. People get all hyped up for nothing, and when the world does end, I doubt it would be on a day like Y2K or 06.06.06. Although I think it's interesting how people have played off on it, like the Omen, and AFI's new album "decemberunderground" is out today too. (By the way Amelia, is it worth buying?) It's cooler than Halloween, but at the same time I think it's kind of cheesey. But I'm going to play along and see what strange occurances I notice today, then I'll get back to ya.
[QUOTE=Heero yuy]I was born here in America, to be exact, in California...where there's a lot of races living among each other. When I was young, I didn't understand the differences physically, besides gender. Till, one of the kids at my school, said that she wasn't allowed to play with me, cause of my 'skin' color. Since that, it was stick in my mind. Every place I go in the U.S. I'm faced with some type of racism. People come up to me and start saying jibberish, thinking it's chinese or some type of asian language, trying to make fun of me. I remember I was at the bookstore with some of my friends who were white...and another group of kids came up to me and said, I didn't know chinamen can read. Another incident was when I was walking down the street and someone stuck their head from the their car window and said "go back to japan, you ***!" Living in the south is terrible... There's always someone with insecurities waiting to find a safe fasting in someone's differences... Humanity is like that...it's terrible... And I'm very sorry you had to go through that...I'm sorry to everyone who has been picked for simply breathing and being themselves.[/QUOTE] The Southern states can be very close-minded about things which are different from what they are accustomed to. I wasn't scrutinized alot in Mississippi, people would joke, saying "What brings you Canadians down to redneck Mississippi?" Kentucky wasn't terrible, but I was asked alot of really ignorant questions, and I'd get alot of cold looks as soon as I'd voice my opinions on American politics and religion. I'd usually avoid those conversations. I'm sorry to hear that you were treated that way, that's really lame. But at the same time, my cousin's (who are 13) and their friends, nearly kicked my butt when I [I]JOKINGLY[/I] dropped the N-Bomb (I was acting "gangsta"), and they told me "We dont' say words like that around here." I thought that was pretty cool of them, but not everyone is like that, especially in Southern states where some people are still living in the Confederate era. It's very different to what I'm used to.
[QUOTE=Cygnus X-1][COLOR=Sienna]Why don't they just do what we do in Canada? French and English are the two predominant languages, so we kinda stuck them both together and got this: O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada! Terre de nos aïeux, Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux. Car ton bras sait porter l'épée, Il sait porter la croix. Ton histoire est une épopée, Des plus brillants exploits. Et ta valeur, de foi trempée, Protégera nos foyers et nos droits. Protégera nos foyers et nos droits. Although, in most English parts of the country, the French part is sung in English, it's still a nice concept to have it as the official anthem.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I was just about to comment on that as well. I really don't think there should be a big caffuffle about it, here, generally the Canadian anthem is sung in English (I don't even have the French part memorized, I only know the English), but when you have a HUGE French speaking part of the nation (ie. Quebec), I don't see the big deal in letting them sing the national anthem in their language. Same goes for the US, illegal or not, there are ALOT of Spanish speaking people in the country. They've allready made their version of the anthem (braught on by the heated immigration debate?), so why not have two versions of the national anthem? One argument that could be made is the fact that there are so many immigrants from other countries other than Mexico in the US (and there are lots of ethnicities in Canada too), and if you had every prominent ethnicity singing their national anthem, you'd have a heck of alot of versions of the song. I don't really know what point I'm getting at, but I just think that it's not a very big deal. Either way, they are going to sing that song proudly.
[QUOTE=Aaryanna][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]So if I break into a bank does that mean I have the right to the money inside? Just because they risked life and limb to do something illegal does not mean they earned it. That reasoning is very illogical if you think about it. If we follow that line of thought then we have to reward all criminals who are successful. And just because they are here doesn?t mean they can?t be kicked out. ?Last year, the government had a banner year in kicking out illegal immigrants. By spending billions of dollars on apprehension, detention, and legal processing, by devoting millions of staff hours to the effort, and by pushing through get-tough policy changes, the feds managed to deport a record 200,000 foreigners.? I got that from here:[URL=http://www.govexec.com/dailyfed/0406/041406nj2.htm][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]Clickith![/B][/COLOR][/URL] If you want to read the rest. I agree with SunfallE in that there are immigrants who do not deserve to get citizenship just because they happen to be an illegal immigrant. Some are honest and just want a better living and others are not. So I'm against just letting all of them become legal. We need to reform the system to help those who deserve citizenship get it and to deport those who do not deserve it.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well if you put it that way, then yea you are right. But I don't consider either of those illegal activities to be related, except for the fact that they are illegal. I really don't see how deportation will solve all the immigration problems. I don't see how it would stop people from trying to get in. I see your points, and I don't think they are wrong, but I think that those major reform changes should benefit everyone.
[QUOTE=Awaken][COLOR=Indigo]As a suggestion if you are considering getting Cardcaptor Sakura then try and get the original Japanese version, not the english dubbed version. Not just because I don't llike dubbing in general but because they did terrible on the whole series. I would definitley suggest Inuyasha, Card Captor Sakura, any Miyazaki movies, Sailor moon for younger girls, Rurouni Kenshin and DBZ. animes that I want to see that you could get are Full Metal Alchemist and Fruits Baskets. Also I suggest Yu Yu Hakusho. It's my personal favorite anime. As for Miyazaki movies I recommend Castle in the sky, Howl's moving castle, Spirited Away and Kikki's Delivery Service. -Hope I helped! :catgirl: [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Most anime DVD's do come with the option to have either english dubs or Japanese with English/French/Spanish/etc... subs. That gives the viewer the choice of which they prefer to watch. I agree with your choices as well, all of them are good choices and good for most ages. Yu Yu Hakusho though, I haven't seen it, so I can't really comment there. Miyazaki movies are definately a must have, because they're great for all ages, whether it be with a group of friends or the family.
[SIZE=1]Well [I]obviously[/I] you're a Sabres fan, you can tell just by looking at your... screen...name. Anywhose, I've been too busy to follow any of the playoff games. Sadly, my team didn't even make it to the playoffs. I guess that's what ya get for not supporting the team. Being a BC gal, I'm a Vancouver Canucks fan. Ironically enough, I do believe that they were sinched out of the playoffs by the Edmonton Oilers. That's okay though, without Cloutier I don't think they would have gotten very far, even if they do have the Sedins, Big Bert, Nazzy and the rest of them. To be honest though, I'm NOT an Oilers fan. But being that they are the Canadian team in the finals, I gotta root for 'em. Canadians take pride in their national sport, so it's only natural to root for the last Canadian team standing. I think they have a really good chance to win the Cup, they have been playing pretty good this season. It will be interesting to see what unfolds.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Well, I'm not the smartest chicken in the coop, but I do like to think I'm intelligent enough. Yes, I do like learning things from Discovery Channel, Wikipedia, Encarta, and other mainstream information sources. Just because it's not from a text book shouldn't discredit it. I am a university student, so of course I learn things in class as well. Either way, I'm learning information from credible sources. I am a pseudointellectual when it comes to politics though. I don't know everything that's going on in the world, I'm not gonna lie. But I take what I do learn, and form my own opinions... isn't that what everyone does? What does bug me though are those people who read one Noam Chomsky book or go see one Michael Moore movie and think that they can see the whole picture. Not to discredit either, I've read work from Chomsky and Moore, and it's very interesting stuff. But you gotta take a little of everything in. Human beings are like spounges, we absorb info like there's no tomorrow. What we do with that info is the key point though. I'm no scholar, and I still got alot to learn, but I'm not an idiot (I hope).[/SIZE]
What do you do when the power goes out?
KatanaViolet replied to CyberPandaLove's topic in General Discussion
This happened to me the other night, I got home and my whole building was out of power. I was bummed out because I wanted to watch Reboot and it was on at 11. But it was only like 10:15. So I lit some candles, got out my flashlight, played some GBA, played solitaire, and read my book. But after a while I got bored and lied down. I looked at the time and it was 10:57. And I was like "Please, just let the power come back on in the next 5 minutes..." and I lied down and closed my eyes, and a couple minutes later, the higher powers were like "LET THERE BE LIGHT!" I was happy. Just in time for Reboot too! -
The majority of my summer is going to be spent working. I'm going back home for 10 days in June to go see my sister graduate and visit my family and my boyfriend. Bah, 10 days is so short :animedepr . At least It'll be my birthday when I go back there. Then I'm workin some more, will probably watch lots of tv, make more music vids, read, etc. Then my parents and my sister might come visit me for a bit, and then in August I'm going to go see the Phantom of the Opera!
I don't think racism is as bad in the past as it used to be... However, I don't see it becoming a complete thing of the past. People are ignorant and spitefull. And personally, Grace, I would have said something to that woman. Nobody needs to be talked to in that way and put up with it. You're in America now, tell Whitey to take a seat and wait her turn. Moving on, I'm not really racist, I joke about it, and to be quite frank, I think every ethnic background has something to make fun of. The problem is when it becomes hate. Especially now, I think the most hate is toward people of Middle Eastern descent. I'm not going to lie, after 9/11 I had to take a plane, and when I saw a guy with a turban boarding the same flight as me, I got really uncomfortable. It's a sad and shamefull generalization, but it's true. And I think affairs with the Middle East are the cause of this anger in America. But that's not the only racial prejudice. People fear what they don't know and don't understand. And for some people, when they witness a culture completely different from theirs, they can't compute it. I don't really think this sort of thing happens in Canada a whole lot, mainly because the majority of it's citizens are mixed heritage. I myself am Half Portuguese, half Scottish-French Canadian. But I do think there is discrimination against First Nations people. I don't think racism will ever be abolished unless people stop looking at the colour of others' skin and start embracing every culture they come across, no matter how radically different it is. Maybe not all aspects of the culture, but at least look at it with an open mind.... because some cultures practice cannabilism and infantcide, and that isn't cool...that's just not how this white girl rolls.
[QUOTE=Tical]Hm... up until about 10 months ago every group of friends I ever had told me they hated me consitently. I don't think that's betrayal though... just ****** up. I mean I've had friends who don't hate me, but many, many more who do. I think vishualkay was right about the real meaning of betrayal though.[/QUOTE] I had the same problem. I've been through many groups of "friends", some people whom I could actually call friends, but the others were just... fake friends. You know the kind, they're nice to you to your face but either make it really obvious the don't give a whoohah about what your saying or they just turn around and talk about you behind your back, or both. It's not exactly betrayal, but in a sence it is, because when you have friends you trust that they like you and you like them, but if they're being fake friends, they're just deceiving you and making you look like a fool. That's why now I don't really have many friends, and as Derald said (more or less) it can be a lonely existence. The people that I actually can call friends are all living elsewhere. And where I am now, betrayals in the past have left me being very cautious about peoples intentions about befriending me. It's a learning experience though, you learn from your betrayals. Who to trust, who not to trust, what to look for in people you meet, what to avoid...
"Yea well, at least my side profile doesn't look like a NOSE!" Oi... that's not very clever...But it does look like a nose!
YTV just started airing it. I didn't think it'd be very good either, but after the first episode I wanted to see more, and I like when anime does that. I'm not really far into the series, only like the 6th or 7th episode, but I love when YTV gets new anime, and I thought that even though there are other wonderful choices, this was still a good move on their part. Very funny show.
Blockbuster and Rogers video do it here, Go for it!! Even though alot of these titles will probably allready named, it gives you even more reason to put them up. Gundam Seed: I love this series, it spans 50 episodes and it awesome all the way through Gundam Seed Destiny: 2nd vol. out this month! The sequel to Gundam Seed, fansubs have allready created alot of buzz. I'm still yet to find it, so if it was available at a rental store, that would be amazing. Fullmetal Alchemist: This series just started airing on YTV, so I'm far behind in the series, if there were episodes available at a video store, I'd totally rent them and have a FMA Marathon. Naruto: This is one of the best animes I've ever seen. Even when there's nothing going on it's funny. A must-have Sailor Moon: A classic, and awesome for young girls to watch. Rurouni Kenshin: I love this series. It's a good alternative to the OVA's which are very gory, this series would be a bit better for younger children. Samarai X OVAs and Motion Picture: Lots of blood and just amazing stuff. Elfen Lied: I haven't seen this, but I really want to. Which is a good reason in itself you should get it. Chrono Crusade: I watched a couple episodes, but Id like to see more. Looks good to me, if a video store had it I'd rent it. Azumanga Daioh: This show cracks me up. Definately a good show for all ages. Excel Saga: Random, random, random. Ninja Scroll: Great movie, there's also a series, great for the long time fans. Saiyuki: Coming into it's 3rd series, theres definately material there to rent out. The Vision of Escaflowne: Older series, but awesome nonetheless. Fruits Basket: This series is sooo cute. Great for all ages.
Betrayal: You think people are your friends, because they are nice to you and you hang out with them, then the guy you like tells you that he heard them talking about you, taking a hand count of who doesn't like you. The guy you like is the only one out of your "friends" who stands up for you. Betrayal: Your best friend lies about liking your ex, then you find out, get mad, and get your *** kicked by her friend who had nothing to do with it. Your ex thinks its funny. Betrayal: You finally make a good group of friends that you enjoy and trust, and then you find out they have all been lying to you, and got into doing coke but didn't want to tell you about it because you've been there and done that and have told them repeatedly you never want to be around it again. I stopped talking to those girls. We all go through it in life. I think it makes you stronger and helps you grow. But at the same time it damages your heart and makes you untrusting of other people. To this day I still question people's intentions. Perhaps that's why there are so few people nowadays I actually give the honor of calling a friend.
I'll have to second Undergrads and Family Guy. Thank goodness Family Guy was braught back though, that show is genius. My number one pick though will have to be ReBoot. I'm not sure if it was aired everywhere... but here's an excerpt from a fan website:[QUOTE]ReBoot is a half hour TV series created by Canadian company, Mainframe Entertainment. The series is done entirely in CG (Computer Graphics) animation and was the first of its kind to be produced as a full-running series. The series follows a group of characters who live inside a computer system called "Mainframe". Within this system are various formats of characters such as the sprites (our heroes), binomes, numerals, nulls and other forms of life. Each has a specific job to do to keep the system running. The series itself focuses on a specific group of sprites who face various obstacles such as viruses and games which they must fight in order to protect their system. The main hero is Bob, a Guardian from the Super Computer who is a bit of a city boy in a country town. Its his job to protect the citizens from their enemies and the User who likes to 'input games for pleasure', but he's yet to learn why the User does this. Bob's friends throughout the series are Dot Matrix, a careful planner and strong leader who runs a diner and owns some shares in a few other businesses around the city; Enzo Matrix, Dot's younger brother who's eager to follow in Bob's footsteps; Phong, the wise old sprite who seems to keep the system running smoothely and has a great deal of knowledge on various matters (important and unimportant); Matrix, Enzo's older version who is the tough guy with an attitude problem; AndrAIa, a game sprite who has become Matrix' lover and the only one who can keep him calm in most situations; Mouse, a hacker who had dealt with Bob before he had arrived in Mainframe and for a time was competing with Dot for his affections and Ray Tracer, a web surfer who joined them later in the series and has now become the object of Mouse's affections. Along with these main characters are, of course, the enemies - the viruses. Megabyte is a power-hungry virus determined to take control over everything; Hexadecimal loves to cause chaos and mayhem and Daemon seems sweet and innocent but is in fact very, very deadly. [/QUOTE] The series first aired on YTV (in Canada) in 1991 and ended in it's 4th season in 2001. YTV still shows reruns on weeknights, and I watch it every night. It's such an awesome show, I wish it never ended!
That sounds really different Touchstone, definately sounds like an aquired taste! Cygnus! Poutine is a Canadian delicacy hehe ^_^ Here's another one here: [B]Sangria[/B] [I]Type:[/I] Drink [I]What You Need:[/I] 1 lemon, sliced 1/2 orange, sliced 1 lime, sliced 500 mL cranberry juice cocktail 500 mL club soda 100 mL orange juice [I]What you need to do:[/I] Stir all ingredients together, Serve over ice cubes. I learned this recipe in cooking class in grade 10 or 11 (can't quite remember). That weekend when my friends went out drinking, they made sangrias and just added their alcohol of choice. So you can also do that too. Either way its delicious!
Anime Your favorite Anime Music Video (constructive please)
KatanaViolet replied to Nomura's topic in Otaku Central
That video wasn't too shabby! I'm not a big fan of 3DG, so that kinda braught it down for me... Lets see what I have on my fave videos list... Ooo. Definately [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5P9OvZpEkMg][B]This Naruto Video[/B][/URL]! It was hosted on the Otaku Main page a while back, and I gotta tell ya, "Eye of the Tiger" is the PERFECT song for Rock Lee! Also, the clips just go really good with the video. I also really like [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNVCjBS3Fj8][b]this Rurouni Kenshin AMV[/b][/URL]. I really like "Saying Sorry" by Hawthorne Heights. It's a great song, and I really like how the vid portrays the relationship between Kenshin and Kaoru. Another fave is [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ieydJaFcks][b]this AFI AMV for Hellsing[/b][/URL]. What better a song for a Hellsing AMV than a song called "Halloween"? Short and sweet and features a song by one of my favorite bands. And probably one of the best AMV's I've ever seen is Bullet for My Valentine's "Curses" for [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L9nxjLmBYw][B]Kingdom Hearts[/B][/URL] It's a great song, and you can really tell that the author worked REALLY hard on it. It was just wonderfully done. Trust me, there's no disappointment with this one. Then there's also my videos that I made... I don't want to toot my own horn, but I think they are pretty good. They're all Gundam Seed Destiny, and are chock full of spoilers... One that I'm really proud of is [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzMwKHM6iio][b]Bullet For My Valentine's "Hand of Blood"[/b][/URL]. But my fave would be my first, [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfZMbZ4iwnY][b]Protest The Hero's "Blindfold's Aside"[/b][/URL]. I just thought that this one went the best to the song and turned out how I had hoped it would. -
I know that there was a thread on cooking when I did the search, so hopefully this doesn't get deleted. But just in case, I apologize ahead of time. But if not, then lets get to it! This thread is pretty self explanitory: recipes! Got any good ones you'd like to share with fellow otakus? Post it! Just remember, in order to keep this thread going, don't just post a recipie, tell us about where it came from (ex. parents, or what country it's orginated from), why you like it, etc... I'll go first. I got this one from my mom, she used to always make it and it's honestly one of my favorite desserts EVER. [B]Sex In The Pan[/B] [I]Type:[/I] Dessert [I]What you need:[/I] 1 cup chopped pecans (plus extra for garnish) 1 cup flour 1 cup butter 3 tbsp sugar 8oz cream cheese 1/2 large tub of Cool Whip 1 cup icing sugar 1 1/2 cup milk 1 pkg. instant chocolate pudding. 1 1/4 cup milk 1 pkg. instant vanilla pudding Chocolate shavings [I]Instructions:[/I] 1. Mix first 4 ingredients. put in a 9x13 glass dish, bake 20-25 min @ 350 C. Let cool. 2. Mix cream cheese, Cool Whip, and Icing Sugar. Spread over cooled crust. 3. Mix the 1 1/2 c. milk with the chocolate pudding, spread over cheese layer. *Allow to set* 4. Mix 1 1/4 milk with vanilla pudding. Spread and allow to set. 5. Ice with remaining cool whip. Garnish with pecans and chocolate shavings. DEEEEElicious!
Hiei: "I think I just sharted!"