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Everything posted by KatanaViolet

  1. [quote name='Amelia][FONT=Arial']I'm eagerly waiting for AFI's new album, Decemberunderground. They've all ready got a single out from this album ("Miss Murder") and I can't stop listening to it. I've loved AFI for two years, and I've tried to listen to all of their music. I'm really excited to add a new AFI album to my collection. Plus, Davey Havok is just so adorable, and sexy, and handsome, all at the same time. I can't help but eathimupwithaspoon.[/FONT][/quote] Same here! June 6th! Which is totally like them being that it will be 06/06/06. I've been a fan myself for about 4 or 5 years now. Have you seen their video for Miss Murder yet? It's posted on their website. Other than that, I haven't heard of anything else coming out from other bands I like... everything that I was waiting for allready has!
  2. "And you thought [I]your[/I] in-law's were scary!" heh.
  3. Even though Chris was voted out, he should have won, Gosh Darnit! He was original, a lady killer, and talented. I loved hearing him sing Elvis Presley's "Suspicious Minds," I effin' LOVE that song. I'm pretty disappointed, I really like that guy who looks kinda like Jay Leno, but I thought that Chris, Mandeesa (whatever her name is) and Paris were much more talented. But then again, I don't really watch the show, it's on right now, but I'm just waiting for House to come on at 9. XD So that's my take on it... But following up on what LL said, I agree that it's just a money sucking pre-packaged pop-star con job.I mean, the only Idol we've heard from since really is Kelly Clarkson, and I'm surprised she is even still around after that steaming pile of elephant poo that is called "From Justin to Kelly". And the only reason people still bring up Clay Aiken is because he's just so incredibly homo. There is way better reality tv out there in my opinion. But my family is addicted to American Idol.
  4. I live in an apartment building that is mostly seniors, so my neighbors are pretty cool, really quiet. I was going to work today and the old guy who lives next door saw me all dressed up and he gushed to me about how nice I looked all fancy. Sometimes it's a little creepy but as long as he meant it in a non-perverted-old-man sort-of-way then it was sweet. However I did have one creepy old guy hit on me. :sick: That was not fun. But there's one older guy, who's like 10 years older than my dad, he's always outside smokin so I'll chit chat with him and he'll tell me stories about back in his day. Today his story was about how some guy he didn't even know gave him a bag a pot so he rolled 54 joints and gave them out to people at a pub, and then got some other young kids kicked out for selling pot. Even though he never made money off it. He didn't smoke it so he didn't care. Whether or not this story is true, who knows, hehe. And the weekend manager is like my adopted grandpa. He's really nice, he's a WW2 veteran so he always tells me stories too. Apparently he can speak Punjabi or something. It's really nice because my grandparents on both sides of the family have passed away, and I'm at that age where I want to hear about what it was like for them when they were younger. They've been around alot longer than I have, so I like to hear what they have to say... as long as it's not perverted. :animesigh
  5. Probably the best anime DVD purchase I've ever made was the Saiyuki Double Barrell Vol. 1. It had 10 episodes on 2 DVDS, as well as cultural background notes, production sketches, and clean open/close. And from what I can remember it was only slightly more expensive than an anime with only 3 or 4 episodes. No more than $27 if I remember correctly.
  6. Japanese Music is a guilty pleasure of mine. ^_^ I usually get J-tunes through animes. My mom baught me the Naruto Greatest Hits. It's a really good CD, it's got my favorite song, "Ima Made Nande Mo" by Mass Missile, and all the other awesome Naruto OP's and ED's. Lets see, what else to I have here.... TM Revolution of course... Invoke was probably the first J-Pop song I ever got really addicted to. I love Ignited too, it just makes me want to boogie around my apartment (which I do). I learned all the words too. Took a while but now it's even funner to boogie too. I really like angela's songs for Soukyuu no Fafner. "Shangri-La" makes me want to dance, and "Seperation" is such a touching song... I like alot of the songs from Inu Yasha... Dearest, Come, both songs by Do As Infinity... as well as the opening and ending for Fullmetal Alchemist. I also have alot of L'Arc~En~Ciel, Luna Sea, HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR and some Porno Grafitti and Utada Hikaru (I LOVE Devil Inside, from her english album. The guitar with the shamisen, AWESOME!).
  7. :animesigh Being that I'm from Canada and don't get AdultSwim, there wasn't really much to choose from. I'm a big fan of Family Guy, but I'll have to go with Robot Chicken. I've only seen a couple episodes, but they had a Sailor Moon sketch, which made me almost fall off my chair from laughing so hard. Plus the opening is awesome. Totally hilarious. I love Seth Green.
  8. I think I tried it once with a friend when we were younger. No demons though. Now, as I was reading this I was tempted to try it, but I'm a little afraid of the dark unless I'm trying to sleep :animeshy: . So instead, I decided to find out who is this Bloody Mary and what she's all about. [QUOTE]Mary I, the queen of England from 1553 to 1558 became known as "Bloody Mary" during the reign of her successor, Elizabeth on account of the perceived ferocity of her religious persecutions; she has borne the epithet ever since. "Bloody Mary" is also a name for a ghost or witch who appears in children's folklore; other very similar tales use different names. In folklore and children's street culture, "Bloody Mary" is the name of a children's game in which a ghost or witch of the same name (or sometimes other names, such as Mary Worth) is said to appear in a mirror when summoned. One of the more common ways participants attempt to make her appear is to stand before a mirror in the dark and repeat her name three times, though there are many variations. Some include chanting a hundred times, chanting at midnight, spinning around, or rubbing one's eyes. Most of these are meant to disorient people. In some versions of the legend, the summoner must say "Bloody Mary, I killed your son!" (or "I killed your baby"). In these variants, Bloody Mary is often believed to be the spirit of a mother (often a widow) who murdered her children, or a woman who was murdered shortly before or after her wedding. In stories where Mary is supposed to have been wrongly accused of killing her children, the querent might say "I believe in Mary Worth." The game is often a test of courage, as it is said that if Bloody Mary is summoned, she would murder the summoner, often in a quite violent way, such as gouging out his or her eyes. Other variations say that the querent must not look directly at her, but at her image in the mirror; she will then reveal the querent's future, particularly concerning marriage and children. Bloody Mary Worth is typically described as a child-murderess who lived in the locality where the legend has taken root about a century ago. There is often a specific local graveyard or tombstone that becomes attached to the legend. On the other hand, various people have surmised that the lore about taunting Bloody Mary about her baby may relate her tenuously to folklore about Queen Mary I. ([1], [2]) The queen's life was marked by a number of miscarriages or false pregnancies. Had Mary I successfully borne a child, this would have established a Roman Catholic succession and threatened the continuance of her religious persecutions after her death. Speculation exists that the miscarriages were deliberately induced. As a result, some retellings of the tale make Bloody Mary the queen driven to madness by the loss of her children. ([3]) It is likely, however, that Queen Mary I provided only her nickname to the Bloody Mary of folklore The mirror ritual by which Bloody Mary is summoned may also relate to a form of divination involving mirrors and darkness that was once performed on Halloween. While as with any sort of folklore the details may vary, this particular tale encouraged young women to walk up a flight of stairs backwards, holding a candle and a hand mirror, in a darkened house. As they gazed into the mirror, they were supposed to be able to catch a view of their future husband's face. There was, however, a chance that they would see the skull-face of the Grim Reaper instead; this meant, of course, that they were destined to die before they married.[/QUOTE]
  9. L'Arc~En~Ciel ofr oldob nad pimree Hint: New album from an awesome political band.
  10. I've never heard of this "Gay-Straight Alliance." What is this club? Is it like a gay-pride sort of thing, just with a couple of straight people? I dunno, I guess I can't really help you, I don't need to be a member of a club to consider myself gay-friendly. I guess just what you could do is just have events that anyone from any sexual orientation could participate in... maybe make it a little educational in the sense of encouraging tolerance... Have potlucks, poker nights, movie nights, book clubs (as James mentioned), picnics... anything really. Just make it appealling to everyone... I don't really have any other ideas. I hope that helps!
  11. KatanaViolet


    Sorry to hear that dude... The only thing you can do now is take good care of your body. If you take good care of yourself, eat lots of healthy foods and take all the necessary medications you can buy yourself some time and prevent it from progressing into AIDS. Your life isn't over yet. Just take it one day at a time and take care of yourself.
  13. Hmm. Well I'm not really evil enough to be a demon of hell. I probably would get picked on by all the other demons for not being evil enough. But I don't think I'm really angel material either. But after looking into Wikipedia (I'm not really religious, so apart from watching Dogma I know very little about angels and whatnot)... I'd say I'd be a Nephilim. A crossbreed. [QUOTE]In the Hebrew Bible and several non-canonical Jewish and early Christian writings, nephilim (in Hebrew הנּפלים means the fallen [ones]) are a people created by the crossbreeding of the "sons of God" (beney ha'elohim, בני האלהים) and the "daughters of men". (See Genesis 6:1.) The word nephilim is loosely translated as giants or titans in some translations of the Bible, and is left as nephilim in others[/QUOTE] Or maybe a Principality. [QUOTE]The Principalities are angelic beings shaped like rays of light. They lie beyond the group of archangels. They are the guardian angels of nations and countries, and are concerned with the issues and events surrounding these, including politics, military matters, commerce and trade. One of their duties is to choose who among humanity will rule[/QUOTE] I don't know, I'm thinking I'd rather be a muse.
  14. I'm totally prepared to be pounced on for this, but if they risked life and limb to cross the borders, I would say they earned it in a sense. And after they are allready there, they can't be kicked out right, so why don't they just apply for the visa or green card or whatever it is they need to become citizens. Then that way even if it was illegal at first, they still earned the right to call America their home.
  15. [SIZE=1]I think some people allready mentioned the issue with the American national anthem being sung in Spanish. But I was watching The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and they were talking about it, and I had a thought. I don't really see what the problem is with , at the least the [I]legal[/I] immigrants should have the right to do it. Canada has a English and French version of the national anthem: English: O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee There is also a second verse that most Canadians don't even know about: O Canada! Where pine and maple grow Great prairies swell and lordly rivers flow How beauteous that wonderland From sea to sea to see! Thou land of hope for all who toil Who stand on guard for thee! God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! French (just the main verse): Ô Canada! Terre de nos aïeux, Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux. Car ton bras sait porter l'épée, Il sait porter la croix. Ton histoire est une épopée, Des plus brillants exploits. Et ta valeur, de foi trempée, Protégera nos foyers et nos droits. Protégera nos foyers et nos droits. Apparently one of the versions of the French anthem is translated completely differently than the English one, just as the Spanish version of the US national anthem. But the way I see it, aren't French Canadians still Canadians, and Mexican Americans still Americans? I don't see what harm comes from them expressing their love for the country they call their home. One argument that I can point out though, is that if every immigrant sang the national anthem (especially in Canada and places in the US) in their native language, it'd sound like alot of jibberish![/SIZE]
  16. [QUOTE=Anime_Kami]Tuxedo Mask...I ABSOLUTLEY HATE HIM!!! I mean tuxedo? Sailor Moon has a good story, but still...A TUXEDO?!!?!?!?!?!? [/QUOTE] And it's not only the Tuxedo, how the heck does he always beat the bad guys with a freakin ROSE!? God, if life was that simple, think of what'd that do to gun violence! In fact, the whole Sailor Moon cast and series is pretty corny. I loved it when I was little, but when I watched it again, I just kept laughing. How I thought "Moon Prism Power!" and all that spinning around was cool is beyond me. However, it was the cheesyness that made me fall in love with it all over again. Honestly other then that there's not much else that comes to mind. Naruto can get corny, but it's so awesome that it's a good corny. Gotta love the cheese.
  17. Uhm... okay. Where do I start here? Oh yes, are we forgetting? Jurassic Park is a FICTIONAL movie. [I]Fictional[/I] people! The dinosaurs are extinct for a reason, have been for millions of years, and even if we could clone them, [I]we allready know what would happen[/I]! We've all seen what happens when human civilization screws around with Dino DNA. Lots of people get eaten, and it ends up becoming a huge trilogy about the same thing happening EVERY time: Dinosaurs go crazy, humans try to get them under control, people get eaten, velociraptors scare the poop out of me, and one man figures everything out about how to outsmart those scaley suckers. Thankfully, I won't be the one who gets eaten while I'm taking a poo...I live in a high rise. Boo ya!
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Just wanted to note, Starfire, Cat14 and EvilRubberDucky, if you are going to post, please tell me why you are obsessed with the song, especially if you are doing a list. This isn't the place to just rattle off favorite songs, otherwise it would be spammy. If you look above you you'll see the type of posts that are encouraged in this thread. Just remember for next time kay! :catgirl: Thanks![/SIZE][/COLOR] Well, I don't really have any new additions, I'm still listening to all the same stuff. But I really like "Ex's and Oh's" by Atreyu. I saw it on Much Loud the other night, and I just really liked it. I love hard music with lots of melody and awesome screaming. This had it. Plus the lyrics were rad.
  19. So English isn't a universal language. Be cultured. Don't expect people to know how to speak 'American.' The majority of people in the US may speak English, but some may have not learned it yet. When you live in a multicultural country it's good to have a second language. Plus I'm sure it would show respect to those struggling with English, which is in fact a very hard language to learn! Student visas and working visas are a wonderfull thing. I have an aunt and uncle (and their kids) living in the states, on working visas. Or something like that, I'm not certain which, but they do have green cards. They give you the opportunity to live in and experience another country/culture, without giving up your own citizenship. Of course, my aunt and uncle will probably become Americans just so they can get insurance and whatnot when they retire. Thankfully my cousin says he will stay Canadian till the day he dies. Personally, the US wouldn't be my first choice of places to go if I had a visa. Actually, it would probably be the last choice. Like in baseball, when your picking teams, and the kid who's the bully ends up getting picked last and doesn't understand why... I'd pick other places: Italy, Japan, Portugal, Prague, Greece, Spain, New Zealand... Dont' get me wrong, I've met some pretty nice American's each time I cross the border. But the blatant nationalism would be way too much for me. Besides, with my views, I probably wouldn't make that many friends. But hey, with the 90 cent Loonie, at least I'd be able to do some good shopping down there. A little off topic, but still in the realm of the discussion.
  20. I'm pretty much more or less on the same page as you 13th Man. I'm skeptical about the existence of fate/destiny, but if it does exist, I think that it's ever-changing, because it's my decisions that I make today that ultimately influence my future. I don't like to think that the course of my life is predetermined. That would take all the fun out of living. For every action there is a reaction.
  21. [QUOTE=sakurasuka][size=1] KatanaViolet, I see your point. I do think they have a right to be in the country, but let's look at this realistically, shall we? Q- Why do they want to come over here so bad? A- Because there are problems in Mexico. Q- How do you stop them from coming over illegaly? A- Solve the problems in Mexico. Q- How do you solve the problems in Mexico? A- Stop making things easy for illegal aliens! If they really all were stuck down there, they'd DO something about the living situation, rather than just coming over here. Q- Why would they bother staying at home and fighting there, when they can just get across the border and they're home-free? A- They wouldn't. Game. Set. Match. We're essentially not helping them at all by letting them come over here illegally, but we're only hurting our economy and crippling ourselves. If they want to actually WORK at becoming a citizen, learn the language, and be legal, then more power to 'em![/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Yea, but it's not that black and white you guys. For starters, if you want to solve problems in Mexico, you're going to have to solve the problems in your own country first. It's not immigrants that are ruining the economy, it's the war in Iraq. Secondly, I don't think that's the core issue. It's the immigration policies that are in place. Something is making it so that these people have no other option. And another point that kind of bugs me. Why is it "They have to learn our language?" Why not make America friendly to outsiders by teaching foreign languages in schools? Surely the must do that? Have a spanish class for those who don't speak spanish, especially in areas that have a large hispanic population, and those that do can learn english. Americans need to be more openminded methinks. Like I allready said, there has to be a way so its easier, and safer for people on both sides of the border. Closing the borders, deporting thousands of people, or parading in the streets... none of these are going to solve the problem. I think what the people who did the march were trying to prove is that they are a MASSIVE part of American society, and who are you guys to rob that from them? At least, that's the message that I got. But still, that's not going to solve the issue. One thing I will agree with DeathKnight on, is that we all have easier lives than any of them. So either way, understanding is difficult. Like I said, we don't know where they came from.[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1] :wigout: Oh how you all get riled up! I love a good debate! Anyways, on a more serious note: I'm not saying that illegal immigration is okay. But I want to know WHY these people are having to resort to risking their lives for a chance of semi-freedom? Why aren't they filling out the appropriate papers and being granted the right to legally enter America's borders? There must be reasons behind it on both sides. Perhaps I misunderstood you Doukeshi, but blatantly stating that these people don't have a right to become citizens is, in my opinion, appalling. You don't know where they came from, and neither do I. But surely it couldn't have been that great if they're going to such extremes just to get taken advantage of by rich people who figure they can save a couple bucks by hiring Sanchez instead of a national/regional/local gardening company. Okay, that was a huge stereotype and isn't representative of all immigrants who enter the country, illegally or not. Either way, these people put immense effort into coming into your country. I think that the ones who come in legally deserve our respect, especially in multicultural countries like the US and Canada, where they contribute so much to our national identities, as well as our economy. But in the same token, there shouldn't be so much anger to those who enter the country illegally. They obviously want something that America can offer to them. Don't get me wrong though, CRIMINALS who enter ANY country illegally do not belong there. But what about those, for whatever reason, can't get the paperwork approved yet still attempt to cross America's borders? They should still be treated like people and should be looked at with understanding and not contempt. I must apologize though, using words like "appalling" and saying your views (or any views radically different from mine) "make me sick," was a little brutish of me. I just disagree with it wholeheartedly. There must be ways that policies can be reviewed and work in favor of everyone: people within the country; and those outside the country who want to become members of its society. Either way, it's a problem that must be addressed. Eep, this is a big post...I really hope I made sense and none of that came out in the wrong way. But that's just my position on the issue. I think I articulated it to the best of my... best. :animestun Wow, my eyes hurt. Peace.[/SIZE]
  23. I'm all for it. These people are striving for the "American Dream." I'm sorry Doukeshi, but that narrow-minded, right-wing point of view makes me sick. Whatever happened to "Land of the Free"? Some of them must be pretty desperate in order to try to cross the border illegally. I'm not saying I support illegal immigration, but to me these people are more like refugees. I'm sure they want to provide a good life for themselves and, even more so, their kids. Even still, most of them end up being underpaid. Furthermore, America (like Canada) was built on immigration. I'm sure all the Native Americans would have much preferred that all the white people stayed where they come from. Especially with all the oppression that followed. And to be quite frank, the US isn't one to talk about entering a country illegaly (Iraq, anyone?). I can understand that with the population in the US it can be a little sketchy about letting more people into their borders. But what about the people who came there legally? What about their family members who want to go there? If the US was as small and as populated as Japan, then I could understand tight limitations on immigration. But the US is a big country. But then again, with global opinions of the US and their dollar decreasing, perhaps the US isn't the only option for them. If they can handle the winters, Canada would happily welcome them. Perhaps I'm touchy about the subject because my Dad was an immigrant, as well as everyone on his side of the family, except my aunt who was born in Canada. And even though I'm sure things have changed since 40 years ago, I'm sure that immigrants today still go through some of the hardships he went through. It was not easy for him, and I'm sure to this day it's not easy for other immigrants, not just from Mexico, but from all parts of the world. They can march for their rights. If you kicked every immigrant out of the US, it's economy would crumble.
  24. I just thought I'd add some more thoughts... The majority of us are still young. I'm (almost) 20, and considered an adult, and although I am more conscious of the things that are going on around me I still don't know everything. We are still learning about existing in our worlds as the people we want to become. Nevertheless, we are the building blocks of our future, and in the end, there will be some of us who will change the world for the better, and some of us who won't. I'd like to be the humanitarian I feel I am at heart, but some of the issues plaguing (sp?) the world today are just too big for me. Like many of you, I wonder "What can an insignificant person like me do to make my country and the world better for everyone?" I don't know the answer to that question yet, but hopefully I will be able to put what I learn in the future and have learned in the past to good use, and at least play a part in providing a happy future for our kids, our parents, our friends and loved ones, as well as everyone else in this world. I feel like I'm spouting self-righteous ideals sometimes, and I've actually gotten into a heated debate with my boyfriend because he feels that my ideals are out of touch with whats happening today. But I feel that if people have these ideals and can strive for them, surely good things will come out of them eventually. Everything starts with an idea. Or perhaps I've just been watching way too much Gundam Seed. I don't know. :animeswea
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