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Everything posted by KatanaViolet

  1. Travis Barker vs. R.Kelly "You're a dead man, Travis Barker." "Woah, woah, hold on there R.Kelly, I won't joke about your cornrows anymore!" Hahah it seriously looks like them! I guess I could have come up with something funnier. *sigh*
  2. [QUOTE=The13thMan][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Derald, i personally think people like you are largly the problem of our generation. I'm assuming from your statement you don't or wouldn't vote. People that don't care don't affect change and are useless to our society except for that you spend money and make it (i assume). I'm glad you're happy, i just wish you cared. I wish more people cared. I'm glad i do care. Personally i'm optimistic about my generation's future. I'm 18 by the way, just so you know which generation i'm talking about. I think there are enough smart people in my generation that care about politics and our world that will make a better tomorrow. I also believe that all of the people that don't care in my generation will go on to have nothing to do with politics, which is good. Good that they won't be involved, not that they don't care. I suppose in a way it's like natural selection. I'm worried about the problems, not our capability of handling those problems. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT][/QUOTE] Aw, you're always picking on poor old Derald. Oh well. Assuming you are American, I think it's wonderful that there are people who think that way about the world. I really hope that my generation (I'm 19, going on 20 pretty soon) as well as those that follow have learned from our unbelievable access to information and learning from history. The future is in our hands, the baby boomers are going to be retiring soon, and it's up to us to carry the future of the world on our shoulders. I hope that we are educated enough to handle the problems that not only are occurring now, but are probable (sp?) to happen in the future. For example, the greenhouse effect, alternative oil resources, and all the issues in the Middle East and Africa. We're the ones who have had unlimited access to information our whole lives, thanks to the internet and mass-communication. More of us are getting post-secondary education, and more of us are starting to care about what's happening. I just hope that we can steer mankind off the glim road that I fear we are going down.
  3. My taste varies depending on my mood. I've always liked punk music, but I'm not limited to it. I also love ska and "hardcore" music. But then I like music that I can't even put into a genre, like The Faint, Metric, Death From Above 1979... Then there's my guilty pleasures: J-Pop, Eminem, and other pop songs that make me want to dance. Lately I've been listening to alot of Anti-Flag (one of my faves) and Bullet for My Valentine. I don't really follow genres. I like what appeals to my ears, and that's good enough for me. I like to rock out, and if I'm in the mood, I like to shake my booty. Works for me.
  4. [QUOTE=The13thMan][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] KatanaViolet, thanx for the history lesson. No seriously, no sarcasm. Derald: Yeah, i think people are trying to cash in on people's sympathy towards 9/11. But it doesn't mean the movie can't be made as a tribute to the people that lost their lives in the event. It's good and bad, what can ya do about it? Ziggy: Haha, cheesy chick flick with guns and explosions stapled on to it. Yeeeep! That's what it is! I personally rate it as a mediocore movie. Not bad but not good either. Anyways, let me clarify things for myself, the reason i started arguing with you was that you said it was exaggerated, and all i wanted to say was that you can't possibly know that unless you were there when the Japs attacked. Tha's all! Oh, and i also had a problem with you bad mouthing the movie when i'm sure there are some survivors or families of survivors/victims that the movie meant a lot to. You mine as well make fun of any monuments put up in honor of our soldiers that died in Vietnam too. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT][/QUOTE] I'm hoping that wasn't sarcasm, Ziggy asked for someone to clarify the reasons why the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. It's quite interesting, because I never really knew why either. As horrifying as it is, I can see why they would do that. And in turn, it's understandable that the US would resort to nukes to solve the problem. However, I abhor nuclear weaponry, and immensely hope that they will never have to be used again. I don't disagree with what you or Ziggy say, I can see what both of you mean. Pearl Harbor (movie) can be compared to Titanic(movie): it's a fictional love story entwined into a tragic historical event. One of the things I like about Flight 93 is that it actually talks about it. We need to acknowledge that something like this happened, and it happened in our lifetime. Now how can we learn from that and work towards a better understanding between cultures without having the after effects of the attack on Pearl Harbor (ie: nuclear war). Could this ever happen? Who knows, but anything is possible. I hope that little tangent made sense.
  5. [QUOTE=r2vq] Something I missed watching was the Samurai Pizza Cats dub. It wasn't just the episodes that got to me, but the whole experience of having to wake up early in the morning to catch this quirky cartoon that nobody else knew about. It's one of the first anime series that I've seen, but I've seen very little of it since. [/QUOTE] I don't know if you saw my post or not, but you weren't the only one who knew about it!! It's been years since I've seen it, I dont' reven really remember what it was about, but I remember thinking it was the coolest thing since Kraft Dinner. I have no idea what happened to it, I know it was cancelled or "discontinued". I haven't tried to find it anywhere, but I bet you'd be able to find it on Ebay or as a torrent.
  6. I really hope Dodeca will post soon. However, if he doesn't I will gadly fulfill my duties as 2nd place and put up a new image.
  7. [QUOTE=Ziggy Stardust][COLOR=Sienna] Civilians died at Pearl Harbour to, y'know. And the Japanese weren't even at War with the US... the US was almost completely uninvolved in the war, they were just trying to profit off of it... I know for a time they were supplying the Germans aswell as the British, but I'm not sure how long that went on for. As I recall the Japanese attacked the US because they stopped supplying them with oil, but I'm a little foggy on the subject if somone would like to clarify.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well, Wikipedia supplies this as the background to the attacks on Pearl Harbor: [QUOTE]After the Meiji restoration in 1868, Japan embarked on a period of significant economic, political, and military expansion in an apparent effort to achieve parity with the western powers who had influence or possessions in east Asia and/or the Pacific. The expansion was heavily influenced by ultra-nationalist members of the government, military, and general society (see also Causes of World War II). In order to fund this expansion, resource-poor Japan embarked on a series of moves that brought it into conflict with neighboring powers. These included a war with China in 1894 in which it took control of Taiwan and a war with Russia in 1904 in which it gained territory in and around China and the Korean peninsula. In 1910, Japan took all of the Korean peninsula and in 1931, forcibly established a "puppet" state in Manchuria which they called Manchukuo. In 1937, having made further progress in constructing a large and modern navy and army, Japan initiated a large-scale invasion of mainland China, attacking from Manchuria and at several points along China's Pacific coast. The U.S. and UK disapproved of Japan's actions, and responded with diplomatic pressure, condemning Japan's aggression in China. Japan didn't back down, but instead continued its military campaign in China and formally aligned itself with the Axis Powers in 1940. The U.S. responded with economic sanctions, including partial or full embargoes of scrap metal and gasoline, renouncing previously signed trade agreements between the two countries, and closing the Panama Canal to Japanese shipping. Again, the Japanese didn't back down and, in 1941, invaded northern Indochina. The U.S. response was to freeze Japanese assets and initiated a complete oil embargo.[1] Oil was the most valuable and crucial resource that Japan required. In addition to fueling Japanese military operations, oil was vital for core economic activities. 80% of Japan's oil imports came from the U.S.[2] Diplomatic negotiations climaxed with the Hull note of November 26, 1941, which Prime Minister Hideki Tojo described to his cabinet as an ultimatum. Therefore, Japan felt pressured to make a decision -- either comply with the U.S. and UK demands backing down from its aggression in China and the surrounding areas, or go to war with the U.S. and its allies. Concerned over losing their hard-earned status and prestige in the international community if they backed down ("loss of face") and the perceived threat to their national security posed by the western powers who controlled territory in the Pacific and/or east Asia, Japan decided to pursue the latter option.[3][/QUOTE] Ziggy, I don't really know what this thread is about either, but since it is titled "Politics", I see it as a way to express views on various historical and political happenings: Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima, 9/11, Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, Oklahoma City Bombings, Hitler.. and more. Let's talk about it all.
  8. The one and only Marshall Bruce Mathers, aka Eminem
  9. Do keep in mind that these movies come from the perspective of those who made it. I watched parts of Pearl Harbour last night as well, but only the battle scenes. It made me sick knowing that this happened, and allthough it was a tactical victory for Japan, thousands of people lost their lives, and that sortie resulted in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, probably one of the most horrifying acts of war in human history. The rest of the movie, bah, it's crap. I'm gonna go with Ziggy on this one. Another work of pro-American propaghanda. I'm really hoping that Flight 93 won't be like that, but I won't be surprised if it is. People trying to drum up support for a pointless war. But I'm still going to see it, mainly because, we can't ignore the fact that it happened, and regardless of the controversy of a cover up (some think that Flight 93 was shot down) or the fact that this movie may not even be accurate, I think people should be able to face the tragedies that took place on 9/11 and learn from it. And hopefully this move won't try to brain wash me with propaghanda. Its interesting that this movie comes out in the mist of people accusing the American goverment that there is a cover up and that people knew about the attacks and did nothing. It's funny how they say 9/11 is our generations Pearl Harbour (it was even put in Honolulu's headline). And in a way, it was. The Americans were blindsided, didn't see it coming, around the same amount of people died, then there was the propaghanda. [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/16/Attack_on_Pearl_Harbor_US_Propaganda.jpg[/IMG] I also wanted to note, it's amazing what you find when you look up "attack on pearl harbour", "9/11" and "Flight 93(film)" on Wikipedia.
  10. That's very true. I don't like Kristen AT ALL. She's just such a superfical, stuck up little witch. She acts like she knows everything, when it reality, well, she's kind of slutty. It's pretty weird seeing how different those kids are from how me and my friends were when we were growing up. I mean, there was the similar boy drama, but it was nothing like on the show. Maybe it's the spoiled rich kid thing, but I don't know. Yet still, I can't stop watching it. Why God, WHY!?
  11. So, now that Canada has it's own MTV station, we get all those MTV shows that are so big in other places. Including Laguna Beach. Now for those of you who don't know what Laguna Beach is, it's a reality TV show about these rich kids who live in Laguna Beach, California, in Orange County. It documents their senior year of high school and all the drama that happens in between. So for those of you who have seen the show I have this question: Love it or Hate it? When I first watched the show, I hated it. The girls are so prissy and spoiled little rich girls. To be completely honest, I would love to punch a couple of them in the face just for being so stupid. The guys on the other hand, are pretty appealling to the eyes (especially Stephen)! Even if they are chauches. Some of them are pretty good lookin. The weird thing is, as stupid as I think the show is, and as much as I hate it, I CAN'T STOP WATCHING IT!! It's almost like smoking, I know how bad it is, but I can't stop. So, what do you guys think?
  12. Yea, I don't really get what you mean. I have music videos that I made... I even made a thread for them, but didn't get alot of traffic there... Or do you want just our favorite music videos not made by fans but by the artists themselves? Either way you can find the videos on sites like [URL=www.youtube.com]www.youtube.com[/URL] yes?
  13. Sailor Moon, of course. I also wish Escaflowne was on TV still. But even more so... [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Towers/9607/movie.gif[/IMG]
  14. [SIZE=1]Okay, well I don't really pay attention to what is mainstream and what isn't. So I'm going to go out on a limb here and say my favorite "non-mainstream/semi-non-mainstream" bands, and hopefully I'm on the right track. I mean, it's hard to say, because for certain scenes, some bands are mainstream. Like AFI, I love them to death, and they may have been non-mainstream back in the day, but with the explosion called Sing The Sorrow, would they still be considered non-mainstream because they aren't on MuchMusic or MTV Canada so much anymore? Well I'll do my best...gotta take a look at the good ol' WMP... [B]Anti-Flag:[/B] I guess these guys are kinda mainstream when it comes to punk music... but did rise up from the underground with the most awesome political punk music that makes me want to dance and dissent. [B]Bullet For My Valentine[/B]: as far as I know these guys aren't mainstream, I never heard of them until my sister showed them to me, but with how rockin' they are, I wouldn't be surprised if they had an enormous fan-base. [B]Catch 22[/B]: Probably one of the best ska bands out there, well known to those who like ska, but definately not mainstream. [B]Flogging Molly:[/B] popular with the punk scene (I think); nothing beats Irish punk. [B]The Faint:[/B] I can't even describe this type of music, but these guys make me want to dance. It's not techno, it's not punk, it's not industrial... but it rocks. [B]Leftover Crack[/B]: I'm not the biggest fan of them, but I do enjoy the songs of theirs that I have. Good punk band. [B]NOFX:[/B] Anyone who knows punk music can argue that these guys are mainstream in the sense that nearly everyone will know the name. But I don't see these guys on Much or MTV nearly as much as I wish. [B]Pain:[/B] Not the hardcore Pain, but ska. These guys are definately not mainstream, but with how catchy and hilariously awesome their songs are, I'm surprised they aren't huge. [B]Saosin:[/B] Seven Years. One of my fave songs ever. [B]Streetlight Manifesto:[/B] I think some of the guys from Catch 22 are in this ska band. I only have one album, but it's one of my must-play CDs in the summer. [B]Funeral For A Friend:[/B] A screamo band from the UK, started gaining some traction, but slowly went back underground, at least as far as I know. The released a new album recently, but I'm yet to hear it. [B]Wednesday Night Heroes:[/B] Canadian punk band. Very cool. Very remnescent of old-skool punk, only it sounds good.[/SIZE]
  15. One of the good things about being in University is that I'm allready done school! Woohoo! Unfortunately, that means that it's final exam time. I finished 2 out of 4 last week on the first 2 days of the finals. One was for Japanese, the other was for Psyc Research. Japanese was pretty good, I do well in that class, so I'm not all that worried. Psyc Research is a whole other story. That class was tough, and I thought I knew what I was doing, but now I'm very worried about failing that class. I mean, at least if I get a D I'd still get the credits for it, but nobody likes seeing $400 go down the drain. I'm hoping for higher than a D though... I'd like to get the GPA up a little bit. Today I had my Abnormal Psyc final at 9. Soooo early! It was a little tricky, but I'm hopefull that I did better on the final then my midterms. Then later this afternoon I have a Psyc Stats final. Eeww... I hate stats. The good thing is that it's open book, so I was able to concentrate on abnormal psyc for studying. Also, my prof scales his mark. For example: on my last midterm, I had NO clue what I was doing, yet somehow I managed to get 74%, which was higher than my first midterm, where I actually KNEW what I was doing. But thankfully, after today, I am officially done school for the summer!! 2 years down, 2 more to go!
  16. Ta-Da!! You can now heal the ill with just one touch! Unfortunately, after the whole world found out, there was sheer chaos. People wanting you here, there, everywhere, to take away their problems with a simple touch. People start getting desperate, you can't handle the demands. War starts to break out in the countries most affected by disease. Violence and riots begin to erupt everywhere. Countless doctors lose their jobs. People are outraged, religious groups are calling you a false god. This results in an all out war between religions. And then come the nukes. Congratulations, you have destroyed the world. And all you wanted to do was help people. I wish my dishes would do themselves.
  17. 1. Pick a Band or Artist: Bullet For My Valentine 2.Are you male or female: Her Voice Resides 3.Describe yourself: Just Another Star 4. How do some people feel about you: The Poison 5.Desscribe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: No Control 6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Tears Don't Fall 7.Describe where you want to be: Room 409 8.Describe how you love: Cries In Vain 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: All These Things I Hate (Revolve Around Me) 10.Share a few words of wisdom: Curses 11.Now say goodbye: End
  18. Akira Kurusawa kiusyia= ? Hint: "Journey to the EXTREME"
  19. [B](Original) Gameboy:[/B] - Tiny Toons Montana's Movie Madness - Tetris - The Little Mermaid - Kirby's Dream Land - Looney Toons - Speedy Gonzales - Mario World [B]Sega Genesis[/B] - Sonic The Hedgehog (1,2,3) - Sonic and Knuckles - Ecco The Dolphin - Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine - Earthworm Jim - Mortal Kombat - Toe Jam and Earl - Ren and Stimpy: Stimpy's Invention [B]N64[/B] - Goldeneye 007 - Legend of Zelda: Orcarina of Time - Silicon Valley - Mario 64 - Mariokart 64 - Mario Party - Banjo & Kazooie I miss my Sega Genisis. It freakin ruled. I still miss my N64 too. It's at home. I have my PS2 and GBA here. But thinkin of all these old games just brings back such fond old memories. I swear I must be the only one who remembers some of these games. Lets hope not, some of the older people here might know what I'm talkin about.
  20. 1. Pick a Band or Artist: The Faint 2.Are you male or female: Southern Belles In London Sing 3.Describe yourself: Paranoiattack 4. How do some people feel about you: Violent 5.Desscribe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: I Disappear 6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Worked Up So Sexual 7.Describe where you want to be: Danse Macabre 8.Describe how you love: Desperate Guys 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: Let The Poison Spill From Your Throat 10.Share a few words of wisdome: Dropkick The Punks 11.Now say goodbye: How Could I Forget
  21. Last Dragon mrfo ntjius ot yklel= ? Hint: Arguably the worst movie ever made.
  22. I was raised during the peak of Disney, before all the CG animation came around. I was definately a Disney Kid. Personal favorites of the old days: [B]The Little Mermaid-[/B] I seriously wanted to be Ariel. [B]Beauty and the Beast-[/B] I also seriously wanted to be Belle. [B]A Goofy Movie-[/B] I sang to that soundtrack constantly, it probably drove my parents nuts. [B]101 Dalmations-[/B] Cruella DeVille, Cruella DeVille, If She Doesn't Scare you... something something something... [B]The Lion King-[/B] I remember my mom crying, but she cries at almost every Disney movie. Again, I sang to that soundtrack all the time. I even organized a "Broadway Musical" with my little sister and next-door neighbor. Being the diva I am, I [I]had[/I] to have all the main roles. [B]Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs[/B] The wicked witch scared the poop out of me, but Dopey pwns. Then there's all the other classics: Peter Pan, Bambi, Sleeping Beauty, Lady and the Tramp, The Fox and The Hound, Cinderella, The Incredible Journey: Homewardbound. As well as the more recent favorites: Finding Nemo, Ice Age, The Emperor's New Groove, Lilo and Stitch, The Lion King 1 1/2, Hercules, Brother Bear, Monster's Inc, Toy Story, Pirates of The Carribbean, Mulan, Nightmare Before Christmas.... God the list just goes on. Definately gotta say that once a Disney Kid, [I]always[/I] a Disney Kid.
  23. Robert Frost otpleu simspipisis= ? Hint: Birthplace of the King.
  24. 1. Pick a band or artist: The Vandals 2. Are you male or female: She Spoke 3. Describe yourself: Ok 4. How do some people feel about you: Little Weirdo 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Too Much Drama 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Marry Me. 7. Describe where you want to be: People That Are Going To Hell 8. Describe how you love: I Have A Date. 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: Money's Not An Issue 10. Share a few words of wisdom: I Know, Huh. 11. Now say goodbye: And Now We Dance
  25. [QUOTE=Illusion][COLOR=RoyalBlue] ?lock, stock and 2 smoking barrels? i believe. Am I right? Am I right? *waits in anticipation*[/COLOR][/QUOTE] YES! We have a winnah! Bring it on, Illusion :animesmil
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