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Everything posted by KatanaViolet

  1. [SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] Jessica. [B]Age:[/B] 19, but I'll be 20 soon. [B]Description:[/B] Short little lady. Darkest brown hair, brown eyes, glasses, round nose (bugs me sometimes, but it suits my face). [B]Favorite Color:[/B] Purple, black and blue. All the wonderful colours of a bruise. [B]Location:[/B] Beautiful British Columbia, Canada. [B]Personality:[/B] I'm a Gemini, so I can be very talkative and restless at times. I'm also pretty fickle. I don't particularly enjoy being around people, but when I am I'm usually very sociable and outgoing, probably because I love to hear the sound of my own voice (j/k). I'm usually very friendly, but people who tick me off will know about it. I'm very stubborn and kinda scatterbrained. [B]Hobbies:[/B] Softball, snowboarding, video games, anime, Japanese, reading, smoking the ganja, hanging out with friends/boyfriend/family. [B]Slight History:[/B] Grew up in a crappy little craphole, finally moved out after I graduated. Now going to University and working part-time. I was a spoiled kid, but never really was bad about it. I was just fortunate enough to be able to get all the things I wanted. I have a younger sister who is practically one of my best friends. We are so close. We have been mistaken for twins before, but she actually looks older than I do. Usually it's me thats mistaken for the younger sibling. We generally like the same music (she's a little more hardcore than I am) and dress about the same. [B]Likes:[/B] TV, Video Games, Anime, Punk music, gyoza, Anti-Flag [B]Dislikes:[/B] Annoying scene kids, nigiri sushi, early mornings, the Bush Administration [B]Other:[/B] I'm not a very good cook, heh. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed]~[/COLOR][B]Q's[/B][COLOR=Teal]~[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I][B]1.[/B] Why do you do what you do in life? I'm just doin my thing really... [B]2.[/B] Are you a good public speaker? Yes, I'm allright. I don't mind speaking in front of people. [B]3.[/B][COLOR=DimGray] [Thi[/COLOR][COLOR=SlateGray]s qu[COLOR=Silver]es[/COLOR]tio[/COLOR][COLOR=DimGray]n is experiencing technical di[/COLOR][COLOR=SlateGray]fficult[COLOR=Silver]ies. We apo[/COLOR]logi[/COLOR][COLOR=DimGray]se for the delay.][/COLOR][/I][/SIZE]
  2. If you guys do agree do getting together and doing the long distance thing, I'll warn you now, it's VERY hard. It takes alot of time and effort, as well as ALOT of trust. I'm finishing up my 2nd year of University and I'm doing long distance with my boyfriend. We have spent more time long distance than we have together. We've been together for almost 3 years now. I love him immensely, but the strain is and has taken it's toll. Honestly I don't know how much longer we can keep it up, which makes it even harder. But I will say, that getting to see him makes me more happy than I ever have been. You just have to make sure that it's worth it. Good luck with it.
  3. oooo anagrams! horray! Answer: Lord of the Rings uter esil hint- movie
  4. Oh shinji, you know I have to comment in this thread ^_^ I don't really know very much about the bible, nor the texts contained in it. So my opinions are a little bit of a shot in the dark sort of deal, and I may come off as somewhat ignorant. To me, it's wayyy too tedious to read. But either which way, there is no doubt in my mind that over the past couple thousand years, some things may have been interpreted. I mean, the bible was written by men, and back then I'm sure the human race didn't know as much as it does now. So yeah, there could be some errors (and I'm not just talkin your average typo). Somethings that do kind of bug me: - One of the ten commandments is that "Thy shalt not worship any other God than the one true God Lord" or something to that effect. So, does that mean if I worship, say, Allah. Or Buddha. Does this mean that because I chose a different deity to worship that I'm not granted a pass to eternal bliss? What if I worship no god at all? How is that blasphemous? - Where do black people come into play in the bible? - How the hell (no pun intended) is Jesus supposed to be resurrected? I'm sorry, but people CANNOT come back from the dead. It's a bummer, but it's true. Again, I'm sure if I actually read the bible and critiqued it, I'd have more to say; but I'm not Christian, and I'm not a theologist, so I don't know much. The basic principles that it teaches, however; are things that any human being of any religious background (or lack of) can live by: Don't Kill, Don't Cheat, Don't Lie, etc. Everything else in between... yawn.
  5. My father immigrated to Canada when he was a young boy. So I come from a family that has alot of immigrants. He is a Canadian citizen now. I understand that border security is an issue, but there has to be some solution to it. People are going to want to immigrate to different countries, whether it be Canada, the US or elsewhere. And I think they deserve the opportunity to do so. There has to be a way for people who want to go to other countries to be able to actually go, rather than resorting to illegally crossing the borders. And I mean, if you think about it, the US was BUILT on illegal immigration. I'm sure the Native Americans didn't WANT the Eurpoeans to come in and take all their land and pretty much try to wipe out their entire race. And then there's George Bush entering Iraq, ILLEGALLY. If you took all the immigrants out of Canada and the US, there would barely be a population.
  6. Well I'm glad we cleared this up. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. It's so hard to go through. I've also lost a loved one to cancer, and I can totally identify with how you felt. Both of my grandparents were very devout Christians. In fact, the only time we went to church or said grace at the dinner table was when we were them. It wasn't so much that I lost faith. I still have faith in some sort of higher power, I just don't necessarily believe that there is a God or Gods. I just feel like I just don't know. If there is a god, yes I'm a little bitter and hurt, but life goes on. But I'm gonna keep on truckin, just like I always do. I am a very forgiving person, but I don't know. That's why I'll just keep doing my own thing, and when I die, we'll see what happens.
  7. [QUOTE=The Boss][color=darkgreen][size=1] To both KatanaViolet and Indifference. [B]KatanaViolet[/B], I was simply stating that it was not a very sensitive thing to say that Jesus Christ, the lord and savior of the world's largest religous group, was a possible schizophrenic. I personally found it offensive, but I wasn't going to get angry at your ignorance to the fact that you may have put off a couple of people with your statement. I was only stating my logic and beliefs, not what I believe others should believe. Aswell, questioning a person's faith in a higher being and power is highly unneccesary. A person does not have to justify their beliefs to a skeptic who will only ridicule it. Relegious and spiritual people both believe that when they die, their soul will continue on either in heaven or to be reincarnated. You can't call yourself an athiest and say you are spiritual, because a spirit is not something that can be explained by science, nor can it be created by science. Scientists have a way of saying if they can't explain something through science, then it must not be real. But what about the bleeding statues of Mother Mary? What about the hindu mystics who meditate for weeks at a time? What about the Islamic holy men who ram large knives and needles through their faces without a sign of blood or scarring? How can science explain those things without considering a factor that is untouchable by them? There are several reason I have a belief in God. One is when I was in vacation in Greece, I was chasing my younger brother around house's drive way, which led into a narrow one car road, which he ran out into just as a large truck was barraling down the road. By some force of the supernatural, my brother told us that he felt... something... pull his body back into and pin him to the wall on the side of the road. His elbow was knicked by the truck's door mirror. If he had been 3 inches closer to the truck, he would have been under it. I also thank God for my family. My father went from a troubled youth from Mass. Now he is the number one National Guard recruiter in my state. He and I both believe God helped him through several of his ventures to the field. When my mother and father met, they dated for 5 weeks. Then my dad asked my mom to marry her, and they did. Both sides of the family said it wouldn't last and tried to pull them apart. They nearly fell apart several times, until one incident. My little brother was sickly as a young child. At this time, my father was an irresonsible man and was slowly breaking away from my mother and me. In fact, they had been living in seperate homes for a while. One day, my dad drove by my mom's house to see that the car wasn't there. He then went on to the hospitable to see the car there. He went in and saw my Mom's cousin crying, saying "He's gone, man... he's gone." My mom's uncle Jimmy had just passed away. My father did not know of this, and thought instantly it was his sick son who had died, my brother. This event caused my father to go through a revelation in a single moment. He and my mother have been married for 17 years now, have bared three children, and strong as ever. [/color][/size][/QUOTE] Boss, you are taking everything I say way to seriously. Let me clarify, I am not an athiest. I was raised Catholic, but I'm not that either. I don't have any religious affiliation. But don't think that I'm not going to state my opinions/speculations just out of fear for offending somebody's religion. I'm not saying I'm right. I was simply stating my logic and somewhat beliefs as well... playing the Devil's Advocate, so to speak. I'm constantly speculating about religions. I'm more agnostic than anything. I will question everyone's beliefs, see why they justify it, why they believe what they believe. See, to me, blindly believing in something that sounds like a fairy tale, believing that there is some way that human beings can exist forever is not only ignorant, but extremely grandiouse. But hey, you stay tomahto, I say tomayto. You don't have to justify your beliefs to me if you don't want to, but then why should I? I can be just as spiritual as someone who is religious.. the only difference is, is that I don't unquestionably worship something. Science is just as likely to answer all of life's questions as religion is. Only science you can see. Religion is literally a leap of faith. There are many phenomenons that science cannot explain. But science did explain the stars, which I believe is what people saw as heaven. We answered those questions. I can't answer yours, and I agree that there are some things that are just too unreal to believe. And both your stories are very touching, and I mean that. But I don't think God should be accredited to you're family. It's the love your family shares for each other. And perhaps it is that love that snapped your father back into it. As for your brother, that was just an extremely lucky close call. But hey, who really knows, they both had happy endings nonetheless, which is what's important. I'm not not not not not saying that you are wrong for being Christian. It is not wrong to be Islamic, Judaist (sp?), Sikh, Muslim, Buddhist, Catholic, Wiccan, or whatever. (Although it really bugs me how some Christians preach about religious tolerance but then think that all terrorists are Muslims...) What matters to me is the moral codes these religions teach. Every religion teaches principles that man should live by. I see them more as a philosphy than a religion. See, it's alot harder for someone who has no religious affiliation to argue their point, because we are scattered all over the place. We don't know what to believe. At least if I was Christian, I could say "God exists, this I'm sure of". But no, to me, that just sounds naive. It sounds like something that I tell myself when I need comfort, when events happen that I have no control over. When my friend died when I was 17, I heard so much of "This is God's plan", and "She's in heaven now, God just needed another angel"... and even before she died. I'm not a religious person, and I prayed like I've never prayed before. So many people would say "Just pray for her, it's in God's hands now", "Just have faith in God." Where was this so-called God then? And since then, yes, I lost faith. I honestly don't care what any of you say. If he/she does exist, then **** em, because he/she obviously wasn't listening. God's plan... it's preposterous. What about her plans? What about my plans? Perhaps part of this skeptism does stem from that (yeah, most likely). But honestly, since then I said screw it to religion. I know right from wrong, and I'm going to live a good life for me. And when I die, I'll see what happens. But I can tell you now, If there is a God, I'm not going to kiss *** just so I can get into heaven. I'm gonna tell that guy exactly what I think. I may be a sinner, but I do the best I can to be a good person, and that's good enough. Bah, now I'm getting all emotional and can't even articulate my feelings properly. I'm just bitter now. Bahhh there was so much more I wanted to say. I really had a mature arguement. But Right now I just really want to kick God in the balls. :animesigh
  8. [QUOTE=The Boss][color=darkgreen][size=1] Just putting it out there,[B] KatanaViolet[/B] ,I don't think it was a wise choice to say Jesus may have been a 'delusional schizophrenic'. That's not a good way to show that you 'respect their choices'. I'm not going to get angry at you for saying something like that, I'm just saying that's some people's spiritual savior. I'm sure you could have found a better way to say what you were trying to convey rather than saying he was a possiblely psychopathic. For me, we do live in a logical world. It's just my logic goes beyond the basic human understanding of science. I accept spritiuality and the divine into my logic. Divine logic... kind of an oxymoron, but that's how I view the world.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Perhaps not, but to me it's far more likely for someone having delusions of grandeur thinking they are the son of God than actually BEING the son of god. People who say things like that today often undergo psychiatric evalutation. And trust me, there are many schizophrenics who claim to be some sort of religious symbol, how come nobody rushes to go worship them? Wouldn't it make just as much sence as worshiping something you don't even know exists? This is a serious question. I'm not trying to degrade anybody's Lord or whatever, but still, it's not my savior. I said I respect people's religions, it doesn't mean I have to agree with them. And if someone gets offended by that, well then they need to loosen up, because they really shouldn't take what one person says about their savior so seriously. Call it blasphemy if you like. I call it being a realist. To me there's a difference between spirituality and religion. And you certainly don't need to be religious to be spiritual. Like I said before, it doesn't matter what faith you belong to, just that you have faith. And I have faith in some higher power, but I don't look at is as some sort of diety that I blindly turn to. People don't even question the existence of God(s). They just have this unsurpassable blind faith. Like Hanabishi Recca, I'm sorry for singling you out, but why do you believe that Jesus is Lord? Is there any reason, or do you just do it because you believe it to be true? Every single religion out there is flawed. What's more important is what is taught. All moral codes that all people can accept. Don't kill, don't steal, don't cheat, don't speak ill of others, be kind to those around you. You do not need to have any religous affiliation to believe in those things. People need to accept that when they die, they die. They are like every other organism. They decay, and eventually become food for the soil. People like to believe that there is some sort of way they can live forever. That's just how greedy we are. And I mean, I love entertaining the idea of heaven, but science and technology today has pretty much made it obsolete. I can accept this fact. What matters is what I do while I'm living this all-too-short life. I'm going to live it for myself and my loved ones. Live it to the best of my advantage. What happens after that, who knows. We'll see.
  9. Well put, SunfallE! Religion is basically as old as civilization is. That's thousands of years! People back then did not have the same understanding of the world as we do today. We know that up in the sky and know thatthere is not heaven, there is not some sort of land of Gods. There is space. Void, airless, space. God is seen as this infallible, omniscient being that created the universe, when in reality there are much more logical theories as to how Earth happened to turn out the way it did; how out of all the planets in the solar system, Earth turns out to be the only truly inhabitable one. Human beings have been speculating this for their entire existence. Nobody can truly say that they know there is a heaven. After all, in theory you'd have to be dead to see it. As for what is written in the Bible, what else can we go on that there is an existence of God? How do we know that Jesus wasn't just some delusional schizophrenic? Even so, this was thousands of years ago! Have you ever played telephone? Remember how easily the phrase can change to something totally different? Think of it that way, except for the span of civilization. Not to mention the imagination we homosapiens have! There are just too many unanswered questions. It just seems to be too fictional for me. Religion is embedded in our culture, there is no denying that, but for me it just seems to be something to turn to for closure. I've done it. When my grandparents died, I truly wanted to believe they were in heaven and watching over me. When one of my good friends died when she was only 17, I truly wanted to believe that God just wanted another angel. But it only provides closure. The fact that when your loved ones are dead and you know that they are never coming back is sad, and thinking that they are existing in another time and space is comforting. Call me a skeptic, call me a pessimest, call me an athiest. I just really don't know, and to me my opinions are pretty logical. And hey, if I'm wrong, then I had the choice to ignore God. I'm not going to go to Hell for not believing in something. Other things perhaps, but not for not having any religious affiliation. People will believe what they want to believe, and so long as they don't try to shove it down my throat or begin some religious crusade in the name of whatever God they praise, then I can respect their choices. It's the radicals that I'm wary of.
  10. "AHH MY LEG!!!!!!!" Simple, yet effective. Doesn't it look like her leg is in the trap?
  11. [QUOTE=Sandy] I don't want to attack anybody's faith, but I can't help feeling astonished that some religious fundamentalists (in many religions, not just Christianity) consider premarital sex (and homosexuality) as the worst things in the world, just like Death Knight sarcastically pointed out, when there are obviously much bigger problems (such as wars, crimes, diseases and famine, if you really need examples).[/QUOTE] Word. But then again, in most religions homosexuality is considered a sin, so therefore you should be able to have pre-marital sex, because they cancel each other out! :laugh: No? Not funny? Perhaps I'm the only one who laughs at my jokes :animeswea But seriously folks, having sex is just as much a responsiblity as it is a pleasure. And if you do choose to have sex before you're married then you need to be smart about it: educate and protect yourself! It's all a matter of free will, but in order to prevent STDs you need to use protection, and as someone had allready said, protection doesn't always help either. Anyone can tell you that abstinence is the best protection, whether they are abstaining or not. You don't need any religious or moral reasoning behind it, it's just common sence.
  12. [quote name='Rei']Is it The Score?[/quote] :cool: Nope. Guess again!
  13. I don't want this thread to die, and it's almost at the bottom of the page!! So lets try this one on for size, I sure hope someone will get it, because it's an amazing movie. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v74/Skababe18/dontthinksobuddy.jpg[/IMG]
  14. So, I really dig political music. I'm a big fan of Anti-Flag, and I like it when artists speak out on issues that really matter. One band that I'm a big fan of that has transitioned to becoming more political (seems the Bush administration tends to bring that out of people), is NOFX. I know there are a couple NOFX fans here, and even if you look at this and say, "Well I don't like punk. What does this matter to me?", keep in mind that not all punk music is political, and not all political music is punk. You have P.Diddy or Puff Daddy (or whatever it is he calls himself now) doing the Vote or Die campaign, Kanye West abhorring the Bush administration on international television, the Rock Against Bush and Punk Vote, U2, Sarah McLachlan and her "World on Fire" music video, just to name a few. I myself made a political music video to a new NOFX song called "You're Wrong." Now for all you people who aren't fans of punk, no need to worry, this is an acoustic song so you don't need to worry about all the noise associated with punk and that sort of music. [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSAR53uX9wA]Click here for the link ^_^[/URL] But I didn't just make this thread for the sole purpose of sharing my video with you guys, although I would really appreciate any comments or opinions about it, and I'm more than welcome to constructive criticism. But what I want to know in regards to the video is what message your getting from it, what do you see it as? Given that there are a lot of Americans here, I also want to hear what they think. Do you agree? Disagree? The other purpose of this thread is, of course, discussion. Do you listen to political music, or follow politics at all? What political bands do you like? Why do you agree with what they are saying? Are you glad that they are saying it? What do you think of other artists who speak out on national and international issues? What do you think of past instances where artists have spoken out? This is not limited to what is happening in the middle east, there are many instances where artists have spoken out on their opinions on national and global issues. It would be interesting to see what kind of disscussion comes out of this. And if you do watch my video, thank you in advance! But if not, I still want to hear what you have to say on the issue.
  15. At school?? I can think of lots of ways to relieve boredom OUTSIDE of school... In university it's different, I spend so much time writing notes I have no time to be bored. But lets see, here's some ideas: -Origami -Wear the most outragous outfit ever -Bring sidewalk chalk for breaks -Do three-legged races down the halls -Music Hahah I don't know... I hope these help.
  16. [quote name='renayiiq']So someone worships something. So what? I couldn't care less about who or what you worship, personally. You could worship Barbie for all I care. [/quote] I'm the same way, but what's interesting is that in Christianity (I'm not sure about other religions) is that it's against one of the Ten Commandments that you can't worship false idols (ie. anyone/thing else other than God our holy father yada yada yada). Quite interesting to think hmm?
  17. "Out" in the Military (if you know what I mean! :catgirl:) C'mon people, I'm giving you GOLD!
  18. I was born and raised a Catholic. However, when I say raised, I mean that I believed in God. We never really went to church, except for when my Grandparents were around. However, I don't really believe in God, or I should say, I don't really know. I've been through enough crap in my life to come to the conclusion that if there is a God, he/she just isn't listening. Therefore, I'm agnostic, and that works just fine with me. Not trying to echo Dogma, but we got it all wrong with organized religion. It doesn't matter what faith you belong to, it just matters that you have faith. I have faith in whatever higher powers may be out there. But I just think the whole religion thing is way overrated. People kill for their religions, people die for them, people suffer for them. Now what kind of God would allow that? Me, I'll just keep living my all-too-short life, and when I die, I'm fine with decomposing and going back into the earth, just like any other living thing. Whatever happens after, I'll find out then. " You're wrong about virtues of Christiany... You're wrong if you think there'll be a Judgement Day... You're wrong, Fighting Jihad. Your blind faith in God, Your religions are all flawed" NOFX- You're Wrong.
  19. [QUOTE=Chie][SIZE=1]all my teachers yesterday talked about this one incident that recently happened. some idiots (ironically i heard one of them was our school valedictorian) put together a dry ice bomb and placed it in front of a faculty member's house (and if you all know about dry ice bombs, they made a loud ash sound, and since it was put into a plastic bottle, the plastic turned glass-like and shattered everywhere once it blew up) no one was hurt, but they (as in my teachers) say that the one teacher is now scared to come out of her house or to come back into school and same with her neighbors. a lot of the students say that it was no big deal, no one was hurt and it was just a prank. one girl said that if that ever happened to her, she wouldn't make such a big deal out of it. another girl said that stuff like that always happens to her family and they don't do anything about it. they also said that the teacher was a complete biotch ^^" . not that they were implying that she deserved it, but that she didn't need to make it a big issue. and since one of them was a valedictorian, they say one prank like that shouldn't ruin the rest of his life. i haven't taken a stand yet, but i would like to see what other people think about it.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Although it sounds funny, and nobody did get hurt, that's a pretty irresponsible thing to do. ****** kids. What if someone did get hurt? Then yes, that one prank would ruin many lives. Pranks are only fun so long as they're not dangerous. It's like when kids drop **** off of overpasses. Not just harmless fun, especially if something goes through the windshield of someone's car. My opinion: It's irresponsible and wreckless, as well as immature. Especially since they singled out one teacher. Not cool. Idiots.
  20. If the quality of the posts in this thread were a little bit better I'd have something better to work with!! Hottest guy on Prison Break? Definately Wentworth!! Oooh Wentworth! (That's the guy that plays Michael Scoffield) I certainly didn't expect it to be more than a 1 season show. I was so choked on the last episode of the first season when they didn't break out!!! The anticipation is always killing me. And the conspiracy of it all makes me really detest the gov't (as if I don't allready). I really hope T-Bag dies... he doesn't deserve to break out of jail. I like the old guy though.... with his kitty... that STUPID GUARD!! Agghhh I hate him!!! And has anyone seen the last episode? The nurse was a junkie!! I definately didn't see that one coming... Anyways, that's all I have to say for now, give me something better to work with and I'll be glad to say more, I love this show. I can't wait to see what Scoffield comes up with to bust him and his brother out of there.
  21. [QUOTE=NekoSama101]i agree. i was also raised with those beliefs. and i believe that if everyone waited until they were married, aids would no longer be a problem. [/QUOTE] Although I give you props for abstinence (way to go!), I wouldn't be so naive as to thinking that if no one had sex until they were married that AIDs wouldn't be the epidemic that it is, let alone any STD. AIDs isn't only passed through sex, it is also passed through dirty needles and the like. I don't know what they are teaching you in sex ed, but it doesn't sound too bright. I don't want to echo what Retribution had allready said, so I'll leave it at that. [QUOTE=Shinjitsu][color=dodgerblue] ~Human Herpes Virus 8 (HHV-8) [/color][/QUOTE] I have never heard of this one, what is it? I have a couple friends who have had one STI/STD or another at some point in their lives, none of them really like to talk about it. Which is understandable given the stigma involved with [I]any[/I] sexually transmitted disease. There's such a negative connotation with it. But then again, it's nobody's business. But what comes to mind for me is if you get an uncurable STD like AIDS/HIV or herpes (those are the only two that come to mind) is the thought "Oh my god, I'd never be able to have sex again." I'm sure you could, but the thought of passing it on would be enough to freak me right out. Eitherwhichway, it's probably not something that would set the mood. It blows my mind how young kids are having sex these days, especially when they aren't even educated enough in order to protect themselves or their partners. I'm not one to talk because I lost my virginity when I was 14, but at the same time, I regret it. In retrospect, I would have much rather waited until I was 17 or 18. I don't really believe in abstaining until marriage... although it is a good way to keep yourself safe, but regardless if you wait until your 50 to have sex, you gotta know how to protect yourself and your partner(s, hey, whatever floats your boat).
  22. You should include more discussion in your thread my dear. It's very vague, even though I know it's about House. Anyways, that being said, I love this show. I haven't watched it from the beginning, but I just got into it this year. I adore House's dry, sarcastic humour. Like in the last episode, when he was like "Aw SNAP!" I almost fell on the floor. And also, am I the only girl here who thinks that he is sooo hot for an older gentleman? *drool* Perhaps it's just his personality but I want to bear his children! lol.
  23. Goofy: Hey Ariel, do the carpets match the drapes? :animenose Hehehehe.
  24. hehe oh dear, now I'm going to have a big thing to keep up with :animeshy: well I PM'd you with the links to my newest additions, and I'll post the links for both of them on this thread as well. Sadly, I don't think they are anything close to as good as the first one, but I still think they aren't too shabby for just throwing them together. I certainly didn't spend as much time on them as I did on the first one, these ones I just put together this afternoon. I guess I wasn't being very patient :animeswea but here's a couple more, enjoy! [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHBFgl0SNnk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHBFgl0SNnk[/URL] [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWBETExW5wo]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWBETExW5wo[/URL] Edit: Sheesh, everyone seems to be reading this thread just not posting on it... please if you do watch the video I'd love to hear from you!
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