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Everything posted by KatanaViolet
[quote name='Queen Asuka][size=1][color=hotpink]Thanks for backing me up. No one wants to listen to the truth, do they?[/size'][/color][/quote] I've been sayin this sorta thing from the beginning :) The best way to go is professionally. That way you don't make dumb *** mistakes.
I had use Google in order to get pick-up lines from the master: QUAGMIRE. [B]You must be a parking ticket, cuz you got fine written all over you. If I could change the alphabet I would put "U" and "I" together. Dear Diary: JACKPOT![/B] Hope you liked them! Giggidy giggidy. Giggidy goo. :catgirl:
Looking at that picture makes me feel like I'm on an acid trip... I'm a little indifferent toward it. Although I know of the Powerpuff Girls, I never really watched it. When did it first air? I'm thinking I might have been older and never watched it, but I remember watching Dexter's Lab. I'd have to see it first.
Zorro: Time for you guys to split! laaaaamme.... :animeshy:
[B]1. If your avatar has a character, what race, age (if applicable) and gender is it? (avatars without characters are neutral or asexual)[/B] 18 year old caucasian female. [B]2. Would you say your avatar is masculine, feminine or both? Why?[/B] Definately feminine. It's full of pinks and purples and it's Lacus Clyne flicking her hair. I'd say that's pretty girly. [B]3. Does it have mature or childish attributes?[/B] Maybe in between. I see it as flamboyant. [B]4. What gender and race are you?[/B] White girl. [B]5. When you meet someone online, unless they specify, do you feel you naturally think of them as white? (Answering yes is not racist - this is much more common than you think)[/B] Honestly I have never really thought of that. Perhaps I have and didn't realize it. Usually my main assumption is they're American. [B]6. Do you roleplay? If yes, identify your roleplaying character in terms of race, history, gender and sexual preference (if applicable).[/B] not applicable. [B]7. Have you ever been mistaken for another race or gender or have been asked due to the lack of detail in your profile?[/B] I think someone on this board thought I was a guy once... [B]8. Have you mistaken others for being of another race, age or gender? How many times (if applicable)?[/B] Usually all of the above. Asians I tend to mix up. Sometimes I can distinguish Chinese from Japanese and stuff... but generally I have to ask where they are from. Age I always mix up. Gender not so much, but there have been instances. [B]9. What does your online nickname mean or how did you come up with it?[/B] It doesn't have any particular meaning... I was trying to think of something that sounded cool. I always come up with the lamest nicknames. I think katana's are very cool, plus I met a girl who's name was Katana, and I just thought that was so unique. And purple's my favorite color, but KatanaPurple just sounds stupid, hence KatanaViolet! [B]10. Do you think people online tend to correctly guess your age, race or gender most of the time without being told?[/B] I don't think people really care. [B]11. Do you think people tend to correctly guess your sexual preference without being told?[/B] I think so. I like guys, I don't dig chicks. [B]12. Would you feel threatened if people online knew your age, gender, race or sexual preference? If so, why?[/B] Whatevs, but that's the most you'll get outta me.
For me personally, my cell is just something usefull. It's not something I'm dependent on, but it's good to have if I'm out and get into an accident, or someone needs to get a hold of me. I mainly have it for emergency use and other important phone calls. I don't really depend on using it just to chit chat with someone. I can agree on being dependent on my computer though. I need it for school, talking to friends long distance, etc... we're living in a technology based era I guess... that's just the way it is. We have all this information (whether it be good or bad) at our fingertips. I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing, although it can be abused.
[QUOTE=D. Resurrected]Wow great job you are very talented. Ok heres another one guys. Enjoy If you cross out all unnecessary letters in the following string of letters, a logical sentence will remain. Can you see it? AALLLOUGNINCEACELSSSEANRYTELNETCTEERS[/QUOTE] Finally one I know! The answer is: [SPOILER] All unnecessary letters[/spoiler]
[quote name='Shinmaru']Not quite, but you're very close. :)[/quote] That's not it?? Mmm is it Evil Dead then? I know it's part of that series.
[QUOTE=Shinmaru]Huzzah. Maybe I'll see Battle Royale someday. Anyway, I tried to find a bigger screen that I liked, but this is the biggest that I could get without actually doing some work myself. I don't think that this will be a difficult movie to guess, anyway, so I don't have to strain myself too much. :p [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v388/Shinmaru/b790aa83.jpg[/IMG][/center] Haha, this scene is just so great. I love it so much.[/QUOTE] Oh my goodness I know this movie. It's awesome! I can't think of the name though!!! AH YES! Army of Darkness!
[QUOTE=Dee][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]So what if something is cliche? I say if you really want something, go for it. Personally, even if Kanji tattoos are common, I still want to get one on my lower back. That's really the only place I find tattoos attractive on females, that or your ankle. Which as CHW points out is extremely painful, infact I've heard it's one of the worst ones since it's hitting bone. I'm a big chicken when it comes to pain so I doubt that I could ever hack up the courage to actually get one, but if I don't get a kanji symbol, I'd probably get a little fairy or one of those designs that goes all the way across the lower back. As far as piercings go, I have three done on each ear and I hope to get my belly button done and my nose. But I'm highly afraid of needles, so when this will happen will be definately way into the future. [/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] For me it's not so much that it's the fact that it's cliche, if I want a tattoo, for the most part I want it to be original. Of course, that can be hard at times, especially since I can't draw and I have no idea what I want. I would probably get ideas from other people's custom work and try to incorporate something to make it unique to me. A tattoo should be defining of you, and it is a bit of a shame that kanji has become so popular that its hard to find something that someone else doesn't allready have. But that's just me, I still like kanji tattoos (although I don't see myself getting one), they're very simple and in my opinion, elegant. But some people get them for the wrong reasons is all. It's just like the koi tattoos, they just seem to be so overdone, but if you can make it original, then that's much better. I'm still searching for THEE tattoo of all tattoos. And when I find it, whatever it is, then I'm gonna be one happy camper!
The One Thing in Life You'd Search For
KatanaViolet replied to Ol' Fighter's topic in General Discussion
A sence of self and a sence of accomplishment. I've been a screw up all my life. I think it's due time that I find something that gives my life meaning. A goal that I can strive for and accomplish. That's one of my reasons for going to Japan. I never been much of a school person, and I was really wondering what I was doing in university until I took Japanese. I have a wonderful sensei, and I am just absorbing the language. I finally found something I'm good at. And now that I've set this goal for myself I want to accomplish it, so then I can prove to myself that my life does have meaning. It might sound lame, but it means more to me than you know. The hard part is, chosing between Japan and my boyfriend. Because there's no way that something like that would work for either of us. It's bittersweet... -
Indeed, this is a very controversal debate. Although I don't overtly disagree with what your saying, I do want to elaborate. While I do agree that you can't build a democracy in a few years, and I acknowledge what you said about America's history, at the same token, Canada's head of state is still the Queen of England, and things have been pretty good for us thus far. And, reflecting on what Dodeca had said, the Bush Administartion's driving purpose for invading Iraq were that there were weapons of mass destruction and that Iraq had links with Al Queda/Osama Bin Laden. It wasn't to free their country. It wasn't to make Iraq a better place. I could go on about speculations of just wanting oil, but who knows about that. Freeing Iraq came after people started saying "Hey, what happened about everything you said before?" The fact of the matter (in my opinion) is that there were no weapons of mass destruction, and if there was then chances are they were from the US from like what, the 90's? I'm not sure. The Bush administration rushed into this war using any propaghanda it could, and/or on horrible intelligence, and then tried to cover their *** by looking noble, to free the country. There's just this shadyness to all of what has occured that leaves me untrusting of the Bush administration in its entirety. Interestingly enough, this whole argument I'm trying to make reminds me of an Anti-Flag song (yes, another song analogy, but it does make a point if you think of it from my perspective.) I'll try to sum it up for ya. [COLOR=Indigo][I]Anatomy Of Your Enemy[/I] 10 easy steps to create an enemy and start a war: First step: create the enemy. Sometimes this will be done for you. Second step: be sure the enemy you have chosen is nothing like you. Find obvious differences like race, language, religion, dietary habits fashion. Emphasize that their soldiers are not doing a job, they are heartless murderers who enjoy killing! Third step: Once these differences are established continue to reinforce them with all disseminated information. Fourth step: Have the media broadcast only the ruling party's information this can be done through state run media. Remember, in times of conflict all for-profit media repeats the ruling party's information. Therefore all for-profit media becomes state-run. Fifth step: show this enemy in actions that seem strange, militant, or different. Always portray the enemy as non-human, evil, a killing machine. [Chorus:] THIS IS HOW TO CREATE AN ENEMY. THIS IS HOW TO START A WAR. THIS IS HOW TO CREATE AN ENEMY. Sixth step: Eliminate opposition to the ruling party. Create an "Us versus Them" mentality. Leave no room for opinions in between. One that does not support all actions of the ruling party should be considered a traitor. Seventh step: Use nationalistic and/or religious symbols and rhetoric to define all actions. This can be achieved by slogans such as "freedom loving people versus those who hate freedom." This can also be achieved by the use of flags. Eighth step: Align all actions with the dominant deity. It is very effective to use terms like, "It is god's will" or "god bless our nation." Ninth step: Design propaganda to show that your soldiers have feelings, hopes, families, and loved ones. Make it clear that your soldiers are doing a duty; they do not want or like to kill. Tenth step: Create and atmosphere of fear, and instability and then offer the ruling party as the only solutions to comfort the public's fears. Remembering the fear of the unknown is always the strongest fear. [/COLOR] Depending on what extreme you're on, it may or may not be exaggerating. Keep in mind that this is a song, but for me, its a little nastalgic. It makes me think of the events leading to the war, all the chaos after 9/11, all the fear and confusion... I remember that after 9/11 I was asking so many questions. I was as shocked and horrified as everyone. This is the war that's happening in our generation and to be completely honest, I could have never forseen an attack so history-making and so unexpected happening in my lifetime. I didn't even know at the time that Clinton bombed them in the 90's (which turned out to be a hospital, or was it an aspirin factory?), or that the tension between Western and Middle East was that bad, I was just a kid back in those days, the only big thing I recall from back then is the Columbine shooting. And when I learned about Osama bin Laden and what has happened in the past, and then after heard of the "nukes and missles and chemical weapons" in Iraq, and it just seems like it all happened so fast. And then what? There were no weapons. I mean, at least Saddam is gone, but does that really make America or any other country safer? The world really did change from that event. And the US literally jumped the gun, too soon, and just opened up the floodgates.... could things have turned out differently if this was approached democratically? Doing anything other than starting a full scale "pre-emptive" attack because of bad intelligence on innocent people? :animesigh Maybe I'm just spouting nonsense...perhaps...I just want real answers, not the same old justifications and political rhetoric. :animeblus And holy cow, I just realized how long this thread is... that was quite the rant, I give kudos whoever took the time to read all that.
[QUOTE=Ziggy Stardust][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]This is how I see it: the US had stepped on a landmine. Ya know, like in those war movies, were the guy hear's the click and everyone freezes, because one false move can set it off? And while that guy is standing there, contemplating how to get off the mine without being blown to hell, a distrubed colony of warrior ants attacks him and starts crawling up his pant leg. He can't move, because than he'll get blown to hell, and he can't stand there, because no one likes ants in your pants, right? It's essentially correct; the US is stuck in Iraq now. They simply can't leave, and almost definatly won't ever leave without Iraq degenerating into a civil war/seperate radical states/glass. Now, I agree Sadam was a monster and a cruel dictator, but one thing he could do was keep a country filled with religious radicals (note: not all Muslims, but there are a lot of radicals in Iraq) run secularily, and keep it from destroying itself, witch would have ultimaty done more damage than he ever did personally. IMO this war will do far more damage than Saddam ever did, and Saddam was a bastard, don't get me wrong, I hate the guy... this war is just... *bleh*[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] You deserve a standing ovation for that. And three years after the invasion started, shouldn't things be getting *somewhat* better? No, the anniversary is celebrated with "Operation Swarm". And Bush is still singing the same tune. "This is for Iraq", "I believe in our strategies in place to make Iraq a free country" It's all the same stuff we've heard before, and to be quite honest I'm tired of hearing the same old justifications. I mean, they can barely even admit they were wrong. It took Cheney a whole day to come out about shooting his buddy in the face, what else do you think they're hiding? I shudder to think. :animesigh I concur with the *bleh*.
"How Sakura Stole Christmas" yea, I beat ya'll to it! :animeswea
OOOoOO socks, I like socks. They keep my feet warm. I usually wear white socks and printed socks. I used to never wear black socks. I do now, but I still get really grossed out when people wear black socks and shorts. EW. :animedepr don't ask why, but I just hate it. Right now, I'm wearing grey socks, with pink toe/heels and little skull and cross bones with nice little pink ribbons on their.. uhm... skulls? Yes. Sometimes I also just wear whatever random socks there are available. Mismatching socks rule.
I can't believe I forgot all about Grease. That was seriously one of the greatest musicals ever. Oh John Travolta, how did you hit those notes? The songs are fun to sing to as well, they are currently being played at work, amongst lots of other songs, but I swear whenever it comes on, nearly everyone in the store will be singing or humming along. Another musical that may not be mentioned is "South Park: Bigger Longer, Uncut"... That counts as a musical right? There's lots of singing... and sooo funny. Of course, I can't really sing any of the songs because all we'd see are asterisks. :animeblus Another one that I totally forgot to mention is Nightmare Before Christmas!! Definately a classic for me. One of Tim Burton's finest. *Sings* This is Halloween, this is halloween, HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEN... in this town, we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song!
More... Gundam Seed- [SPOILER] Pretty much the whole series was good, but Phase 49 and 50 were just simply phenominal. When Mu dies (so sad!), and Ramius fires the Loengrin at Bagirule and Azrael.[/SPOILER] ... yea that whole part was just the icing on the cake with a cherry on top and whip cream and strawberries on the side. Gundam Seed Destiny- [SPOILER] When the fake Lacus dies.[/SPOILER] I saw it coming, but it was still really "Wow"
Introvert, Extrovert, or Ambivert?
KatanaViolet replied to Albert Flasher's topic in General Discussion
Before I may have said I was an extrovert, because I do have extroverted tendencies. More or less, I can be an extrovert when I choose to be. But I'd say I'm more of an ambivert, because in other occasions, I just prefer not to deal with people. I'm happy with this, because I like to do my own thing and be a little introverted, but then in the same token I work at a fast-paced, customer-obsessed retail store, where I have to be extroverted. And I can pull that off as well. :catgirl: -
[QUOTE=Delta][COLOR=#656446]^ I've about 5 major exams spread out (rather unevenly) through a period of four days. You know, we should really refrain from logging in to OB for the next three days or so. ^.^ I absolutely don't study for an exam if I wasn't able to 'til the day before. IOW, I don't cram. I need to "ferment" whatever I've picked up in books for a good two days before I get the hang of them. So probably that's why I don't get stressed out during exams. It's either 'cause a) I'm confident that I can pass them tests with my level of knowledge or; b) the less I know, the less stuff clutter my brain. (It's b, in most cases.)[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Oh god, I totally agree. Haha not to mention I'm trying to do cleaning, have that term paper to do for the 27th, have another assignment for Japanese due on Tuesday. I wanted to go out of town for easter weekend to see my family, turns out my finals are right after the weekend. I just had a Stats exam, I wonder how I did... :animestun
I only got Asterisk so far, but I really liked it....the other ones you mentioned are proving to be rather illusive... funny, I didn't even start this thread... what happened to the thread starter anyways? hm.. More Japanese music goodness! See Saw//Anna Ni Issho Datta No Ni (Gundam Seed Ending 1) Siam Shade//No! Marionette Younha//Houki Boushi The Dying Breed//My World Down Susumu Nishikawa & Nana Kitade//Kesenai Tsumi
oh goodness, are you a university student? I just had three midterms in three days in a row this week. How the heck do you prepare for that!? Not to mention I have a paper due in 10 days that I haven't started. And I'm not even taking the full course load of 5 courses, I'm only taking 4! Although kind of like Ziggy, I don't really get super stressed about the tests themselves. I had a stats midterm that I knew I was hopeless on, and I just went to class and finished the exam and then left. I can't wait till this semester is over, I'm not gonna lie to you.
8/10 for the sig, what anime is it from?? I really like how it fades out, and the quote underneath is very nice. Where did you get the quote from, a song perhaps? Personally I like the sig better than the av, but don't ask me why... for some reason it just looks better as a sig. Nicely done.
[quote name='Senko]i dont know i would have to say... when kenshin [spoiler]killed shishio[/spoiler'] (i know i know but i dont want to give away too much info) anyways i would have to say that moment in anime history because that battle was the last battle of the whole rurouni kenshin series on toonami and i was young so i didnt know really about everything yet so that contributed as well :catgirl:[/quote] Nani!?!?! I haven't seen that part yet... Use SPOILER tags next time please...:animesigh For me, I guess it would be in Naruto when [SPOILER] Naruto and Sasuke duke it out. Sasuke becomes Orochimaru's little monster and Naruto uses the Nine Tailed Fox's chakra and then they both use their special jutsu's on each other.[/SPOILER] I couldn't contain myself! And also in Gundam Seed Destiny, when [SPOILER]Kira gets back in the Freedom. Although I expected it,[/SPOILER] it was still really exciting to see.
So I went on a little downloading spree, looking up all the bands listed here and there. [B]Porno Graffiti:[/B] "Hitori no Yoru"- I really like the beat of this song, it's a funky kinda rock. Really bouncy and that's what I like about this song. "Agehacho"- The beat sounds somewhat latino, and also very upbeat. I love the flute! "Melissa"- At first I didn't really like this, because the beginning wasn't really tweaking my ears, but as I listened to the rest of the song I started to enjoy it, although I like the other two songs much better. [U]Verdict[/U]: Definately a band worth checking out, it's upbeat pop/rock songs are great to listen to on my MP3 player. [B]Utada Hikaru[/B] "Tokyo Nights"- Very pop song, but I love how unique it sounds, at least unlike North American pop songs. "Devil Inside"- The beginning of this song I was just kind of waiting to hear the rest of it to decide what I thought of it. But again, very different from most pop songs, and I like the guitar in it too. As well as the Japanese instrument (I forget what it's called). Great song. [U]Verdict[/U]: Very unique pop music, I would definately prefer this over the stuff that is popular here. [B]L'Arc~En~Ciel[/B] "Forever (Eien)"- This song reminded me of The Strokes. I love it. "Lies and Truth"- This song is okay, the opening was a little blah, but then it kind of picked up a little bit. I liked the use of violins. Good stuff. [U]Verdict[/U]: I allready liked these guys, so expanding my song list by them is just lovely. [B]Glay[/B] "Scream"- This is such a funky song. Has a bit of a industrial/techno feel to it. I just wanna boogy when I listen to it. "So Far Yet So Close"- Quite different from Scream, but also a very unique and beautiful song. "Way of Difference"- Another slower song, very mellow, I would listen to this while I'm studying or lounging. I like how it picks up a little bit too, kind of lifts you up from the mellowness. [U]Verdict[/U]: If there are more songs as awesome as Scream, I definately want to hear more.
[QUOTE=kenshinsbabe][SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]It doesn't matter who the person is. Everyone should get a fair trial. For those of you who have read it, this reminds me of Harper Lee's "To Kill A Mockingbird". For those of you who haven't, the event I'm referring to is the trial of an African-American man during the 1920-1930 time period, where black people were considered inferior. Usually, no matter what the blacks said or whether they were clearly innocent, they were convicted just because of their skin color. The same thing is happening here. Sure, he may be guilty, but there's absolutely no reason whatsoever to deny the man a proper trial. And shame on you, lee123, as a fellow American, to even suggest such an obstruction of justice. Saddam Hussein is a human being, like you and me, and should be treated as such. While I share your contempt for his actions, we should a least give him a chance of redemption, or at least to tell his side of the story.[/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] I agree. He may have been a tyrannical dictator, but if people are going to charge him for war crimes, he deserves a trial, regardless of how much of a circus it is. I would think that having a fair trial is a human right. What I look forward to now is the impeachment of George Bush. As I said in your other thread, Lee, I find Bush to be just as guilty of war crimes. Perhaps you all may not understand my logic, but I strongly and passionately oppose what's going on in the middle east. But I'm allready worried that I may have offended some in the other thread, so I'm going to leave it at that.