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    I'm christian, I like purple,...and...um...i'm allergic to cats! >.>
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    nothing really

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  1. [COLOR=Indigo]Girl: It's just a 59 easy steps progam to a life of dance!!!! Why is that so difficult?! that is the best i can do at the moment :animesigh i'm exhausted :sleep: [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Indigo]Duo with an evil glint in his eye: "And this ladies and gentlemen, is the very fruit which plunged the world into sin at the beginning of creation...." Crowd: *scream* *jump[/COLOR]*
  3. This was first time innocent Bubbles was exposed to the life of a stripper :flasher:
  4. [COLOR=Indigo]As a suggestion if you are considering getting Cardcaptor Sakura then try and get the original Japanese version, not the english dubbed version. Not just because I don't llike dubbing in general but because they did terrible on the whole series. I would definitley suggest Inuyasha, Card Captor Sakura, any Miyazaki movies, Sailor moon for younger girls, Rurouni Kenshin and DBZ. animes that I want to see that you could get are Full Metal Alchemist and Fruits Baskets. Also I suggest Yu Yu Hakusho. It's my personal favorite anime. As for Miyazaki movies I recommend Castle in the sky, Howl's moving castle, Spirited Away and Kikki's Delivery Service. -Hope I helped! :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  5. Well I guess everyone who's gonna post has. so here are the winners-- Third place: Ikillion [QUOTE]"Hiei's reaction after sex ed class."[/QUOTE] second place: DeGHead [QUOTE]That was one crazy party last nigh--- wait?!, why am I in the woods?!"[/QUOTE] lol Firt place: CoLoR_Me_EviL [QUOTE]Hiei: WHERE DID YOU FIND THOSE PICTURES OF ME AND KURAMA?!![/QUOTE] That is so sick and wrong, but hilarious! Honorable Mention: Gaara kun [QUOTE]Hiei: "Not his gumdrop buttons!"[/QUOTE] I have a feeling you've been wanting to use that for a long time
  6. [COLOR=Indigo]I think that Hiei is the Hottest bad*** ever. you just never know how he's going to react to things but he's always like Hn. Then again Kurama is also a bad*** cuz he has some of the most vicious and deadly attacks. They're awesome!! And I don't know if this counts but I think Sephiroth(sp) from Final Fantasy VII is The Greatest Evil Villian Ever. a definite bad***[/COLOR]
  7. ok, its been 9 days. thats 3 days for ikillion and 3 days for r2vq so now its my turn :catgirl: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25509&stc=1[/IMG] Have fun!
  8. [COLOR=Indigo]The stuffed animal gasped in horror when it saw where Uryu was aiming the needle. I have had WAY to much sugar today :catgirl: :D [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Indigo]Ok for cryin out loud!!! how long till the picture is posted!!! :animecry: sry i just really don't want this thread to die. its too much fun :D [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Indigo]it looks good to me, and we can only hope that the adult in the picture (if you click on Dagger's link he's with the guy we all previously thought as the professor) is the real proffesor. but i have no idea who the kid is. Surely though, its the adult. :all: [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Indigo]yusuke : Look! Kurama, you have no teeth!! and Kuwabara, you have no brain!!!! Kurama: this is quite troubling Kuwabara: hey you can't tell that just by looking at my reflection!!! yusuke: trust me i don't need the mirror -_- well theres my contribution.....yeah...lol[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Indigo]Well i'm clumsy anyway so i spill and knock over alot of stuff all the time. as it is i don't even flinch now, i just go straight to damage control. ok one time i was driving to birmingham with my aunt, and we stopped at wendy's and got a sweet tea and i spilled the ENTIRE cup on the seat (luckily not on myself) and made my aunt turn around to get me another tea. :D I also tried to give hints to some of my guy friends (to help my girl friends out) and none of them got it, and i actually had to come up with a story to cover up with one of them because for some reason he thought that i had asked him a question even though i didn't, and he wouldn't shut up! :animesigh ask my parents what stupid things i've done >.> yeah that was smart. -_- um.....my cousin walked around for half an hour holding her drink, while looking for it. :D she was taking sips and would give her best friend a drink but kept looking for it until her friend finally pointed it out to he. lol My friend and I drove into the parking lot of wendy's throught the exit :animesmil I'm pretty sure i'll think of other things later on :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Indigo]I think once you except that penguins are the dominant species and are taking over the earth, then your life will be put into perspective :D sry i'm not in a very serious mood right now :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  14. [color=Indigo]Well lets see, I can't give out any personal information point blank or i'll be banned from the computer but here goes I'm a girl I'm over 14 but under 16 (lets hope ya'll are all smart enough to figure that out) I live in MS I luv anime and purple Cats are my favorite animal even though i'm extremely allergic to them I'm addicted to chocolate milkshakes and beef jerky. And................math sucks [/color]oh yeah, and i'm a christian. that may be somewhat important lol [color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]Awaken, posting twice in a row isn't allowed on OtakuBoards, so I've merged together your posts to bring them in line with our rules. If you haven't already I suggest you read the Rules and FAQ, located on the left sidebar. If you're still confused about OB's posting policies, or anything concerning the site, feel free to message me or any of the other Moderators. -Raiyuu [/font][/color]
  15. [COLOR=Indigo]Here are mine. some of them are inside jokes with my friends lol self proclaimed penguin pusher self proclaimed hiei obsessor self proclaimed moron (everyone agrees with this self proclamation) self proclaimed evil person :animesmil self proclaimed drama queen (not because i dramamtize everything, but because of all the drama in my life :twitch: ) self proclaimed freak self proclaimed girl with multiple personalities i'll probably think of more later [/COLOR]
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