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[COLOR=Navy][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS]*strettttttttttttch* now, i propose a game of creativeness (that's a word, right?) It's a simple game of story telling, i will start the story, and each person will write a bit of it and so on, yes? ok, here are some general things: -each person is allowed to write one to three sentences -the story is circled around the protagonist mainly, you can introduce other characters but keep in mind that they are only side charecters -no heavy swearing, please keep it clean -if the story gets to a point where it can no longer to continued, or people are bored, you may start another one, however, only one story can be "active" at any time.................. ......... yeah, that's it also, keep in mind that while you can be as random as you want and creative, some other person can change the story in an instant, so be sure you come perpared... ;) Here goes: protesgonist: Rei Rei was walking down a dark, narrow alley when he appeared out of no where, silent as darkness itself..........[/FONT][/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS]ok, this is kind of embarassing actually, but i don't know what's happening with my artwork. i've been trying to upload it for a while, and everytime i do so, it saids it'll appear whin 48 hours, and well, it's been like a week. sooooooooooo a little help or explaination would be deeply appriciated here :animeswea [/FONT][/B][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=sakurasuka][size=1] From what I've gathered from the OP, three are lies and one is the truth, here are my 'facts'. 1- I hate anime. 2- I hate Billie Joe Armstrong. 3- I am unemployed. 4- I like to dye my hair. [/size][/QUOTE] i am guessing it's 4. first, if hate anime you wouldn't be here. second, you profile CLEARLY states you are anything BUT an Bilie Joe hater. third, according to your profile, you have a job....... :animesigh well that took alot out of me, and no, Sakurasuka, mine isn't actually that hard, just read carefully.
[B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Now, this is just something i thought of while having no idea what i should do , so more than likely it's going to be a horrible idea..... but i'm gonna say it anyways, if anything, just to torture you guys :) just like what my fav blue shirt says" too bad for you " you get to provide four things about yourself, in which three of them are true. only one is false (try to leave clues in what you say) the next person will try to guess which is false and say according to what "evidence" you've "found" (oh yeah, you are allowed to use their profiles, so pick hard ones)try to sound as logical as possible ;) and say 4 things about yourself as well and so on....... you can later post the answer (if possible, as soon as someone has replied) ofcourse, if you want you can answer someone besides the person that posted before you ......just not too far before....... First, my turn: 1. i am so organized i have a schedule of what i do for everyday 2. i have lived in two countries and travel to two 3. i love anything girly 4. i love the warm colors well, good luck *since every seems to be doing it the originalway, i changed it*[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
[QUOTE=Sojiro47]I'm not that cold! I'll live on the island, thank you! Would you rather be in Gaza City right now? Or... Would you rather be held at gun-point?[/QUOTE] [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS]gun-point no dout, i might be able to talk the killer out of killing the pathetic little me. but if i was in Gaza City............................ here's one for the people taveling in other countries: Would you rather to be unwanted company? OR Would you rather have a unwanted company?[/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS] Mars, it's so much bigger and more earth-like than moon...besides, moon is so ..yesterday, if you know what i mean.. Oh, and devilsmaid, i don't think you are allowed to double post like that, next time, use edit... and, i am SO sorry, Raphael, have i told you that i suck at typing? ...well, now you know. :animeswea Also, i would REALLY apreciated if people could just give sort of a answer as to the compitition thing? it really help me, if you hated (you probably do) just say so, i don't mind, as long as you give sort of a response..... Oooook: -be a nerdy genius who creates the time-machine OR -be a dumb pop singer who can't even spell the word "time-machine"[/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS] :animestun Holycow, i've only being away for a WEEK, and the posts have almost DOUBLED!!! :animestun Again, i send out my thanx to everyone that posted on this thread. THANK YOU :toothy: As for Rapheal's choice, i'd choose the first one.... trust me, you don't want to know why, it would probably wound your soul, permanently..... NOW, i've being thinking, as a celebrition for the success of this thread, to have a little compitition/showdown/match or whatever you want to call it. It's still just an idea, so feel free to suggest anything. :p The basic idea is to present a "choose....", to your "opponent", the harder it is, the better. As for the opposing side, their job is to provide an answer (just like what you'd do normally), but this time, they MUST state their reason, not only to explain why they chose it, also to try to think of ways to persuade others to believe your choice is better. So, the more complete/logical the reason is the better... (Both opponents will a "choose..." and answer each others' challenge... so it's better to make your choices really hard, so they have no chance of choosing the "better one") It's kind of like a tournament, it's divided into pairs and rounds (like a fighting tournament) the winner of each match will go one to the next round and face the winners from other matches and so on. Of course, if this does take place, then the choices stated by the participents will only be allowed to be answered by the their opponets, however, those who don't choose to participate can post their choices freely and go on like normal. Even if you are in the "showdown", you can post your choices other than the ones you used for the match and answer others'challenge freely. Confusing? i know, but it's just an idea, there's a 80% chance it won't happen at all, if no one wants to join...... well, it's up to you But if you like challenges and want to test your skills, this might interest you.. If anyone wishes to suggest anything or express their opinions, or sign up feel free to post it or just message me Oh, did i mention if you win, you'll be like..like the ULTIMATE CHOOSE CHAMPION???!! :D MAN, i like to babble.......... Anyways.... :animeswea choose: -hear me talk about my stupid ideas that my brain has no space for? :animedepr (it has too much junck as it is :animeswea ) OR -hear your freaky history teacher talk about his/her childhood? Radom head appears : Listen you.. ....yes, you! if you wanna have a chance at living, choose the latter P.S. would please quote the info of the "contest" along so others would know? often people just go to the last page and skipp the middle..... :animeswea i'd appreciate it if you guys did...thanks[/FONT][/B]
[QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1][B]Would you rather be caught right in the act of having an affair by your significant others ?[/B] Or [B]Would you rather be the one to catch your significant other in the act of having an affair ?[/B][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS] i'd rather catch my "other" as Gavin puts it having an affair than the first, just because i'd feel incredoubly guilty for cheating in the first place for rest of my LIFE. Besides, by catching him having an affair would make him feel guilty, so i could *cough* blackmail*cough* Anyways......... here mine: -would you rather have holidays where you are extremely bored since you are not allowed to go anywhere (but you get a break form school) OR -would you spend your days working extremely hard in school, but you are surrounded by friends and have lots of fun..... when you are not doing essays or equations or reports ......you get the idea [/FONT][/B]
[QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1][B]Would you rather, visit Ireland on the most pleasant day of the year weather wise, and see it's beautiful sights ?[/B] Or [B]Would you rather visit Scotland on the day of the League Final, walk into a Celtic bar and declare loudly "God Save the Queen."[/B] Hey, nobody said they had to be difficult choices...[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS] well, actually................um.............yeah ok, i guess you are right as for your choices i'd chose the first one just because i dislike anything that envolves me speaking infront of people..... Ok: -would you, girls :spend a day with a guy looking at cars, guys: spend a day with a girl...shopping! OR -would you spend a day with your geeky, annoying third counsin that you didn't even know existed sorry, i know it's a horrible one........ :animeswea [/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS] million knives...he probably won't even show up for the date since he's too busy killing others..... ok, this one is especially for Ikillion: -would you rather have your legs and arms and your head tied to five different horse wagons, and get them pulled apart (it was an actual punishment in the ancient days of China.... :animedepr ) and fed to the dogs... OR -would you rather have your limbs striped off piece by piece on your legs & arms (only the bones are left..) and then thrown into hot lava..... and THIS is for everyone else: (ofcourse, if you want to answer both, you can) -would you rather be blind (permanetly) for your entire life OR -would you rather be paralyzed for the rest of your life (personally i'd never be able to choose, i'd hate not being able to see since i love drawing and i'd hate not being able to move as well for the same reason....hope i never have to choose for real either :( ) *has someone already done somthing like this? well, forgive if it was..i'm just too lazy to check :animeswea [/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS] i'd go with George Bush all the way, if i go with the queen i'd be feching her this and that all day plus explaining why the horsies go round and round......... :twitch:.....it's not like i'm a mechanic (sp?) or anything... besides if i go with Bush i can slip away any time ........he'll to busy drooling over lollielops.... ok: -for a week eat nothing but sweets that contain sugar......sugar and more sugar -_- OR -for a week, eat your mom's so called organic food......:animedepr (......mom, why is my food......MOVING!!!!!!! :faint: Edit: man i write slow.......... for Ikillion's choice.....well neither seem too um....comfortable.... but i'd rather choose the latter, i prefer cold things.....[/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS]interesting thread, well, ok, i'm 14 and live in Toronto, Canada (one of the few) um....i'm a girl just so you know, shocking, i know.... i like drawing, not just anime, and i prefer reading/TV over other things i tend to have a split personality, i'm the quiet type for half of the time, but if you know me long enough i turn into this really weird and LOUD girl...... :animesigh oh yeah, i'm into history of places like Egypt.......i like their myth and legends :animeblus and i DISLIKE mushy romance...[/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS] first one ofcourse, even though it'll be reaaaaaally painful, it will heal eventually....where as never being loved in your life is just something that your soul would never heal from..... cheesy, i know :animeshy: ooook: -a date with the most stupid person in the world OR -a date with a complete stuck up[/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS]wooooooooo, hard one. um, i think i'd rather dance naked in front the president than on the streets, it's not like i'm ever gonna ever see him again.....besides, he'll be the only person who would see it..... ok: -would you rather live poorly and gets pushed around every single day but you have freedom OR -would you rather live like a millionaire and buy what ever you want in the world but you can't do a single thing without a reporter around[/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS] um.........latter i suppose, i'd rather be sued, there are some pretty good lawyers out there :catgirl: there's been a lot of death choices posted lately, so i thought maybe i should post one that's a little less.....corpsy? ok: -would you rather be a secutary (don't think it's the right sp) who is harassed by you boss, but can't tell anyone, or you'll be fired.... OR -would you rather be the innocent boss that gets accused for harassing you employee..... (those poor poor people :animesigh ) i hope everyone keeps posting, because i really like this thread.. :) [/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS] destitute with the love of my life of course, atleast you've got someone to talk to that you won't kill within a hour :animeswea [/FONT][/B]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][B]i'd rather choose the first one for KanataVoilet's , not sure why though.... :animeswea and as for the nuclear bomb one, i'd rather kill a good man than my family and friends....even though it's kinda selfish... Choose: -eat a susage made of LIVE worms (like on survivor) :animedepr OR -put your hand in a sink full of snakes for 12 hours [/B] [/FONT]
[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS] i know it's kind of random, but i just always thought that for some anime characters, they could choose a better voice. llike for example, Naruto's voice, it's just kind of girly almost. And the pharoah from yu-gi-oh, his voice is WAY to old!!!! Also, i resently saw Fullmetal Alchamist, and Al's voice is so....childish, i know he's suppose to be young and all, but ........ (i don't mean to offend anyone, so if i do, please forgive me :animecry: ) well, i was just wandering if anyone agreed with me....[/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS] i never thought so many people would respond, wow... personally, i'd prefer the zombies, they tend to be strong but dumb (no offense), insane people scares me..... :animeswea ok, here's one: -standing on the streets for a day wearing a over sized bunny suit, and say "have a bunnirific(is that a word) day!" every time someone comes by...under the hot sun OR -spend a day at your grandma's house (no offense to the grandmas out there), cleaning up every single one of her 20 cats'litter box, and hearing about how stupid electronics are...... [/FONT][/B]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] i just wanted to started a game kind of thread, and i remembered a game i used to play with my friends it's really simple, you are given two situations/choices, both horrible, and you have to choose ONE....and give your reasons... ok: -spent a night in a dark, cold dungeon all alone for a night OR -spent a day stuck in a mall's change room with a nothing but your underclothes on[/FONT]
[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS]i've reading a certain series of manga for a while now, (eg. rurouni kenshin) and i thought it's about time i change to someting else. But i always seem to choose the worst ones, so i was wandering if anyone could make some suggestions? i don't really have a specific "taste" as you would call it, anything YOU like is good............. :animeswea [/FONT][/B]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] Wow, I never knew you spend 3 years of your life on toilets........ scary thought :animedepr -our eyes are always the same size as when we were born, but our nose and ears never stop growing -"Tom Sawyer" was the first novel written on a typewriter -humans blink over 10,000,000 times a year[I](freaky)[/I] [/FONT]
Who's line is it anyway?-Otaku lounge style comedy corner
myst replied to Nomura's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] [B]Teacher: Now.... let's see,it's your turn (pointing to the little boy hiding in the dark, cold, lonely, tiny corner) Boy: (nod.....trip) ow(get up....trip) [I]finally he reaches the front[/I] Boy: (open his mouth).................. [I]silence[/I] Boy: (open mouth and..)................... [I]silence[/I] Boy: ............. t-t-the end....... Teacher: (holding up his book) BRILLIANT!!!!!!! Just brilliant! [I]zoom in---book title: The Silent Speech[/I] [/B] [/FONT] [B]i'm really not good at this topic..... :animeshy: [/B] -
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][B]I agree with you, :D Green day's really good. I don't really have a fav band :animeswea , but Simple Plan is pretty good. :animesmil [/B] [/FONT]
[B]well, i think i'd like to own a small cafe. where you can just kind walk in and have a icecream or something. you know, like something cozy, not too big[/B]