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* thinking* "talking"
[I]A girl and a guy walk in to the most romantic/expensive place in town[/I]
Girl: * OH MY GOD, today is the day! He is going to ask me THE question!!!!!!!*
Guy: " So, um, I cough need to um tell you someting cough"
Girl: * This IS it!!!!!!*
Guy: " um....I know this is sudden, but um, I think that we should........."
Girl: [I]jumps up and squeals[/I] "YES, yes!!!! My answer's yes!!!!!!!!!"
Guy: " 0_0; That not........."
Girl: " Oh, how great is THIS! We are so perfect for each other, I knew it from the start!!!!"
Guy:" Listen, I'm breaking up ........"
Girl: " Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Guy: " [I]slams his fist on the table[/I] LISTEN, I AM BREA-KING U-P WI-TH YOU!"
Girl: " [I]singing[/I] La la la la la la la I'm getting married la la la...."
It's not really that funny :animeswea