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Everything posted by myst

  1. myst

    Crop circles

    [QUOTE=John]Wow. This really shouldn't even be up for questioning, Prick Wizard. People admitted long ago to making the crop circles, and showed clearly and logically how they did so. There's no debate here, lol.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]true, some people adimitted that they made some of the crop circles. But not all, and besides they've found that in some of the crop circles made, the wheats showed no sign of breaking, and they found tiny wholes near the bottom of the plants. And only the ones inside the crop circle happen to have these unexplained wholes.[/FONT]
  2. myst

    Random Facts

    [FONT=Comic Sans MS] -a "jiffy" is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second -it's physically impossible to lick your elbow -typewriter is the longest word that can be made by only using the letters on one row of the keyboard -average life span of a major league baseball: 7 pitches :animesmil [/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Comic Sans MS] * thinking* "talking" [I]A girl and a guy walk in to the most romantic/expensive place in town[/I] Girl: * OH MY GOD, today is the day! He is going to ask me THE question!!!!!!!* Guy: " So, um, I cough need to um tell you someting cough" Girl: * This IS it!!!!!!* Guy: " um....I know this is sudden, but um, I think that we should........." Girl: [I]jumps up and squeals[/I] "YES, yes!!!! My answer's yes!!!!!!!!!" Guy: " 0_0; That not........." Girl: " Oh, how great is THIS! We are so perfect for each other, I knew it from the start!!!!" Guy:" Listen, I'm breaking up ........" Girl: " Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!" Guy: " [I]slams his fist on the table[/I] LISTEN, I AM BREA-KING U-P WI-TH YOU!" Girl: " [I]singing[/I] La la la la la la la I'm getting married la la la...." [/FONT] It's not really that funny :animeswea
  4. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]I don't really know much about story writing, but I think having twists may be helpful[/FONT]
  5. myst

    Manga Hair

    [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]i'm not great at hair but i think there's a few things that might help you : - make it look puffy,(don't stick to the outline of the head), that will give it mass - just go with the pencil, don't try too hard to perfect each stroke, (does that make sense?) make the hair look natural, don't be afraid to just ..........draw :p [/COLOR]
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