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Everything posted by anime_dark

  1. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]I really hope it's gonna be a good picture..[/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Kon: (My stuffed animal in distress trick will get Rukia to come to my rescue and nee-san will feel sorry for me and we will ...) Ichigo: What are you doing Kon? Kon: Mpphhh !! ( Crap,it's Ichigo ! Go away ichigo !) Ichigo: You poor stuffed animal ! Let's play a game to make you feel better.. First let's go to somewhere private.. Kon: MPPHHHH !!!!! (Noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!)[/COLOR][/FONT] And they lived happily ever after
  3. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Congrats ! You are now a ninja ! Unfortunately you are the lamest ninja in the entire COSMOS !! On a deadly mission to assassinate the president of United States you accidentaly dropped 1,000 bombs on to the ground when using a weapon scroll. Sadly those 1,000 bombs also turned out to be nuclear which eventually caused half the world to be burnt to crisp by you.. And as an extra you also passed away on that day ![/COLOR][/FONT] [B][SIZE=2]I wish to have total control of the entire human race !![/SIZE][/B]
  4. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Can nails be eaten? LMAO.. I'm gonna guess for Sakura's riddle that it's a POTATO Riddle: There are 3 light bulbs and 3 switches.Light bulbs upstairs and switches downstairs. You can only make 1 trip up and you can't come back down after that. How do you determine which switch is for which light bulb? Oh and you can't use a weapon like a stick or call a fren or something.. It's just you,3 switches, 3 light bulbs and the stairs. BTW this is a science question.. It can be called a riddle right?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]The opposite find me attractive for my kindness.. In public i'm really as good and loyal as your pet dog could be.. But on the computer? No way ![/COLOR][/FONT] :animeswea
  6. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]i'm gonna tell my second stupidest thing.. Well... Me and my friend were talking about girls in class coz we had nothing better to do (When bored we always talk about girls =.=) So i said i wanted to play truth or dare(Lame game) coz i was really freaking bored and we MUST do what the guy dares you to do,those were the so called rules.. And so my fren spinned the bottle and it pointed to poor old me(Sad isn't it?) Guess what he dared me to do :rolleyes: He dared me to propose to a girl which happened to be our Class Monitor.. Holy crap i really wanted to kill him for doing such a thing... And yeah i proposed and she ended up being my gf.. Now she's my ex though :animesigh[/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Gosh, those are harsh.. Let me see... Babysit my cousin who is obsessed with barbie.. I could always bring my dad's labtop there and surf the internet while trying to keep my cousin shutted up from yapping about barbie. Question: The teacher forces you to go on a class trip and you have only 2 choices, would you.. Go to a Mental Hospital and be in charge of a woman who thinks she's a horse or Go to a Circus and be humiliated in front of 1 thousand ppl by the clowns?[/COLOR] [/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Long argue here.. I agree with Samurai Mix that Kingdom Hearts 2 does have it's unique qualities. I mean sure Final Fantasy or even Dragon Quest could be better then KH 2 but like Samurai Mix said "I just found the battle system like nothing I ever played. I love the combat system. Im not going to excuse the backtracking or platforming they were God awful. The camera is fine once you get used to it. But for some fights it can be a real pain." And yeah I like Final Fantasy for it's cool story but i hate the battle system when it's like :- Monster: My turn ! *Whack* Tidus: My turn ! *Bash* And then it keeps repeating itself. When I played KH 1 I was like "Wow,Square Enix finally made a game which is gonna get me even more addicted then FFX," KH1 and 2 were REALLY GOOD games. I mean who would have thought of putting almost all the famous disney shows together in 1 single game? You don't see that everyday.. Oh and i just wanted to speak my thoughts out, not to argue like mad ppl[/COLOR][/FONT] :D
  9. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Havock gayishly hugged Mustang's leg when Mustang bravely said he would wear a miniskirt for a week for losing in a dual.. Wonder what's wrong with Havock?[/COLOR][/FONT] :rolleyes:
  10. [quote name='FLCLdude0189']I wasn't able to get it I hate myself but Im gonna get it tomarrow but I've seen the intro & it is superb Utada Hikaru is still my favorite japanese pop singer Simple & Clean was a master piece to keep for anyone but Passion...OMG! I was like no way I love it no dissapointment really was anyone able to get the game?[/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS] [COLOR=Indigo]I got the game in January LOL.. Freaking japanese vers.. I'm beginning to regret buying it and spoiling the story for me T_T... BUT IT WAS FRIGGIN AWESOME !! And yeah you might faint when you start expereincing the power that is Dual Weilding[/COLOR].[/FONT]
  11. [QUOTE=Hanabishi Recca]I would pick letter A. I have a hard time thinking that I would be killing someone. It would be hard to deal with myself. It also depends on if it was inteded to kill them. If it was, I would defeninty pick A. Would you rather have your mother or father taken away?[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]I reject to answer this question !!!! If i REALLY have to answer then i guess it would be my mom that was taken away... :animecry: :animecry: :animecry: Question: A GF with a great personality but lousy looks or a GF with a celebrity look but lousy personality?[/COLOR][/FONT] EDIT: Locked in a bedroom with Micheal Jackson.. Answered at the same time with Ralph =P
  12. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Nobody's favourite number is number 1 ? :D It turns out my fav number is famous =.= Yeah, it's 7.Got 3 reasons why. 1st is that 7 happens to be my basketball number.2nd is because it got me 10$ when i guessed it in a guessing game.3rd is coz of the K-Pop singer Se7en!! SEVEN ROCKS MY SOX ![/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Live my life never trying, unmotivate to do anything, and when I do something, it's really mediocre (basically, when all's said and done, I never really did anything worth talking about). Yup.. That's me.. Oh well. Question: Pie or Cake? Easy one[/COLOR][/FONT] :D
  14. [COLOR=Indigo]Vincent: Okay who filled my gun with water again !?[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Indigo]Yeah well someone better post the pic or else i have to post again and i don't like that =P[/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE=SunfallE][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Finally! A choice that doesn't include dying! ^_~ That?s actually a hard one to pick since I?ve played the Game where you can first play as the defender of the downtrodden and doer of good deeds: then play again as the downtrodder of the undefended and doer of evil deeds! LOL! Since in real life I?m unlikely to trod over anyone I?ll take the first one: [I]a Jedi Knight, defender of the downtrodden and doer of good deeds. [/I] Now for the next choice: [B]Would you rather watch-edited versions of Yu-Gi-Oh and other shows like Sailor Moon that have been butchered for a week? [/B] Or [B]Would you rather do without watching any anime for a month?[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Indigo]I'm gonna go for watch-edited versions of Yu-Gi-Oh and other shows like Sailor Moon that have been butchered for a week.. I CAN'T STAND THE THOUGHT OF NO ANIME.. My turn now ^^ Would you give up EVERYTHING(Parents,Clothes and other things u have) to get the girl of your dreams [FONT=Book Antiqua]or[/FONT] Let her be taken by your worst enemy to get supreme power(Maybe take over the world)?[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Indigo]Proud Mode!?!? You got guts to try that Swedish Chef.. I can't even get his life bars to go to half in normal difficulty... BTW he has at least [spoiler] 10+ life bars [/spoiler].. He still got the moves and grooves but damn what a pain it is to kill him...[/COLOR]
  18. [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Sakura just [spoiler]raped[/spoiler] christmas. I learn fun things in latin...and no its not it that way...you perverts.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Indigo]XD ! I think this one is gonna win and if it doesn't i shall be utterly crushed..[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Indigo]Nice Avatar Shinjitsu ! A blue that matches with narutos rasengan.. It even has a bit of shadow to the pic, not to mention that it displays the characters emotion.. 8½/10 And your sig... Not much difference from the avatar but good use of words and font so.. 8/10..Awesome work![/COLOR]
  20. I'd search for the BEST ANIME IN THE WORLD !! WAHAHAHA !! :laugh: ... But i guess if i REALLY wanted to find something... i'd try to find my ex- gf again... :animecry:
  21. If your looking for lots of humor, i STRONGLY suggest you watch School Rumble.. It has a few romance moments but you are guarenteed to laugh non-stop... Another show worth watching is Fruits Basket. The last few episodes are kinda sucky but it is very funny..
  22. Oni got 5 minutes so i'm gonna make it quick and snappy.. Third place goes to:[spoiler] _Kenshin_ [/spoiler] Super Second goes to :[spoiler] Keyblade Weilder, Gaara kun and Ikillion ! (Couldn't decide) And Omega First is :[spoiler] Katana Violet !! [/spoiler]
  23. Thanks for the info ! I'll ask kind Sephiroth to [spoiler] play dead [/spoiler] with me so i can get a new [spoiler] keyblade [/spoiler] . I have changed into the [spoiler] Anti-form [/spoiler] a few times but i can't seem to get him into my transform list.. i'v got all the forms including [spoiler] Final Form [/spoiler] but i just can't seem to get that last one.. I guess it's impossible to get it into the transform list... Oh well back to Sephiroth ^^
  24. [COLOR=Indigo]I'm gonna start with Chrno Crusade... [spoiler] Damn it was sad to see both Chrno and Rosette die...I was NOT expecting that. Sure they used up all thier powers and all but did they have to die just like that ! Why must the good die young !!![/spoiler][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]And then there's DN Angel.[spoiler] Most DN Angel fans would definitely think that the scene when Daisuke confessed he's feelings for Riku was Romantic.. I'm not that kind of mushy guy but i guess it was a moment to remember [/spoiler] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]Got lost more shows to say but i'll just put up those 2 coz i just finished watching them last night :D .[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Indigo]Another outstanding explanation by Swedish Chef ! If you ever gain any information on how to kill Sephiroth in KH2 and how to obtain [spoiler] Heartless form then please tell me. [/spoiler] Having a really hard time trying to get 100% for the game[/COLOR]
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