[FONT=Arial Narrow]The most goddamned overrated game of all tides and times.. would be Jak II, also known as Jak II - Renegade. I was a youngster and a n00b-player when I awaited this game, and it was not suffocating or satisfying at all. I looked so much forwards to this game because Jak and Daxter 1 would be known as one of the best games of the PS2 to be ever released, IMHO. >_>; and this game had nothing much of magic elements that the first game had! The magic and beautiful story and platforming did become replaced with GTA-styled hoverboard racing mixed with mafia wannabe **** that I didn't love! (sorry for the bad language once again guys!!) and it lacked that much of the elements a true platformer should have. And the level of difficulty was a pile of junk. It wasn't hard at all. I was able to complete it (almost), but the things that made me almost throw the controller into the ground was the fact that it tried to hard to be a mature game, and did not succed! Nearly all platforming games that have tried to be dark after the first light game phaaailes! Like Ratchet: Deadlocked, this game and several others! I am grateful that they have not turned the Sly funny games into such games! So Jak II according to me was overrated to the least, and that along with "Goldeneye" for the Nintendo 64. It was good, but it wasn't that.. exciting and good. Sure the 1st person view was exciting, but I thought it lacked a bit portion of the Bond magic. That's just my honest opinion, and I'm ready to be a whole lot bashed for my "bashing" of "Goldeneye". Also, the Grand Theft Auto was always shown to be amazing. I think it catches the athmosphere of everything that it needs to, and the game system and mission system rocked ***. O_O; but I think that it doesn't deserve 10/10 and such, just 9/10. >_>; another overrated game is Super Mario. >_>; all of the games exept for "Super Mario Bros 1, 2 & 3" are a tad bit overrated. But then again, the other games are fabolous. The Final Fantasy's a tad bit overrated? Not at all. Try to mention one other game that surpasses FF in its great originality! And I'm not the hugest RPG fan on the planet, I usually play such games as Prince of Persia, GUN and other shooter/action games. And God of War is also overrated. But Jak II beats it all. Hands down!! :animesmil [/FONT]