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merci grimm

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About merci grimm

  • Birthday 12/30/1985

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  • Biography
    hs student. taekwondo competitor. musical. artistic
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  1. has anyone out there seen Lain? if you like weird little psycho thrillers you should watch it. just remember: you'll actually have to THINK! ahhh!!! the horror! :nervous:
  2. oh, wow. i loved that movie. but the creepy michael jackson guy really freaked my out. after we watched it, my friends and i all ran around school humming that weird little song. it wa wonderfullness.:D
  3. [COLOR=darkblue]hmm...now, i think i'm gonna hafta go ***** at my cable company for not having the sci fi channel.
  4. i've seen it. i didn't really like it the first time i watched it (until i almost got to the end), because i thought it was a bit too slow. besides that, i was on a wicked msg high because i was eating a lot of chinese food and i'm allergic to that stuff. when i watched it again, i thought it was awsome. and i loved the kodoma. i want one to stick on my car as a hood ornament...fully functional head twitching and everything.:D
  5. ahhh!!!!! just reading your title made me want to see it again! it's wonderful. and twisted. and i'm sure springer would have a field day with everyone on it. there are some really sad parts, and some kick@ss parts, and a few parts that everyone would probably throw up if they saw in real life, but it is wonderful. go buy it now!
  6. yes. very stupid. and, personally, i think that the whole saiyaman stunt was the mos painful-to-watch dbz moment i've ever seen. but, he doeslook really hot once the helmet, sash, and glasses go off. :love: ...even more once the green tunic thing went off.:tasty:
  7. start acting like your about to throw a kamehameha wave. hopefully, everyone will think you're crazy enough to leave you alone. for some reason, when i draw characters in class, no one really makes a big deal about it. i guess just because they've all embrased my strangeness. maybe if they get to that point with you, they'll leave you alone.
  8. :bawl: i really don't kno what to say besides that i really, really hope that your friend comes back and that everything is okay. :bawl: in the mean time...think of ssj gohan in yummy spandex. :tasty: if that doesn't work, think of a fight between vegita and gokou. that would be funny, i think. yes. yes it would.
  9. i know i'm planning this WAY in advance, but for a cosplay in an a-con in may (yes, i said may), i will be dressing as the wonderful videl. i will have to cut my hair off (most, anyway) to pull this off. if anyone has pictures that can be sent to me of her hair after she cuts it, i'd be very appreciative. i'll love you even more if you are able to send pics of the back of her head, because those are probably going to be harder to find. well, thanks if you can help.
  10. hey all. i'm planning to dress as videl for a cosplay in may (i think it's in may). if anyone could give me pictures of her hair, i would be very grateful. i plan on cutting mine short soon, anyway, so why not go for the videl hair, right? well, anyway, things might be easier if i had pictures, including the back, so my hairdress would have something to go by, instead of me simply describing something that she has never even seen before. thankiez.
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