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Everything posted by Aiyachi

  1. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Cat14, You signature is okay but, I dunno the image is a little pixelated and the text is kinda hard to read Maybe a 6/10 ^-^;[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Fixedsys]But, I was just wondering...Are there special collage classes that train you in manga making? Or is it just something you'd go to any collage that speacializes in art? I really wanna know, hope that doesnt sound stupid -^_^-[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Georgia]Hmm.... One of my favorite OSTs would have to be the one from Madlax. The songs from it are so amazing! Another favorite of mine is the Azmunga Daioh OST vol. 1, it's so funny sounding (best word I could use to describe it =p ) But my all time favorite is definantly the Sen to Chihiro no Kamikushi (aka Spirited Away) OST. In every song you can just feel the emotion from the scene it was used in[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Garamond]I'm trying to think of a really awesome story for a manga, and I really want it to be awesome. I want it to be something that anyone would be into, so if you could tell me some of your favorite story elements that'd be seriously helpful to me Thankies[/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. Aiyachi

    Manga Hair

    [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua][CENTER]I used to have problems with characters hair but now it's easier for me here's what I did [list]Mixed hairstyles from some of my favorite anime/manga characters[/list] [list]Drew haircuts that I liked and were simple[/list] [list]And prolly the most important thing was I practiced a ton [/list] I practiced by just sketching out as many heads I could on the paper and trying things out on em. There's another effect which make drawing hair easier [IMG]http://usera.imagecave.com/aiyachi/head1.png[/IMG] Usual style for drawing hair [IMG]http://usera.imagecave.com/aiyachi/head2.png[/IMG] using multiple lines to draw the hair Hope thats helpful =P[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2]Hmm...I'm not too sure if I'd want a video game for my favorite anime series (peacemaker kurogane) I guess because it's more fun to just watch/read the story then to play it out[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]]
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