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About Snowcat

  • Birthday December 17

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    A future game designer

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  1. I think I drown in water, only because I luv the water alot. And I really don't mind if I had to die, I know I'll die in water. Because fate has a screwed up way in doing things Choose spend rest of etenity trapped to live darkness or.... Spend forever trapped in burning light PM- me if you want to find out why
  2. :catgirl: [QUOTE=Hanabishi Recca]No one really knows who the anti christ is... The news didn't get the picture of his birth XD But, you don't really know until 'this and this' happends. You know, people who are aren't christians won't understand that. But I am thinking that I don't want to waste their time ;)[/QUOTE] Well :animeswea my friends and myself believe I'm anti-christ. Seriously because my mom was born on 6-6-1960's. ANd I was born on Christmas AND [B]I'm ATHEIST[/B] SO :catgirl: umm you now know one
  3. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy] Hey, he was cheating on me and I found out... unfortunately I missed. And hey if it was the other way around I'd think i deserve the same.[/color'][/font][/quote] wow*sneaks to door* I'm the only one that thinks no one deserves to have anything thrown. No matter cheating or not. On opposite sex I am sort of sighs. I mean I do see hot guys alot but I'm mostly their friends
  4. I choose four years of college and get a job as a manager. Cause if i don't like the job I have a college degree so.... bye! Hmm... now think of Itachi and Sasuke off naruto, with a twist on it Would you inorder to save your younger sibling from punishment.... a) take the blame and hate that some else deserves and serve them or b) hunt down and kill your sibling, so atleat they want die a more horrible death.
  5. Name: Tsuki Moto Age: 15 Alliance: Devils Race: Neko hanyou (half demon and angel) Apperance: 5'6", lavender hair and violet eyes ( think of ayane off of doa) IN a black and blue kimono that stops above her knees with midnight blue ears. And also appears in black and white school clothes. Always carrying two katanas with cresent moons BIO: As a child Suki was shunned by all of the angels, even her mother's family. So she study alot of dark magic as a result. During one of the Holy Wars her mom was accused for aiding the devils, and sentenced to death. That was the day she also lost her father. So growing up she trusts nobody only herself. Suki allies herself with the devils to get revenge.
  6. I'd have my legs ripped off. So atleast I can still play my videogames. Now time for the personal hard one. You get a hard one choose... Scarifice your [B]Entire Family[/B] for the safety of the world or...... Sacrifice your[B]ONLY TRUE LOVE[/B] :animecry:
  7. Hiyah your wish is granted. But the plushy is soo huge that it accidently fell on you. Ouch death by a plushy. I wish I could live in dynasty warriors 5 extreme legends but I repeat I don't die from the war. So there *stick tongue out* and I am a neko-hanyou. tomboys rule
  8. G1 :does this make me look fat G2 :no Box Boy: DIE NOW
  9. got it It's the wasteland My turn ytasynd swiraor
  10. WELL I think it's okay, but only if I see some friends. Cause I'm rather the youngest, and most likly to get into trouble
  11. One of my most or should say worst moment was when I was in third grade. I wanted to play football, and forgot I was in a skirt. So while I was trying to intercept I got rammed by a eight grader and we both fell. And My skirt had ridden over above my knees. While I sat stupidly on the guy below me. He could easily guess.
  12. silver blade sig is awesome. I think it hold true to life
  13. Here how it goes ever wanted to see what dating them is like, now you got your chance. You decide who you dating.But the next person decides what happens . Then goes on their date. And so on Let me start... I wish I date Naruto
  14. *crazy music and weird lights* Bang you've got the first of every marvel comic. UNfortunately whenyou get them they weren't covered so there was heavy storms. And ther'e nothing but slop left. I wish I was a neko-hanyou with inuyasha for a bf. Aww Puppy
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