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Everything posted by Snowcat

  1. [QUOTE=Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1]It seems a funny thing to say your friends agree with your complete lack of a conclusion. =] Still, I know what you mean. When I was a young girl *cue old granny voice* I was pretty sure there was an explanation for everything--after all, if I didn't know something, I could just ask my mom or dad, and one of them would explain it. Since they knew everything, it stood to reason that everything could be known. I asked my mom, "If God made us, then who made God?" She said, "No one. God existed." "What about before He existed?" "He's always existed." (I'm sure the questioning went on for a while after that--[i]What about before He was born? He wasn't born. Then how does He exist? He just does.[/i]) I wasn't particularly happy with that answer at the time. If you want to believe in something unbelieveable, the only person stopping you is yourself. The concept of a Creator God is not something that lends itself neatly to examined belief. That's the point. If it were easy to believe, I suppose they wouldn't call it "faith." There are a lot of things about life--particularly the mushier side of life--that don't make sense at all. You can choose to take it all on faith, or you can choose to find something that's been backed up with proof. It's up to you ([i]maybe[/i]). As to the professional nature of God, I don't think I've ever heard anyone suggest Game Designer before. I suppose it makes as much sense as anything else, though. :) [/color][/size][/QUOTE] If god existed then who existed before him :animeknow Atheist, with no idea [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]That's great that you wanted to correct your spelling error Snowcat, next time just hit the edit button as double posting is considered spam. ~*SunfallE[/COLOR]
  2. no way I like Bush. It angers me that people would even think about re-electing that man. He is the worse president he doesn't even respect the wishes of others and he lied to the nation about WMD. Bad qualities for any leader
  3. Have to agreewith someone.My fav is Sesshoumaru, because he is a handsome cold - blooded killer
  4. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Blue it is one of my fav's [/COLOR]
  5. [B]I got my name from my nickname gotta love the cold[/B]
  6. [B]It is Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha. Though every guy is a winner [/B]
  7. Yeah I do that alot too I think of somthing better than a episode that I didn't like. It is weird cause i mixed Inuyasha with devil may cry I thought it would br really interesting to see Inuyasha against Dante in a fight. Or Virgil against Sesshoumaru
  8. [QUOTE=Keyblade Wielder][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]I didn't think that the Heartless in KH was all that bad. In fact, I wanted more of them! They really hellped me lvl up a lot and I got a lot of stuff in order to get the final keyblade. So, all in all, I didn't think it was that bad. The most annyoing enemies would have to be those random animals from FF VII. Man, everytime you took just one step, there would be a random animal right there in front of you. No wonder why it took me so long to finish that dang game. XD But, I guess that was part of it's fun-ness too. XD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] I enjoy beating the heartless especially in KHCM it was pure fun. Too Bad there aren't enough strong ones to appear. :animesmil The most annyoing that happens is that weak enemies appear so often it really gets tiresome some times
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