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  1. Name: Ty Wesson Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Ty is about 5'10 tall with long brown hair that flips out towards the bottom, he has big brown eyes and a dazzling smile, and an athletic body. He usually wears baggy jeans and just any kind of t-shirt and a coat when it?s old out Personality: Ty is very relaxed person until he feels threatened and when he does he freaks out and attacks everything or runs. Ty doesn't usually have to try hard to make friends and is popular in his school. Ty can be known to be a little cocky and indifferent, but is usually a nice guy. Birthday: August 13, 2005 Type Of Person: Regular Student Abilities: Ty has the ability to teleport but only when he feels threatened or scared, he has been known to teleport when he is angry but hasn't mastered teleporting outside of whenever he is feeling emotion.
  2. Why do RPGs always die as soon as I sign up? Maybe it's a sign?
  3. [SIZE=1] Name: Tayin Eclipse Gender: Male Age: 25 Faction: Shadow Riders Race: Murgokin, The murgokins are the descendants of the great seed, brought up from the ground, their basic appearance is relatively humanoid except for their abilities, being children of the Earth they developed extreme reflexes, speed, and camouflage capabilities. Appearance: Tayin stands about 5'11 high with long straight jet black hair that falls into his sparkling blue eyes, his skin is a dark tanned, earthy color, he wears a tight assassin's outfit made of black cloth and around his neck he has a loose kerchief sewed on so he can lift it up so it covers his nose and mouth, he also wears a black head ban, he dirks strapped to his legs, and a belt of throwing knives on his chest. Personality: Tayin is a calm and collected person which aids him in being an assassin, he can retain his composure even in the worst possible situation, Tayin always goes for the quick kill in battle and never stops once he is in battle. He is very self confident but far from cocky, he likes to relieve tension and works well in very small groups or all alone, he doesn't like having to depend on people during battle because he doesn't trust a lot of people, even ones in his faction. Bio: Tayin was born into a small family, his mother died giving birth which left him with only his father, a very hard and stern man, who was also high in the ranks of the Shadow Rider faction. Once Tayin had matured a bit his father started teaching him stealth, Tayin easily picked it up and by the age of 10 could go anywhere even in broad daylight without being seen. On Tayin's 11th birthday he received his first set of long daggers, dirks, from his father and began his training with them, he had been given a basic combat training but these were his first weapons. He quickly became very skilled with them and went on to learn different skills. By the time Tayin was 18 he was a hardened and fierce assassin. On this day he joined the Shadow Riders as an 18 year old he was given his first mission, a small Tiger Lily encampment, this not only tested his skills but his commitment, would he kill a women. Tayin left at first dark and returned the next morning with glazed over eyes, after dispatching the commander of the camp he had just killed every single warrior in the camp without any mercy. Ever since that day he has had no problem with killing and has even come to enjoy it a bit. When Tayin was 22 he and his Father went on a mission together, there was a rather large Jade Dragon camp where a committee of some of the faction's head leaders were meeting, Little did Tayin and his father know the White Mist were also attacking that night, after dispatching the committee the White Mist soldiers hit, it was a disaster zone, on the way back Tayin and his father ran into a group of about 25 men, they were enormously outnumbered, Tayin's father lost his life, and Tayin himself escaped severely injured, but not one White Mist soldier made it out alive. Since then Tayin has developed a burning hatred for the White Mist and fights them at every chance he gets. (Hope I'm not too late)[/SIZE]
  4. Hey Blayze, I've tried out for a few of your RPs that have never gotten off the ground and I just wanted to complement you on your ideas...I love them. But back to my question, are we allowed to make up new characters or do we need to use an old one?
  5. [SIZE=1]Name: Tayin Eclipse Age: 18 Gender: Male Position: Weapons Expert Appearance: Tayin stands at about 5'11, with straight brown hair that falls down into his large almond brown eyes. Tayin has a well toned body with a dazzling smile. He usually wears tightish black pants with black boots and a tight black shirt with an open white jacket(sort of like the main character from advent rising). Under his jacket, around his waist, and on his pants he has many weapon-belts for his numerous gadgets. Personality: Tayin is a goofy kid that is pretty cocky, it always seems like he is getting into some sort of trouble but talking his way out of any kind of punishment. He is pretty light-hearted and carefree, the whole crew considers him the baby that they look out for and he gets upset when they treat him like a lesser because of his age. Although Tayin is calm most of the time, when the conversation turns to weapons, he becomes very hyper and talks nonstop, just a babble of all this information. For his age Tayin is usually very calm and serious on the battlefield, never breaking down or freaking out. Short Bio: Tayin was born on the outskirts of a Theocracy city where his parents, siblings, and neighbors trained him to rebel against the Theocracy. Ever since he was a child Tayin has been around weapons, learning to shoot them and to make them. When he was around the age of 10 he was an expert shot and excelled in weapon creating. By the age of 13 Tayin had become the local weapons expert for his mini-rebellion neighborhood and wanted more. When he was 16 he heard rumors of a larger underground rebellion meeting in his city, everyone in his neighbor was going to attend. It turns out that the Theocracy Guard had started those rumors and everyone that arrived was shot and killed instantly. Luckily, Tayin was 5 minutes late to the meeting and saw the carnage taking place. Tayin was in shock, he broke down and fled, everyone he ever knew or cared about was decimated in a matter of 5 minutes by the Guard. He had to get away from that city forever. The very next day he was in the spaceport looking for a ride, geared up with his weapons and gadgets, any kind of weapon that suited him from home, he took. Tayin was trying to hustle a ride from someone when a group of thugs surrounded him, trying to mug the smaller boy. Tayin just smiled and tossed a rock shaped object into the air, hit a button on his belt, and disappeared. The rock/object hit the ground and bounced once before exploding in a bright golden light, vaporizing the thugs and any living being within 10 feet. Tayin watched on safely from his hideout, having been teleported away by the transporter on his belt. He quickly turned around to run when he bumped into Father Alex. Tayin has been on the crew ever since. Weapons: For weapons Tayin has two uzis strapped low on his hips, and two pistols holstered underneath his shoulders, along with the 4 guns Tayin has numerous types of gadgets that he has created strapped all over his body along with 4 clips for each gun.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Name: Ty "Tex" Williams Gender: Male Age: 15 Appearance: Ty has longish straight brown hair that falls past his big almond colored eyes, he is well toned, spending his life in the streets, and pretty tan because he often takes off his shirt in the Texas heat. Ty has the look of any local skate rat except he always has on a cowboy hat earning him the nickname "Tex" amonst his friends. Usually he wears tightish faded jeans with a tight black band tee and a white longsleeve underneath, and of course his white cowboy hat. Spere: Fire Sphere Powers: Ty has the ability to withstand extreme amounts of heat without feeling any sort of irritation. Also he can form very small fireballs and throw them, but not a lot at once and the fireballs are pretty small. (I've got cool ideas for powers later on, but you did say basic) Country: Texas, USA Personality: Ty is pretty outgoing and gets very offended if anyone teases him about his hat. When a crazy challenge or idea comes up Ty is the first to say "Lets do it" He is a big daredevil and never turns his back on any chance to show off. Society has labeled him as some dumb pot-smoking skater, but in reality he is a street-roaming genius, he can make almost anything with his hands and can find many ways out of tight spots. Although Ty usually is a daredevil, when he is alone or under some sort of emotion he can change completly, his attitude really depends on what he thinks of the people around him, if he likes a girl a lot he is sensitive and caring, but dependent at the same time, if he doesn't like a guy he's around he's a smartass always looking for a fight. Weapon: Ty's weapon of choice is a 4 foot sword, that when in his hands glows red and gives off and intense heat sealing the wound instantly after he makes it. Bio/Snippet: Ty was born into a broken home in the slums of Houston, as a kid he would always sit in a room and listen to his drunken parents scream at each other for hours on end until one day his dad just left leaving Ty with his whore of mom always coming home high on something and with some stranger. So one day at the age of 12 Ty just left and moved in with his best friend Bobby. Bobby's parents took Ty in as one of their own in a house of 10 kids, Ty was just another one of the horde romping around the town causing mischief and trying to impress girls. Until one day when he and Bobby were skating around when they spotted an empty warehouse and decided to take a look inside. Once they bashed in a window and dropped inside, Ty pulled out some cigarettes thinking that this was a perfect place to smoke. Ty lit one up as Bobby was out exploring the rest of the warehouse, after a few minutes Bobby called Ty over to a corner where he had found an old skeleton of a car. Ty dropped his cig and walked on over to Bobby, but unknowingly Ty had dropped the cigarette right into some sort of flammable substance and soon the entire building was up in flames leaving to boys trapped. As the building started to burn rafters started falling so Bobby and Ty sprinted across the room looking for some sort of an exit, but there wasn't one to be found. The building was really burning now and the boys could barely see through the smoke so they headed for the wrecked car when a beam fell in front of them knocking both of them out. When Ty woke up he was in the emergency room feeling perfectly fine, he sat up and oberved his body noticing a few small burns and cuts, but nothing terrible. So he got up to go and find some news about Bobby when the doctor walked in and told Ty that Booby had died from severe burns. Ty couldn't accept it and knocked the doctor aside running for the exit, tears streaming down his face, he met Bobby's parents in the waiting room, but just kept running, he couldn't face them. Ty never stopped running, he never could muster up enough courage to go back to his old house with Bobby's parents, so he made a life for himself on the streets performing for money and living with a group of boys like himself. They were his new family and he would die to save any of them. (Ok that wasn't supposed to be a snippet, it's a bio just kinda long)[/SIZE]
  7. Name: James Sonotai Age: 16 Occupation: Military Side (Metropolis): Sigma If military, what division: Special Ops 4 If military, what rank (title, too, if there is one): Sergeant, Second-in-Command Skills: Hand-to-hand combat, knives and blades, can fire anything thats able to fire James has grown up on the streets of Sigma, getting a good sense of what should be done to survive, he learned to make a blade out of anything, and how to go anywhere undetected.He grew up alongside Jaafrig, developing a close friendship with him. When he turned 15 he was recruited into the military and was placed in Special Ops 4 because of his ability to not be seen, it was also his luck that he was placed in the same unit as Jaafrig and ever since their first day of training they have vowed to always be there for each other. He was really born again in his time in the military and has become one of the units most dedicated leaders in no time.
  8. [SIZE=1]Zaccharius gave himself a little smile, his decoy had worked, the gene-traitors had found him and now he had three hot on his trail, he rose out of his hiding spot in the alley and jumped on top of the roof next to him as the thee gene-traitors made the corner and jumped up after him. Only they didn't know what they had waiting for them. As the two males and one female landed on the roof top Zaccharius had his back to them, his black clothes blending into the darkness, he turned his head sideways towards them as the big male one started saying,"[B]Resistance Fighter, for resisting the the government you are und-[/B]," "[B]Ahh, save it[/B]," Zaccharius interrupted, now turning towards them, letting them glimpse his pale white flesh and burning red eyes,"[B]Ha, the appearance of an albino does scare some[/B]," he thought to himself as the trio took a step back at his size and frightening appearance,"[B]Hmmm, new recruits[/B]?" Zaccharius said before dropping his trenchcoat and releasing his two short swords from the holders on his back with the handles facing down they came out easily,"[B]I think it'll be swords tonight[/B]," Zaccharius said as he sat down his dual uzis and pistols next to his trenchcoat and braced himself for battle. A few hours later, with the three would-be captors bodies rotting in a dumpster and Zaccharius nursing a slash on his shoulder, Zaccharius dropped into the underground headquarters of the resistance to be met by Jackson pestering him with questions, Zaccharius quickly cut him off,"[B]Look, Jackson stop worrying about me, how long have we known each other, ten years and in all those years I've proven myself countless times, I was with you when the resistance started and I'll be with you when we beat those bastards[/B]." Zaccharius said stripping off his shirt and bandaging his shoulder revealing his toned body covered with his battle scars. Zaccharius thought back in time, before the government takeover, then his time of hunting criminals, but Zach quickly shook those images out of his head and stood up, all six feet three inches of him ached,"[B]Jack, I'm going to bed[/B]." (I think that met all the requirements right)[/SIZE]
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