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Everything posted by Alannie
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I've had only one boyfriend and I'm 13. I broke up with him over the summer. It felt weird to me. I held is hand and hang out and put my head on his shoulders. THat's all I did really. I don't know if I can help u. Sorry.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][B][FONT=Century Gothic]I say Manga. I love reading. I can take it any where and read it when ever I want. Not like Anime. You can't take it ever where and you have to watch it on time. I don't have comcast on demand . So yah. [/FONT] [/B] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS]It's okay. I've seen worse. You should darken the outline of he bangs a little more.[/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
How did you come up with your internet/screen name ?
Alannie replied to corpseman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I have a different screen name for each of my communities. All my screen names are my nicknames my friends gave me. I have over 10 nicknames. As you can see, my screen name for otakuboards is Alannie. My best friend gave me that nickname in second grade cuz she couldn't pronouce my name. So, yeh.[/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=3][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name- Alannah Alvarez Age-14 Gender- Female Rank- Slipher Red Appearence- Dark Brown curly hair, dark brown eyes, Wears a Slipher Red jacket unbutton with a brown shirt under it, and faded black jeans. Deck Type- Amazons Best Card- Bio- It's her first year at Duel Academey and has no friends cuz she's misunderstood. She always trys her best at dueling to impress people but isn't very good at dueling. She's smart and bright but lose confidence in herself while facing others.[/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=3][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS]As you can see, both my avatar and signature is Sailor Mercury. Sailor Mercury and Jupiter are my favorite characters from my favortie anime, Sailor Moon. I pick Mercury instead of Jupiter because my favorite color is blue. That's all basically.[/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]ALANNAH Gender: Feminine Usage: English, Irish Pronounced: a-LAN-a [key] Variant of ALANA. It has been influenced by the Irish term of endearment a leanbh meaning "O child". [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'll just save it. There are lots of things I got and grew out of it like 2 or 3 years later. For example, I don't play on my XBOX any more. It's been more than a year since I last play on it. Just save the money. I know, I know, easier said than done. Lots of people can't help but spend money. Like me. Do the smart thing and save. That's my advice and opinion.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]OKay. I believe you. Hey, you added more. It's still cool. I still love it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]WoW. That's [B]deep[/B]. Did you wrote it. Cuz if you did than you've got talnet. I mean it. If you didn't wrote it than thanks for sharing it with the rest of us. Next time can you please say whose it by. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]I Love It. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I lose. I though about the game. lol.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Mines is for everyone. People may think they know me, And they may think I'm pedicable. They say they can see, But that's impossible. And they don't know my life, And they don't know the true me. I don't think anyone will know, And I shall let that be. Not even my best friends know, But I really don't care. They don't know, Because they're not there. i don't wnat anyone to know, And to experience it. It's just not fair. It's just like a hit. But it's no ordinary one, And it's certainly no fun.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
My room isn't so exciting. I have baby blue walls. My carpet is whit. My bed is a queen size. I'm not that fat, I have a queen size bed cuz relates sleep in my room. Above my headboard are two Japanese art cloth. It's really cool. hanging above my bed are glow in the dark sticks. On my shelf are small statues of animals and people. On my dresser are my manga comic books and anime videos. On my large desk are junk, paper, and books. That's bacisly it.
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I weight 130 and I'm 5'2". I dont' care what others think of me. I dont' care if I'm fat. I'm proud of the way I look. :catgirl: If people can't except me for who I am and how I look than scow them.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=4][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Who doesn't like Naruto. It's so cool. I watch it all the time. It's one of my favorite anime series. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Black][[SIZE=1]FONT=Arial]Sorry, but I dont' know where[/FONT]. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Is there anybody else, besides me, who's a band geek? If you dont' know what a band geek is than I'll tell you. A band geek is someone who loves playing in a band and loves music. I'm a band geek and proud of it. I love music so much. I love playing in my school band and my own jazz band. It's so cool and fun. My jazz band is call "Horns on Crack". I play the trumpet, piano, drums, and I can kinda play the clarinet. Here's some questions: 1. Are you a band geek? 2. Do you play an instrument or instruments? 3. If so, what instrument or instruments do you play? 4. Do you play in your school band? 5. do you have your own band?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Blue]I'm afraid of not beeing love. That's my biggest fear. Everybody wants to be love by someone. To not to be love is sad and depressing. My other fear are spiders. They creep me out. I dont' mind small spiders but I hate the big fat ones. Eww. I just hate spiders. I always have to ask my big borhter to kill spiders for me. spiders are evil. THat's all. I'm ain't afraid of anything else.[/[/COLOR]SIZE] [/FONT]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]There are tow people who are very important to me. My best girl friend and my best guy friend. Linda and Carlos. I've been friends with Linda since kindergarten. We always have each others backs. We're the best of friends. We always hang out and we always play. I never have a dull moment with her. She's the bestest friend a girl can ever ask for. I've been best friends with Carlos since 6th grade. I kinda have a crush on him. He's really cool. He's funny. He always knows how to put a smile on my face everyday. He's sweet and a gentlemen. We always have fun together.[/FONT][/SIZE[/COLOR]]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Sorry. I dont know how to resize a picture. But I really like your drawing.[/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Blue]Family guy is [B]hella cool[/B]. Who won't like it. It's so [B]funny[/B]. It's one of the [B]best[/B] cartoon shows ever in history. I watch it all the time. Family Guy [B]rocks[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B].[/FONT]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I Love to sing. Lately I've been singing "Colors of the Wind". I mostly sing pop, disney, and Japanese songs. I sing to myself all the time. Especially in the bath. I, a few times, sing to my brothers but they hate it. They say I suck. But when I sing to my friends they say I'm really good. I dont' know if I'm a good singer or not.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Okay ladies, tell me what you think. Do you think Sasuke is hotter than Kakshi or is Kakashi hotter than Sasuke? I think Sasuke is way hotter than Kakashi. He has it going on. What do you ladies think?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Okay. My friend loves guy gays. Don't ask me why.But she done some research and found three gay anime series. Gravitation, which I already knew about before she told me, Gakuen Heaven, and Pap to Kiss is the Dark. Gravitation to me is pretty cool. Gakuen Heaven is okay to me. And Papa to Kiss the Dark is scary. Papa to Kiss is theDark is about a boy who gets adopted by his uncle and ends up falling in love with him. It's creepy. I can never image a boy who falls on love with his uncle. I'm going to have nightmares for life. What u think about these gay anime? [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1][INDENT]I think that since we already have a thread discussing homosexual/gay anime, it?s better to combine them to avoid confusion. For future reference Alannie it?s a good idea to check the first couple of pages of threads in a section to see if the topic you wish to discuss already exists. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~indifference[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]This is for everyone who loves Sailor Moon as much as I do. What is your favorite Sailor Moon song. And say why you like it. I love [U]The Powerof Love[/U]. it's so cool and I love the lyrics. It's so meaningful. I can't stop listening to it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[[COLOR=Navy]SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS]What's your favorite Sailor Moon song? Mines is "The Power of Love". It's so cool. i always sing it everyday. I can't get enough of it. [/FONT] [/SIZE][/COLOR]