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Everything posted by Alannie

  1. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Does anyone have friends who are also anime crazy? I sure do. Alot of my new friends from Ocala are. I have this one friend who is absolutely crazy about anime. She like knows almost everything there is to know about anime. It freaks me out sometimes. Are your friends more crazy about anime than you are? My friend Linh sure is. Hopfully I'm not the only one who's frined is way, way crazy when it come to anime.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] :animestun
  2. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]It is weird how they made their breast and bootys look so big. It makes them look older. Some girls do have big breast and bootys around 10-14. Some girls i know do have big breast and bootys. But most don't. 10 year olds-not so big 11 year olds-slowly grows 12 year olds-small 13 year olds-gets a little bigger 14 year olds- kinda big[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]Koshiro saw his friend Hisoka hangd by his neck. There was blood everywhere, dripping. He was so horrified. Koshiro fell on his knees and cry. "WHY!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. He than slowly got up to his feet and walked queitly towards Hisoka. His head looking down with a feeling of hatred. He could not lift his head up to look at his bloody friend. He vowed revange. He than heard a sound.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I never gave any of my friend nicknames, but they sure have given me some nicknames. Alona-because I sometimes am aloner Alannie-my best friend Maria gave me that name in 2nd grade because she once "accindentally" mispronouse my name. Lana-My friends Annie and Patricia gave me that name just to shorten my name. My real name is Alannah.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] :animeblus
  5. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I agree with you, I think ninjas would win. They have the skills. Pirates just do whatever and samurias just have swords. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] :animesmil
  6. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I say that if you still want to be friends with him than just spend less time with him. That way it doesn't look like you're trying to still him from her. Also don't be alone with him. Hang with him with other friends. She'll slowly trust you if you do so. Well that's if you still want to be friends with him. This is what I think you should really do. For get the guy! You can do better than him. You don't want to mess with his relationship with his new girlfriend.[/FONT[/SIZE]][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Okay , my name is Alannah Alvarez. I'm now 13 years old. My birthday is January 12, 1993 I am a female. I live in San Jose,CA I'm a 7th grader from Ocala Middle School. I'm the youngest and the only girl in my family. I have two older brothers. Some of my friends call me Alona or Alannie. I'm 5 foot 1". I have curly hair I'm half Mexican and half Filipino. If you what to learn more about me, then you can send me a private meesage.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [FONT=Impact]I watch the Winx Club every Saturday. I love that show. My favorite charaters are Musa and Layla. Musa is totally into music like I am. I'm like Layla. I've been alone for so long but know I have great friends.[/FONT]
  9. Alannie


    [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Does anyone watches AZN ( Asian Network) on channel 69? If so do you like the anime shows you are showing? I love Descendents of Darkness,and The Record of Lodoss War. I sometimes like the anime movies like Venus Wars.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. Are anyone of you half Asian and half something else like me? I'm half Filipino and half Mexican. I look like a mexican but act like a filipino. I'm into anime and manga. I love asian food. And I also speak more filipino language (sorry don't know what it's called) than spanish. It's weird. How about you?
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