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velvet paws

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Everything posted by velvet paws

  1. Who are all these crazy people saying it's the best yet??! :bawl: I think it's UGLY! It looks like the kind of thing you'd expect a Bank to set up..it's just got no character AT ALL this time. Can we have the option for a different version again instead of just the default??? This new one just doesn't agree with me at all....:(
  2. I origionally wanted an avatar that was just that little bit too big..but even though we have the great news now..I think I'm kind of attatched to my present one :D
  3. Bee's and wasps! I got sting an awful lot on summer when I was still very young and ever since then I'm terrified of the things. If there's just one I'll run away from it but if there's more I just freeze on the spot heh :blush:
  4. I've been sharing a bed with my bf practically all of the spring break...and last night aparently I foned his mobile and had the follwoing converstaion, mumbling somewhat: Me: where have you gone Him: I'm at home...why? Me: Why aren't you in bed anymore? Him: I am in bed Me: No your not...I can't find you anywhere Him: Errr..I'm at my house... Me: why!? Him: I have been all night...you knew I wasn't sleeping over because I walked you home.... Me: oh.... Him: you alright? Me: yea..night Eh well weird...scared me so much when he told me earlier today. I kept asking if he was joking but he swears I used my mobile at about 4am (which is within my reach when I'm in bed) and I was really shocked and upset he wasn't there....:huh:
  5. [i]Chase returned to the ally only to find that it lead to another street full of shops. She looked up and down the street trying to work out which way a group of would-be hero's would go.[/i] Chace: probably got hungry and grabbed a snack the ammount of food oriantated places round here....hmmm...guess I'll have to ask arround. [i]About 15mins later she gained a lead from a customer that had been in on of the shops all morning. It wasn't much...just a group of kids..one on a skatebaord..[/i] Chace: did any of them have a skateboard? I can't remember..I don't think I saw all of them...:o [i]Unsure whether she had actually been pointed in the right direction, Chace adjusted her bag and set off..keeping her eyes peeled the whole time.[/i]
  6. I've seen clips of the anime one and it's really good :D The live-action movie can be described as Power Ranger style :eek: YUK!!! bah! Don't think I'll watch it then, that kinda stuff annoys the c**p outa me! :o
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]The higher quality the animation, the better.[/B][/QUOTE] I agree with that. For me it is true with practically everything, from anime to computer games to regular films...but to stay on topic I prefer my anime to be drawn and animated at a high standard.
  8. I haven't actually been anywhere yet. Been spending every free moment of every day with my BF. My friend Kaz moved back from cornwall so I'm happy because she was gone over a year. I've seen my friends Hayley and Daz a little. Got drunk both this weekend gone and the one before. Just chilled really....might go on a picnic this weekend...duno yet....:)
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B] [COLOR=indigo]Maybe if you told us what you did, we'd be more anle to help :) [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Yea..it could help lots. I dissapoint my mum sometimes and upset her but I don't think I've ever really completely lost her trust...it's a hard one :( Just try not to cross her and be helpful if you can. Do both for a while and stay out of trouble and you should be alright...
  10. heh...yea that was kinda kool. Can't think of any right now dammit! >_< find some more for us? :)
  11. I haven't seen that episode..infact I haven't been watching much TV lately...but I think they should legalise it and just charge like double what you pay for tabacco, and actually give you alot less too...well something like that so not everyone is doing it but those that do (alot of people) can gain access to it...unfortunately this would probably just lead to some illegal sellings for slightly cheeper per however much you want...i duno..never was good with business...
  12. I'd have to agree with everyone who says it's doesn't look much like Sephiroth..I don't think it does either. Unfortunately, as has already been mentioned, there are so many characters with long silver hair and a mysterious air to them etc that's it hard to decide who it actually could be. I'm drawing a blank..but I wouldn't say it was Sephiroth...
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]My favorite Decpticon... ofcourse, the one, the only, GALVITRON! I luf him so much.. he's like... yeah! He's just so awesome. [/B][/QUOTE] :blush: I'd have to agree with you that he's one of the best! He is just soooo soooooo soooooo kool!
  14. OOC: my bio is on the top of page 2 of this topic. I was gona be a wizard but now im a 'warrior' with a slight attitude..k? For Piro's info: I haven't met the main group yet but I've just been hired by merlin to protect you all. I'm headed to you now.. ------------------------------------------- [i]As chace made her way back towards the ally she suddenly found herself surrounded by people madly grabbing at the floor. Looking down she descovered a fruit stall had been knocked over, spilling apples all over the ground.[/i] Chace: The Lord helps those who help themselves.... *picks up several apples and puts them in her bag*
  15. 3 days since anyone joined and I'm itching to play heh no fair :D Any idea how long we gona have to wait hun?
  16. 1. What's worse, drinking problem or gambling problem? Gambling, because if you have a drink problem you are more likely to stop because you feel sick or something than having to completely run out of money first..if you gamble you don't stop until the money's all dried up.. 2. What's better being merciful or being generous? Being generous as long as you leave something for yourself..if you're merciful you could regret it (eg. spairing someone's life then they come back later to finish you off) 3. Who/what will you take along If you have to travel to a far island all by urself? My bf Ian and lots of his music :haha: 4. what do you prefer, Anime or sit coms? (comedy series) Erm....anime... 5. If you had tons of money, what are the 5 first things you would have bought? 1) All the clothes I've ever fallen in love with 2) All the music I've ever fallen in love with 3) All the odments (necklaces, pictures, orniments) I've ever fallen in love with 4) A HUGE house, fully furnished how I want 5) My very own horse, pair of bearded dragons, rainbow boa and dwarf monitor lizard :D :whoops:
  17. Heh, have you managed to sort things out yet? I hope so. If not I agree with just giving her some space if she shows signs that you're her problem (nasty to think about I know). In a week or two..maybe even a month if it's really bad...but start talking to her again casually, and hopefully she will have chilled out and things will be fine again.
  18. Heh, yea well rest your little mind at ease and enjoy your posting :) I only managed 564 posts or something max. during my whole time here (a year this month) but I still got bothered when they were all wiped...infact I've had 2 accounts here so I've got about 35 extra posts or something somewhere plus what I've gained now :) (not long until I finally get a personal av! used to take so long (1000 posts!!!!)). Something exciting James? :p
  19. Well I'm going to agree that if it's likely he's gona try and put the moves on your sis cause he's only desperate to get laid...then you want to interveen. Tey telling your parents again what he's like but if they ignore you just talk to your sister. Don't be harsh or forceful, just say something like "I know you're old enough to think for yourself and all that, but you're still my sis (don't say little! bad bad move!), I'm always gona look out for you and right now I'm worried for you. I've known this guy alot longer, and I know he might actually like you for who you are..infact I sincerly hope he does..but he's also really into doing stuff like having sex and I just want you to take care of yourself and if he tries anything tell me cause I'll beat the cr*p outa him!" On the other hand all I have to say is my bf's 2 years older than me..infact he only misses 3 years older than me by 1 1/2 months...so although this may seem a huge gap because she's your little sis...it's not really. I may be 2 years older than her but as long as this guy DOESN'T try anything they may be okay..and as someone said before..it's likely that they will break it off after a few weeks...maybe a few months most. [EDIT] I just wanted to put this...I lost it at 14..okay the guy was only 6 months older than me...but we managed to stay together for 17months solid and we're still good friends now....I know this ain't exactly helpful..but I just wanted it said. [/EDIT]
  20. I use V.4 cause I didn't like the new one when they upgraded. The one before was still better than V.4, but they're basically the same so I'm not really complaining. That new fangled thing just doesn't have any character..it's all harsh and metallic....heh, but some people like it :rolleyes:
  21. If you allow yourself to feel love for anything than all you're doing is sealing a deal to feel pain later on. Love is a good thing, without it we couldn't function properly...but there's always the flip side...you can't keep anything exactly how you found it, be it love with a person, animal or object. Times will change, that thing will change..maybe even leave you for good, you will obviously change slightly from experiances you go through...and in the end you'll hurt because things are too different.....
  22. Yeah we had it last week but for some reason my computer thought it was going on canadian time (eh??! why??!!) and so it tried to update today and messed up my clock. I've put the settings back to GMT:london etc, (don't know how it changed off that cause it wasn't me) but it still didn't update the time so I tried to type it in manually and now it keeps crashin and refuses to go off the canadian time! grrrrrr!
  23. I'm not into either of them but on the whole trance is alot better. The tunes usually sound alot 'prettier' and there are no dumbas.s lyrics makin you wana choke laughing :p (no offence to people who like this music but "somebody answer the phone" over and over again is not what I call lyrics...you know what I'm on about...Alice DJ and all that lot)
  24. That films one of my all time faves. Not only is it kool it's a really good excuse for drooling over Brad Pitt all night :tasty: heehee. Gets a thumbs up from me :)
  25. Sounds like you had a really good time. I could never do anything like that :worried: Sounds like you're all the better for the experiance. Heh..good on you :) Take care
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