velvet paws
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Everything posted by velvet paws
[b]Mihoshi :[/b] X_X "ooooooohhhhhhoooooo......"
Noxi eyed Ken suspiciously and sniffed at him. Noxi : I didn't notice before.... .....but you don't smell right.....:therock:
I never do anything for valentines day cause I just see it as comercialised (sp) bullsh!t....heh plus I never get anything anyway, well, sometimes get a card or cheap perfume off the most hated annoying guy in the year >_< I even broke up with a guy once on valentines day..not to be mean cause neither of us believed in the whole silly thing...but everyone else was like " :eek: but it's a specail day and it's real nasty to ditch someone on it!" Last year was the first time I actually bothered to do anything, and all I did was by a cheesy card (that said something like "hold me, kiss me, hug me, show me no mercy!!" ;) ) for Daz cause we'd been goin out ova 6months already and I thought "ah well I might as well this one time when I cant make a fool of myself" but he didn't expect it so I never got anything back.
Yea it is. I don't know about fitting maturity into things but I do believe in it. I miss Kayleigh more every day she stays in Cornwall (and it's been ova a year now :eek: :bawl: ) There are days when I can't eat because I'm thinking and worrying about her. I'd been her best mate for almost 4 years before she left and all that time I cared about her so much. Just as she was leaving I also realised that I wanted more from her than just friendship..but I didn't say anything and she just left. I love Daz with my heart and soul. I instantly wanted to be close to him the 1st day I laid eyes on him (and the 5 years (still counting) afterwards) If the greatest thing I could do for him was to give my life then I would...please don't think I'm rash...but if it was a choice like his life for mine then I would go along with it as long as he promised not to hate me for it. There's never a day or night I'm not thinking about him and everytime I see him I still melt inside :heart: I just want to be able to make sure his life is great for him all the way through, and I realise that might mean me not being there, but I'd still wish for his happiness everyday... Heh, I say I love Jay and yea granted I cared about him for over a year...but with everything that's just happened it's made me realise that he's more something I want than something I need...and I can live without him it'll just take a while for me to stop saying "I want my reatard back". ------------------------------------------------------------- I think there are two ways you can look at love (if that sentence makes any sense in relation to this next bit) : "I want someone who wants me...someone who doesnt need me...but who truely wants me" -- because then you're very specail to them because they chose to be with you. or.... "I want someone who needs me...not someone who just wants me...someone who really needs me" -- because that's sweet as well and if they feel that they need you they are more likely to try and stay with you.
I'm intregued (sp?) heh though when/if I actually see it I'll probably be clinging to my faithfull stuffed toy bunny for security :blush: :D
I first saw this site by bein nosey at what my brother was doing. For ages all I ever saw him on was the Gundam Wing forum and I just thought "silly little site, why does he always spend so much time on it when it's the same bloody thing?" I then saw him browsing the otaku anime pictures one day and i was like..."hmmmm cool" and then he was talking about RPG's and I was like "how can it be an RPG? those are either computer games or the kind you play down the pub" but never the less I got interested and joined in April 2001. I now spend most of my time here just to kill time, as I said in my last post. But I've also made some friends on here and I've introduced some people I know to the boards. I like the way I can be honest and not really care if people dont like it..because in the long run I just have to stop coming and find something else to do...but so fair so good I've never got in trouble before :D My friends: SSJ5 Vegeta ... Matt.D ... BlueTrunks ... The Darkness Bu (used to be :confused: ) ... I don't know about anyone else in particular heh, please don't feel offended ... and of course Dragonballzman is my ickle bro :D People I've introduced: lil_feind & Elfin_Girl heehee doin my bit for the boards :)
a nite on the town!!!!! :D
laughing stock got done for spamming alot didn't he? I know he got banned for something...... I thought most of the stuff he said was kinda amusing actually .......*hides*
[any1 want to introduce me into hitting Earth?? heh :D soz just dont wana double post..;)]
Kathrine shifted uneasily in her sleep. In her dream huge distorted ugly creatures were charging at her, screaming their war cries in a language she prayed never to understand. She was running....not afraid of the beasts themselves but of what would happen if one should touch her. She felt her feet give way beneath her and she fell outstretched on the cold damp ground. A black tentical grabbed her ankle and she felt herself being dragged into an eternity of heart renching screams and darkness. She awoke in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. She shuddered to try and rid herself of the memory, and after a breif pause, got up to go to the bathroom. How long had she been having variations of this dream? She didn't know...but she'd sooner forget it altogether.....
Noxi shyed away as soon the blurred vision of a stranger registered in her brain. At the moment she felt very vunerable and doubted that she could cope with any hostile confrontation she might come up against. ??? : Please, I'm not here to attack you.... Slowly Noxi brought her head back round to face him and screwed her eyes up more to try and get rid of the blurred edges. Her vision had gotten worse, and so had her headache from having to consentrate so hard. She remained silent, not wanting to be the first...well technically the 2nd...to say anything. ??? : I'm a travler... There was another pause. Noxi : ...well I guess that means you get around alot then.... ....something I seem to be failing doing... *looks down at her blistered fore-feet* Even through the haze that was her vision Noxi could tell the stranger was only mildy taken aback at the idea of a dragon talking. ??? : What happened to you? Noxi : ...No idea....must've hit my head or gotten too much sun...... ...either way my entire body aches and I'm not looking forward to any trouble..... She eyed him suspiciously. ??? : No idea at all? Well could you tell me anything about this land or the surrounding area? Noxi : ha...I don't even know where I am right now, never mind giving directions.... .... to me this whole place is just one coloured blur, as are you... ...not that I wont stand my own ground... She made this last comment abit gruffer than the rest. She was un-nerved about this stranger, even though he posed no obvious threat. Noxi : ...maybe you would be good enough to direct me to shelter and possibly a drinking pool? ...Once my head stops pounding and my legs stop trembling I might be able to help you in some way.... The stranger seemed to think about this for a moment. ??? : You seem a good enough creature... ...I can trust you not to attack me? Noxi : ...you have my word if I yours... ??? : Well that's that then, and we shall see what happens once you feel a little better. Noxi stretched, making her aching limbs crack, and then looked upon her new allie for instructions on what to do next.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]Last but not least: Give all my stuff to velvet_paws (my big sis) even though she doesn't want it! ;)[/I] [/B][/QUOTE] Awww u little sweetie....:bawl:
:eek: WOW :eek: I just realized that I [U]actually[/U] stay online and have an Otaku page loaded 9pm-2am straight everyday except the fridays I go to the pub!!! That's like 5 hours of internet and being on the Otaku every day which I didn't realise I did...which is an average of 35 hours a week here...which is about 150 hours a month (a month with 30 days) ......dam :sleep:
I come on coz I'm bored too heh :D Normally I'm listening to music...talking on MSN to school mates and people I've met on here...downloading mp3s or music videos...sometimes do a little work on my website but it wont play at the moment...I'm also eating and playing bass while browsing these pages. Most of the time trying to do them all at once haha. It's just cause I get bored once it hits 9pm here cause if I'm in I got about 2 1/2 hours before I should be in bed and another 1 1/2 before I feel tired...so I creep on here at 9pm and when mum goes to bed at 11 or 12 I pretend I'm going to finsh what I'm doidn and come off any minute...then I just stay here til 2am in the morning killing time...then it's bed for me and up at 7.45am everyday :)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]while eating salt and vinigar crisps.......'I thought u were a vegetarian?' [/B][/QUOTE] sorry i dint notcie that :haha: that's soooo funny :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gilly [/i] [B]okay i was going home and my friends were all walking with me and then i turned around to say good bye to my boyfriend we kissed and then i went to my door ans my frined goes are you two goin out !!!! we've been together for 2 months!:flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] haha yea that was another one. I'd been dating Jay nearly 2 1/2 months and I was round his all the time, when I was talkin to his mate lee on msn (who meant to know everythin about jay coz they been mates 11 years and lives on the street I have to pass to get to jay's) and i was talkin bout rumours goin round skool.. Larz : yea one that's going round is that I'm hittin on Woody! which is stupid and only interests them because he's got a gf and I've got a bf so its 'naughty' Lee : ey? you've got a bf? Larz: er....YEA! Lee : oh...who's ur bf??? DUH!!!!!
To me the real world is the fun things that I never bother doing. The real world is the snowboarding I can't afford to learn....the parties I never go to....the friends I don't make the effort to aquire....the grades I could get if i didn't bunk or actually tried at skool....the house I wish I owned and the job I could get one day if I keep my rechord clean and my heart on it.... The REAL world....is the one that could really happen if I tired to make it....the REAL world I would love and enjoy every second of.... But right now I am in my world....the world which I created....and if it sucks it's because I let myself rot away in it...... and I don;t make an ounce of sense lol :D :blush:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]God damn, how many Harry Potter topics are we gonna have? [/B][/QUOTE] haha my thoughts exactly. It's great that so many people like it...but um....I'm not one of them and these topics r gettin repetative heh *anime sweat drop*
I don't really care for perfection right now...all I want is Jay back, even if it's not the greatest relationship ever. Everyone else can have gold!..I don't care as long as I get him back... [QUOTE]wot can I say, I love the retard :D[/QUOTE] (note: quote off mallrats)
The dragon came to as the sun's unrelenting rays scortched the scales on her back. Severly disoriantated she stumbled to her feet and swayed dangerously. Sudden head-rush brought her back down on her side, where she stayed, trying to stop her mind from spinning. ???? : Where am I..... urgh.... head kills..... too weak to stand.... A shadow past over her but she hardly noticed it. Her vision was blurred, her throat partched and her head pounding. ???? : Come to think of it.... who am I..... and what the hell am I doing here..?..... Several long minutes passed as she tried to recall anything from her memory, from the past. ???? : urgh.... dammit.... must've hit my head or something..... and this heat doesn't help...... Somewhere in that mess of a brain she realised that if she didn't risk the last of her strength on movement, preferably to somewhere with sade and moisture, then it was likely there wouldn't be a 'she' to worry about by tomorrow. Slowly...heavily...she dragged her huge feet under her and with the last of her failing strength and alot of grunting, she manged to stand...relatively steady. Screwing her eyes up she could just about make out what was infront of her. [i]This is it.... can't lose anything by trying...... got to save myself....[/i] It was then it dawned on her that it's all very well saving something, but surely that something should be given an identity...especailly when it was oneself. In the haze that was her mind only one word stood out that sounded anything like a name.....Noxi..... [i] Ahhhhh... well Noxi it is then.... for now at least.... until i find out what happened.....[/i] Noxi : Okay then Noxi old girl...... let's get thoses legs moving..... Slowly she made her way ahead...to the outskirts of the unholy land...to the little black twisted shape, that if her heart could have it's wish, would be a tree in the distance....
awww that's really sad to hear. I just hope his last few weeks are nice ones and that nobody hurts for him, for too long.
i thought the question was "why [U]dont[/U] sheep shrink when it rains" :p and it's coz rain isn't warm (40 degrees) accordin to my mates :D
America making things too hard, ha i hear you mate ;)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Are you gay? LOL! [/B][/QUOTE] Heh some idiot decided to take that one step further with me... "are you the queer that made Jess bi?" I could have slapped the stupid idiot! He honestly believes I could 'make someone' bisexual and he didn't even say it as a joke..he was asking an honest question!!!! :flaming: :flaming: