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velvet paws

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Everything posted by velvet paws

  1. 11 years of school force fed to me! believe im happy to be gettin out in 4 months!!!!
  2. We got the whole series at home but I never got round to reading em. Duno why...guess I just went straight onto Terry Pratchett and Terry Brooks once I learned reading could be fun.
  3. a safe place...hmmmmmm.... *thinks very hard* ah-ha! got it! Jay's bed :D No seriously, whenever I feel like the worlds getting on top of me I just snuggle down under the covers and everythings nice and dark and warm and there's his music playing in the background while he's playing on the PC so there's this steady relaxing clicks of keys and often I fall asleep for about an hour :blush: heehee
  4. personally I own... [b]Bam[/b] --> female rat --> brown and white ..named after Bam the skater ;) [b]Hannibal[/b] --> male gecko --> leucistic leopard ..no reason for name just took my fancy :p [b]Pandora[/b] --> female gecko --> leopard ..named after Pandora from kerrang strip :) [b]Charade[/b] --> female gecko --> leopard ..again random name :cool: [b]Asmodeus[/b] --> female(?) cornsnake --> orange and white ..named after the adder in 'Redwall' :D [b]Loki[/b] --> male cat --> ginger ..although my family may argue he's a family pet I say he's mine coz I first saw and wanted him 3 days after he was born! :blush: and I begged them for months to let me have him coz I used to play with him everyday round Daz's. but we also have 2 more cats..2 rabbits..another rat..a gerbil and sum goldfish heehee
  5. heh ive done it once or twice on those camping activity type holidays :D its okay...not great tho....and i always get told off for messin about :p :rolleyes:
  6. *looks at watch* Velvet Paws: Wot!? It's been a complete 3 days? Wot's with these people? Are they all dead?? :eek: :confused: :p
  7. Hybrid : Human/Dragon Name: Noxi Age: 17 Power: creates fire (sterio-typically :rolleyes: ) Description : perfect blue and white mountian dragon..but retains human logic (thinking) and human heart. Has also retained a scar along her arm which she inflicted on herself one day out of depression and heartbreak....and her 'soft' blue/gery human eyes which look somewhat mysterious compared to the strong, agressive looking body. Has no memories from past human life but can regonise people she's met before..can't put names to faces..can't put faces to names kinda thing...this does [u]not[/u] mean she will be friendly though. Location : Unknown (Wakes up several yards from the stream but is severly dis-orinantated and stubbles off to the west)
  8. Okay kool guys this is looking good. Dragonballzman has decided that you can post any extra stats (age...breif apperance...start location..background unless your a Hybrid coz then you cant remember anything and we've now decided to include a weapon or specail attack for self defence and stuff...but don't go too OTT :D) This information will all also be copied into the start of [b]Dragon Riders Series 3 [/b] once it's up and running so that it's easy to double check the other players as well as yourself. That's all the hybrids taken now so we need Goblin Creatures to work for the evil and civilans or hermits. A civilan can know martial arts or be an expert with a weapon...the same goes for a hermit..but the idea is a hermit is more aware of the world than a normal civilan and maybe has [U]very[/U] weak magic. (There will come a point in the plot when we all get more powerfulmagic wise but for now we're all relative sissies :laugh: :p )
  9. I dont actually have any idea wot i want to be when im older....haha maybe just sponge off the government all my life lol (doll doss-er)
  10. " Stupid people were made to be laughed at " I always loved that quote :D And as for what happened --> :rotflmao:
  11. [b]Mihoshi :[/b] ah-ha! :D found you! [i]she starts pushing random parts of the cube.....nuthing happens...frustrated she starts twisting bits of it. Suddenly a fluffy pink toy rabbit appears, hovering in mid air.[/i] [b]Yukinoju :[/b] Mihoshi?? :eek: [b]Mihoshi :[/b] Huh?? Oh!..er..how did that get there :rolleyes: I haven't seen this for years :shifty: definatly wasn't what I was looking for.. :blush: [i]Continues fiddling with it. An assortment of strange objects appear before her and then vanish again as they are replaced by even stranger things.[/i] [b]Yukinoju :[/b] What are you looking for Mihoshi? That report you lost last week....? [b]Mihoshi :[/b] No silly :D My puzzle book!:haha:
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blanko_el-miez [/i] [B]i could have said that but thanks (note: if anyone could help me with my charecter i would appreciate it cause uhh i dont watch tenchi much hardly actually..no one eppie i think not sure anymore) and i am glad to help out with this rpg if i could be told who and how i am going to play sence i hardly watch [/B][/QUOTE] If you're still having trouble PM me with wot you need to know and I'll help you out hun. ** velvet paws **
  13. lets see hun..ur in yr 8 now...and u gota stay on til yr 13 *shudders* i pitty you sooo much. I'll think of you when I'm earning £175 a week ;) haha.
  14. Where you from FF? English High School sucks but I guess it isn't all that bad...I just have a tendancy to make out it is. 4 more months and I'll have left school and be trying to get a job :worried:
  15. yea i was about to say they were similar topics so um...no offence but...wots the point in posting this one? :rolleyes:
  16. [i]A few light years away from planet Earth floated a spaceship. It was in good condition, and all scans suggested human-oide life forms were aboard. [/i] [b]Mihoshi :[/b] Where did it go?? Where did it go??!! :worried: It can't have just vanished..I know I put it somewhere safe...it should be here somewhere. Oh no I'll never find it :crying:
  17. ahhh wot the hell. Let's start this now guys. If anyone else wants to join in post ur details here and then just make an enterance in the [B]Tenchi Movie 2002 [/B] The sooner the better really but all entry's are welcome :D:p
  18. please can some one help me? I want Jason Tompson in violet-purple-violet fade and Bisexual® in pink-blue-pink fade :confused:
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Sounds like a piece of crap to me.... No I don't think I'll waste my time nor my money to support that rolled up pile of cow crap. Please, Snoop Dogg makes a movie, now every stupid rap star has to make one... [/B][/QUOTE] haha another vote in ur favour, if such a thing exists in this topic :) :rolleyes:
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]I like Batman more than Spiderman..... I don't like the idea of these movies. Some of the movies are good, but the others turn out crap. :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] haha i'm with you 100% on that one hunny :)
  21. my mum (the lovely woman) usually spend most of her money on me andmy brother and is always last to get anything. When our clothes are tattered..hers are practically rags...but she always puts us first. There are always things I complain I want...and half the time I get...but when I see her wearing the same thingz every otha day and how little she actually spends on herself I feel well guolty. At the monemt I feel guilty for even needing dinner money and buss fare :( :bawl:
  22. well i'm probably going to drink alot like i did 2nite (yes im kinda drunk heh...hope my typin aint to bad) or i'll prob sepnd it bein all cozy with my bf but not any of the cards or "happy valentines day" or anything like that. will just be a normal day for us....
  23. I don't have to wear glasses or anything..which is a shame because my mum promised that if I did I cuould have contact lenses and I was going to have a normal pair...a violet pair...and a cats eye pair......the wonderful thing about me being under 16 is if I got them now then they eould be free or at least relatively cheap...but when I hit the old 16 in 3 months then I'm dun for coz I have to start paying for medication n stuff :(
  24. hey i found a site to get my sig all faded n stuff ([url]http://www.angelfire.com/pokemon2/fader/index.html[/url]) but how'd i get it in my sig?? :confused:
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