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velvet paws

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Everything posted by velvet paws

  1. god...loadza people in our school r talking about having a prom and me and nost of the guyz r saying "but we dont have proms in england so wots the point in pretending?! :huh:
  2. yea that's fine...i think about 1 maybe 2 more people and we'll start this thing properly :)
  3. haha yea I can't blame u hunny :blush: :blackeye: :therock:
  4. I don't mean to drag a sorta oldish topic back up..but I just wondered if anyone could make any sence of my last post and possibly give me a few words..maybe even a sentence?? Coz it's still eatin at me and 2moro is the night I go out to pubs with my mates and get most effected, whether I'm drunk or perfectly sober and with good company makes no difference. Also my bf is sleepin over so if I need to say anything to him then I can.... I think I'm going into one of my little 'i like girls more' things again..something to do with a girl I know who may or may not be interested...but I've got off with her before. She wouldn't want a serious thing ne way and I love Jay so I'm not going to do anything about it regarding her...but I just need to try and settle my mind abit coz I'm too stressed about everything else right now. When ever I told Daz or Phil I liked girls more they were like "well are you trying to tell me that you want to break up or what" and I'd reply "no, of course not. I really care about you. I just thought you had the right to know that I fancy quite a few girls at the moment" and they'd ask if I was sure and I'd say yes and that would be the end of it. The only thing with Jay is I've never actually done that to him...I've told him about when I did it to the other guys..but he's never had to experiance it. And this girl called Kayleigh who he really hates (not the one I posted about b4) was beggin him to get me to get off with her a few weeks ago and I didn't coz I don't think she's a particually great person (looks or personaliity) and coz it upset him so much...but if he feels threatened by her I duno how he'll react :confused: he's a great guy and wouldn't do anything without good reason..but I'm scared to hurt him... [SIZE=1]..........I've done that too much in the past...*private guilt trip*.........[/SIZE]
  5. yea...well adding my 2 pence ne way... I had to leave my current e-mail address ages ago because I had 15 junk mail everyday and several people on MSN that wouldn't leave me alone not matter how much a blocked them..they just made a new address or got a mate to harrass me..then someone sent me 500 of the same e-mail..so I just gave up and left it for 4/5 months. Told only my mates the new address. After the time was up I came back to this one and cleared everything out and now it's okay again and I still have room to block a few people if I need to. Maybe you could do something like that?
  6. Try PMing Elfin_girl she one of my skool mates :) she neva done any kind of RPG though before..I'm trying to start her off with my 'Tenchi Movie 2002' (which by the way people is ready to kick off as soon as we get about 3/4 more people ;)) Oh well, can't wait for this one to start haha. I GET THE KOOL DIGIMON :p :cool: :D
  7. no, i used to but thankfully it seems that i get very little junk mail now. Only about 3/4 pieces a week :eek: :D Only prob at the mo is..as well as the usual p0rn advertisments that everyone gets...I've been getting random e-mails about getting some graduate thingy and I'm like "ey go away. I've had 5 of the exact same e-mail in the last 2 weeks and I don't even know how u go my address and I wont be more likely to look at it the more u send it to me! :flaming: "
  8. velvet paws

    favorite song

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]I also like Smells like Teen Spirit, by Nirvarna. I love Nirvarna [/B][/QUOTE] Haha if you had to play that as often as I did when I was bassist is Daz's band when he fell out with Jay...god u'd be so sick of it! haha. Eveytime I hear it at a club I find myself playin an air-bass and I go bright red but my fingers neva stop twitching until the next song is halfway though :blush: :blackeye: :sleep:
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Ugh.... no offense women, but some of you get upset over the most ridiculous things... and you assume too much! Anyway, I can't help you much Ice... I may think somewhat like a woman, but believe me, not even gay men understand them.... and never will... I'm just glad I don't have to put up with them in a relationship :p j/k! I love women! Just not in that way. [/B][/QUOTE] Haha hey I'll say it "women and relationships are too much like hard work" there...and of course I can get away with it...coz I am a girly heh :angel: :laugh: :rolleyes: :D ------------------------------------------ I totally agree that this girl is winding herself up and making a fuss for no reason. If you want to be friends with her try to talk it out with her or give her a little room until she sorts herself out. If you think it'll be too much hassel..just ignore her *hears mutters of 'insensitvive' and just shrugs* ------------------------------------------ Just tell your girlfriend that you're really sorry but by cancelling lunch plans you thought she meant cancel everything and you're really sorry and feel terrible for it and will she spend a night with you so you can make it up to her...watch films or go for a walk or whatever it is you two like to do.
  10. ahhhh well i duno why I doin this really...I guess coz most people are being open now and I thought it sounded kind whoreish as the 1st post on the topic.... but almost every night I sleep with just my thong on (that 1 week of each month I wear PJ bottoms but stil no top) The only time I ever wear full PJ's is in the really cold winter. If it's really hot and stuffy in my room then I will, as I said before sleep naked with a thin blanket over me...but I always sleep naked after sex and/or if I'm sharing the bed with my bf...but if his mum might walk in, in the morning I'll slip my top back on just before I nodd off and hope my little bare legs and bum don't poke out the blanket lol. :blush::rolleyes::blush: heh...please no1 think bad things about me now :worried:
  11. ha I had this problem yesterday :o reports and GCSE grades :eek: I'm very capable of getting all A's B's and C's...with at least 2 A*'s in there (...and you'll find out why I'm not really bragging...) but I gave up on school 3 years ago and although I keep good enough results to stay in the top class for everything (except maths..I second group where you can only get B highest) I just can't be bothered at all with it. If I reach all of my targets..which in most cases just means I actually have to bother revising a little coz my predicted grade is the same or 1 below..then I will have 2 A*'s..2 A's..1 B..1 D and all the rest C's. It's all passes...infact I already have a C grade pass in my GCSE's for english wich we took early and thankfully get to take again in April....but C is an average person pass and all my teachers are yelling at me because if I'd tried these last few years then C would be my lowest and the rest would be mainly B's with alot more A's in there. All I can say...don't give up on school when you find most of the subjects easy...coz when you start to slack and have days off (I've been 98 days out of 144 so far) then things slip by you that you should really remember... And I suggest doing what I did. Handing your mum your report when she's had about 1 1/2 hours in from work, then sort of dissapearing into your room or a back room and listen to music and make out your busy doing something :blush:
  12. [COLOR=blue]music --[/COLOR] [punk/grunge/rock/metal/ska/industrial] [COLOR=blue]playing bass --[/COLOR] [though I'm not great or anything :sleep:] [COLOR=blue]Watching our collection of anime and manga etc --[/COLOR] [last thing I watched was 'Ghost in the shell' about 2 days ago] [COLOR=blue]friends --[/COLOR] [going to the pubs and night clubs every friday with my friends. I also see my bf loadz :D]
  13. ooooooh just had to post this as well! promise it's my last one! and againI must say im so sorry for having to post these all seperate :( :bawl: :blush: :flaming: This is the reverable side to the black hoody...although granted it would have to be a slightly different shape :D
  14. And of course it wouldn't be perfect without some kind of item with serious sentimental value.... :D
  15. Okay...I was going to stick with trousers or a short skirt for easy movement...but this dress is sooooo gorgeous! Imagine that it can be detatched *gulp :bawl: * so that it's a short dress in times of er...hurrying...when just pulling it up wouldn't be practical
  16. Okay I decided to change what my charcters wearing..from practical to..well..wot I perceive as kool stuff :D I'll edit my decription so it matches soon. These are the items my character is wearing: ****************************************** Ahh dammit! Non of the links will work & I can't really describe my clothes very easily so I'm going to have to post them as seperate attatchments. I'm really really sorry for takin up so much space please dont hate me :bawl: :worried: :( :bawl:
  17. *gulp* I hope no1 has a problem with my characters coz umm...well it is completely made up coz I dint know bout any existing characters and I put alot of hard work and board space into it...so...um..yea...I'll be heart broken if you wont let me have her heh :worried: :eek::tasty: **************************************************** Name: Kathrine Ayre Age: 19 Job: none specified, has wide range of skills which she uses to get work while she moves around. Weapon: Has a large dagger hidden..straped to the inside of her thigh in it's sheth and a short dagger hidden up one sleave. Also has wide range of knowledge on local plants (for medicine, posion etc) Apperance: Black hair with a white streak both sides at the front. Deep blue eyes. Pale skin. Long dress...the skirt area can be detatched from the rest, revealing the same design but in a short dress for easier escapes etc. Black Velda Boots with Magic Heel...took alot of practise to be able to run in them :blush: :rolleyes: Always wears her pendant, it has alot of sentimental value (used to be her mothers) Has a extra large reversable hoody (hooded jacket), plain black on one side and blue tie-dye on the other side. Boi: Kathrine's mother died when she was 5 and once she reached 16 she ran away from home because her father was into serious illegal dealings which where forcing him to take some serious risks and get into trouble with dangerous people. she travels from town to town, city to city...getting work and trying to 'find herself' and 'her calling'. Is very intelligent and has studied martial arts and street fighting since she was 7..knows alot about plants and herbs..and knows how to kill with a dagger! ****** check out the next few posts for pictures *******
  18. ey woman! u beat me to it :p :D ne idea's for tenchi story yet? ahh I'll talk to u 2moro bout it ne way...will kill a few hours at lunch... ooh ooh! little person over here interested too :wave: heehee:angel:
  19. only if it's a really hot night and I keep a thin blanket ova me incase my mum walks in. Those ocassions are very rare though. :huh:
  20. *stands up and claps really loudly :wave: looks around :worried: sits down again slowly :blush: No really, you go girl! You were perectly in the right..well in my view anyway :p Things are kind of the opposite for me :( me and my mates always go to this one club thats for 18+ coz most of the time they dont care and let us in..sept the times they get caught by cops and ID for the next month :o but anyway..the last time i got in a was well p!$$ed off coz they only let me in coz im a girl and a size 10 and was wearing a skimpyish dress and none of the guys i was with were let in when they been there loadz beofre too. I knew exactly why they let me in! Because whenever I come outside for a breath of fresh air random drunk guys come up and ask if Im single then pay their £2-£3 quid to get in and either try to pull me or see if any of my mates are good looking. I guess I should be thankful I can get in most of the time...but that's not the way I want to have to play it all the time...I find it disrespectful and it means none of my better mates (guyz) can be there will me :angry2: :cussing:
  21. yea..good question. Do you live with ur bf? Coz if you do then u have apt enough reason to feel uncomfotable with the idea of both the child and its mother..invading your personal space and private life.. so to speak. I can understand the guy wanting to be able to see his kid..but if he's willing to take back the woman he broke up with, whether just giving her a home for a while or *gulp* wanting to try it again :worried: then it means that either he's disrespective of your feels or you haven't aired them well enough. When it all boils down to it, it's between you and him....but I think if he's made a commitment to you he should be willing to make sure this is comfortable for you...not scaring you...
  22. couldn't it be something...er...not wrestling related? :therock: :rolleyes: :p
  23. It's sterio-typically a swedish guys name although lots of other people have been born Larz..usually spelt Lars though. I got it off my old e-mail address about 3 years ago Ladylarz@hotmail (the larz just coz no1 else had it) then everyone I knew started calling me Lady as my nickname and I hated it even more than my real name, so I got them all to call me Larz instead and I think it's alright..no1 ever comments on it, just sometimes new people I meet ask if it's my real name. Anyway enough with the name thing now..could poss be classed as spamming in this lovely games topic :eek: :rolleyes: :blush: :angel:
  24. Im a certified freak! I was born an oxymoron lol. My first name is Layla, which means twilight..and my middle name is Dawn heh :D Another freaky fact is that if you add up the numbers from my birthday (24/04/86) 2+4+0+4+8+6...then you come up with the number 24! The date I was born! So I count this as kinda my lucky number..even though I think 28 sounds prettier :p Just wondered if any of you had weird little facts like that you'd like to share with us...well just any weird fact heh :blush:
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