velvet paws
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Everything posted by velvet paws
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B] heh,I'm obsessed w/ the name layla!it's soooooooo pretty!I'm gonna name my kid that one day [/B][/QUOTE] Ahhh don't! It's so horrid being called Layla! I hate it I tell u hate it :flaming: :devil: :flaming: That's why everyone calls me Larz instead :D :tasty: :angel:
awww nobody posted in 2 days :( i wana play soon so you all gota come here and sign up :D heehee!
okay guyz. kool :D if you know anyone who might be interested send em over this way and we can get this thing going soon :p
Hehe world industries fire dude is sooooo cute and the blind reaper is wicked as well ha. My last deck was a reaction set up...but I doubt I'll 'attempt' to skate anymore. On a very low self esteem lately and the guy that used to try and teach me stuff compeletely blew me out the other day so I'm giving up and sticking to stuff I know I can already do quite well :( I'm ment to be teaching a friend though..maybe I'll skate again if we can find somewhere open and empty of people to do it..but I just couldn't face any of the guys I know..not if their all going to chew me out like that when their the ones that neva let me go out with them and claim I can't do stuff just coz they neva seen me do it and have ago at me then expect me to perform it perfectly infront of them..and I can't..coz I'm upset and pressured..and i'll shut up now..
okay I just wanted to know if anyones has been in the kind of situation where you really wanted something..and you finally got it..and then you had serious doubts about it? I have..infact I am right now :blackeye: I've never been very good with commitment to anything that can't physically leap out at me and say "hey remember me, I still exist". In an attempt to make sure I learn my bass continuously instead of just playing it for a few months and forgeting it then starting it again and taking a while to work off the rust from my fingers before learning anything new..I tried to get a band together with my friends who were also having problems leanring their intruments. The idea was we would play together round my house every saturday lunch time (expected to practise a little alone in the week) and eventually we would learn a varity of songs so that we learnt different skills and maybe even learn one or two songs well enough to play on our leavers assmebly in 4 months time. (who knows where we could go from there in a few years) Well that basically fell apart..leaving me and a guitarest who went through a busy patch and missed 3 weeks in a row. Now my friend spike used to be in a band. Aparrently they had two gigs, the first they sucked and the second they rocked. He decided the other day that he wanted to re-form it. Try and get some of the origonal people back but anyone he liked who could play was welcome. Well he saw me playin my bass (quite badly i was trying to work out the fiddly bit in [spunge] - 'break up' and saying a few rude words :blush: ) and he goes, "do you want to be in my band?" and before I could think about it..also before I knew he had been in a previous one...I said yes. A few minutes later I was talking to Jay on MSN and Spike noticed Jay mention he was looking for new tab to learn, so he said "wot does Jay play?" and I said bass, coz he does, to which Spike replied "oh well I wont bother him then because we don't need two bassists, but if he'd played guitar I would have liked him." Now I know Jay is already in a band and everything..but he's been playing solidly for nearly two years now and I just shrank back in my seat and thought to myself "oh Spike if only you knew..if only you knew how big a mistake you just made." I know he's heard me play before...and yes the fiddly bit is very fiddly and very hard I suppose...but the idea of going into a band which [U]expects[/U] gigs kinda scared me. Thankfully he's got to get other members and he's thinking of buying a drum kit so that will take quite a while..long enough for me to fit some practise in ;) As long as I have the song and tab..and sumtimes a little prompting from Jay I can learn a song..given time, but my self esteem is zero heh :sleep:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Silo [/i] [B]I'm really happy that she's getting better. I hope that never happens again. [/B][/QUOTE] My thoughts exactly. When she's well enough give her a huge hug for me :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] you have the muslims celebrating eid, and you have sikhs celebrating diwali, the date's are always changing though for eid, I don't know when diwali is.... [/B][/QUOTE] Thanx *phew* felt awful just leaving it at that but my mind honestly went blank and I thought of diwali but had no idea how to spell it so gave up. Oh well, now I'm a bit more educated :D They normally celebrate a few weeks before bonfire night coz I watch all their fireworks from my bedroom window while I'm meant to be doing homework cause I'll only spnd the 5th getting drunk heh :whoops:
heh what I meant to say was..I know it's not the same as having to solute a flag...the the idea of standing up for yourself and doing what you feel/believe is right, is the same.
That's just...sad...and wrong in away. At Junior school and now all through high school to this, my last year, I stopped saying the lords prayer and my grace because I honestly don't believe in any of that so why should I say it? It's like as a unbeliever I'm making a mockery of the religion and it's followers by reciting their prayers when I couldn't give a fig about any of it. I got in trouble at first..but a few teachers saw where I was coming from and said as long as I sat quietly I'd be alright. Nobody seemed to notice that I never took part though, except some of my friends who also hated it and didn't believe in any of it..so we made an example of sitting bolt upright when everyone else was told to bow their heads. We stood out really badly and got dirty looks, but as long as we didn't say anything then they couldn't do anything :D
That comment seems abit unfair. Does that mean as an ex-skateboarder I shouldn't really be here? I merly said it should be called 'Rodney Mullen likes classical music' because that is my friends MSN name and it kinda takes the rip coz Mullen wouldn't have invented it and yet it was still linked to him. And this topic is kinda pointless because you can't hold much descussion about what it's alternative name would have been. All people can really add is one line comments. I'm sorry but I wouldn't be surprised if this gets closed....
A very deep psychological question...
velvet paws replied to Alexander's topic in General Discussion
I don't think I've actually said this to anyone before..well maybe to Daz once in passing..but the only reason that I came out was coz I fancied my best friend Kayleigh. It took me about 5 months to decided it but she completed me in everyway possible and I thought she was good looking too, and realised I was jealous of all the guys she went out with because of how physically close they could get to her eg big hugs..gettin off with..arms round etc. Now I knew I didn't stand a chance with her, so I only ever admitted it to Daz and I think he forgot about it..I duno..heh I was going out with him at the time. The two girls I've been out with, Cait and Hayley, never completed me as much as Kayleigh did, even with the hugs and gettin off and stuff (sorry to the people who might not wish to know this but I guess you shouldn't be checking this topic). The thing is though..when I broke up with them I didn't know where to go next..because I'm dead scared of admitting I fancy a girl or going and chatting one up incase they're anti gay or something..i mean even them not being interested would be embarrassing. With Cait it was easy..I came out to her and she said "kool so am i but i was too scared to tell you" and things went on from there..and even Hayley it was easy coz she said she was bisexual then a few weeks later Daz said that she had commented "it's such a pitty you two are going out because I think you're both well fit". Now..I still really like guys..had a 17month relationship with Daz and I still love him deepdown..and I've now been 2 1/2 months with Jay and I think I love him but I'm not really sure yet :confused: I've cared strongly for him for 1 1/2 years so I'm comfy sayin I love him but I dont know if I feel that's he's my one and only kinda thing. The only problem with guys is that..no matter how right for me they feel, there's always this little gap that they can't fill and some nights when we're out at the pub or something I'll see a nice girl and I'll just want to go and chat her up and get off with her. I never do..but alot of the time I go through phases where girls do it for me more then guys (always worry my bf's slightly if i have one at that point coz they see girls as opposition, as i suppose rightly they should) and I just wish I had the guts to ask some of the ones I've seen out, when/if I break up with Jay of course. But this is confused by the fact that Cait and Hayley still left me with gaps..what they could fill guys couldn't, what they couldn't guys could kinda thing..where as Kayleigh made everything good and I didn't feel like I needed a guy as well/instead. I don't quite know where this is going..it's my feelings and I just wondered if anyone would like to comment..try and help maybe. I love Jay the same way I love Daz..but sometimes I still feel that gap throbing inside me, yearning to be filled..I ignore it and it fades until I sometimes forget it's there..but it never quite goes away. -
midterms?? Ne one know what they are in relation to us UKers?
Have u ever gotten the police called on u?
velvet paws replied to stardust's topic in General Discussion
I never had the cops called on me...but one time when I was with alot of the guys and they were all skating the lesuire centre car park and I had a board under my feet...a cop car came along and stopped right infront of me and i was so scared they were going to yell at me to get all my friends to move and watch us all night incase we did somat wrong. :nervous: Thankfully they were just interested coz their son's wanted skateboards for christmas but they'd only ever used to old school flat ones so they were just checkin out what you coudl do with one that was lighter and had kicks...and yea...they were well surprised a girl was interested in it :rolleyes: :( I don't think I'll bother anymore though.... I don't go out enough to really be anygood...just the basic tricks like ollies, nollies, shove it..haha and goin down a kerb without fallin off...oh yea and I forgot wot its called but when u ride up to a kerb, turn sideways so the kick rests on it and u stop, then turning round and carryin on. Well anyway..Jay said I could go with him and Lee on their weekly tuesday skate...but the other day Lee started being real nasty bout my skating and I know I don't really bend my knees enough but that's coz I'm really self consious and Lee started telling me how I couldn't do anything and he dint know why he gave me suggestions coz all he was doing was trying to boost my confidence so I might actaully make a good attempt and stuff :bawl: I admit I freeze or mess up when people watch me but I can do all the above in my backyard where I don't feel pressured or infront of my little bro...but I just feel so pathetic and if Lee's nasty I've got no one to go out with anyway... -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B]Name- Layla Job-Civilian (fighting experience,karate) Age- 16 Weapon- Magic Wand Appearance-I'm a girl,use ur imagination [/B][/QUOTE] haha ey! you properly skanked my name and age lol. soooo weird! (yes my proper name and age ;))
okay people..I know enrolling is slow but um....a little faster please hehe :D :worried: :wigout:
okay okay...*big anime sweat drop* ..ummm... stormwing you can be ryoko if you want...I'll take Ayeka or Mihoshi then. I'd love Little Washu but I aint got the brain power for her :toothy: Sere Tuscumbia you can have your own person if you really want I guess...but try to keep it along the standard Tenchi idea's okay? I was gona keep it all strictly existing Tenchi characters...but I guess if people [U]really[/U] want to make up their own they can have a go and we'll see how it ends up. I'd still like people to use characters we're familiar with tho..please..:sleep:
ok i'll check it out
okay, I'm not sure how well this will come out and I'm open to suggestions....but I really wanted a tenchi RPG and since the otha one's quite a way in I thought it was worth trying to start a new one. :toothy: Okay well here goes..basically I could come up with any number of stories but they would all be restrictive in some way...soooo this is going to be like an episode of tenchi or the tenchi 2002 movie and basically the story is made up as it goes along. If anyone wants to appoint themselves as a bad guy or has a good story suggestion then please feel free to post it. It's been a long time since my last RPG (Dragon Riders) and I'm feeling rusty. You can be anyone out of any tenchi but whoever you are you must be realistic about what you can and can't do. [B]Characters so far :[/B] Velvet Paws - Mihoshi Elfin_Girl - Ayeka Stormwing - Nagi Sere Tuscumbia - Sere [own character / demon] Darncoolguy1 - Tenchi Dragonballzman - Kamedake (sp?) Blanko_el-miez - Sasami AlmightySSJ4 - Tenchi's father
okay...well I'm still not too clear on the whole thing :blush: :rolleyes: but I'm all up for playin still. I get the general idea and I'll do my best :D
haha awwww I love it!!! :D [COLOR=red]Larz[/COLOR] :love2:[COLOR=red]Naked Dancing Llama [/COLOR] ;)
not one I personally enjoy but some of my friends took part in the school play at jounior school and they enjoyed it... :)
No fair! you get to set 'em off half way through the year and we have to wait til rite at the end around either the 5th November or 25 December..not forgetting of course the 31st of December too ;) Ooh but then you have the Asian's celebrating something (sorry to be ignornat guys but I forgot what it was and I prob can't spell it :nervous: ) anyway so we just get to watch their fireworks as well :D
I don't know if anyone's said this yet but dobedo.co.uk had a big get together and party one time and apparently lots of people turned up and there wasn't too much trouble. I agree though that finding a location might be hard and of course all teh details will be fiddly..but may I suggest that if ever one does go forward, we try to get one in each country or main area of country eg. London for us UK'ers so that everyone has a better chance of going.
I'm just pleased that you're okay hun. PM me whenever you want. I'll be here for you if you ever need me again and fingers crossed for you two :)