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velvet paws

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Everything posted by velvet paws

  1. we'll...um yea..check the sig. And I've neva had any problems about it..we'll not off my friends anyway. They deal with it in their own little ways, however they need to I guess, but they're not really bothered as long as I accept that they're not gay and would neva be interested. They still hang with me and talk to me...infact being honest I had more problems when I became a 'freak' or 'greb' to saying that I liked girls as well.
  2. *drools* NICE CAR! and I don't go much into them so that has to be a REALLY nice are!:eek: :wigout: :tasty:
  3. eh...some one please explain it to me coz i wana play :bawl:
  4. Okay I decided. Here's my detail's.... DIGIMON [B]Name:[/B] [COLOR=blue]Kari[/COLOR] [the same but with abit more attitude] [B]Digimon:[/B] In Training: [COLOR=blue]Nyaromon[/COLOR] Rookie: [COLOR=blue]Salamon[/COLOR] Champion: [COLOR=blue]Gatomon [/COLOR] [starts as] Ultimate: [COLOR=blue]Angewomon[/COLOR] Mega: [COLOR=blue]Magnadramon[/COLOR] [?] [B]Crest:[/B] [COLOR=blue]Light[/COLOR]
  5. hey..I don't mean to interupt or anything but is there anyone left that I could be coz I really like Tenchi stuff :p If there's only some obscure person who is not on Tenchi Muyo, Tenchi Universe or Tenchi in Tokyo then I'd need info on them or I prob wont play right. ....that's if you're not all booked up....
  6. umm...well I'm willing to play any role but er...thing is I don't know what this is about. If you could fill me in on the detail's then I'd love to play. :D
  7. Wicked I wana play! I don't have time right now to fill out my details so can u please save me a place :D haha and I'll be back in about 2 1/2 hours. Will give me time to chose my character too :rolleyes:
  8. velvet paws

    favorite song

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B] Oh yeah!*hi five* that song rocks!ranks high on my list too!I love Blue Oyster cult!:toothy: [/B][/QUOTE] Haha I love lots of the classic old rock songs! Alice Cooper - 'Posion' and Stiltskin - 'Inside' are two more :D
  9. velvet paws

    favorite song

    all time favourite: Blue Oyster Cult - Don't Fear The Reaper fave for the moment: Incubus - Pardon Me Incubus - The Warmth (joint)
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]superman did it. he flew in and flew away. [/B][/QUOTE] No, I was talking to George all day :D (my friend is known as superman..yeh lame joke I know :blush: ) Yeah that is really weird. I'm kinda sinical about stuff like that though :o
  11. I went to bed at about 2am last night. I was really tired and I just crept straight into my bed without bothering to change into my PJ's or anything..and hid under my covers so it was nice and dark (I have 2 lizard tanks in my room with bright red lamps >_< ) I'd only been there for about 2 minuets when I suddenly heard a huge bang. I just sort of srank back even deeper under my cover and listened to see if it happened again. I then heard alot of sniffling and scratching around. I was frozen for a minute..then I thought it was probably one of our 3 cats, so I poked my head out to yell at it...but there wan't one there. I hide again and tried to ignore it, but it got louder. Finally I sprang out of bed and turned my light on so I could see better...but the room was empty of anyone else. I left my light on and I yet again went back to bed to try and sleep..and then as if in slow motion something dawned on me...something hadn't been right when I'd glanced around my room before. I shot up really quickly and ran to my door where I'd been standing..and yes! right in front of me was my big cage that the rats live in..and at first i didnt see it..but then I realized the bottom door was unlocked and Ryoko was missing! Now I started to panic because Ryoko is DBZman's rat and there were millions of places that it could be hiding. Before I could move Loki (our ginger tom cat) came in..sniffed the air..and then ran up to a cornor and started clawing at it. I dragged the wreched thing out of my room and looked down between my bookcase and chest or draws...and there it was, running behind them. It took me about 30mins with the aid of my mum to catch it again, and when we finally did I was so knackered I just collapsed on my bed and fell asleep. (after making sure the cage was properly closed) Thinking about it now..it would have to have been left open from the day before when I got DBZman to put Ryoko away after I'd been playing with her and Bam (I'd put Ban away early coz it stresses easily). I can't belive I didn't notice..but then again I only poked vegegtables into the top half of the cage yesterday, and it was the downstairs door that was left. It looks shut from a distance, but it has two metal clips on it :blush: :wigout:
  12. it's always just polo's in the porches at my school. I think everyone's too hungry at dinner to bother wasting the...er..."food" ;) :D
  13. Okay I just PM'd you before I looked back in this topic again so I will add my advice based on the facts I see here, and you can PM me back if you have anything to add. She says one of you has lost their love, and I agree that this does sound like she's hinting that maybe you don't spark her off as much as you used to. Think back though..have you been busy lately or anything like that where you would have to keep brushing her off? Because if she's feeling down lately or if she's the sensative type then she might not understand why you can't give her much attention and think you've gone off her. I think the best thing you can do..daunting though it may seem, is ask her next time you talk or e-mail or whatever, if she was trying to tell you that she wanted it all over or if she could talk to you so you knew what was up and could sort it all out. Don't forget to tell her somewhere in there that you still love her more than anything else..might sound abit cheesy, but she really needs to know, even if you do *gulp* break up. As for running away to see her. I'd say make it more of a visit than a runner, and only do it if you know that she isn't going to take one look at you and slam the door in your face. I'd say ask her the previous question, and if she says that she's willing to try and work it out, then arrange so you can sleep over one night or something and go and see her. Then you'll get the best part of 2 days to try and make it all good again, and you wont worry anyone by just suddenly going missing. I hope this helps, because I know how much that sort of comment can kill someone :( :bawl: Let me know how it goes..please? I'll be here for you. ** Velvet Paws **
  14. I was only joking, I'm not really a perv. Wouldn't have mentioned it if everyone else hadn't been jokin bout it b4 :rolleyes: :(
  15. Hey, this topic is actually related to the games and stories section but I put it here because I didn't really think it would fit in with all the..well, games and stories, since it's more of a query. I have alot of spare time lately which is why I am once again a visably active member of the Otaku :D I come the the internet every night for about 2hours but I've now run out of sites to go to and people to talk to...so I just wondered if there were any RPG's being planned or recently started off that I could join? I'm more into fanstasy/fictional stuff but I also like Tenchi, Final fansty and stuff like that if they are themed games. Please post here and tell me what I can join. Thanx. :wave:
  16. wow that [U]is[/U] kool. Haven't u got in trouble for your sig? It's er....abit long...um..don't u think?
  17. I have 4 avs of anna and uni puna :D I don't know if I'll use them tho..but I was planing to with my old otaku account. The one's I want to use now are too big no matter wot I do. They'd be ok if I became a mod but this 60X60 rule means I can only get the girls heads and you need the whole body really :( Oh well I have a long way to go before I should really worry about it again. Took me so long to get all my posts up last time and then when everything moved and they got wiped I stopped coming on as often and I sort of browse rather than posting.
  18. I leave school in June 2002 :D I'm planning on joining the RAF (Royal Air Force) as soon as possible after I've left, but I'm still waiting on my information pack to fill in the gaps that the site doesn't mention in much detail. I'm going to try and work as either a flight operations assistant or a personal administrator. If I work with opperations I'll always be based in the same control tower...but if I'm an administrator then I'm assigned to a group of people and if they have to catch a plane to somewhere and camp in a field I have to go with them. That's why it's my second choice even though it has less qualifications to get in..because I'm not too sure about how I feel about moving around right now..especially as I don't know how things are going to work out with my boyfriend. He's claimed to love me for well over a year, and I've cared about him for about a year now and we get on really well...so it could be another 1 1/2 years thing like it was with Daz, in which case I really should disscuss this kind of thing with him. After working for a few years I'm planning to drop out and study psychology and latin for about 2 years...then I'm going to get back into some kind of work but I'm not quite sure what yet. I used to want to work with law, but I don't think I'm quite dedicated to finish all the courses I'd have to do :(
  19. I live in the UK, always have...probably always will. My friend Jessica came to live here from the states about 2 years ago. She doesn't like it much here either but for some reason or other she doesn't think they'll be going back there. She's only in year 8 I think right now so she's got 3 more years of school before she [U]could[/U] leave, but her mum's making her stay on the extra 2 years so she leaves school when she's 18 because her mum reckons she'll be classed as a drop out if they go back to the states and she left school at 16. :confused: weird coz me and lots of people I know are leaving in June 2002 (or when they reach 16 & done their GCSE's)
  20. no...but I was threatened to be kicked out fo skool the week just gone :nervous:
  21. I got 33% insane pure and 67% insane corrupt :wigout:
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B]you guys.......... seesh,how about an "I hope u feel better",cause that's wut I'm sayin,anyways,um........hmm...I've been there,sramps suck,jsut be thankful ur not a girl [/B][/QUOTE] yea every month >_< it's horrid..sooo nasty..evil I tell u evil!! Hope u get beta soon and hope u have a nice time with ur gf :smirk:
  23. i think everyone's given just about all the advice I could...but I'd just like to reasure you that she's the one in the wrong here, NOT YOU. *hugz*
  24. If this was an ideal world then no one would ever lie...but it's not, and I don't really believe there is anyway way we could successfully make it so. I don't lie that often. We'll not what I'd call a lie. Sometimes I keep things from people..but only if their personal to me and don't involve anyone else. Like when I've been obviously down all day and I go to ask Jay something related to why I'm down..then mid sentence I just stop because I don't think it would be a good idea to carry on. He always begs me to tell him and sometimes I have to sort of make something up that's not what I was thinking, but a apssable truth. He rarely believes me but he leaves me alone then until I forget about it or tell him properly. Huge lies...well not HUGE one's but ones that are completely not true I usually only tell to my mum to keep me or a friend out fo trouble..for instance when I'm very late home.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Defcon5 [/i] [B]Shoot me! I was never taught that. If fact I have never heard that word in my life before. And that servey could also just mean that calling water dihydrogen monoxide isn't as common as you all think it is..... [/B][/QUOTE] Yea I learnt it as plain and simple H2O. I kinda guessed byt the way the topic was laid out though that it was going to be something simple..but I saw TN reply before I really thought about it :D
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