velvet paws
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Everything posted by velvet paws
I gave up playing the flute about 3 years ago cause I had breathing problems and couldnt blow down it well enough (chest tightened and lost my breath all the time). I only had lessons at school for about 6-7 months anyway. I gave up lead guitar in about Jan 2001. I'd taught myself a few chords and could play the intros to a few songs, except 'the cranberries - zombie' I learnt all of that. I kept neglecting to practise though, so I took up lessons for about 4-5months but for almost all of that time we were taught about famous guitarests and how 'good music' was made..not how to play, so I gave them up. I decided guitar needed too much dedication for what I could give it..so I decided to take up bass. It's easier and when (I plan to) go back to try guitar again I will have background experiance. At the moment: I play bass. I'm teaching myself by learning the tab for my favourite songs but I have a few friends who can play that help me sometimes if I need them. I've had my bass for almost a year but Im only just really practising properly because I have a slight problem with dedication of that kind. Im sort of in a band and sort of just do it for the sake of doing it. Im playing things like 'bush - everything zen' 'bush - comedown' 'red hot chili peppers - suck my kiss' '3 doors down - loser' and 'incubus - drive' at the moment. Nothing too hard because I still dont have much patince at the moment.
Electrical Appliances ..........Blowing Up!
velvet paws replied to Fall's topic in General Discussion
yea once i blew the tv up!!! believe it or not! i was charged with loadz of static electricity for sum reason and i went to turn it on and the screen binked then went black and didnt work again :eek: :rolleyes: -
me!!! me!!! me!!! I hate school with a passion that burns white hot! :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
happy b-day hahahah :D have a kool time!
the only fate i believe in is the ultimate fate...death. for everything else i believe that you get to chose what happens, shaping history and the world as you go along. I like to fancy however, that in diffirent dimensions different lives are played as a result of all the other choices we could have made.
i've never heard of it before but sounds like lots of fun. wish we had it round here cause I deff try it out :D
I also learnt the hard way not to let a guy or girl come between two friends. I've had both of them happen before..and it wasn't fun I can tell you. I think they should give up the game and try to concentrate on something/someone else. It might sound hard and in practice be difficult but it'll be for the best in the long run. If it's meant to be then the right girl will end up with the right guy sooner or later. As for the other matter, what is with her parents??? She's only 16 you say? We'll I'm as good as 16 and I can tell you that if my parents left me alone in a differnet country I would be so gutted and so frightened that I would call everyone I knew in tears until some came to help me. No matter how I got the money for those phone calls...I would do it until something good happened.
Most of my teachers have given up with me. infact just about all of them have now. they threaten me with the education services and the failure of my exams...or they just literally beg me to spend an extra 10mins on my courswork because I can get mainly B's and A's in my exams if I wanted but I've just gotten too god dam lazy in the last 3 years and I'm settling for mainly C's, 2 B's, an A and an A* (highest mark). I have about a 3 or 4 day school week because I cant be bothered to turn up all the time. I've dropped electronics just by never turning up to it for 1 1/2 years, I always bad mouth the teachers if I'm having a bad day or I feel they have no right to speak to me a certain way, and I'm neva eva in proper uniform. I deliberatly wear my lip ring because they frown upon studs and it gets them well mad, along with my school bag that has song lyrics and studs all over it. I'm not delberatly trying to stick out, I'm just being me. My mum agreed 2 years ago that I didnt have to worry too much about my exams cause as long as I passed them she'd let me take them again if I wanted to try for a better mark. Anything above a D is a pass for me...so as long as I pay my exams some attention I'll be okay. Last 4 months of school..if it even works out as that with the holidays..then I've got to decided if I want to go into work or get further education etc. Duno if I'm still moving out because I'm not that close with one of the guys I was going to live with at the moment...but I'm tryin to make up..so I might have my own house in 2002 :D Woohoo! I'll be 16 in 4 months kool! Ewww old enough to get married :o think I mite pass on that for a while ;):rolleyes:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B] Baaahaha! ...it could have been worse...they could have madeyou [I]model[/I] for the family in your new undies! Muahaha :laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] exactly what i was thinking. that would have been far worse :rotflmao: :devil:
haha wicked! i loved that! could just be the time of the morning..but hey neva mind :D
I'm sorry if I seemed to moan on then. It was our first christmas without our dad, he's only been moved out a month or so, and christmas eve when he'd come round to exchange presents there was an argument between him and my mum and he walked out. He came round on christmas day, but only for an hour at most. He then went to spend the rest of the day with his side of the family, who I haven't seen for over a year and they didn't visit us the week before christmas like they used to. Mum got about 4 presents, and she's in debt for the few she got me and my brother...I just feel like it's been the worst christmas ever because all we did was sit at home all day...we hardly even ate anything, specailly not christmas dinner. *sigh* I'll stop again now..sorry..I'm just getting kind of emotional. :( :(
I know this might seem really strange to most of you, well some at least, but I was very down heartened yesterday when I got given 'Austin Powers the spy who shagged me' by my mum. Admitedly I have seen the film before, at least twice, and it does have some funny points...but it's not one that I'd ever bother to watch unless someone else had put it on and I had nothing else to do. Its not that it's boring, just apart from Seth Green :tasty: the whole film gives me the wiggs. Thinking about it now I feel really really bad inside :( We haven't had much luck with jobs and things at my house so we didnt get very much at all for christmas and just thinking back to how stressed my mum looked that me and my bro had a good time...god I think I'm going to be sick. Just her face when I opened up that present...I could see her searching for happiness and gratefullness...I could practically see her heart break when I pulled a weak grin and just mumbled "a video..wicked..kool..thanx" and just put it to one side. We did watch it...but I swear she's got to be so down cause it was my bro that wanted to see it and I just kept saying "look you and mum can watch it if you really want to, I dont care, but I don't want to watch it!" :bawl: I'm not over reacting, I feel really sh!tty about this...just the more I think about it the more I see those deep blue eyes looking earnestly into mine...searching...hoping that the owner had done something specail :( :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:
I always confind in freinds, very ocassionally my mum. I like to get my best friends view and then I'll ask two people I trust but don't know all that well because they can hopefully give more non-biost oppionions etc. Normally my best mates are always guys though, I feel I can be more open and relaxed with them than most girls cause I'm not always comparing myself to them and they're not just there to eye me up or anything. Until quite recently I confinded everything in Daz...now I tell Jay most stuff, and what I dont tell him I ask my friend Ste for help with. I can tell Jay most things...but some subjects are not to be mentioned to him heh.. :rolleyes: :sleep: :therock:
i always wanted that *sigh* maybe one day i will get one :angel: :) any idea how much it costs?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=orangered][size=1]I agree with BabyGirl here. After September 11, I don't look at Muslim people and think "I see you differently now". If anything, I feel closer to them. I feel closer because I know that if someone from my own country did those things...I would hate them for it and I would be completely horrified by it. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Im sorry to say that this is not exactly true for round here. We are still getting alot of trouble from many of the teenage and youny adults who claim to be muslims. As I walk down the street I hear crys of "look behind you the plane is coming!" or "praise bin laden" and every so often the mocking cries of "did bin laden kill your family?" There are still smart people. They said they were sorry for what had happened over in the USA and said they could not account for the actions of those people or for that of their friends. I'm still friends with Siyma and Layma..why shouldnt I be? Yet I'm still scared walking down the street past a group of asain boys, as many of my friends have been beaten up by them since the incedent, seemingly unprevoked, and I myself have been threatened before. Fireworks have been aimed at my boyfriend when he was on his way to my house..and at his dog, while the dog was at the front door of his house. He has done nothing to these people and yet they feel they can call him "white trash" and do this. I dont blame them for anything other than being jerks..but they have lost all of my respect and feeling and now they frighten me. How can they be so stupid and ignorant to the fact this was/is a serious matter..and treat it as a joke? The trouble makers are even calling Pakistan their home country..and Im sorry to say that this isnt the fact because they were born in England and every detail on them says they are a british citizen. I dont blame a race or a religion..i blame people..but im am still nervous when i go out..and i have started to see alot of individuals differently. Im sorry for the long post. that was the last thing i have to say on the matter. From now on Im going to force all the rubbish that has come up regarding this to the back of my head.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]i have heard of them....but never read them. [/B][/QUOTE] same here but if u find its any good let me know and i'll try em.
the worst thing is seeing my mum go out on friday and saturday nights and then hearing the next day in glorious details who she was kissing all night *shudder* its very scary :bawl: specailly as i know one of the guys she was all huggy and kissie and stuff with. everytime i see him im just like :eek: :haha:
oooh u got kool little bubbly thingz everywhere :angel: :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B] That's Forcible Rape. This situation is dealing with Statutory Rape. The two are different in that with statutory rape, consent isn't an issue. If the person(s) involved are below a certain age, it's illegal, regardless of whether or not they say it's okay. For example, most of the states view the age of 13 as still being a child- which is true, they're certainly not adults- and are not mature enough to truly know what they are letting happen to their bodies. That's where all of these children giving birth to children situations are coming from. They are simply not responsible enough to handle the consequences. Therefore, If someone has sex with a minor in that offense (boy or girl) it is statutory rape, and statutory rape can be tried as a capital offense in some cases. Very serious... [/B][/QUOTE] Okies thanx for clearing that up for me. I dont want to put my area down but we dont have any of this trouble round here cause once you hit 13 your almost expected to be thinking of when you're first gona have sex with someone. To be honest half the kids at my skool who are 13 arent virgins anymore (we had a case of year 8's (12-13 year old) boys trying to gang rape a year 8 girl!) 14 is a relatively respectable age as long as you dont sleep around....and when you're 15+ you're just expected to already have or to be really fussy about it. I duno what's happening to the world anymore. I dont regret it...but once I broke up with the one guy that I still feel I love, Im not going to do it again until I find someone else very specail to me.
** the crow ** tank girl ** interview with the vampire ** fight club ** clockwork orange
I guess online love could work because there's so many people out there you're bound to come across some one you really like. The main problem though is normally the huge land gap between you. My personal experiance: I met a girl called Cait online. We got on at first as just really good mates...and then when we found out we were both bi we decided to take it a step further a date. We foned each other loadz..sent a few letters..spoke online everynight and made arrangements to stop over at each others houses for a week or so (she lives about 130miles away from me). I really cared about her. I thought she was the koolest person ever, she always cheered me up and amused me and I'd do anything to keep her happy. We dated for about 7 months..then we went to a festival together and things just broke down. My parents didnt know we were dating cause they thought we were both straight..and that meant I had to neglect her quite abit which kind of put a strageness between us and she was on the fone to her freidns back home most of the time. We ended up saying goodbye after the week was up...I broke up with her a few days later, althogh I think she might have been thinking the same...and now she's just another person on my contact list that I only speak to once on a blue moon.
well rape is forced sex...so the question is did he force this girl or did she do it willingly? Besides that they're both under age anyway so he shouldnt get into anymore trouble than her. I dont know if my parents are just really chilled or what but being honest here, I first had sex shortly after my 14th birthday...and I'm still 4 months 2 days (exactly :)) from being 16. The guy I was dating was nearly 15 cause he's 6 months older than me, but neither his dad nor my parents cared much as they realized we were being careful and that he wasnt just using me (we ended up having a 17month relationship) er....okay i'll shut up now until i know fully what im on about...
Shane's alright I surpose. He kinda keeps to himself and I keep to myself, but sometimes we share sweets or sot down and watch tv together. Most of the time we just sit opposite each other on our computers and he'll like some of my songs and start moaning "awww come on tell me what it is I've got to download it, it's kool" and will keep bouncing on me until I give in.....today he actually set the cat on me :confuse2:
Kool :) Im sorry I dont know what you looked like before but that's nice. Did u get worried beofre you had it done? :nervous: :worried: I'm all nervous coz Im getting my hair braided 2moro. I was trying to get dreads a few months ago but my mum had ago at me telling how when I got bored of them Id have to cut it all off and I wasnt old enough to make that kind of decission for myself (:butthead: I duno go fig) so after 3 weeks of not brushing or washing it I had to get rid of the mini already forming dreads and god did it hurt! So I was playing with my hair again few weeks ago cause I'm bored of it being straight a shoulder length(ish) and I plated all the front bits then decided it would look kool if I had braides. None of the hairdressers do braiding though so me and my mum went to the shops and bought loadz of mini bands and beads to do it, but she was practising earlier and I'm not too confident in her work to be honest heehee :worried: it'll look okay for a few days but even with this anti-friz stuff we have I dont think they'll last long. Oh well, my boyfriend sent me a text saying he might be coming round 2moro so instead of just having a before and after view I can ask him what he thinks of it when she's done some and if it looks all silly I can take it out. I really want them though, and now I have kool little see-thro glittery starbeads and sum metallic round ones :D