velvet paws
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Everything posted by velvet paws
Let's see.... My ceiling -> is dark blue with talismans painted on the area over the window in glow in the dark paint. There are 3 of them. 1) grants dreams 2) promotes happiness and friendship 3) Healing of the body, mind and soul. My walls -> slightly marbled wallpaper, 3 walls blue 1 wall purple. The wall my bed is up against is covered in rock posters including some of those kool ones cradle of filth made as well as regular pictures of people (huge one of Kurt Cobain :tasty: also have Daniel Johns (silverchair) Tarrie B (my ruin) and Nadja Peulen (coal chamber) yummy yum yum! :D I have a poster of Merlin and his lover surrounded by zodiac style charts over my victorian fireplace...Desiderata and another poem over my lizard tanks...2 blue, black and purple sconses (sp?), a picture of mother nature and father time, a picture of a purple and silver dragon and a picutre of a siberian tiger club infront of an eclipse with the world under his paws. Extra -> Door is purple with Nirvana liyrics written in black pen and "come as you are..as you were..as I want you to be" in glow in the dark paint. Carpet is various shades of purple. Have 2 lizard tanks (geckos) and 1 snake tank (cornsnake). I also have a windchime that used to hang off my ceiling over my bed but fell down of Amerthyst (sp?). Heh bet you all know my room as well as I do now ;) :p
What is the weirdest thing you have done in your sleep?
velvet paws replied to Ryan's topic in General Discussion
I can hold full conversations and then not remember it at all, or wonder if it was a dream, when I wake up. It only ever really happens when my mum comes into my room really early in the morning to tell me what her plans are for the day before she goes to work...of course this leads to complications when I make my own plans and don't realise she wanted me home etc :D -
Should USA really do "van Damme Week"??
velvet paws replied to JCBaggee's topic in General Discussion
:eek: BLAH! if i were you mate I'd rent a few video's for the week instead! :p -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]as long as the people get to choose who their rulers are (& i have no idea how they do it in the UK, i'm speaking of the US here) i really don't see the harm in it.[/B][/QUOTE] Basically we have: King/Queen : Royalty by blood only. They are not chosen by anyone, they are merely there because there ancestors (sp?) ruled us for many years. They are born into their position and have no power of their own they are merely figure heads. Government : This is a group of people (demicrats or whatever) that are chosen by the british public every 4 years or so. There are 3 main 'parties' that run for the role of government and prime minister (main man and figure head of the government eg. we have Tony Blair right now) each time, although there are always sub groups that never really stand a chance. It is the government and the prime minister that decide over all what happens to the country and they can over rule the King/Queen. MP : This is a member of parliment. Each area (city etc) in Britain gets to vote for there own reprisentitive. These MP's meet up with members of the government to help discuss how things are run and what needs doing. I'm not really that good with politics but this is how I see things running here. Maybe it helped....? :huh:
[i]Chace was sitting in a dark corner of the pub, with a pint of carling in her hand, reading the newspaper. A figure moved and blocked out her light. Without raising her head Chace spoke to the figure.[/i] Chace: The wonderful thing about sunlight..is it allows you to read your paper without going crosseyed... :rolleyes: *no reply* Chace: That was a suttle hint my friend..to kindly move out of the way... *still no reply* Chace: Okay..ignorance is something I can't tolerate..I warn you now to please move out of the way or suffer the conciquences... :flaming: [i]The figure still loomed above her. Chace took a deep breath and looked up, prepaired to meet the menace with a cold hard stare and possibly fists. What she saw actually surprised her. Instead of the well build thug she expected to see she was met with a steady gaze from the 'old pervert' she had seen earlier. Keeping her cool composisure (sp?) she lowered her head again.[/i] Chace: Can I help you Mr..? Old Man: Forgive me if I'm mistaken..but I believe I heard you were looking for a job..? Chace: *raises head again* Why? You got one? Old Man: A job...yes I have...an important one at that... Chace: *getting slightly interested* What field of work? Old Man: I guess you could call it protection Chace: Protection of who or what? What does it involve? Old Man: There are a group of young people...10 of them to be exact...they are very important and need looking after well. The job will involve alot of traveling and maybe sleeping rough. It will also I'm afraid...most likely include confrontation from people attempting to take the kids lives.... Chace: *sarcastically* And I'm expected to look after all of them alone am I? Old Man: No...not entirely. They can pretty much look after themselves but [u]they will[/u] need your help at times or they wont survive. I'm going to hire others to help you with the job because I agree it's quite a handfull... Chace: Does that mean the money's going to to have to be spilt? :therock: Old Man: Money? Ahhh yes your payment for the job. At the end of the job you can claim whatever you want...the value of which will depend on your preformance... Chace: *thinks* Hmmmmm..... This all sounds very strange to me *looks back down at paper and attempts to read again* Old Man: You look like you really need to take this opertunity... Chace: *mutters to herself about being rippedoff* *sigh* Here's the deal....£2500 upfront...and if there are complications and I leave I want no one coming looking for me later to rough me up....okay? Old Man: As you wish Chace... Chace: :eek: How do you....? [i]She looked up again in confusion but before she could finish her sentence the old man had vanished.[/i] Chace: ....know my name *she mumbled to herself* [i]On the table was a small brown bag which contained £2500 exactly..and a piece of paper listing the names of 10 people and their ages. Scribbled at the bottom was a message "I believe you already saw some of these people this morning".[/i] Chace: This is too weird heh....:huh: ...what on earth is that last part supposed to...ah! the ally!
[i]Chace was hanging around..doing nothing in particular..waiting for her next job. As she watched the world go by she toyed with ideas in her mind, idea's like why the world was the way it was and why were humans created so puny and weak. As she gazed straight ahead she noticed some old man spying on a group of kids..who seemed to be looking arround suspiciously. After a moment or so the kids walked into an allyway and she lost sight of the old man.[/i] Chace: Bloody dirty pervert I'll bet :flaming: *sigh* still nothing to do with me I suppose.. :huh: [i]Chase picked up the sack she was carrying around with her and shifting it into a more confortable position on her shoulders, turned her back on the allyway and went in search of a pub, with nothign but a good drink and the next job on her mind.[/i]
The only one of those I haven't seen is 'Jay and Silent Bob strike back' but I know a guy who has it if I want to borrow it :D actually I have to go borrow 'Dude Where's My Car?' as well ;) Snoochie Boochie Noochies! :p I love them sooo much! heehee. Heh did you see them when they were bobbing around in the background of Afro Man's "song" 'Because I Got High' heh made me laugh..of course I had the volume turned down for that ;) My fave quote comes off mallrats: "What can I say? I love the retard" Ahhh duno why..just love it...
Heehee I own Ghost in the shell :D I love that film. It's not on my list of favourites although I enjoy it every time I watch it but it's most memerable. I find it's hard for an anime or manga to be my favourite movie over regular stuff like 'The Crow' however it does happen in cases. Mostly I have fave regular films and fave mangas like monster city etc :)
I just wondered if any of the older guys and gals here have seen any of the above. I have several tapes my mum made of them saying stuff like 'return of the overfiend part 4' but it's really confusing me because I don't know how many parts there should be. I've never managed to watch the whole thing from start to finish to see if I'm missing parts because it would take the best part of a day and also my friend Alan is always borrowing manga and lately has borrowed some more tapes and I know at least 1 was part of the return. These are taped off of the sci-fi channel if that helps anyone. Also, what do you think of them? I some times get a little tired of the henti but other days I just take it as part of the film.
I haven't seen it enough to chose a fave yet but medabee is quite kool. It's a bit too cheesy I think...ah well...maybe I should give it a chance and watch some more..:rolleyes:
I believe it was my brother who got the toys grrrrr :flaming: I mearely got 2 videos including the movie...ah well better than nothing :)
Jonny Quest...He-man...Thunder cats...ahhhh I remeber those :babble: :blush: :love: I'm looking forward to Dragonballz finally finishing..it really annoys me how they keep playing the same sagas about 3 times before they change 'em grrrr! :flaming: No GT until 2004 :eek: say it ain't so! :bawl:
What makes a word bad? (NO CUSS WORDS PLEASE)
velvet paws replied to Amphion's topic in General Discussion
Pancake heh? what's all that about ey? u get attacked by one or something? :D I was going to post about the whole french thing when i remebered it but I forgot to come back here and now about 3 people have already said it.....BLAH! -
OOC: okay I'm really sorry to butt into the story..but it looks like I'm going to be a warrior cause there's 10 wizards (by my count) so what do I need to post on my bio? I'll edit this later so it doesn't stand out so much.... Thanx... ------------------------------[EDIT]------------------------------------- [b]Name:[/b] Chace (pronounced Chase) [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Occupation:[/b] Chace raoms around the country doing odd work for enough money to get by. She doesn't know what she's looking for, but she IS searching...every part of her being refuses to let her stay in the same place too long. She isn't very sociable and especially hates small kids. To her small kids is anyone more than a year younger than herself. She has many skills and is deadly with most items as she has the ability to improvise well. As side from regular odd job work she has been known to 'rough up' people for money. She carries with her, her own short sword and a small gun. The sword was a present from an older brother before he went away to fight a still raging war in another country and faithfully she has trained and perfected her technique secretly praying for the day her brother will return. The small gun is for general self defence and also..maybe..a little persuasion.....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]because if you are unable to handle your own life the stress of someone elses can break you[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Wow..this guy know's what he's on about :) I totally agree with that part..
Nothing like that has really happened to me...except when I was little Wolf off galdiators was meant to open the garage down the road from me and I got his sig and everything...but after watching that program the other day about celeb. look a likes going round claiming to be David Beckham and stuff I'm starting to doubt that maybe it was just a look alike and not the real thing because I WAS quite small. I've had all of Godhead minus The Method (bassist) sign my belly...and I've drank from the lead singer of Lost Prophets glass. My friend Liz thought she saw a famous snooker player in town earlier this week. It could have been because the day after (or was it 2 days) anyway..there was a big snooker game on at the Medowside which is 5mins walk from the town centre. I don't know much about snooker or players though....
Ahhhh! Pinky and The Brain were in my dream last night! (For those of you that know animianiacs) Bascially the whole thing was messed up but at some point people were shooting stones at a load of white mice who were trying to run away over a hill...and one got hit in the arm and it was broken. I saw the mouse struggling and another mouse ran back towards it. It turned out it was The Brain who had it left arm shatter and Pinky was with him. I hid them in my pokets from the people who would have killed them...but I was being monitered by their guard robots and if I moved away I would be killed too..so I promised to try my hardest to help the 2 mice and if it looked like I was doomed for I'd give them the best possible chance for escape first.... Strange huh?....:shrug:
If they're worried about you now with 13 year old boys then what on earth are they going to be like when it's 16/17 year old boys??? :eek: Thankfully my mum has never been over protective like that...although she hates me sleeping in the same room as one because "it is more likely to lead into other things" to which I reply when I'm in a bad mood over it cause her 3month bf HAS to share her bed and just CAN'T sleep on the sofa "yea but you already know I've lost it - and if we wanted to we'd do it anyway - so what's the point!?"
My little brother's the slightly excentric Dragonballzman :)
Well I already said my view on this subject...it's a load of f**king b****x! We don't need them at all! The Queen doesn't even pass laws! If the priminister and all his little lackies wanted a new law to be passed and she didn't like it..though s**t on her! She could reject it several times and in the end they'd still over rule her..because they can! Because she is a figure head with no power of her own! The rest was in my post so I'm not going to repeat myself...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]1. What's worse (oh joy): being greedy or spoiled??[COLOR=blue]oooh tough-ie....erm....I'd say being spoiled because if you're just greedy you'll probably still have to work for it, where as if you're spoiled you get everything on a silver platter...[/COLOR] 2. Say Adam retired from Otaku (like that's ever going happen). Who would inherit the sites: Seph or James [COLOR=blue]Seph....er....maybe James...ooooh I don't know...Seph?[/COLOR] 3. Which do you think is paradise: Land of Money, Land of Food, or Land of Anime (and this isn't Japan..lol)??? [COLOR=blue]In my surrent situation...LAND OF FOOD! I've hardly eaten the last 2 1/2 days...all I've had 2day is a hot dog :( (not my fault)[/COLOR] 4. What's worse: yourself (physically) or yourself (mentally) It's a shrink question.[COLOR=blue]Myself mentally...yep...physically I'm not the best of specimins but mentally I'm seriously messed up[/COLOR] 5. Let's say $1 million just dropped out of nowhere and landed at your front door....literally. Are you going to give it to charity or go on a spending spree of your life. [COLOR=blue]spending spree obviously!!![/COLOR] 6. What would you pilot: A Gundam, Zoid, or EVA??? [COLOR=blue]Gundam[/COLOR] 7. And for the closing question.......Are you a vegetable, straight or just mentally insane?? [COLOR=blue]er...I'm retarded so umm vegetable....[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE]
Still sucks :( No food appeared yet. Mum said basically if I was outside the HSBC bank at dinner time (12) she'd buy me something to eat. I was so hungry I went. It was really hot and it's a 30min walk to town from my house so I set off at 11.15 and when I arrived at 11.48 (to make sure I didn't miss her) I was already getting very thirsty. She turned up at 12.35 (late) and I felt really sick cause of being in the heat for so long with black clothes (I have few other colours and those were in the wash) cause the guard at the bank kept kicking me out for 'loitering' (sp?). She complained cause of the time and how she was in a rush to eat and leave. My glands had swollen up again cause of some mystery virus/infection so I had a can of coke and a hot dog because that was all I could manage. After we had eaten she gave about £1.20 to the guy selling 'The Big Issue' and then set off in the direction of the car park. As we passed F.Hinds (sells jewllery and stuff) she decided she just HAD to have a £14.99 pocket dragon model. After a little more 'window shopping' she bundeled me into the car and drove me home. I fell asleep at some point and when I was woken up by my bf ringing me she was sitting on the sofa reading a book. I asked if she'd got any milk yet and she said no (because I can live off just eating a few bowls of cereal a day) so I grumbled, said I was going out..and did. I came in about 35 mins ago (5 1/2 hours out) and she's in bed. We STILL have no bread or milk. We now also have no toilet roll and no form of drink other than the dirty tasting tap water. There are dirty pots and her clothes and boxes of junk everywhere still even though she swore she was going to tidy them. I just went to the kitchen to attempt (never even seen it before let alone cooked and it has no instructions) to cook some pork belly with stuffing only to find as with everything else it was out of date by about 1 or 2 weeks. All I have in this house is 1..yes..1 tin of cream of chicken soup which has no best before date printed on it but has been there months. My mum is going away straight after work 2moro and wont be back until late saturday (10pm+)..then she's going out at 7am on sunday. I just know I'm going to starve. Heh sorry for going on so long...blah...oh well....er....sorry...yea...opps...bye...
Sign Up Breath of Fire: Dark Flames (sign up)
velvet paws replied to Dark Sephiroth's topic in Theater
[Okay I edited my post so you can all see my details heh] Name: ZimZum Age: 17 Race: Elf - cross - human Height: 5ft 8" Weight: 8st 10lb Element: Fire & Wind Weapon: double edged short sword & hidden dagger Attacks: flame = standard formation of fire, can shape into bolts and blasts living flame = can create creatures out of flame that last 10-20mins each wind = standard wind powers speed = can move like the wind..fast basically glide = can float down from great heights or gain extra height on jump deadly hurricane = hurricane of flame Character Description: ZimZum does not like to socialise but will be civil to people if she feels it will be better than ignoring them. On a few rare occasions she will actually find someone she likes and then will care for them deeply and protect them the best she can. Mostly she prefers to be a loner. She has long black hair with crayon purple streaks, blue eyes, pale skin, wears dark gothic make up (mainly purples), goes round in a black corsette which laces up at the sides, black leather jeans and a pair of Doc.Martain boots. [ 3 of us have chosen both fire and wind...kinda funny heh? ::shrugs:: ] -
oooh can I be in this? gona come online alot more again now so I can start some new ones :) I'll be whatever...witch, warrior...not that fussed...post again 2moro when I get details yeh? Gota go now tis 5.17am *yawn*
Haha I'm loving that warning! Unfortunatly nothing can beat a socail drink once a week...which may develope into a few more....like 6 pints + heh :D