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velvet paws

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Everything posted by velvet paws

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]move to Uk, its safer, we only get floods. [/B][/QUOTE] yeah..... cold & wet all year round....and you only have to worry about getting sunburnt every other year for about a week max. cheap with clothes though, you can wear the same stuff untill you grow out of it...none of this seasonal design rubbish ;) haha
  2. this might not be a long post but i just had to say..... "what a complete and utter sad idiot!" :D :D :D *laughs head off...well nearly* :D :D :D
  3. I would just like to say that it's Daz's (my ex boyfriend) birthday tomorrow...and well, since it's 15mins until tomorrow I thought I would post here. He'll be 16...:) but he's not at home for me to visit, I probably wont see him until friday so I'm gonna phone him instead and yell happy b-day down the phone...then if I see him on friday I'm going to give him a card and this manga pic that I drew last week which he liked. I'm skint so he'll have to wait a few weeks for a proper present ;) Happy Birthday to all the other October babies!
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]Theres loads of rasism where I live. The pakistanis are the worsed really, whites r more violent, but the pakistanis are more racist [/B][/QUOTE] yeah, round here the asians have been throwing fireworks at people and shouting, calling people 'white trash' and stuff. A group of them about two weeks ago actually had the nerve to spit on my friend leanne when she was out one night, and when she asked them what they thought they were doing an argument started and they ended up ganging up on her and beating her. I cant say that the white people round here dont help with the friction, but like most of my friends we're just tired of always being the ones blamed for being racist. Schools and the police are almost afraid to say a coloured person was being racist to a white person..even though they know it happens. My friend Leanne was told she had to change schools after the incident happened, until the whole of our year went to the head and told him basically to stop being such an @rse because it was punishing her when it wasn't her fault. I hope things sort themselves out soon and I think it would be nice for there to be no racisim full stop....but I still think dispite all the effort we've made so far, peace is a long way off.
  5. rush? if you mean leaping from 17months commitment to another relationship after only a week...it wasnt planned at all. It was a happy break up with my old bf, as in "we'll never stop loving each other or allow ourselves to have a big fall out, so since we've been going out 1 1/2 years straight already, we might as well take time out to see other people and make the most of teenage years, then probably get back together again in a few years". I was going to stay single or at least single from guys for quite a while...but I actually got fixed up with this guy BY my ex boyfriend and we seem to get on okay so as long as it stays quite casual I dont mind. I was kinda being jokey earlier with what I said, the only person I have slept with is the guy I love and there is no way that I'll leap into bed with anyone else. I'd still be debating it even after I'd been going out with them for several months. if I haven't got to the point you were trying to make, please enlighten me...?
  6. yeah...i know it was all said and done before i got here, but back in the oldie days monks had beer (pretty sure it was beer) because i remember a histroy lesson some while ago in which we were told they used to give beer and food to some people..um..the poor or sommat....oh dammit im about as vaige (sp?) as everyone else. oh well...I still prefer just taking a friday night out and getting a drink to being a monk in the oldie days and have someone like Henry the 8th come and burn down my monistry and kill me :(
  7. I'll be interested to see how that turns out :) i'm afraid I dont have a picture of her...but I'd be interested if after you had your hair cut you posted a picture of what it looked like on here for us all to see? I was going to have my hair done like a characters one time..but I didn't think it would work without mountains of moose which would have looked yucky. Anyway, good luck!
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B] [COLOR=royalblue]You're very busy, and very active[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] er...heehee...um...yeah I guess, well I was...we broke up 3 weeks ago and I've only been with my new boyfriend for 2 weeks (yesterday) and I dont plan on going to bed with him anytime soon...so I'll get a good rest :D
  9. I guess my brothers okay as far as they go...but he's nearly 5 years younger than me so it can be kinda awkward trying to do brother/sister things with him. :(
  10. 1. Do you have a sexually transmitted desiesed? [COLOR=blue]No[/COLOR] 2. Do you know anyone with a Sexually Transmitted desiese? [COLOR=blue]No[/COLOR] 3. Are you a virgin? [COLOR=blue]No[/COLOR] 4. If not, how many times have you had sex? [COLOR=blue]um...I dont know...well over 150 times...(in a 17month relationship)[/COLOR] 5. If you are then when do you plan on having sex? [COLOR=blue]If I'm allowed to answer this...at the moment nobody[/COLOR] 6. How old do you think a person should be to have sex? [COLOR=blue]15+ I guess...though I admit I was only 14 when it happened[/COLOR] 7. Do you think its right for preteens to have sex if they love each other? [COLOR=blue]um...preteen as in 12/13 and under? deff no![/COLOR] 8. Have you ever got anyone pregnant, gotten pregnant? [COLOR=blue]No, I'm always careful about that, I have my whole life ahead of me[/COLOR] 9. What would you do if you found out you was pregnant or your partner was pregnant. [COLOR=blue]Try to kill the baby before it's properly developed, if I have to give birth my mum says she'll look after it for me and raise it as her own until I can do the job properly[/COLOR] 10. What would you do if you found out you had a desiese? [COLOR=blue]Depends on what type of desiese it was...probably be very annoyed with the person who gave it to me because they wouldn't have told me about it[/COLOR]
  11. okay so are all the weird kids at your school or are they at mine? because i know lots of people who like dragonballz who are 16 and nobody gives them any stick about it. Also anyone who can draw even basic anime/manga is instantly interesting and slightly cool and people always make nice comments on your art work or give you tips on how to improove it. Im not saying my schools the best there is...I just dont understand what the fuss is about at yours...so you like anime...GREAT, enjoy it with everyone else who does and forget the losers that deprive themselves of it because it's 'silly' and they're 'too mature' :D
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