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velvet paws

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Everything posted by velvet paws

  1. Heh..personally I prefer Limp Bizkits version of Faith (yes I knew G.M did it first before I read this topic) but that could just be because I prefer Limp Bizkits style of music to G.M's...although I would say they were far from one of my favourite bands. "Faith" has become a classic at any and every mosh pit I know of just like "Smell's like teen spirit"...but it's especially cool when they play G.M's version up until the chorus then kick in L.B's :D
  2. I wanted to be a cheerleader when I was about 12/13 but no where I could find had any kind of training for it or games that needed it...so I got lazy and now I couldn't stretch to save my life. I really want to become flexible again, it's only because I haven't done PE in 2 years because I hated the teacher and girls in my group. I walk regularly so I'm healthy...but I'm not that stretchy and my stamina isn't very good for the more energectic stuff. Any ideas? :excited: GOOD LUCK! HOPE YOU MAKE IT!!! :excited:
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B][FONT=century gothic]As for me... I don't mind cats, really...they're just fun to hate... Arrogant little creatures.[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] haha yea I second that and we have 3 of the little begga's living here. Stupid little me called mine Loki (the celtic God of Mischief *duh!*) and he's always gettin his nose and paws into everything, trashing the place, then acting like it's his right :rolleyes:
  4. I've never been paintballing but I really want to go soon. It's one of those things I'm too lazy to do most of the time but deep down I really want to. Oh well, maybe for my birthday.... :rolleyes:
  5. Music...I think it would definately have to be music. I can't stand silence for too long, it drives me mad! At the moment I love Emperor. It's metal...but it's soooo pretty :D
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Why do kids have sex so young? Why do they do drugs and drinks? The answer is really quite simple and quite known... that thing they call Peer Presure... iee it sucks I know... I've delt with it on many occations... even forthwright or not... *and so on and so on (didn't want the whole post on here cloggin up space)*[/B][/QUOTE] I agree with that to an extent but I just wanted to say that it's not always the case. I recognise that since I am only 16 I am still a 'child' and as much as I hate it, I accept it. I don't think that peer pressure played any part in me drinking or having sex. My mum and dad have friends who own a huge house and throw big parties on special occasions, ie. bonfire night, birthdays, new years eve etc. Ever since I can remember I used to get tippsey if not drunk at those parties, and when my mum first took me out to a night club with her, the first drink I asked for was a Red Square. Ever since then I have a socail drink about once every 2 weeks at a club or in the pub with my friends. Alot of my friends drink untill they're wasted regularly, often as a result of peer pressure from others, but I only ever drink IF I want to and I've never been in a state. As for having sex. I first did when I was 14. Very young I know, I didn't plan on doing it until I was about 17...truthfully never even thought of it until the day before it happened. As it was, I wasn't forced into it. The guy and I had been really close (never argued, always together, flirting like mad etc) for 6 months, and I'd fancied him 3 years straight..and even though he suggested it when I'd never thought of it, I felt comfortable with him. I thought "why not now with him when it'll mean alot to me and I know it'll be ok cause I can trust him, instead of losing it to rape or some d!ck head who ditches me straight afterwards in a few years?"
  7. I'm not a fan of South Park. A few of the episodes are quite funny but mainly I just find it dull and crude heh *shrugs* I love bottom and stuff like that though...my sense of humour must be weird...
  8. I don't like X-men Evolution but the old episodes were sooooo good! Wolverine is my fave char. heehee, wicked old grumpy man! Me and my mates all sit and watch it when ever we come across it channel hopping. We also have tapes of X-men which we rediscover every 5-7months :D
  9. Yea I'm looking forward to Blade 2 as well, I just hope it's as good as the first....only...I noticed a slight problem in the adverts... Whistler's meant to be dead! :therock: He got messed up really bad by the vampires and had to shoot himself to end it all, remember!? Even if he somehow messed up and didn't kill himself he'd be even more crippled than he was before and he has cancer anyway! How on earth can he appear in Blade 2??? ...:worried: unless of course Blade 2 is about stuff that happened before Blade??? I'm not aware that this is the case as there is all this bussiness about having to work with the vampires against a greater evil....ahhh man! Will someone please tell me if I'm just confused or if they messed up?
  10. I don't need glasses but my mum, little brother and boy friend all do. I sort of hope that one day I will need help with my eye sight because my mum promised me that I could have contacts and I plan on having 3 different pairs. 1 pair cats eyes, 1 pair violet, and the usual clear ones :)
  11. I wouldn't say he was the greatest but he was pretty kool. Never learnt that he couldn't really fly heehee :D
  12. I'm one of those kids that everybody knows, and I know most people, but not that many people actually have a real opinion of me. I tend to stick to the few close friends I have, which unfortunately, there are only three of in my entire school. At one point I was one of those kids that always hang round in a group of 5-11 people (easy) most nights of the week. I was only like that for about 9 months though. I found it really dull after a while and it was then that I actually went suicidal. So now I stick with close friends, usually going out just the two of us (I tend to have a best friend I see all the time)..maybe 3 or 4..on firday night about 9-10 of us all meet at the same club. I like it better this way. Less fights and everyone knows you quite well.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]he was trying to get me to imagine what it would be like if two guys were kissing[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Haha! That reminds me! When I went to see Lord of the Rings for the 2nd time and I took Elfin_Girl! We were just sitting there watching it when suddenly she yelled "imagine Legolas and Strider making out!" and I just stared at her, then we both started laughing (because I couldn't believe she'd actually come out with it) and drooling at the same time (cause it aint a bad idea). :rotflmao: I have no problem with any kind of gayness :D except maybe two big hairy, fat, sweaty men :worried:
  14. I don't know what's been said because (and I'm very sorry about this) I don't really have time to scan the whole topic...but it's proven that alcohol in small amounts are healthy for you and cannabis is better for you than other stuff like cigars. I find that most people I know smoke, drink, or are pot-heads. I don't know why, these just seem to be a trend...but as long as my friends enjoy doing it, can afford it and don't come to any immediate harm I don't really care..it's their lives. Personally I have only ever tried weed once (a few drags off someone's spliff) and it is not something I'll go to lengths to do again..it just doesn't appeal - I used to have a social drink every friday night with friends at the pub, rarely having enough to actually get drunk..I only ever drink when I'm seriously depressed and it's easily available - I've smoked fags before but I've never been a smoker. I've never bought my own or had more than 4 in a day. I only ever have them when I'm depressed. It comes from my dad being a heavy smoker, and whenever there was stress in the household he'd smoke even more and I'd be right next to him breathing it all in, so I sorta chill if I have a *** and I'm stressed..it's kinda weird.
  15. OOC: man I haven't been on my PC in weeks and I'm now about 4 pages of story behind! I'm only logging on quick so I'm just saying I'm still around and I'll check back and read the story and maybe make a post (hope I'm still alive) asap.
  16. Their inability (some of them) of recognising when being all sweet and lovie-dovie isn't appropriate (sp?). Whether you're just in a bad mood in general or whether they've done something personally to upset you..the last thing you want is them cradeling you and telling you that they love you..when all you feel like doing is killing something. You honestly want to brain them!!! :D
  17. okay i didn't know where else to put this or what else to do seeing as i've already tried mailing James. basically ever since the upgrade to version 4.0 I was only able to have 1 message in my inbox. I went through all the folders i could find but there was nothing for me to delete to make space. I was constantly getting messages sent to my hotmail account saying "inbox full at otaku" and all my friends were complaining about not being able to talk to me..... ....so I messaged James telling him exactly that. I didn't get a reply back (whether he was too busy to reply or my faulty inbox meant he couldn't I don't know) but now my inbox is and every other folder I can find is COMPLETELY empty and it's still telling me that my friends are trying to message me but my accounts full! please someone help because I don't know what else to do and I've only put this topic here (as I already said) because nobody can PM me :bawl:
  18. GD cause there's always some random discussion for me to stick my nose in heehee :D...and RPG's are kool..sept when they go all dead-ed :(
  19. bah! I'm still looking for a job >_< gona end up stackin shelves for £50 a week...which aint bad...but if I get in the RAF I can get up to £175 a week :tasty:
  20. :eek: CLOWNS!!!! :eek: and many small childrens programs (bob the builder is satan!!!!!)
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by () [/i] [B]Okay so I was thinking, people say aliens don't exist right? Right. Why? 'Cuz there's no oxygen/water on other planets. Ok... but, what if... Aliens don't NEED water and oxygen? Okay so you might be thinking [i]He must be grade 1 or something :rolleyes:...[/i] I am NOT in grade 1...I'm saying:What if the aliens have a totally different evolution pattern in which they evolved to a state in wich they don't need water/oxygen? Ok I admit its pretty far out, but... who knows? :naughty: :laugh: So what do you think about my far out theory??? [/B][/QUOTE] hey i totally agree with all that, so if they want to cart you off in a straight-jacket they'll have to take me too :D
  22. A mobile phone with never ending credit and all my friends numbers stored on it. That way I can amuse myself by texting and phoning people while I wait for my darling mother to come and get me lol :D
  23. Awww hunny! I'm kinda peeved that you didn't tell me anything was wrong. You know I'm ALWAYS here for you! PM me and explain it abit better will you hun? Lovin you always and you bloody know it!!!! *hugz* Larz X :love2:
  24. OOC: awww man I just can't think of ne thin to post, but I'm still here guys. ----------------------------
  25. Broke my leg during a PE lesson when I was 6 going on 7 years old. You know how you have the big bone and the little bone in your leg? Yea well somehow I managed to break the bigger of the two bones in a summat-or-other fracture just under my knee leaving the thiner weaker bone unscratched blah! Anyway, I was in plaster for 10 weeks and cause I was so small I had to have a zimmer-frame to get around with >_<
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