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velvet paws

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Everything posted by velvet paws

  1. Rock / Metal / Punk / Grunge / Scar / Industrial .... examples... Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson, Silverchair, A perfect circle, KiTTiE, [Spunge], Rammstein, The Offspring, Metallica, No Doubt, Garbage...blah blah blah....
  2. well I cant find the 1st sight of me posting until July 21, 2001 but then again I've never been much of a thread starter. [URL=http://web.archive.org/web/20010802111716/www.otakuboards.com/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum&f=2]games & stories July 21, 2001[/URL] Ahhhh the old name :love2: Dark Wish..registered in April heehee :D
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B]But I think people who commit suicide are weak stupid people.. and all they care about are themselves... selfish bastards.. they don't think about what other people will feel if they die.. It has to be the stupidest thing anyone could do!! :mad: :bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] I beg to differ. I think it's the person's choice if they want to go on living. What's the point in staying alive just cause other people want to know that you're still around. Aren't THEY the selfish ones not caring that you're suffering and not caring about what you want to do? Okay so they'll miss you..but they would if you moved away and lost touch or if you got killed in a freak accident. Why should they be mad at you for controling the one thing in your life that was certain? I was suicidal 3 years ago...and I'd still consider killing myself if I ever decided that I really couldn't stand this sh!t any longer. I didn't go through any big re-hab or anything..I hardly ever saw my councilor and refused to take my tablets cause they made me feel sick. The way I see it is, if I can't live peacefull by myself and my own means...like I have to rely on other things like medicine...then I'm not really living, I'm having my life lived or at least controled to a degree by someone or something else... So far the only reason I haven't gone through with the whole thing (although I have made a mess of myself a few times) is because I understand life has it's ups and downs. Okay the down might last for a few months and the up might be really short..but those ups mean so much to you once you've had them...so I live for the good things....and if I do ever kill myself, it will be because I have grown tired of the endless waiting for a few moments that mean the world to you but are snatched away and taunt you forever....
  4. I know this is quite belated...but I just wanted to say I was sorry and all....:(
  5. Maybe you could offer your friend the option to stay at your house for a few days inbetween leaving and during that time they can decide if they really want to follow through with it....? :toothy: :whoops:
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by () [/i] [B]Well I like it tottaly uncensored/unaltered and dubbed.I wanna WATCH the anime not read it...:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] yea! :p :rolleyes: :D although subs are okay they can get really annoying if you keep getting destracted or something cause you miss out on what's going on. at least if it's dubbed then if u have to move or turn your head you can still hear it...
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]I would say zechs, since he bears an uncanny resemblence to sephiroth.....with blond hair [/B][/QUOTE] yea I'd have to agree with that one :D
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B][size=1][color=crimson] I dun look like anyone. BOO HOO!:bawl: :bawl: :bawl: [/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] you're not the only one hun. I honestly can't say I've ever seen someone who resembles me...
  9. it's not a 'sport' that has ever appealed to me. infact I find it very boring.... sorry to any fans out there....
  10. OOC: ummmm....don't think there alot I can do with my character right now...um...can ne1 else get the ball rolling again? -------------
  11. Katherine: I'm Katherine.... and you are?? Aya: I'm Aya :therock: Katherine: So what are you all doing round here? Most of these buildings are abandoned. I should know, I've been stuck here for that last few weeks. And those creatures....what on earth are they? I've been having nightmares about them but I've never seen one in the flesh before :eek:
  12. velvet paws


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B] SS: AAAHHHHH!!!!!! *:twitch: runs away* Velvet Paws: :wow: [/B][/QUOTE] heh couldn't help myself......:blush: here..to make up for it...I'll take you out for a meal or a drink :D haha I'm the best twin eva :angel:
  13. velvet paws


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B] Yeah, may as well. Mahahaaa... :) And Sere, if you think I'm... scary, erm.... well.. I suggest you think again... :drunk: [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=4]kewlies! this is gone be so much fun, we can stay up late swopping manly stories..and in the morning [b] im making waffles!!![/b] :D :rolleyes:[/SIZE]
  14. :D BILL AND TED ALL THE WAY LOL....unless of course Jay and Silent Bob count as well .... :D
  15. well my mum and dad were both born in England....but their parents (or grandparents..I'm not too sure) on one side at least...where from somewhere like germany or something...I don't know...not england anyway....:confused: hmmm..heh..good question...
  16. :D heh, thanx hun...it's not quite the same (4.0) but it beta than the default...ur a dimond *hugz*
  17. it's all freaky and messed up anyway...but I agree with seph. :)
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]I think I look EXACTLY like Shinji (off NGE) :D [/B][/QUOTE] :rotflmao: enough said.....:D :p
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by k9* [/i] [B]nnnnnoooooo....*falls down* not that, please not that. :eek: keep harry potter out of anime - the mere idea of it is sick, twisted and WRONG :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] *nods....then passes-out* I'd like to add more...but I really can't...the language would just be too agressive and negative for alot of people on these boards....to put it bluntly 1) I love anime/manga 2) I have always hated Harry Potter with a passion that burns white hot!! and yes I have seen the movie so I'm not just blabbing about something I know nothing about.... ....argh I'm gona have to go and chill out already...:flaming: :mad: :flaming: :mad: :flaming:
  20. It really does seem like there should be a follow up, maybe explain more about her background...quite dissapointed after hearing that they did make one it just didn't go down well..that sucks...but either way the films kool :)
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonfire1477 [/i] [B]I just bought it and it comes highly recommended from my friends. I started watching it and after a while decided that I shouldn't with my parents in the house. Any comments on this? Did I make a good investment or throw away 30 bucks? [/B][/QUOTE] It's okay but one guy (forgot his name) is quite twisted and swears ALOT. I'd try and watch it all without your parents knowing before you decide to throw it away...
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Mystical Pan~ [/i] [B]Well, personally, it seems that way since digimon and pokemon are one of the most popular animes here in the US. However, most animes aren't like that. [/B][/QUOTE] uh-huh *nods* same here in wet old bloody england..just think of other stuff like Devil man..it doesn't apply to that..but with these popular series anime it sort of seems that way...
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]I've seen it, but it isn't very good in my opinion. If I had a choice of withing that, or The Flinstones, I'd choose The Flinstones. :D [/B][/QUOTE] :eek: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! *faints in disbelief* anyway Mushrombo is sooooooooo fit heehee :D wish I was an anime character soooo badly :rolleyes: The 'cartoon' itself isn't all that good, but it's better than the bloody flintstones!!!! :flaming:
  24. yea! damn I can't remember what they're called but they're really really nice.....argh....got to remember...some savoury/spicey food....ahhhh dammit can't remeber *smacks head on table*
  25. My names are always related in some way to something around me...unless of course you're playing an RPG or writing a story where the characters are already made up for you ;) examples: Noxi :::::: was my pet rat Katherine ::::::::: the name of a girl I really fancy Artaius :::::::: I was looking through a book of celtic fairy tales
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