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Everything posted by Skeith92

  1. Skeith92


    I am hooked on this band right now. So, does anyone else like them? Hate them? Personally, I think their songs are awesome. :animesmil
  2. I think their ok. Im not a big fan myself. I can play Three Libras on my guitar. Yes, thats my accomplishment of the week. :animesmil
  3. [quote name='arjem27']I like 'em. I think they're ok. So what else do you listen to, eh?= ô___ô=[/quote] Right now I'm really into NOFX and other punk. I also like classic rock (zeppelin) and metal.
  4. Thanks everybody. You have all been very helpful.
  5. Skeith92

    The Strokes

    I am really into the strokes right now. I love their sound and the lyrics. Does anyone else here listen to The Strokes at all? If so, what do you think of them?
  6. I listen to the music I do becuase it speaks to me or I can identify with it lyrically. But I dont listen to music for the lyrics alone, becuase waht is music with out the actual music, right? I cant stand to listen to music were each song on the album sound the same (cough, the Killers) Now, I listen to a wide range of music. From Marilyn Mansion to the Gorillaz. I prefer rock and metal over rap. I really dont like rap to much. I prefer newer music to the older stuff. Newer music is easier to identify with. Right now im into Coheed and Cambria, HIM, 69 Eyes, System of a Down and The Strokes. Like I said, I like various kinds of music.
  7. Ok. I have nothing against the legions of Emu's. But, because I have been depressed lately, people call me Emo. I cant help being depressed. I am not seeking sympathy or attention, unlike the emos at my school. Thats what they are after, sympathy and attention. And now for cutting. My friend, who is actually depressed, cuts. He dosnt do it to seek attention like these Emu children. He finds it a way to realive himself. My point is, because me and my friend are depressed, dosnt make us Emu. It makes us messed up in the head, but we are not Emu. Being depressed dosnt make you emo. Besides, i dont like ****** music. :animesmil
  8. Yeah. Ive know this girl for two years, and I love her. We have so much in common. Being with her makes me so happy. But I am a shhy loser and didnt say anything for these two years. But then I did. She dosnt really feel the same way at all. I have tried forgetting about her, but I cant. I dont know what to do now. Someone, please help me. :animestun
  9. I like rock, punk, and various forms of metal. I really, really cant stand hip-hop and rap.
  10. I have two cd cases so ill list the smaller one for now. Here we go. Cradle of Filth-Witch Hearts Cradle of Filth-Love Craft System of a Down-Mesmerize Dead Kennedy's-Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegitables NOFX-Punk in Drublic Flogging Molly-Drunken Lullabies Bowling For Soup-A Hangover You Dont Deserve The Offspring-Mix of stuff Jimmy Eat World-Futures System of a Down-SelfTitled My Chemical Romance-I brought you my bullets you brought me your love .hack//GAME MUSIC best collection Hawethorne Heights-Silence in the Black and White(i dont like this cd i dont know why I have it) Slipknot-Vol. 3 Slipknot-Live vol 1&2 Metallica-Kill Em All Metallica-Master of Puppets Rise Against-Second cd Flogging Molly-Swagger The Used-In Love And Death Queens of the Stonage-Lullabies to Paralyze Blink 182-Greatest Hits I have the most random cd collection in the world. My metal-head friends hate half my stuff and my skater friends hate my metal stuff. Haha. I cant win with people.
  11. Here are my top Three. [B]Taking Back Sunday-[/B]I have loved their music since I saw them live a few years ago. [B]System of a Down-[/B]I dont know why people hate them. Their lyrics are genious. Though, the last two cds havent been as good as they could have....... [B]The Strokes-[/B]I love their new cd. They sound amazing.
  12. Dot Hacker, I would have to tell you to get the last game. Dont you want to finish the story? I know I do. I need to know what happens in the end.
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