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Everything posted by NekoSama101

  1. I also couldn't get into Inuyasha. it's so boring yet all my friends are obsessed with it. Another one is FMA. AND I AM NOT ASHAMED! anyways, why do people like those shows?
  2. "I know! Trust me, Hekilu's nothing compared to my.....um anyways, cheer up Ishiko! We still love you anyways! It doens't matter to me who your family is, just as long as you're still Ishiko!"Neko said.
  3. "Don't cry Ishiko! It's ok! We all got screwed up families!" Neko said, trying to comfort Ishiko.
  4. "But....but you're not anything like him! he's evil you're not!" Neko replied. "Well if your his sister, then do you know why he's been following me?"
  5. "What happened?" Neko asked Ishigo. "I was only gone for a minute!"
  6. "Hekilu....Ishigo...." Neko replied to Ishiko breathlessly. "They're fighting....."
  7. Neko rode over to Vincent. "Lonley life huh?" she asked. She grabbed her sword and started attacking orcs. "I've known you for how long now? And since when are you 'lonely'?" she screamed at Vincent over the sounds of the orcs.
  8. Neko's eyes got wide. She was speechless. "I.....um....." She sputtered as she blushed.
  9. I'd have to say not lion king, but lion kind 1 1/2 i think it's called. it makes me laugh every time i watch it. And i watched it. And i've watched it many,many times.
  10. Neko covered her eyes so that Vincent could get dressed. "Are you done yet?" she asked him. "Almost!" he replied. "Hurry up! How am i supposed to keep guard with my eyes covered?"
  11. NekoSama101


    it's hard to put love into words. but i agree with all of you. Love is undying friendship, how you feel about someone, and how you are connected to someone. however, it is possible to truely love someone even if you don't share a connection. and eventhough you love someone, doens't mean that you find no fault in them. I guess the only way to descride love is how Hanabishi Recca, by example using God and/ or Jesus. Love is to hard to describe with words, for it is too widespread. Like shinjitsu said, people have a hard time drawing a line between love and lust.
  12. I do. But i don't go to church any more. The denominations were getting to me and i couldn't find a just regular normal christian church that didn't bash other christian for their beliefs. I also got tired of the same sermon over and over. yeah, i know god loves us. i know that jesus died for our sins. but there's got to be more to that. so i quit going to try and find answers on my own, with god's help of course.
  13. 1. that i was part cat. litterally. i wish i had the money for gentic engenering but sadly, i don't. 2.that preps would turn to the dark side (muh ha ha ha) so that we wouldn't have to deal with them every frickin' day. 3. for kitties to rule the world!
  14. Mine would be.....love and anger. The two go well together actually. when someone messes with someont that i love, i get very angry and jump them and start beating the crap out of them.
  15. Neko had finished her packing the night before. Now, she grabbed her sword and her small bag and ran out the door to meet the others at the ruins. She had been there many times before when she was young and curious, so it was easy for her to find it.
  16. "Hekilu's ice knife thingy. Nothing big, it just hurts whenever he's around. So what's up with you" she asked Ishigo.
  17. Neko couldn't sleep. She was partly waiting for her turn to keep watch and partly because she could feel some sort of great evil nearby. She laid on her back, studing the stars. They were masked by dark grey to black clouds. "Even more battle waits for us," she whispered to herself.
  18. The Grave of the Fireflys. it was too confusing. mopvies like that are supposed to be good endings. Plus, how did the ending tie into the beginning?
  19. Neko grabbed her sword and ran as fast as she could to the others fighting. She met up with one of the attackers and blocked his attempt to stab her stomach. She twisted around and stabbed him in his shoulder. He screamed and she cut off his head. She ran over to Vincent. He was having trouble with a group of three attacking him. "Need help?" She asked and smiled. "It would be nice!" he replied. She cut into the middle and stood back to back to him. She tried to get to one of the attackers but was blocked. The attacker then raised his sword and cut into her shoulder. She screamed and then stabbed him in his stomach.
  20. I was thinking that they overthrow the gov. by making the people see that by having "world peace" they gave up who they are. And as for the genre, i was thinking adventrure or something like that.
  21. I have a strange addiction to little kid's toys. You know, the tickle me Elmos, etc. I don't know if that would count as that though.
  22. Name: Doesn't remember her real name. Nick name: Neko Age: 23 Gender: Female Personality:She is very quiet and shy. She only speaks up when she feels very strongly about something and/or when she feels it is necessary. Appearance: She is half-cat, half-human. She has black cat ear along with a black tail and fangs. She also has long black hair that she ties up when in battle. She has bright emerald green eyes that shine like a cat in the dark. (This also causes her to see very well at night) She stands at about 5?4 and is somewhat curvy. Weapons: Samurai sword Ability: From being half cat, basic cat things. Flash back: Neko snuck out her apartment door and to the nearby corner and pressed her body against it. She carefully looked over the edge and there it stood. An evil spirit, a demon, stood right there tormenting a young child. Neko waited until the demon had turned the corner and she jumped. She shoved her sword into its side. The spirit?s screams echoed trough out the hallway and she sliced off its head. Blood hit the floor and the little kid screamed. ?Now, now, it?s alright?? Neko bent down to say but didn?t have a chance to finish before the girl ran away screaming ?Mommy!?
  23. i need to know if it's any good, if anyone would sign up, and your opinoin on what i should call it. thank you! :catgirl: It is 2038 and the world has a new leader. Someone who united every country with one common goal: world peace. For there to be no reason for fighting, everyone has been forced into looking and acting the same. There?s only one problem, half animal half human people. They don?t fit in with this leader?s plan, so they must be destroyed at any cost. People despise them. Everyone tries to kill them. They have been forced into hiding and have found safety in a clearing in a thick forest that no one knows about. They can barely get along, let alone survive. Our journey begins here. We are half animal half human people. We are considered abominations of the human race.
  24. Name: Neko (last name not known) Age: 19 Gender: Female Race: Human Height:5'6 Weight: 120 Eye Color: emerald green Hair Color: Black Place of Origin: earth Appearance: She has peircing emerald green eyes that are brought out even more by her long black hair. She has rather pale skin, for she doesn't go out very much. She stands at about 5"6 and is somewhat curvy Loyalty:Iris Personality: She has split personalities, one evil and violent, the other quiet and shy. Her evil side dreams of taking over the world and is always plotting something. Her good side however, only dreams of having a simple life with only a few friends. Each side has one thing in common; they are both very playful and naive. Weapons: samurai sword Short History: She was abandoned as a young child and doesn't remember anything before the incident. She often has nightmares of times she had with her parents but doesn't believe they're real memories. She has held a grudge against her parents and wants to meet them so that she can teach them how it feels to be left alone for years.. Her skills with a sword are partly hereditary and partly because she has had to survive on her own with only a sword for years. Magic type: Psyonicist
  25. Name: Neko Age: 19 Species: half cat, half human Weapon(s): samurai sword Description:She has black cat ears along with a black tail and fangs. She also has long black hair that she ties up when in battle. She has bright emerald green eyes that shine like a cat in the dark. (This also causes her to see very well at night) She stands at about 5?4 and is somewhat curvy. Biography: She was abandoned as a young child and doesn't remember anything before the incident. She often has nightmares of times she had with her parents but doesn't believe they're real memories. She has held a grudge against her parents and wants to meet them so that she can teach them how it feels to be left alone for years. Since she didn't have any money, she became a bounty hunter. Her skills with a sword are partly hereditary and partly because she has had to survive on her own with only a sword for years.
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