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Everything posted by NekoSama101

  1. Name:Neko Age: 19 Gender:Female Personality: She has split personalities, one evil and violent, the other quiet and shy. Her evil side dreams of taking over the world and is always plotting something. Her good side however, only dreams of having a simple life with only a few friends. Each side has one thing in common; they are both very playful and naive. Appearance: She is half-cat, half-human. She has black cat ear along with a black tail and fangs. She also has long black hair that she ties up when in battle. She has bright emerald green eyes that shine like a cat in the dark. (This also causes her to see very well at night) She stands at about 5?4 and is somewhat curvy. Bio: She never knew her parents. When she was a baby, they put her up for adoption; they never even went to see her. No one likes a half anything, including cat and Neko has been filled with anger for all of her life because of it. At 12, she ran away from the orphaneage and trained herself with a sword while she was living on the streets. She found an abanonded apartment and currently lives there. She pushed herself through school just to succeed so that she could prove everyone else wrong. At school, she met people who understood her, who didn't think that just because she was half cat she was stupid. She became happy for once in her life. Then, everything changed. One of her friends suggested a camping trip and she agreed to go.
  2. Neko walked in and her tail twichted. "Yeah, sorry I'm late," she said. "Just sit down," Iruka-sensei responded with a sigh. She sat down in the back corner, hoping that no one would notice her. [I]I hope I'm on Naruto's team. He's so funny![/I] She blushed and stared at Iruka-sensei, waiting for him to annouce the teams.
  3. yay! someone likes it! ^_^ anyways, i've never heard Usagi, Kaede, or Haru in any other anime, partly because the only, and i repeat, ONLY popular anime i watch is Naruto. I'll post more next week.
  4. On a scale of 1-10. Do you think I should continue, or start another one? And what should I name it? Prefix The school bell rang and Usagi?s tail twitched. ?Late again, damn I gotta get more sleep.? She ran up the school steps and into her classroom ?Late again, Usagi, like always.? Her teacher said. Usagi sighed and walked to the back of the classroom and sat down at the only empty desk. The teacher starts blabbing on and on about a complicated math problem and Usagi started to fall asleep. She woke up with a start at the sound of the teacher?s ruler hitting the desk. ?Usagi, you?ve got to quit falling asleep. That?s the 14th time this week. I would suggest you go to bad earlier.? Her teacher said ?Yeah, yeah, I?ve heard it all before,? She replied with a yawn and an ear twitch. The teacher walked away and began blabbing again. Usagi stared in the general direction, trying not to fall asleep yet again. A few minutes later, the bell rang and Usagi walked slowly out the door to her next class. As she was opening her locker, her friend Kaede leaned up against the neighboring locker. ?Usagi, guess what?? ?What?? ?Haru asked me out!? ?Good for you,? Usagi replied with no emotion. ?What?s wrong with you?? ?Nothing, I just haven?t gotten any sleep? ?You should get to bed earlier!? ?I know! But ?.I can?t? ?Why?? ?Nothing.? ?Usagi Momoka! I am your best friend! If you can?t tell me, who can you tell?? ?I just can?t ok?? Usagi slammed her locker shut and walked away form Kaede. After school, Usagi walked to her home, a cheep apartment. Usagi sighed as she turned on the lights. ?Great. Home alone, like always.? Usagi made a quick bowl a ramen and as soon as she sat down to eat it, a thumping noise come from the hallway. ?Can?t I eat one meal in peace?? She held her hands out and smoke surrounded her. Her clothes changed to an all black outfit. She had a tightly fitting shirt and a loose short shirt for maneuverability, Fishnet laced her legs and her feet were bare. In her hand rested a long samurai sword, waiting to be used. She snuck out her apartment door and to the nearby corner and pressed her body against it. She carefully looked over the edge and there it stood. An evil spirit, a demon, stood right there tormenting a young child. Usagi waited until the demon had turned the corner and she jumped. She shoved her sword into its side. The spirit?s screams echoed trough out the hallway and she sliced off its head. Blood hit the floor and the little kid screamed. ?Now, now, it?s alright?? Usagi bent down to say but didn?t have a chance to finish before the girl ran away screaming ?Mommy!? ?This is the thanks I get for saving peoples lives every freakin? night,? she sighed. ?Sometimes I hate this job.? She walked away, out the apartment complex?s door and into the cold autumn night. Chapter 1 The next day, Usagi walked to school alone, like always. The cold autumn breeze blew her long black hair and tail all around her. As she neared the school?s steps the bell rang as her black cat ears twitched at the sound and she sighed. ?Why even bother going to school today? I rather just fight spirits and sleep,? She said to herself and she turned away to start walking the way she came. Before she could start walking, her teacher stood right in front of her with a demon behind him, controlling his thoughts. ?And why are you skipping school young lady?? Her teacher asked. ?Because I don?t feel like going to school today. And don?t call me ?young lady?.? ?And now you?re back talking your teacher!? ?Excuse me! I gotta go, NOW!? she said as she ran around the corner. From the safety of the corner, she then switched to her ninja costume and ran back out. ?Hey you there!? she yelled at the demon. ?Yeah, that?s right. I?m talkin? to you!? The demon turned around and looked at her with a cold glare. ?Ooooo, I?m so scared!? she said sarcastically as she clenched her sword. ?Why you little?? The demon jumped for her. She raised her sword and the demon jumped right into it. She started laughing hysterically but then remembered her teacher who had passed out from the mind control. ?Uh oh, he ain?t gonna be out for long. Better run!? She ran off in the direction at which she came. When she reached her apartment, she found her best friend, Kaede there. ?You live here all alone?! There?s so much I don?t know about you!? ?Uh?yeah. So, why are you here?? Usagi asked. ?You honestly didn?t think that you were gonna skip school without me did you? I hanged out right outside of the school waiting for you. Then I saw you switch into that awesome ninja costume, which makes you look hot I must say, and beat the crap out of some thing I couldn?t see. I?m pretty sure it was a demon though. And then there?? ?Wait a sec. Are you sure you saw me change into the ninja costume? You positive it wasn?t some other neko?? Usagi interrupted. ?Yep! It was you alright! So anyways, while you were changing back into your normal self, I snuck in here!? ?How did you know I lived here?? ?School records! By the way, how come you never told me you was a ninja? That?s so cool!? ?I couldn?t. I didn?t want the demons to hurt you.? ?Aw that?s so sweet. Anyways, best friends aren?t supposed to have secrets! So I wanna hear your life story!? ?Ok then! You wanna hear the depressed story of my life?! About the time I was abandoned by the side of the road at 6? And how I taught myself how to use chakra and a sword so that I wouldn?t get beat up by random gangsters?!? Kaede?s eyes started to water. ?That?s ?.that?s so sad! I can?t believe that all that happened to you and I had no idea! I?m sorry!? Kaede couldn?t finish for she had started to cry hysterically. ?Look, I didn?t mean to yell. It?s just, I hate talking about it, that?s al. I spend all my time fighting demons so that I can forget about it. I should have told you.? Kaede stopped crying. ?Yeah, I guess you should have. But it?s all better now, I guess. That ninja thing is so cool! Can you teach me?? ?I guess. It takes a long time though.? ?I don?t care! Anyways, I gotta get home before my mom gets pissed. Bye Usagi!? Kaede hugged Usagi and ran out the door with her long blond hair flying behind her. That night, Usagi changed into her ninja costume and started jumping across the rooftops of the city. ?Here demon, where are you? I feel like kicking someone?s *** tonight!? She heard a loud noise and looked down from someone?s chimney, her tail hanging from the other end, twitching slightly. ?Ah, here we go!? Below her was a tiny, pathetic demon swimming through an overflowing dumpster. When it saw her, it said, ?Beware, for I am the dumpster demon! Fear my awful smelling wrath!? ?Okay then, this looks like a good one to kill for no reason at all.? She smiled to herself and gripped her sword. She jumped down and landed on the edge of the dumpster and plugged her nose. ?Ew! What crawled up your butt and died?? She asked the demon. The demon looked confused and blinked. It then started running in circles like a dog chasing its tail. ?I don?t know! I can?t see it! What is it? Tell me!? Usagi laughed and lost her balance on the dumpster and fell off. ?That is hilarious!? The demon quickly got angry and doubled in size. ?Uh oh?? She said, watched the transformation with big eyes.
  5. NekoSama101

    V for Vendetta

    i think it should come out in anime. that'd be really awsome.
  6. Name:Neko Age: 19 Gender:Female Apperance: She is half-cat, half-human. She has black cat ear along with a black tail and fangs. She also has long black hair that she ties up when in battle. She has bright emerald green eyes that shine like a cat in the dark. (This also causes her to see very well at night) She stands at about 5?4 and is somewhat curvy. Personality:She has split personalities, one evil and violent, the other quiet and shy. Her evil side dreams of taking over the world and is always plotting something. Her good side however, only dreams of having a simple life with only a few friends. Each side has one thing in common; they are both very playful and naive. Weapons they use: Samurai sword, only. She refuses to work with anything else. Bio: She was only 13 when her father died in the accident. Her mother had died from a car accident when she was 3. The police told her it was because her mother wasn't wearing a seat belt, but it still doesn't seem right. Her mother was a very cautous person, and would even drive around the corner without her seat belt, and everyone else's, on. Then, only 10 years later, he father died from a shooting at a party he was attending. Since her father wasn't known for being social, this situation feels very similar to her mother's death. She knows that they are conected somehow, but she isn't sure how. She has recently met Tama, and immeadently felt a connection with him.
  7. it's alll solved now. he heard some rumors about me thinking about dumping him and then i changed my mind just to be be dumped for that one preppy ***** all because "robby (his best friend) told him to"
  8. but.....i neve meant to go out with him! plus, i don't want to dump him the first day we started going out! that'd be meaner! i'm gonna wait a while and then tell him that i don't that it's right for me to have a boyfriend just yet.
  9. i pretened to stalk a guy. yes, PRETENDED it was good for laughs and i cracked him up at the beginning. But later on i think he started to believe that i was serious and now he aviods me. Eh, whatever, he's not that good-looking.
  10. i really want to have a neko rp but since i'm new to the whole rp thing ( :animesigh ), i have no idea what to do. does anyone have a good idea for a neko rp?
  11. i wasn't complaining persay. I was just wondering why he hasn't asked me out. and i never really wanted to date him, i just like him. also, i'm gonna wait until tuesday to dump him.
  12. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA *falls to the falls laughing and gets up* there, i laughed. ....i am such a freakin'g ditz! *starts slamming her head against a random wall* i plan to dump him in a few days though. just so that he ca be happy for now.
  13. Zoids (BRING ZOIDS BACK TO CARTOON NETWORK!) and Sgt. frog with sgt. frog being the most recent. I don't know, i guess anything with tiny aliens who look like frogs trying to take over the world is interesting.
  14. fail in style. there's no way i would cheat. Being forced to watch a Britney Spears concer or Being forced to watch a Backstreet Boys concert? MUH HA HA HA! Fear my evilness!
  15. when i was little i wanted to be a prep. Yeah, i know. it was only because i didn't know what it meant to be one. now that i know, i'm as oppisite as i'll ever get.
  16. that actually did....thank you peoples for helping me and offering advice! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]HELP! i just made a really really big mistake[/B] the guy i like (see i need serious help and yet another guy problem) and who likes me asked me out but i wasn't really paying attension and now he thinks we're going out and that preppy ***** is mad at me. the only good thing about this is that i get to rub it in her face. I don't want to go out with anyone right now, but he's so happy! >< i don't know what to do! :animecry: [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]~Merged double post that resulted from merging threads. ~SunfallE[/COLOR]
  17. Neko ran out into the hall just in time to see everyone leaving. [I]Good,[/I] she thought. [I]Less people to deal with.[/I] She walked quickly to her locker and stopped suddenly. An odd noise was coming from the teacher's lounge and it didn't seem like anything she had heard before. "That's strange," she said to herself. "I wonder what that is...." (sorry if my posts have been short, i have too much homework!)
  18. you guys are right with everything. i need to come to someone who doesn't know me or him for that exact reason. It gives you a better perception of the situation.
  19. i feel the love. but he's never actually tried to get into my pants. and he's liked me for a long time. i think if he really wanted to, he would have at least tried Plus, one of my friends asked him if that's what he was trying to do and he got really mad and still is for that matter.
  20. Name: can't remember her real name AKA: Neko Age: 22 Gender: Female Appearance: She is half-cat, half-human. She has black cat ear along with a black tail and fangs. She also has long black hair that she ties up when in battle. She has bright emerald green eyes that shine like a cat in the dark. (This also causes her to see very well at night) She stands at about 5?4 and is somewhat curvy. Personality:She has split personalities, one evil and violent, the other quiet and shy. Her evil side dreams of taking over the world and is always plotting something. Her good side however, only dreams of having a simple life with only a few friends. Each side has one thing in common; they are both very playful and naive. Biography: At 7, she was dumped on the side of a deserted road to take care of herself. Since then, she has forced herself through school and a job. She now lives in an abandoned apartment with no memory of her life before the abandoment. She doesn't remember her name or her parents. All she can remember is the night it happened and she has nightmares about it constantly. Weapon: Samurai sword, she trained herself eversince she was 8. Alliance: Who you team with - Black Vipers
  21. Name: Neko Gender: Female Age: 14 Appearance: She is half-cat, half-human. She has black cat ear along with a black tail and fangs. She also has long black hair that she ties up when in battle. She has bright emerald green eyes that shine like a cat in the dark. (This also causes her to see very well at night) She stands at about 5?4 and is somewhat curvy. Personality: She has split personalities, one evil and violent, the other quiet and shy. Her evil side dreams of taking over the world and is always plotting something. Her good side however, only dreams of having a simple life with only a few friends. Each side has one thing in common; they are both very playful and naive. Special Technique: Her special technique is whenever in battle or near death, her fighting abilities sky rocket; it is shown though an eerie wind and glowing red eyes. Village: village of sound (don't remember exact name, sorry)
  22. Neko waited for the bell to ring. The last minute seemed to take a life time. "Ugh," she said. "Can this class take any longer?" "I'm afraid it can," Mr. Yevon said. "You've got detension" Neko's face fell and she banged her head onto her desk. "You know what? Screw you. I ain't got time for this." she said as she walked out of the classroom door after the bell rang. "Toodles!"
  23. i'm pretty sure he's confused too because he's been "planning" to ask me out for over 4 months now. i think he's too shy to.... by the way, this is how mad this preppy chick makes me. she makes me want to do this to her: :modrod: and this :bash: and this :blowup: and this :flush:
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