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Everything posted by NekoSama101

  1. Well actually right now we are moving the camp. So Yasir, since Neko's been looking for him could have wandered off into the forest or something.
  2. "Ok then. Just tell someone next time, ok? I don't want to have to search for you," Neko replied. "Anyways, we need to get a move on and move this camp before the GUK attack again."
  3. [quote name='bodhidharma']howdy im a newbie and was wondering how to get involved in this cool sounding story? also i already have a good charicter ( i play d&d) so i know about rpgs just not this one. And if somone could give me the just of the story line id much appreciate it thanx and any specific rules of the rpg[/quote] pm me and i'll help you. i'll also find a role for you and a way to fit you in.
  4. "Yesh," Neko replied to Vincent. "Yous sould dance with meh." "No i think I'm good," Vincent said. "Oh come on," sh said, trying to pull his arm so that he would dance. "Haf a lil' fun."
  5. "Who's their master?" Neko asked Hekilu. "I don't really know. They never talked about him, they refused to," he replied.
  6. the GUK soldeirs use a wide range of guns. They are uniformed as how you would see a future cop, lots of tech and armor. The armor is pretty much bullet proff but swords can still cut through it.
  7. Not here, in the rp. We'll meet up again, she'll find out that you betrayed everyone, get real pissy and new powers come and beat the **** out of you, ok?
  8. "Not that I know of yet," Neko replied. "I just want to know why you ran off from the rest of the army."
  9. Then Neko would have to kill you. And i'm serious about that. she has betrayl issues and as her past starts to become known, then you'll figure out why.
  10. Neko stopped and watched Ai run to catch up with the army. "Where have you been?" she asked him when he reached them.
  11. if it happens, we'll sneak in, duct tape them, and sneak out. then reverse the brainwashing.
  12. no, because the army is always gonna be small. people are too afraid of what the big bad evil dude will do to them if they help us.
  13. I heard it from mtv2 which rocks my world. heh heh. Anyways, i got it for like $8 so, yeah. Gotta love fye. ^_^
  14. *laughs* yeah, and Neko's still figuring out everyone. So if someone was to turn bad, that would be a surprise to her. But don't do it! the army's still small.
  15. "Yay I'm meeting new people!" Neko interupted and Daemon and Karin looked at her like she was insane. "Sorry, I'll shut up now."
  16. "I know where they are," Hekilu said quietly, still weak. "Where?" everyone asked. "But they'll kill me if i say anything," he replied. "I'll protect you! they'll have to kill me first if they want to get near you!" Neko said with a tone of power.
  17. Neko became angry when she her of the kidnapping. "I can't help her, I wish i could, but i got worse things to worry about. I bet Ai will help her though," she said to herself while continuing her walk through the small camp.
  18. Neko's eyes got wide as she grabbed the flask from Vincent's hand and chugged. She stopped when most of the achohol was gone and wiped her mouth. "Tanks you," she said with a slight slur.
  19. Neko walked around in the sky and came acroos a new person who she had not seen before. He called out to her and she walked over. "Hello," she said to him.
  20. "Damn it," Neko said under her breath. "He's the only one aroundhere who would know anything about interogation.' She walked quickly around the camp trying to find him so that they could interrogate the prisners before they moved the camp.
  21. "What POWs?" Neko asked Ai. "You know, the ones from battle!" he answered. "Leave them to me." "You aren't gonna hurt hem are you?" he asked. "No, just interrogate. If needed I will. But right now, i need Yasir to help. Any idea where he is?"
  22. I think that would rock. It'd be weird and different, but really fun. I only wish that i didn't live in the great USA. Either way, it sounds like a cool idea.
  23. There's a few songs like the single and a couple of slow songs. It's half and half i guess. either way, it's really good and i love the lead singer's voice. think avirl lavinge+ evanesence+ a touch of metal = flyleaf cd.
  24. "JOk!" Neko replued. "Hey Neko, did you do anything to Hekilu?" Ishina asked. Neko blushed. "Well i uh...untied him if that's what you mean. The rope was digging into his wounds!" "And?" "Well after that we kinda uh..." "Never mind," Ishina interupted Neko.
  25. Neko called the army up and waited for everyone so that she could tell them what was going to happen next. When everyone was there, she began. "Today we are moving the camp. I know some of you are weak from the last battle, but we gotta keep moving. I fyou have bad wounds, talk to Ai and he will do his best. We are going to move to a small clearing by a GUK base. This base handles all of GUK's satellite transmissions so if we take it out, we take out all of GUK's contacts. They won't be able to use tv or phone if we succeed. This is our first major mission, so please make sure that you are prepared for it." she said to the small army.
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