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Everything posted by NekoSama101

  1. Neko slept for a few hours and woke up. She walked out of the tent to find Vincent sitting there, thinking about something. She used quick and graceful elf like moves and snuck up behind him. "Boo!" she said and he jumped. "Woah," vincent replied from shock. "Why aren't you asleep?" "I was, but I can never sleep for too long unless I'm drunk."
  2. NekoSama101


    It's newish band that i love. I just got their cd and i must say it's really awsome. Is there anyone else who really likes them?
  3. "No, not with your wounds. either you take the tent or we share," Neko replied to Vincent. "And I'll only share if you behave," she added on teasingly.
  4. Neko still hadn't stopped crying. Hekiilu was in so much pain and now they had him tied to a chair. It just didn't seem right to her. Finally, while everyone was in shock about what he had said, she snuck over behind him and untied him. "There you go," she said. "Thanks," hekilu replied, rubbing his arms where the rope was. "Just don't try to escape" she said teasingly.
  5. (yes, i know that but Neko loves Hekilu too, but more than friends.)
  6. (i know that but Neko was the one saying that she loved hekilu in my post....so yeah....read it again and see if it helps any. i'm sorry if it's confusing!)
  7. (no, it was neko saying that she loved hekilu, not ishiko.....i'm so confused!)
  8. (uh...ishiko? what about neko? sorry!)
  9. Neko set Hekilu down and rushed after Keroku with her sword unseathe. She tackled him and held her sword up to his neck. "don't touch him," she said, breathing heavily. "Why shouldn't I?" Keroku asked. "Because...." she replied, her grip on her sword weakening. "Because what?" "Because...I love him." The entire group stopped what they were doing and looked at Neko. "WHAT?! How could you love someone like....him?" "He's not like that!" she said, now sitting beside Keroku, tears streaming down her face. "All he wants is my love!" The group's attention went to Hekilu. "Hekilu....is this true?" Keroku asked.
  10. "Vincent!' she screamed after seeing him fall. She rushed over to him and tears began to fill her eys. "Don't die...." she said to him. "wait....how did i do that thing with Cellah? Oh yeah, now I remember..... Aa' lasser en lle coia orn n' omenta gurtha" She said and another bright blue light came from her hands poured itself into Vincent's wounds, healing them. She collasped beside him breathlessly and looked at him. "Please wake up Vincent....please."
  11. "You'll be fine by the time we get the camp there. We'll have a few days there to prepare and heal up. I'll make up some meds to," Neko replied to Yasir, half asleep. "Anyways, we'll move out in the morning. We have at least 2 days before GUK will dare attack us, they're taking heavy losses from the last battle. They're probably bringing in more, but since the nearest base is a day away from here, we got a bit of time. Tomorrw at 900 (military time) hours we leave. Do me a favor and pass it around will you? Oh, and talk to Ai about your wounds, he's pretty good at healing." [COLOR=Purple]Note: Please go [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=53231&page=2]here[/URL] regulary to see what is currently is going on in the rp and what is planned to happen.[/COLOR]
  12. Right now, I don't know. 2 annoucenments for eeryone in this rp! 1. I'm looking for someone to play the evil leader dude who is not currently in the rp. If you know anyone who would be willing to play this role, pleade pm them for me. 2. Currently in the rp, we are still at eh same spot. My pans are that the next day we will move the camp to a different area and from there, we will attack a GUK transmissoins station. Just so that you know and won't do anything to change the course for right now.
  13. It would be awsome as an anime. I could see it perfectly. The plot line reminds me of anime style, so i guess it would fit.
  14. that's what he does. but he won't be able to use mind tricks on our group.
  15. he usees the techniques that hitler used, high charisma to the point of hypnotizim. he never fights his own battles but by the end of the rp, the group will have to face him.
  16. Neko's ees widened when she found out why hekilu had been following her. "So it is true!" she said. Then, Ishina (sorry if i got names mixed up!) jumped out of no where and gave hekilu the meds neko had given her previously. She then heard Ishiko fighting someone and she covered Hekilu. "I won't let you hurt him!" she screamed at their attackers. She began to glow a strong blue and her strength doubled as she picked up the still weak Hekilu and ran to protect him.
  17. Neko ran to the castle, breathing heavily. She got in quite easily, but she had no idea where to start looking for Vincent or if he was even still there. "Vincent, where the hell are you?" she whispered to herself.
  18. Neko made her way throught the camp to her tent. She couldn't celebrate, her body was weak and wounded. She collasped onto her sleeping bag thingy and fell asleep in a small puddle of her own blood.
  19. Neko was walking around in a nearby forest thinking about hekilu when she saw a figure move. She snuck over to see who it was and found Hekilu on the ground, slowly diening from his wounds. "What the..." she whispered to herself but Hekilu seemed to notice and turned to face her. "So now you see me weak for the first time," he said to her. "Hold on, I think i can find something to help." She looked around and found the special herb from before and placed it into his wounds. Hekilu screamed from pain but was soon relieved as his wounds began to heal already. "Thanks," he said to her. "No prob. But now that I've done something for you, I need you to do something for me," Neko replied. "What?" "Tell me why you've been following me around like some kind of stalker and why you've hurt all of my friends in the process. I've come up with a theory, but I'm not sure, I hope it's not true."
  20. Neko killed some of the last soldiers and walked back to camp. She had several wounds from swords and bullets, but none of them were fatal. They just hurt like hell. The army was going to have to move the next day since the government had found out where they were. She couldn't risk another attack.
  21. On the lines thing, the computer is being evil to me. Anyways, I don't have a good vocab. at all but i'll try to find a thersourus thingy. thanks for your advice!
  22. I exsist for art, for those who need me, and music. I love to draw anime and i douln't see myself not drawing. I also find the hidden meanings in modern art although no one else i know does. And if it wasn't for the people who needed me, i would have killed myself last year. Music has helped me get over my 'suicidal' stage and it keeps me out of it.
  23. yeah there already is a girl version, me. only i don't do the whole holocaust thing. just eh "take over the world". anyways, back on topic, i think for the setting, a guy would be a better mental picture thingy, so yeah. also, i'm gong to be starting an rp about a small group of people taking over the world, i just don't know how to do it yet. but keep your eyes open for one!
  24. Neko ate as much as she could. "This is the second time i've ever been truely full!" she said. "I'm still not used to the feeling." She washed up her dishes and went outside for a walk to refelct on everything that had happened the day before.
  25. When Neko saw the fire and the damage done to her friend, flashes of anger shown through her eyes. She unseathed her samurai sword and began slashing at any army uniform she saw. "You will pay!" she screamed and continued killing soldeirs.
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