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Everything posted by NekoSama101

  1. All the half animal people can do what you would call "magic" and yes, it is banned by the government. Having the abilities to do magic sets one out and the gov. wants to make everyone the same.
  2. I have trouble trusting people. I don't even trust my best friends but everyone i know trusts me because i've never told a secret or broken a promise.
  3. Tanukioh, that's not really a question based off of the rp.
  4. "I believe that you are the one responsible for pouring water all over me and Sky? And also, as punishment, don't try to lie, i know it was you, you must wake up at 2 am this morning and cook bacon and eggs for the entire army. Am i understood?" Neko said to him. "Oh, and one more thing, thanks for lighting up the mood around here, just don't do it to me." She pointed to a small group of people laughing. [COLOR=Red]Note: I've started a thread in arena underground for any questions about the rp that any of you might have[/COLOR]
  5. If anyone has any questions about characters, plot line, setting, etc. post them here and i will answer them the best i can. :catgirl:
  6. "Agreed," she said and walked over to Sky. When she began to talk to her, icy cold water hit her and Sky like a brick. she sighed and looked at Ai who was blushing. "Hey Ai, get your ass over here!" she called out to him.
  7. Neko walked over to Yasier. "I know you've had your fair share of fighting, so i want you to help train some of our rookies. I think that you'd be the best person for the job. So, how about it?" she asked him.
  8. Sign ups are now closed. The rp is now in adventure square and everyone's in. if you still want to sign up, you have to pm me first. i'll fit you into the story as a new recruit.
  9. Note: it's time to get this thing started! Neko walked through the small army camp. [I]'Hmmm, the numbers have grown.'[/I] she thought. [I]'Still not enough to take on the Global Unity Keepers' headquaters, but this will do for now. I should get to know the new recruits before we have to get moving again.'[/I] "Okay everyone! Line up!" she yelled as everyone scrambled to get into someone neat rows. "We have new recruits. Treat them with respect. We can't afford anymore injurys from all those bar fights!" she pauses to look at two gentlemen in the front row with swollen jaws and blackeyes. "We have 34 hours until our next move. Take this time to rest and to get to know each other. Fall out."
  10. Neko looked out at Keruko and saw Ishina on the ground. "Another one? Good thing i'm making enough for all of us!"
  11. I think Rob Zombie, Marlyn Mansion, and Michal Jackson are very similar. They're all musicains and they're all i bit messed up in the head. just a little tiny bit (sarcasm). anyways, that's my oppion and one day, it'll be worth a lot.
  12. That's happen to me a lot. Only i've connected it to claustophobia and agrophobia. (sorry, big words, can't spell)
  13. Same here. Not only because i use them to pay my slaves, but because they act like alcohol for me. I forget everything for the moment and get really really hyper whenever i have too much sugar. ^_^
  14. "There's another one of you? Damn! Ok then, where is she? I'll try to go find her, but you gotta stay here with your brother," she replied.
  15. "You'll see." Neko replied. She crushed up the rose petals, rosemary, and the special herb together and put it into the boiling water. She then added salt to it and waited.
  16. Finally another sadist! I found out i was a sadist when i got mad at a good friend and ounched them in the gut. they screamed, i laughed. i feel like i'm darth vader or something like that. that always happens to me on a daily basis.
  17. Blood continued to pour from Neko's fresh wounds an it soaked her clothes. She was still fighting the orcs only she had become a bit slower in her attacks. [I]'They're not thinging out at all!'[/I] she thought. [I]'I can't make it.'[/I] An orc slashed her stomach and she cried out in pain. she fell to her knees but still continued to fight the orcs back. [I]'I have to save those people!'[/I]
  18. "Who?" she asked. "we may still have time!"
  19. Neko's eyes widened and then flashed with anger. "I am not going to let Hekilu take her away from me! You, keruko, get me rose petals and rosemary. meroka, get me a pot of boiling water and salt. I'm going to find an herb. Have it ready in five minutes," Neko said.
  20. Neko turned around. "What?" she asked linoka. "What did you see or feel?"
  21. Another confession of mine is that people always trust me because i'm trust worhty but i don't trust anyone. at all. whenever i begin to trust someone, something happens. like they become ******* and tell eveyone. whee. [color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]Easy on the cursewords there, NekoSama. Swearing is number one on the Spam List, if you'll read the rules. Don't rely on the automatic censoring to cover up your cursing, better not to use those words at all. This is a U-rated site, bear that in mind. -Raiyuu [/font][/color]
  22. Neko gasped and looked away. "Why should quit talking," was all she said and blushed.
  23. Have you done anything that no one knows about? or do you try to be something that you're not? Me personaly act happy and hyper all the time around my friends but that's not who i really am. I do get happy, really happy, occasionaly and same with my hyperness. I guess i do these things to protect myself. I've tried to act like who i really am, but no matter what i do i just can't. There's my confesion, what's yours?
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