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Everything posted by NekoSama101

  1. Neko bacame annoyed. If they wanted to save Nicolisa'as brother, they shouldn't be goofing around. They were baely gonna make it as is.
  2. "well....i don'r really know if shopping is fun or not, but I'll take your word for it!" Neko replied with a smile.
  3. she either really likes you or thinks that you really like her and doesn't want to hurt you. Simple as that. Yes yes i know, girls are so complicated! they're not that hard once you know their motivations or if you have a girl (like me) telling you.
  4. [COLOR=Blue]Name: Neko age: 19 height: 5'6 weight: 117 weapon: samurai sword personailty: Very quiet and shy. She only speaks when she feels strongly about something or when she feels it is nessescary. description: [URL=http://stonie.demon.nl/missknorretje/images/Anime/Elf/Anime_Elf_3.jpg]Neko[/URL] faction: Bloody Shadows style of fighting: samurai sex: female transformationic description: [URL=http://www.mellowfx2.com/gallery/albums/Stuff-In-general/anime_neko_girl.jpg]Neko[/URL][/COLOR]
  5. "But......please, just let me work for it!" Neko replied as she grabbed a black silk jacket and put it on.
  6. "Uh well.....I don't have any money and I don't want anyone to buy me anything without me working for it. It makes me feel useless and spolied."
  7. Neko blushed when Vincent put him arm around her. She couldn't help to feel like she won something. He then went up to bed and she drank another jug of alcohol. She quickly passed out, head down against the table with the empty jug in her hand.
  8. "Really? Thank you so much!" Neko replied to Ceyla. She then ordered two jugs of the strongest achohol they had and drank them both within a matter of seconds. She then tried talking to Vincent about how she felt, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get the words to come out right.
  9. "It's ok. Just as long as i have my tail now." Neko replied. "And I'd love to go shopping but....."
  10. Neko helped Nicolisa mount her brother on a horse before she got on one herself. "You should ride with him," she said to Nicolisa. "He needs you right now." She turned and got onto a horse.
  11. (WHOO! finally an rp about something i know everything about!) Name:Neko Gender:Female Age: 19 Appearance: She has piercing emerald green eyes that are brought out even more by her long black hair. She has rather pale skin, for she doesn't go out very much. She stands at about 5"6 and is somewhat curvy [IMG]http://www.nomakegirl.com/tabibito/uploads/rin.jpg[/IMG] Side: in resistence of the anti-christ Personality:Very quiet and shy. She only speaks when she feels it is necessary or when she feels strongly about something. Biography: She was abandoned as a young child and doesn't remember anything before the incident. She often has nightmares of times she had with her parents but doesn't believe they're real memories. She had gotten into a routine with her life until the anti-christ came. She saw how he twisted things and how people catered to his every whim. She didn't like him. Something about his eyes gave her chills up her spine. She soon found others who didn't like him and joined up with them
  12. "AAAAUUUGGGHHHH! my tail!" Neko began to cry. "My tail! Without that, how will i keep my bal..." She fell over and then suddenly turned back into half cat. "Yay! My tail is back!" She hugged her tail and started swishing it around.
  13. Neko's eyes got big. "Bigger than this? Wow, to be honest, this is the first time i've ever felt full to the point where i can't eat anymore. Please, just let me help. I'll feel too guilty if I don't."
  14. [I]Elves aren't supposed to feel like this![/I] Neko continued to think. [I]Damn, if only i hadn't said I was gonna be the only one not drinking tonight.[/I] she sighed. "I need a beer," she said to no one in particular.
  15. "Well, what i was trying to say before was that i've never had a meal like this before. It was always very small and it was the cheepest food possible. So for you to make this for us.....I feel somewhat in debt to you," she replied.
  16. Neko's eye twitched. "Wow...." she said. "I've never..." She stopped and fell silent.
  17. Neko watched Ceyla leave. [I]I'll let her go,[/I] she thought. [I]She needs peace, even if only for a moment.[/I] She turned her attension to Vinent and Kacela. He hugged her and she could feel a slight tinge of jelousy. [I]Why am I feeling this?! I've never felt this before![/I] Neko banged her head against the nearby wall. "Why?" she said loudly without reliazing that her thoughts were coming out. The room went silent for a moment, no one had ever heard her talk that loud before, even in battle, not even Vincent. She blushed and sat down quickly. Soon, everyone forgot about what she said and the room returned back to it's normal loud self and she returned to her thoughts.
  18. Neko walked over to where Ishiko led her. "Thank you," she said when they got there. The second Ishiko left, Neko fell onto the bed and fell asleep instantly.
  19. "The herb heals when you speak a few words. If we can find it, he will be healed fully. We should be able to find it along the path that we are going now, so i vote that we take him with us. If we don't and a regular doctor gets him, he will die. These wounds can be healed some what to spells as shown before, but we have to get that herb if he's going to live. We have about two hours before we lose him," Neko replied.
  20. I belive magic can be used for good or evil and i believe that mstical creatures exsist. i don't think it's possible for someone to create such detailed creatures from imagination only.
  21. "Yea. We don't have much time though. Does anyone know what a Agrimony Herb is?" Neko asked.
  22. "I'll be the 'designated driver'," Neko said. "I won't drink so I can stay alert for attacks. Sop go ahead and get as drunk as you want."
  23. I think there should be more interracial couples. Too many people are afraid of what people might think. All people should be care about is that they really love each other. We're all the same on the inside. Same organs and all that bloody crap.
  24. I like guys who are strong, religous, cares a lot about me, and smell really good, like axe. They also have to be really outgoing like me or really super shy. Not inbetween. I don't have a really long list because if it's too long, there's never any hope in finding them. I really don't want them to be perfect >
  25. "Ok," Neko replied to Ishiko. "So.....now what?"
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