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About kittybloomes

  • Birthday 01/21/1991

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  1. me? well....I love j-pop(japanese pop) the sound is sooooo...cool!!well to me it cool, whenI talk to my friends about it they just look at me but,I can understand that but, they love japan as much as i do but only the anime part of it!!
  2. that was good,you did better then i do ,well some time it come from the top of my head but most times i have to thick about it and sometimes diff songs help me with that ....but all'n' all I thick that was really good:catgirl::twitch:!!!
  3. I thick the kingdom hearts2 fashion is really cool the ,when i was plaything it really made me want to by there stuff to bad i can:(
  4. i really like the final fantasy games, the one thing i like most is there not all the same peolpe ,that to me is pertty cool!:catgirl: and the other thing that cool about it is all the song on the games but don't konw who wrote the song do any of you know?
  5. i was thicking! who has the best fashion in a game, to me there is only 3 people!! one is [COLOR=Red]yuna[/COLOR] from final fantasy x(not x-2)I thick what she wearing is sooo cute :blush: !that staff really brings it together.Next is [COLOR=Gray]lulu[/COLOR]also from ffx)her dress is so pertty it's long and gray so perfect for her and that doll(i thick it's a doll) she has is really cute :catgirl: the last person is [COLOR=SandyBrown]mayu amakura [/COLOR] from fatal frame,that dress is the cutes dress in the hole wrold!! it to much but not blaned :animesmil and the red bow make it given more cute :love2: dose any one else thick there is some really good game fashion out there? :love:
  6. i was sitting in my room when this pop in to my head. :idea: what game charater am i more like?I thick i'm like [COLOR=Red]yuna [/COLOR] !from final fantasy x and x-2 she gose from a soft nice person to a booty wearing(but sitll nice)person! dose any one else thick there like a game charater or even an anime charater ?:catgirl:
  7. my theme song would be ,the song from falat frame it's so sad and deep(well to me it deep)!or simple and clean i thick that sums up my life pretty well to:catgirl:!!
  8. I love that game it was fun to play.I did really see much of Mayu in the game,i like her a lot and the really sad thing about the hole game was the ending! it was so sad when even in the end [spoiler]mayu still die by her OWN sister[/spoiler]:( ! [color=darkred][size=1]Added spoiler tags. -- Bombu[/size][/color]
  9. [QUOTE=kittybloomes]I love MCR :animesmil there a really good band all there song are fun to dance to(but only in my room)! i have a friend who is in love with the leand singer me ... i just like the songs :alcohol:[/QUOTE] sorry i will try to do better:(
  10. [COLOR=Purple]i loooove :love: inuyasha i thick it a great show, all the charcters reminded me of my friends,even mroku(?)me my more the sago in my group :laugh: but i can't thick of my favorite eipsod? :confuse2: [/COLOR]
  11. I love MCR :animesmil there a really good band all there song are fun to dance to(but only in my room)! i have a friend who is in love with the leand singer me ... i just like the songs :alcohol:
  12. [quote name='RavenDragon']For Anime, I would have to be Yukina from Yu Yu Hakusho, and for Manga, I would be Demon Lord Raenef from Demon Diary (despite the fact that he's a boy) ;)[/quote] me too!!!she so pertty and it fun to be a demon(good demon) :D [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]kittybloomes, Welcome to Otakuboards. When posting in a thread, please note that if a post is considered incoherent or sloppy, it is considered spam. Try to improve your post quality and content in the future so that this doesn't happen. Write in full sentences and use proper grammar. If you have an idea, write your reasoning behind it. This will both feed the conversation and foster the respect others have in you. -Arvi[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
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