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Everything posted by FullMetalHughes
Hey there guys, just wondering if anyone out there would help me. im looking to get a tattoo soon, and i have an idea of what i want. wondering if anyone would design a basis for the design im looking for someone to draw me a double headed snake, as in a head on each side of its body not the both on top, i want it so it entwines itself up my forearm. if anyone can help, i would be reaaaaalllyyyyy grateful, if not, no worries thanks
[quote name='Naui27']My favorite song is entering the sandman i luv it.[/quote] *Shakes Head* Enter Sandman........ Anyways,[B] Ride[/B] and [B]Puppets[/B] have to be the best two albums, followed closely by [B]...And Justice[/B] and [B]Kill 'Em All[/B]. In My opinion there is no other album anywhere that comes close to being as original as [B]Puppets[/B] That Said, My Favourite Metallica Song Doesnt come from [B]Puppets[/B] but [B]Ride The Lightning[/B], [B]Creeping Death[/B] a Thrash Masterpiece, then maybe [B]Seek and destroy[/B], [B]MotorBreath[/B], and [B]Leper Messiah[/B] i like most of the songs, except some [B]Load/Reload[/B] and [B]St.Anger[/B] songs
[COLOR=DarkRed]Where To Start? I Loved [B]Biker Mice From Mars[/B] With A Passion When i was a wee toddler, they were so cooooooool, havent had the chance to rewatch them now, but im waiting [B]Count Duckula[/B] Was An Amazing show, The Idea of a Vampiric Duck just sums it up really [B]Dangermouse[/B] was Great, He had this massive ego for stopping all Greenback the Frog's plans, yet it was his little mole sidekick Penfold that did it [B]Sharky And George[/B] A show about two Crime busting fish undersea, now thats jus cool in itself Then theres the classics, [B]Earthworm Jim[/B], [B]Ren and Stimpy[/B] (you EEEEDIOT!!!), [B]TMHT[/B], [B]X-Men[/B] (Go on Gambit!), never watched [B]Spiderman[/B] though, God i Despise that lycra wearing web slinger [/COLOR]
1. Pick a band or artist: Machine Head 2. Are you male or female: I'm your God now 3. Describe yourself: All in your head 4. How do sompe people feel about you: Blistering 5. Describe your exboyfriend/girlfriend: The Blood, The Sweat, The Tears 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Down to none 7.Describe where you want to be: In The Presence Of My Enemies 8. Describe how you love: Left Unifinished 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: Descend The Shades Of Night 10. Share a few words of wisdom: Exhale The Vile 11. Now say goodbye: Take my Scars
The Who - 'My Generation' "Talkin ' bout my Generation" New word: Amber
The prettiest song you've ever heard?
FullMetalHughes replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Noosphere
I agree with Flame_Alchemist on this one, Aeris(or Aerith if you want) Theme is quite "pretty" its all high and nice like, sticks in the mind for a pretty song for me anyways -
I heard from rumour that the new album will be out Decemberish if that helps, and i think itll be more like the older stuff, cause they havent got Bob Rock telling them what to do now. Bob Rock was pretty much responsible for turning them away rom their old stuff in my opinion
[quote name='Avenged666fold']Im buying advent children. :cool: Maybe it will shine some light on this game for me. But im beating Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 first.[/quote] lol, i highly doubt itll shine some light on it, you pretty much need to know the game to know what the hell's going on in the film lol
:twitch:.......Silent....Hill.......bad....guys..... most of them scare the living @%*# out of me, especially those Nurses! oooh! and the ghosts things off number 4, one minute, you're peacefully walking down the corridor, then it's "huh? OH MY GOD RUN!! IT'S COMING THROUGH THE WALL!!!!" god i hated them also, i was scared of those Zombies that stay after you kill them in Resident Evil 1 remake, the "crimson heads". Bombing down thecorridors at you ready to club you with their fists, not that i found the zombie himself scary, it was the fact that most of the time it happened, i was out of petrol to burn them but scariest = Silent Hill bad guys, i still love the games though
[quote name='hentai#1']does anyone find Metalica and the San Fransico syphany a little to weird or something that goes well on certain songs?[/quote] Well, im not too fussed on it, i think it ruins some of the songs, but theres one or two that sound cool, i Liked the songs they made up for the concert though, especially 'No Leaf Clover' i think thats a great song
Music What genre of music do you listen to?
FullMetalHughes replied to sweetpeach14's topic in Noosphere
I listen mainly to Metal music, classic rock and some Punk Metal music - i like the heavier, faster stuff that gets you going more, but i can sit down and listen to a slow song now and again, my favourite bands mainly come from this section (Metallica, Machine Head, Rammstein etc.) Classic rock - Gives me a kind of Nostalgia feeling, i dont know why, i love the way the songs are made, i like to play along now and again on my guitar, especially to bands like Thin Lizzy Punk - What really was the baby steps towards me liking metal, i like a few punk bands like Blink 182(before they turned pop-punk) and the Offspring im definitely not a fan of Rap, hip-hop and pop, i like songs where the lyrics mean something, and not just "ooh baby!..", random stuff about some girls 'booty' and then some other nonsense you cnt even tell theyre saying cause theyre saying it so fast Oh, and you gotta love Anime and Video game soundtracks, who doesnt love a bit of 'READY STEADY GO!' i dont know, as for Video games, you can't beat the Final Fantasy soundtracks, Nobuo is a musical Genius -
Metallica are my favourite band, i reccomend listening to the first 3 albums most. Kill 'em All would have to be my favourite of them all, but my favourite song is Creeping Death, i Reccomnd that one Tatsubei [quote name='Flame_Alchemist']The best thing is I?m gonna be seeing them live this year! I?m going to a three day festival with a load of bands there and Metallica are gonna be headlining one day[/quote] Hell yeah, you're coming with me in my car, its gonna be great and as far as Metallica going downhill after 'Metallica' a.k.a 'The Black Album' i agree, their best stuff was before that album, hopefully they pick up again with the release of their new album :D
OK, sorry Retribution for not elaborating, i will do now All in all i like these pics and think you're a good artist Flame_Alchemist, I especially like the Coloured picture of Roy Mustang, the shading is done well and the colours are accurate. the only thing i will say about this drawing is that his hair seems a bit too blocky, Roy's hair strands are usually thinner i thought. but a good pic. I also like the Chrono and Rosette picture a lot, the eyes are not as bad as i think your making out, but i would like to see this with some shading and maybe colour? but a well drawn picture, 1 question though, were you copying from the manga book cover volume 3 for Chrono Crusade?, if so, Did you forget Rosette's other arm? lol, no worries on that though, i dont think it hurts the picture much Well done i say anyway, a pat on the back is deserved
[quote name='hey_love][size=1]Well, [spoiler]Hughes' death[/spoiler] is a major drive on some of the character's actions. With that happening, it starts linking some of the plotline together in the story, weaving every connection and securing it. [spoiler]His death[/spoiler'] is brought up multiple times throughout the series, you'll see when you water the later episodes. :)[/size][/quote] Yeah, I suppose i will, but they had better Justify [spoiler] Killing him off[/spoiler] lol. Cant wait to see the rest
Anime If you could be any anime character, who would you be?
FullMetalHughes replied to Shadow Blade's topic in Otaku Central
Of any anime, i would be Maes Hughes of FullMetal Alchemist, He's just one funny guy, loves his family and is deadly with a knife, or alternatively, i would be Roy Mustang of the same series, i mean come on, who wouldn't want to set things alight and blow things up with the click of a finger oh, and as Keyblade Wielder said many posts ago, do video games count? if they do, i would like to be Sephiroth of FFVII because he's so cool, and that sword...........my god i've never seen such a big blade -
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children is one of the greatest films i have ever seen, they depicted the characters very well. [spoiler] I liked how they brought Sephiroth into it, although I personally think he wasn't in the film long enough but hey [/spoiler] The graphics were absolutely amazing, Vincent, [spoiler] Sephiroth[/spoiler], Cloud and Red XIII looked as cool as i'd imagined. The story was a great aswell. [spoiler] I laughed so much when Loz's phone rang with the victory fanfare from the game [/spoiler]
1. Pick a Band or Artist: [COLOR=Red]Metallica[/COLOR] 2.Are you male or female: [COLOR=Red]Some Kind Of Monster[/COLOR] 3.Describe yourself: [COLOR=Red]The Thing That Should Not Be[/COLOR] 4. How do some people feel about you: [COLOR=Red]Sad But True[/COLOR] 5.Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=Red]The Unforgiven[/COLOR] 6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=Red]Invisible Kid[/COLOR](havent got one) 7.Describe where you want to be: [COLOR=Red]Better Than You[/COLOR] 8.Describe how you love: [COLOR=Red]No Remorse[/COLOR] 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: [COLOR=Red]Shoot Me Again[/COLOR] 10.Share a few words of wisdom: [COLOR=Red]Don't Tread On Me[/COLOR] 11.Now say goodbye: [COLOR=Red]To Live Is To Die[/COLOR] There were a few options for each answer, i was quite lucky, picking a band wth 10 albums =)
I like my music because it just appeals to me, I like a lot of bands, mostly Metal but many others. My Favourite Band being Metallica and others like Disturbed, System of a Down, Thin Lizzy, Drowning Pool and more I like most metal music because they have better meaning to songs than Pop music or rap etc. that talk about "oo baby" etc i dont want to come across as being insulting to other peoples music, but that kind of thing doesnt appeal to me, whereas most rock does
ok, here we go 1. Whiplash - Metallica 2. Deify - Disturbed 3. Step Up - Drowning Pool 4. Mortal Kombat theme tune 5 Street Fighting Man - Motley Crue 6 U Fig - System Of A Down 7 Ratamahatta - Sepultra 8 Mann Gegen Mann - Rammstein 9 My Plague - Slipknot 10 Replica - Fear Factory I had to do a lot of skipping because Metallica, System Of A Down, and Disturbed came up a lot, and i didnt want a 1 or 2 band heavy list
Gaming The most overrated game ever; Hands Down.
FullMetalHughes replied to PWNED's topic in Noosphere
For me, i think that 'GTA vice city' and 'GTA San Andreas' were Over-rated. Ok, yes i did like them both, but there was nothing there from both of them that i thought was fun enough to keep me playing them. I think that Vice city was more of a let-down because it was basically the same thing, ok you could buy businesses, but there wasnt much area added to it from what was in GTA3. San Andreas was basically the same again with more area, the added factor of maintaining our physical state added more to it which was good. Overall i thought it was good game, but not as good as it was made out to be -
[quote name='Avenged666fold']I had a dream that I kept waking up all night and when I finally woke up I actually though it was a dream and missed the bus :([/quote] lol, i would love to have seen that
theres some wierd dreams in this thread i must say, anyway, onto mine. i've had this dream a few times in the past, i have no idea why or what the hell it means ok, so im on this beach, i walk over to the rocks, and find a body, now im only a kid so i was scared by then in my dream, but on closer inspection, the body has no head, well, human head, for some reason it has a statue's head sewn onto it, then knowingly, i looked over to the sea at the statue thats floating in the middle when i go to see the statue, it has the girl's, the body was a girl, head sewn onto it. then im unsure how or why, but we end up in my living room, me hiding behind 1 sofa, an the statue, moving, behind another. and to kill the statue and return the head back to the girl, i had to throw remote controls at it, serious to hell now, which i eventually do, then the dream ends. that dream wierded me out many times as i was only about 12/13 at the time. And even to this day it puzzles me. anyway, thanks for listening lol
Request Maes Hughes Avatar/Banner
FullMetalHughes replied to FullMetalHughes's topic in Creative Works
hey, Thanks for this Starwind, Yeah, this shuld be fine, i especially like the Avatar, and the banner is great too. thanks a lot -
Well, its as easy as this, The 'FullMetal' part comes from my favourite anime/manga, FullMetal Alchemist, And the 'Hughes' part comes from my favourite character in the show, Maes Hughes. there we go
I would just like to say, i absolutely love this anime/manga, it's serious when it needs to be, and very funny in other parts. I especially like Hughes, he's awesome [spoiler] well, was awesome, still don't get why they killed him off, it makes me so angry lol[/spoiler] at the moment i have watched to the end of episode 30 and I cant wait for more. [spoiler] I find it wierd how Wrath has got Ed's Right arm and Left leg, im sure i'll find out why soon enough, but then wierd is Awesome in anime, and FMA has plenty of it[/spoiler] It's such a great concept, and is well thought out. I am planning on buying every single episode of FMA on dvd as they come out, and the film. [spoiler] I sit up every night rocking back and forth in the corner biting my nails, wondering and wether Ed and Al will get their original bodies back[/spoiler]