Serenayasha also mentioned something I would love to change about Fullmetal Alchemist.[spoiler] Episode 25 was a bad one wasn?t it? Not that it was badly done, it was very well done in fact. But the fact that they killed off Hughes was just wrong, I mean he was awesome! Then showing his funeral with his daughter crying, do they want us to slip into depression? It?s kind of a double edged sword this one, on one hand it?s just really depressing and a great character dies, on the other it?s very well done and is the catalyst for exciting story developments. Ah to hell with it, bring back Hughes! [/spoiler][/QUOTE]
I am in very much the same opinion as Flame alchemist here.Yes it wasn't Badly done, it was very good how they done it,[spoiler] instead of draggin out his death over and episode or two they pretty much done it within 15 minutes, Making it a bigger impact, and yes, especially with his daughter at the funeral. At that point i felt all choked up and close to tears. Maybe because Hughes is my favourite character, but I think we were all affected by this. they could have at least killed off someone less important, but then it wouldn have hit home as bad. Ah Well, to quote Flame alchemist "Bring back Hughes!"[/spoiler]