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Everything posted by Senko

  1. [QUOTE=Charon]Has anybody seen the secret ending to this game? It on youtube.com, if you search for "kingdom hearts secret ending". My thoughts: [spoiler]Who are those knights? Those keyblades also look familiar, but I don't think its Sora and the gang. I've read on Wikipedia that the next KH game will not be a direct sequal. Will this be in future? And then there's the Org XIII cloak that appears at the end..."memory of Xenahort/Ansem" were the words by it, so maybe we're not done with that guy yet? Other boards seem to speculate that there were these Japanese words in the Deep Dive video that read "Heartless...Nobody...Endless". Are the "endless" the new enemy? I mean, nothing's been verified, but I've been thinking about this all day.[/spoiler][/QUOTE] heres my thoughts: [spoiler]Well what i think the gang is (you might be thinking sora donald and goofy) sora with the two blades in the middle and rikku on the right (heres the very interesting part.) and kairi on the left. You can see this by kairi's lets say bussoms :animesmil. you might be like "kairi?! what the heck" well the thing is, is that kairi at the end of the KH2 game she started useing the keyblade and helped killing the haertless plus the fact that she said she was not going to let them (rikku and sora) go off on adventures with out her now so those are my thoughts. :animeknow [/spoiler]
  2. [QUOTE=Obesepanda] Im on the third portion of the series and cant wait to start the fourth, but sadly its packed away in storage and im broke right now so i'll have to wait anyway. :animecry:[/QUOTE] at the moment im on the fourth one and trust me so far it is pretty good. i like although the level of the donguons (wow i cant believe i dont know how to spell that) do get much higher over night. so i do recemend levieling up before hand. :catgirl:
  3. you guys dont clear the field or the dungeons??? well that is why your broke. if you want to get money what i do is sell whatever i never use and whatever i know i will never use. it works very well trust me i have 200,000 gp right now :animeknow
  4. [quote name='Stafal-chan'] :animeswea espcially when i seem to take almost every dead end possible :animeswea[/quote] usually i just use a fairy orb to tell me where im going i sell rare items that i already have and then i stock up on like 99 fairy orbs and then im not bothered with it for years :animesmil
  5. hehe :animesmil i hear what your saying. well i guess i gotto go play .hack to get that wretched core :animeangr
  6. ok. well here is my perdiciment, i am playing the last .hack game, .hack//quarentine and im haveing trounle finding a J virus core right now. I am aware that you find them in the omega server and that you have to data drain the small monsters to get it but here's the catch... when ever i run into a small monster i start to fight it (just to weaken the monster and get the virus core) but by the time that it gets to low hit points it just croaks it doesnt even data break so i cant even use data drain in the first place. :animedepr well anyways if you have any advice please, PLEASE! tell me :catgirl:
  7. [QUOTE=Shadow Blade][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray] Please tell me I'm not the only guy who answered this thread because it would be very embarassing if I was. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] no worrys you arent :animesmil
  8. i guesse but you must admit there are alot of worlds for riku to play in. you know what im saying.
  9. you probably already know this but whatever (SPOILER EVERYONE!!!!!!) [spoiler]you do get to play as riku seperatly. you get it after you have completed the story of sora :catgirl:[/spoiler] hope i didnt spoil anything i did say there was a spoiler :catgirl:
  10. so has anyone seen the secret ending yet. im asking this because im wondering about your opinions to the ( i think there will be) 3rd kh?? :catgirl: what do you guys think?
  11. this is photography! thank you finally someone has put some artistic photography on this site!! you have made me happy thank you. By the way nice photography. the cat shows emotions to me of great thought even though it is probably just looking at a bird outside. (no disrespect intended :catgirl: )
  12. [QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1] Probably because 'Disney movie' is usually associated with their animation (not their claymation), and the fact that The Nightmare Before Christmas was distributed through [b]Touchstone Pictures[/b]. While Touchstone Pictures is owned by Disney, movies released through it aren't really considered 'Disney' movies. Anyway, my favourite Disney movie is... Finding Nemo. I've never really seen many of the older films, so I can't comment on the 'classics'. I can say, though, that the 3D stuff Disney create with Pixar is usually fantastic. 'Cars' doesn't look amazing though, but we'll see.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] true true i see where you are coming from but still teechnichly it is a disney movie still :p. :catgirl:
  13. the only thing that i am baffled by here is that only (i think this is correct) 2 people have said anything about nightmare before christmas by tim burton. Could it be the fact that people just dont know that that is a disney movie cuase if so then this goes out to all those people out threre. nightmare before christmas IS a disney movie :catgirl:
  14. Senko


    lol see. so far not one person has said anything bad about those groups in this forum with exception to the one thing that everyone says that there would be fights. :catgirl:
  15. Senko


    lol :catgirl: i see what you are all saying. you are right there are always going to be the people who just want to make drama on OB but then again you have to actually think about the choice have a place where you can join a group and have your occational fights (between groups of course) or have none at all and then you just ont get much of an experience on the otaku bourds you know what im saying?? :catgirl:
  16. Senko


    why not use them i thimnk they would be fun to have :animesmil :catgirl:
  17. Senko


    hey everyone. just starting this thread to ask a few things. 1) how do you see groups??? 2) what do you do in groups??? and lastly 3)......and...ummm... yeah thats it i cant hink of any other questions :animesmil
  18. well ummm... let me think... i would have to say, Nightmare Before Christmas of course!! what else. :animesmil oh and also corpde bride :animesmil (i think thats a disney movie :animeshy: )
  19. [QUOTE=_Kenshin_]Yes... yes it would, but hearing the voice differences might be kinda funny. :animesmil I'm going to go search for the mangas this weekend after my party and hope they have them.[/QUOTE] yeah im going to go get it after the whole kh rush on evrything you know :animesmil EDIT: [QUOTE=Stafal-chan]oh well when i pre ordered it in June they said it was coming in November but March 28th is the official release date which is TODAY YAAAAAY i know for sure ^_^ check out the Kingdom Hearts 2 thread in Play It ^_^ [/QUOTE] I KNOW!! :animesmil i already have my whole entire day planned out. first go to school then get home do homework as fast as possible and then after that im going to bike to the nearest eb games and buy it come home and then play it straight away! :animesmil :animesmil [color=darkblue][size=1][b]In the future, please use the Edit button to add to your previous message, rather than double-posting, thanks. -Lady K[/color][/size][/b]
  20. [QUOTE=White][FONT=Tahoma][color=#555555] [center][img]http://www.nintendoland.com/mario/movie/city.jpg[/img][/center] [/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] yeah also the "elect koopa" sign kind of tells you. :catgirl:
  21. darn! :animeangr only 19 seconds oh well. i would have to agree that game is hard :catgirl: HAHAHA I JUST GOT 28.something or other :animesmil WOOOOOOOOO!!!!! who is the master! i justgot 139.207 beat that guys (or girls dont want to offend anyone now) :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil
  22. [quote name='_Kenshin_']though I'd hope they kept the same character voices from the game.[/quote] i would have to agree. i mean just think of seeing sora speaking and then all of a sudden you here the voice actor for naruto or something. that would be very wierd.
  23. Senko


    [quote name='Metal Dragon]Yeah, I've seen Metropolis. It's one of the best movies I've ever seen.It's preety sad how Tima [spoiler]dies in the end though.[/spoiler']Hey,anyone think that they might make a part two[/quote] that would be very interesting wow i never evn thouht there could be a sequal. i mean what story line would they even be able to make up???
  24. [quote name='Stafal-chan']oh yeah i preordered it ummm in June i think ^_^ june 2005 ^_^ haha yeah it comes out Tuesday i'm psyched ^_^ haha and desperately trying to keep myself from spoileing the entire game ^_^ which is probably y i was so interested in the KH manga cuz it was something i might have been able to occupy my time with that was KH relatd but i really don't think it's worth the money for it ^_^[/quote] ohhh well. that is really funny. i dont think i could even pre order in june i mean really. but i did pre order it just last week ago lol what can i say i dont go out and pre order it until i know they havent pushed the date back for its release you know. i mean november then march who knows if they are going to change it again! :animeangr
  25. Senko

    No Doubt

    [quote name='Queen Asuka][size=1][color=hotpink]Actually, No Doubt is still together, they just aren't currently in PRODUCTION. I remember Gwen saying kind of recently that after doing her own thing for a while, they had some plans with No Doubt. Give the woman a break: she's having a baby, for crying out loud.[/size'][/color][/quote] that is very true but i just want them to do more stuff i mean they are great and i cant wait for that time when they get back together :animedepr
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