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Everything posted by Senko

  1. Senko

    No Doubt

    :animedepr :animecry: well ok but i hope as soon s gwens career as a solo artist windles down they get back together :animedepr . Anyways on a lighter note to try to keep this thread going how did you get introduced to no doubt?? :catgirl:
  2. Senko

    No Doubt

    [FONT=Garamond]hey everyone reading this. :catgirl: just starting this thread to ask evryone who is interested or who knows if no doubt is comeing back togather sometime or if they are done for good. i mean yes they have not done a thing since about the year 1999 but still i must know because if it is official that they are done that is very sad :animedepr.[/FONT]
  3. [quote name='Stafal-chan']Nyahah oh sorry Furuba is Fruits Basket ^_^ [/quote] ohhhhhh ive heard of that! lol :animeshy: ok well sorry to inform you but i havent read it yet :animeswea. i guess i havent had time yet but i prommise you ill read it sometime [quote name='Stafal-chan']O_O really i ordered KH2 b/c the last one left me hangin' and i was freakin out and i'm just plain obsessed^_^ uhh whaddya mean here everyone wants it???[/quote] back on topic thats y i ordered it aswell its just i had to have it that first day like i said and you know what i mean when i say "here evryone wants it" all it means is that over hear evryone wants kh2 so in order to get the game even in the first week it comes out you have to preorder it before or else you are not getting it at all :animestun ! lol well yeah :animesmil
  4. [quote name='EVA Unit 100'] Do you think they'll let me go?[/quote] i think they'll let you go so long as you keep up good grades and all that jazzy stuff parents say. i would have to say dont annoythem dont get them msd, you know the drill just be careful and what you seek shall come...lol i had to hrow in alittle fortune cooky thingy into that :animesmil BTW when you do go good luck :catgirl:
  5. hearing that you have the chance to go to japan as a fourin (i dont know how to spell it leave me alone :catgirl: ) exchange student makes me jelous. i want to go to japan!!! :animedepr :animecry: hence that means do it and go to japan. also have the time of you life for all of us non-able-to-go-to-japan people!!!!!! woooo :animesmil
  6. [quote name='Stafal-chan']^_^ hmmm Katakari damacy...i never played that it looked really dumb...i mean sure i heard it was good and i thought about gettin' it but in the end i didn't really feel like payinfor it...haha i'm happy Furuba 13 comes out on March 28th (the same day as KH2 for Ps2) i haven't pre ordered it though...[/quote] ahhh, the only reason i have pre ordered kh 2 is because here everyone wants it (what else is new) and so i just wanted to make sure i had a copy at least the same week it came out :animesmil . on the other hand :animeshy: i havent heard of furuba :animeswea . whats it about???
  7. [QUOTE=KatanaViolet]Nani!?!?! I haven't seen that part yet... Use SPOILER tags next time please...:animesigh [/QUOTE] :animedepr :animeswea :animeshy: sorry about that. since it is such an old anime ( i mean even for america) i thought everyone knew. well dont be too mad at me :catgirl: . i didnt say the whole thing but all i will say is tht dont judge what somesays until you know what they are talking about (i dont know i wanted to put something smart but oh well you get the point :animesmil )
  8. i dont know i would have to say... when kenshin [spoiler]killed shishio[/spoiler] (i know i know but i dont want to give away too much info) anyways i would have to say that moment in anime history because that battle was the last battle of the whole rurouni kenshin series on toonami and i was young so i didnt know really about everything yet so that contributed as well :catgirl: [COLOR=Indigo] Senko, there's a simple and easy way to not give away to much of a show. Just use spoiler tags. Take a look here: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46199][COLOR=Indigo][B]Spoiler Tags[/B][/COLOR][/URL] for quick and easy instructions on how to use them. That way you won't spoil it for someone who has yet to see the show. Please don't assume that everyone is familiar with what happens in a certain anime simply because it's well-known or has been around for a while. Similarly, even if a particular set of episodes has already aired on TV in the country where you live, don't take that as a license to freely write about what happens in those episodes. When in doubt, always use spoiler tags. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~indifference[/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE=KatanaViolet]So I went on a little downloading spree, looking up all the bands listed here and there. [B]Porno Graffiti:[/B] "Hitori no Yoru"- I really like the beat of this song, it's a funky kinda rock. Really bouncy and that's what I like about this song. "Agehacho"- The beat sounds somewhat latino, and also very upbeat. I love the flute! "Melissa"- At first I didn't really like this, because the beginning wasn't really tweaking my ears, but as I listened to the rest of the song I started to enjoy it, although I like the other two songs much better. [U]Verdict[/U]: Definately a band worth checking out, it's upbeat pop/rock songs are great to listen to on my MP3 player. [B]Utada Hikaru[/B] "Tokyo Nights"- Very pop song, but I love how unique it sounds, at least unlike North American pop songs. "Devil Inside"- The beginning of this song I was just kind of waiting to hear the rest of it to decide what I thought of it. But again, very different from most pop songs, and I like the guitar in it too. As well as the Japanese instrument (I forget what it's called). Great song. [U]Verdict[/U]: Very unique pop music, I would definately prefer this over the stuff that is popular here. [B]L'Arc~En~Ciel[/B] "Forever (Eien)"- This song reminded me of The Strokes. I love it. "Lies and Truth"- This song is okay, the opening was a little blah, but then it kind of picked up a little bit. I liked the use of violins. Good stuff. [U]Verdict[/U]: I allready liked these guys, so expanding my song list by them is just lovely. [B]Glay[/B] "Scream"- This is such a funky song. Has a bit of a industrial/techno feel to it. I just wanna boogy when I listen to it. "So Far Yet So Close"- Quite different from Scream, but also a very unique and beautiful song. "Way of Difference"- Another slower song, very mellow, I would listen to this while I'm studying or lounging. I like how it picks up a little bit too, kind of lifts you up from the mellowness. [U]Verdict[/U]: If there are more songs as awesome as Scream, I definately want to hear more.[/QUOTE] you forgot to check out pizzicato 5! *gasp* lol well that is ok i forgive you...just dont do it again :catgirl:
  10. [quote name='Stafal-chan']hmmm...maybe... it seems liek video games are much harder to put into manga ya kno? cuz then they have to cut all those big long battles or all the time it takes to travel....i dunno bout Final Fantasy...hmmmi guess but to me if i already played the game why read the books if you know wat's gonna happen.....that's why i didn't pick up KH....by the way 11 DAYS TILL KH COMES OUT YAAAAAY MARCH 28th!!!!!!!nyahah i'm gonna be freakin' out during school all day on March 28th...^_^[/quote] yeah that is true but just think of all the things that they could do with all of the other roleplaying games. hey if people can make as many mangas as they have they could probably make a manga on the katamari damacy franchise. i would actually bye that though because i must admit :animeshy: i am a collecter of thigs i like :animesmil so yeah. BTW I CANT WAIT I HAVE IT PREORDERED AND EVERYTHING I JUST WANT IT NOW :mad: :mad: :mad: !!!!!! :animeangr :animesigh :animesmil :catgirl: sorry bout that im just too obsesed
  11. yes!!!! :animesmil no one said p 5 which makes me feel special. anyways the thing that i would DEFINITLY!! recamend for j-pop would have to be pizzicato 5. they are a great band who plays japanese rock and even though theyve been around since 1989 they are still really good i love them. currently i have 4 of there albums and last i checked they have about 15 (that is including remixes and stuff btw :catgirl: ) so there you have it you should check out: pizzicato 5 :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil
  12. i would have to say...Bo-bo-bo bo-bo bo-bo (something like that :animeswea) also i would have to say i would want to live in that anime because i think it would be so much fun just being as random as i could be and also i would love to have the snot for you technique i think that would be awsome :p !! :catgirl: :animesmil
  13. yeah now that i think of it your right the only thing...no wait or maybe...no not that i cant think of a single one right now...Wait! no just kidding that was a manga first :animedepr oh well i think that some people should start doing that though. the game to manga idea. i mean think of how many things can be turned into a manga. :catgirl: for one how about any final fantasy game. that would make a great manga :animesmil !!
  14. i would have to agree with everyone, the design of the ps3 is pretty bad but as you know with the ps2 they made that slicker and more pleasing to the eyes (even though it took them a while). anyways personally i cant wait because i want to know how it is. :animesmil weeeee! :catgirl: ...... ill go now :animeshy:
  15. actually im really happy that miazaki is comeing to toonami. for one i have only seen 2 of the movies that are going to be howing so two of them are going to me new and fresh to me!!! :animesmil yeah! anyways i like miazaki so im sad at all about the shows :animeswea . i mean the people who make the anime have to have a breack sometime :catgirl:
  16. wow these pics are great i love them. although i would have to say that on some of the pics, dont get me wrong though, they need a little touching up. for example i dont remember exactly which one but one of them the picture looks nice but it is being cut off at the ends and i think that if you got the flowers into the pic it would make it much nicer but other than that. KEEP ON DOING THE GOOD WORK!!! :catgirl:
  17. well i would have to say i love this place because this is the only place i can talk about anime and everything like games to what knows :animesmil because most of my friends think manga and anime are just :animeshy: ...im cant say it it hurts to much :animedepr ...well yeah that is my reason
  18. [QUOTE=Kenataro] ...I emphasize interesting. By the way cool avatar Senko(FFX is my favorite game. :p )[/QUOTE] thank you :animesmil that makes me happy. one day i was at home bored and wanted a new avatar so i thought about the art work that comes with the ffx-2 special edition stratagy guide and i wanted one of them as my avatar so yeah thats how i got it. I love ffx too :p its a great game :animesmil
  19. awswome that sounds great :animesmil . BTW i have gone to photagraphy camp in the past years and loved it so ive gone about 5 times and its great i know all of the staff and everything but that is not the point. the pint is is that i am taking a class for photagraphy next year. we have photagraphy 1 2 and 3 and as you have already guessed im taking all three :animesmil im already taking a class right now to alow me into photagraphy and that is the only reason im taking the class. Anyways just now i entered a picture i took and have submited in my county fair. i hope it does good if it works ill put up a pic of it :catgirl: if you go to: [url]http://photobucket.com/albums/e272/ben-man/?action=view¤t=wowthisthingisheavycopy.jpg[/url] you will see my pic that i entered and i hope you like it. :catgirl: (it is the one of the man pulling in the boat) [COLOR=RoyalBlue] [b]EDIT:[/b][/COLOR] OMG I GOT 1ST PLACE AND SPECIAL RECOGNITION ON MY PICTURE!!!!! :animesmil IM SO HAPPY!!!! :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil [COLOR=RoyalBlue][size=1]Senko, please use the edit button if you want to add in something before someone else posts. Double posting is against the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php][b]Official OtakuBoards Rules[/b][/url], and we all win if you edit your post. :3 - Retribution[/size][/COLOR] ok so i have joined the photo club at my school and i am having a blast but my problem is that i developed my film and it is all clear like. what i mean is that it is too light to be enlarged (i think) and i was wondering whatit was from? could it be from not enough D-76?? :huh: :huh: :huh:
  20. ok well ill start off with saying that im not quite sure if this goes here but it is the best fitting place :animeswea anyways im and aspiring photagrapher and would like to know peoples feedback on what it is like. BTW i would like to be a scenic photagrapher not a person photagrapher or anything like that just scenic things you know. :animesmil well thank you :catgirl:
  21. coolio but are they in anglish cause if so im going to get them right now!!!! :animesmil weeeeeee if not oh well :animedepr who knows anyways thats cool i think enishi is pretty cool right now ive read up to the part where they are looking for enishis hide out. (ill say no more because i dont want to ruin the story for anyone :catgirl: ) :animesmil
  22. [quote name='Sir Longwood']I actually like them because of their personalities.[/quote] well i did also mean that too but yes your right :animesmil
  23. well you are really going to laugh at this but i have two really hallarious ones that just stuck with me and my friends for a while. :animesmil the first one is vibe 3000. that stands for vibrator 3000. this was given to me because i am a very hyper person so i was jumping around and haveing a good time and then my friend passed by me and he was like "what are you a vibrator. you know what im going to call you vibe 3000 :animesmil " so that is how i got that one and then the next one i got when i was at muvico with my friends and my friend had just had her b-day so she got this tiarra from another one of my friends and then i wsa like wait let me see it and i put it on and then my friend was like " i now pronounce you pricess ben" :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil so if you were lazy and didnt feel like reading this my nicknames are princess ben and vibe 3000 :animesmil funny huh?
  24. i only saw the first 5 episodes like 2 weeks ago. it was really good i didnt know that you can make a story be so long (not saying that it is boring :animeswea ) out of just the fact that 2 kids made a promise when they were young you know oh well i think it is good now so yeah :animesmil
  25. [quote name='rAphaEl']How about Spiderman? It would be great to fight along side Mr.Spidey......:animeknow:[/quote] i agree that would actually be pretty cool. :animesmil Although :animeswea you need to make sure that you dont make it to much like the game that has come out with the movies earlier. make toward the story line just dont copy the game itself. you get what im saying??? :catgirl:
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