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Everything posted by Senko

  1. awsome! i will definatly have to check that out now. :catgirl: by the tlway i love you avatar katamari damacy is the best game. its so inavative and so buetiful all at the same time, plus the fact that it plays well with great music but that is off the point the point is is that i will definitly check out the manga now thanx :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil
  2. that is true. i mean dont get me wrong but the anime was pretty good if you havent read the manga but after reading it you realize all the stupid things they did :animeangr but i do forgive them :animesmil . anyways i wonder why every ones favorite is kenshin and sonoske? is it because they are the main characters or is it becaus they have the most power (in there own ways) ???
  3. oh ok so the whole story line is just the same as the game?
  4. Senko


    that would be so awsome if we could put music into posts...oh wait :( but just think of every one having thier own music. i mean itll just be crazyness and you will not understand anything you know. oh well good thoughtl :animesigh :animesmi
  5. lol :animesmil well it was kind of obvious people would choose kenshin i mean hes funny fit and he is very powerful plus the fact that hes the main character anyways thats not the point i would have to say my favorite character would have to be kenshin (of course :D ) and also Hiko Seijuro (i think thats how you spell it :animeswea) so yeah those are my fav characters :catgirl:
  6. [QUOTE=Kenataro]another company called tokyo pop I think made it. No offense but it's Sony. and kingdom hearts was made by squaresoft and square-enix. ;)[/QUOTE] OH w/e!! oh well thanx though i havent played kh in a while thats why i forgot who made it i mean they even kind of flash it before the main menu oh well :animesigh so do you know??? --- [QUOTE=Senko]OH w/e!! oh well thanx though i havent played kh in a while thats why i forgot who made it i mean they even kind of flash it before the main menu oh well :animesigh so do you know???[/QUOTE] sorry to not make myself specific my fault :animeshy: anyways what i was talking about to see if you knew was the basic story line if not thats ok :catgirl: [color=navy][size=1]I combined your two consecutive replies. In the future, please refrain from double-posting. Thanks! - Dagger[/size][/color]
  7. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]Senko, this is the second time I've warned you about post quality. Please read the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52171][b]Art Studio Rules[/b][/url], especially the section on "Constructive Criticism." Your post, while positive in nature, does nothing to help the artist out. [I]What[/I] do you love about it? If you ask that they'll know what they did correctly. As it stands, you've praised meiko452, but not helped. I'm sorry if I sounded stern, but please, for both our sakes, try to elaborate. :3[/size][/QUOTE] goodness gracious they are picky. i love how you drew this it gives what you drew a sort of feeling of wonder and well it just looks good because it has lots of human aspects to it :catgirl: (are you happy art studio staff!? :animeangr)
  8. I LOVE IT!!!! although i do have a quetion is it kairi from kingdom hearts??? :animeswea
  9. [quote name='Kenataro']Yeah I read the manga too and I think its a waste of time to buy it, but thats just my opinion.[/quote] oh thats depressing. i was hoping for some great thing. BTW do you know who came up with the manga? was it soney or some other independent company (sorry i cant spell)??
  10. thank i shall use that to my advantage. but on another topic just for kicks who is you favorite character from rurouni kenshin??? :catgirl:
  11. [QUOTE=hey_love][size=1]Haha. Myspace. Almost everyone has one, and you can basically find anyone you want to on myspace.com. Oh myspace, what a way to connect people to others. :animeswea What a depressing thought![/size][/QUOTE] i know it is kind of sad but that is the best way i can keep up with my friends from either out of town or even the ones i go to school with everyday :animesmil
  12. well i didnt really know what to say to that i just am not a fan of the card game things and then like this came up and i just wantedd to check it out and yeah :animeswea :animedepr
  13. no i havent been to barnes an nobles in a while but i will have to definatly have to check that one out. what s it like i mean the art work and what kind of story line (no details just want to know if it follows the game or if it completely different) :catgirl:
  14. for me that would have to be from last night.it was envy when she was [spoiler]beating up wrath (the little kid)[/spoiler] i was like thank you i was so sick and tired of his wining i was just ready to jusmp in the screen and like kill him. i mean she isnt even [spoiler]his mother that he is crying about and how sloth is his mother when in fact that sloth was really the looks of ed and als mother[/spoiler] so i just got so ticked off it was just...grrrrrrr :mad: :animeangr :animesigh ... leave them alone they [spoiler](ed and al)[/spoiler] enough problems without you!!! :animeangr sorry about that people :D i just had to let that out :animesmil [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Senko, I added spoiler tags to your post. Please remember that not everyone is as caught up in the series as you are. Plot twists should be hidden so that these people doing have the series ruined. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46199]To learn how to use spoiler tags click here.[/URL] Also, remember that post quality is a very important at Otakuboards. Make sure that your posts are easy to understand, ie. use proper grammar as much as possible. It doesn't take long to click the "Preview" button before posting to lessen the amount of typos and errors. -Arvi[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  15. that sounds very interesting if it became a real video game then hell with it ill buy it or at least rent it at the least. keep up i would like to see a demo that would be awsome. so now i bid you adue and good look with the game :catgirl: :animesmil :D :p
  16. ummmmmmm... carry on??? :animeswea [COLOR=RoyalBlue] [size=1]Welcome to OtakuBoards, Senko! If you'd be so kind as to stop by the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52171][b]Art Studio Rules[/b][/url], you'd see that comments such as this are considered poor criticism. Please try to elaborate more in your responses, so that Hittokiri Zero here will have an idea what you like and dislike, as well as what you'd like changed. As it stands, your post will only make him confused. Also, please take care to read the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php][b]Official OtakuBoard Rules[/b][/url] for further information on how OB is run. I hope you enjoy your stay! -Retribution[/size][/COLOR]
  17. Senko


    OMG I SAW IT TODAY!!!! im so happy you are right that movie was awsome i loved to death but the onlt thing is about that movie was that the ending (for me) was really sad but other than that it was so good i even watched it in both english and japanese :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil WEEEEE!!!!! lol
  18. oh i had no idea, really, well ok then :animeshy: ooooo ummmm hehe :animesmil
  19. dont worry about how long it is i just wrote a really long thing about dreams but anyways that's not the point the point is that happenes all the time. for example all of the main characters that i know of are someway related to me in alot of ways i cant think of one right now :animeangr but when it comes up i might post it :animesmil
  20. well i would have to say the wierdest dream i have ever had are the ones i had just last night (not even joking) 1) it started out with me at disney and i was just walking around and then out of no where i was running to the entrence and by the time i got to 2/3 of the way there i would be driving this car (im 15 and dont even have my permite yet) and i would out of no where just stop, get out, run to some random booth, and this guy handed me this ticket for 5 dollars off at any store in disney land and then it just kept repeating over and over and over and over and so on and so forth 2) (this happened right after the number 1 dream not even kidding) it started out with me in this bank area and some person that i was with (woman) looked over through the window and he said (i read his lips i guess) "oh ****!!!" and he got up she saw him get up she ran and he chased i tried to help (then my dream skipped over to a later time in the dream) and it turned out i was always turning up into different rooms with him there and a woman there (nothing going on between them) and i suddenly shot him with some paper and he escaped (this happened about 5 times at different rooms each) and then at the last room i went there started to shoot him with my peice of paper and he got and chased me with a kknife i ran and i was frightened out of my wits so in my dream i was screaming and every thing and then all of the sudden some cops cam and stopped him but before the cops were about 20 people who were all wearing jeans and either blue, dingy white, or tan hoodies and then i just woke up it was really freaky BTW sorry i went on for so long
  21. [FONT=Garamond]well iwould have to say probably sally from nightmare before christmas or if that is not anime enough then you cold probably be kairi from kingdom hearts, maybe even the major from G.T.S S.A.C.???[/FONT] :animeswea that is all i can really think of ive never been to a cosplay :animedepr ... :animecry:
  22. [FONT=Garamond]exactly what all of you guys said and also this may sound corny but for me i actually get this warm feeling inside whenever i watch it and it was really funny when my friend told me FMA was going to have new episodes i couldn't for some reason stop laughing like i was hysterical it was pretty funny but i have no idea why other than that[/FONT] :animesmil
  23. well i live in florida so in the winter it is somewhat cold but never under 50 and the spring is nice ummmm..... and whatever else you would expect from florida like in the summer it is hot as hell!!!! i swear im like dieing over here!!! aaaaanyways :animedepr *silence*
  24. the enemy that i hate the most would have to be the enemy called Lich in .hack//quarintine the most i mean they have magic tolerance and they run away half way through there spell so like you cant even catch them in the field plus the fact you get about 50 of them at once its just frustrating :animeangr
  25. *Dr. Nick voice* hello everybody!! anyways im right now looking for sights that have english mangas and would like to know whats out there on the internet. BTW i already know about [color=red][i]link removed[/i][/color] and [color=red][i]link removed[/i][/color] anything else??? :confused:
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