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Everything posted by Senko

  1. This encompasses many different things, such as: -Are you male or female? -Where do ya hail from, stranger? -How old are you? -Do you have siblings? well for starters im ben and im new to the boards and loving it!!! :animesmil well anyways im from weston, (between miami and fort lauderdale) florida and i am 15 as well with no brothers or sisters. one day i was just looking at a quiz my friend took on myspace and like it so i went to take it and was directed to theotaku.com and then there was the otakuboards and thought " ooooo!!!!" i want to be part of the board so here i am :animesmil
  2. OOOO!!! I DO I DO!!! which is ur fav??? :animesmil
  3. [FONT=Garamond]I LOVE THE .HACK SERIES!!! so much it is great. if you like rpgs or a simulation of an mmorpg then you will love the fourth one plus i just started it and i aready love it!!!! [/FONT] :animesmil
  4. [FONT=Garamond]i wish i can speak japanese. i even took a class and everything its just that i have no one to practice with oh well the only thing that really stook to me was nuide kudasai... lol that is what my teacher told me on like the third day of lessons its really funny[/FONT][FONT=Garamond]if you dont know what it means i suggest you look it up [/FONT] :D
  5. [FONT=Garamond]i would have to agree with you . there are things that need subtitles for the real deal (or they need subtitles just to get rid of some voices) and things like FLCL is great with out subtitles and american accents. For example Naruto the new series (well there not that new now but still) on toonami really needs subtitles for the fact that im tired of naruto saying *retarted voice* BELIEVE IT! you know well we all have our opinions now dont we[/FONT] [FONT=Garamond]dont worry i cant spell either[/FONT] :animesmil
  6. [FONT=Garamond]to tell you the truth mine is quite simple all i did was go to quizilla.com and loked for a quiz for japanese names and what your name means in japenese (like how its spelled) and it came up with senko so i though it was cool so i used it[/FONT] :animesmil
  7. [FONT=Garamond]thanx that just means i have all of them to date YAY!!![/FONT][FONT=Garamond]that makes happy[/FONT] :D
  8. Senko


    [FONT=Garamond]Hey did anyone see metropolis??? i heard it was really good and sad at the end but alot of my other friends have been saying that it was a bad movie can you guys tell me what you thought of it cause i really want to know if its worth renting or even enough to buy[/FONT] :sweat:
  9. [FONT=Garamond]thanx ive been wondering for a while, but do you know if the production of rurounikenshin is still going on cause you never really here of anything by them and about the 28 that is what i found at amazon but i wasnt sure if that was japanese text or english text. do you know???[/FONT] :animesmil
  10. [FONT=Garamond]hey everyone ive been reading ruruoni kenshin shor a while and i was just wondering about how many volumes are there to the series??? BTW i already have up 2 volume 24 so i know there are that many to start with. Tanx everyone[/FONT] :confused:
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