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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo]I am not really sure what to expect from [b]The Village[/b] plot wise, but I am sure that the cinematography will be amazing. Shyamalan just does a wonderful job of using angles and colors to emphasize the mood he is trying to project. As far as the plot and purpose of [b]The Village[/b], I am not really sure what to expect. I expected one thing from [b]Signs[/b] and the movie ended up being entirely different than what I thought. I guess I am kind of expecting a ?sacrificial? type of movie, where the villagers have to make an offering to some type of wicked beast. I am probably way off. Anyway, I have high hopes for the cinematography and I guess that if the plot is cool than it is just icing on the cake. [/color]
  2. [color=indigo]They invested too much time to [b]not[/b] have the Green Goblin be the big villain in the third movie. I also think that if they were going to incorporate another super villain into the plot it would be done very tactfully and not on a mass scale like the Green Goblin and Venom. They are not going to make the same mistake that they did with the Batman franchise. I am looking forward to the next X-men project right now. X-3 has the potential to be a good movie, especially if they kill Halle Berry?s role as Storm. Hopefully that would allow for more open dialogue between Cyclops and Wolverine. I also think that a Sentinel focused plot would benefit this movie a great deal, allowing for just the end of the movie to hint at the Dark Phoenix resurrection. Obviously filming 3 & 4 back to back would be necessary for this type of plot.[/color]
  3. [QUOTE=Semjaza Azazel] Bowie is probably the best lyricist in rock music, as far as I'm concerned. Every song tells a story in some sense. While you can say that of many songs, I don't find that any other writer is even in the same league. From the start of the 70s to the late 80s, no one even touched Bowie in this regard. No other musician has had such a long stretch of just perfect material. Between stuff like Five Years, 'Heroes', Young Americans, Diamond Dogs, Ziggy Stardust, Sound and Vision and just dozens of others, there's just no comparison. [/QUOTE] [color=indigo]And that is still leaving out a few dozen brilliantly written songs. I always thought that ?Man Who Sold the World?, while far from my favorite Bowie song, may be one of the most eerie and brilliant songs ever written. Bowie just has an uncannily unique way of phrasing things, it is very remarkable. I think that Jim Morrison of the Doors was an equally adept lyricist. He was one of the first mainstream musicians to really incorporated poetic verse within his songs. I also have always enjoyed Morrison?s use dark and arcane references in his love songs. Again, I think that, for the Doors time, nested amongst the hippie culture of the late sixties and early seventies, this style of song writing strongly influenced the next generation of musicians, for example, Led Zepplin. Although their song writing was always overshadowed by their compositions, Zepplin?s lyrics were incredible. For example, take this passage from [b]Going to California[/b]: [quote] The mountains and the canyons started to tremble and shake as the children of the sun began to awake. Seems that the wrath of the Gods Got a punch on the nose and it started to flow; I think I might be sinking. Throw me a line if I reach it in time I'll meet you up there where the path Runs straight and high.[/quote] Those are really solid lyrics, just gorgeous, and they fit so perfectly with the tone of the song that it is remarkable. I also that the Beatles and the Rolling Stones wrote some very poignant lyrics, however, if I am going to remark on pure lyrics I definitely have to mention CSNY. Although the band was plagued with inner turmoil they wrote some of awesome songs. Their main strength (and their weakness) was that the band consisted of four really excellent songwriters. Individually they wrote great songs, but in a group their songs were so powerful that the lyrics tended to become anthems for the hippie movement. There is a great deal of current musicians that write fairly impressive lyrics, I would definitely say that Marilyn Manson writes perhaps the most twistedly beautiful ballads of any artist ever. Queens of the Stone Age also write some really great lyrics, although I don?t think I could include Tool or APC in the mix, just because I don?t think their lyrics are anything special (though their music does kick ***). As far as pop singers go, the only notable one that comes to mind is John Mayer, and I am not terribly sure whether I find his music so appealing because it is well written, or because it seems to mirror my life and my thoughts so much (although the regretful line ?Why does everything I think I need seem to come with batteries?, one of my favorites, is fairly universal).[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]Like anything else there is a happy medium for attractive breast size. You don't want them too small, however, nothing is more of a turn off then floppy, saggy breasts. I am sure most women would say the same about a guys, well you know (no need to get the censor involved, heh). To small and it doesn't fly, too large and it becomes to painful....[/color]
  5. [quote] Well, actually, by the age of 24, one in three sexually active people will contract and STD. [/quote] [color=indigo]I think you are being fed some misinformation. I know that there was a study done in the US that stated about one out of every twenty-five sexually active people in the US will have contracted some kind of sexually transmitted disease in their lifetime, however on;y half of those people will ever know that they carry a disease. That was a few years ago but I am pretty sure that statistic hasn't jumped that dramatically. I also believe that more people are admitting to unplanned pregnancies than ever before. There used to be(and still can be) a very nasty stereotype that was forced upon women that became pregnant before marriage. A ton of women either rushed into marriage or had a cloak and dagger abortion. However, people these days are a little more honest when it comes to abortions or being knocked up incidentally. [/color]
  6. [QUOTE=Shippou]People have sex simply for the pleasure. When someone is "horny" they don't think much. men are simple minded. that is the best information you will ever get [/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Why do people say things like this in a serious fashion? That is possibly the worst information you could ever get. I am a man and I am not simple minded. Actually, I would go as far to say that very few men I know are simple minded, especially when it comes to sex. That doesn?t mean that we don?t want to sleep with pretty much every pretty woman we see, we would like to. It is an inherent animal urge, plus, sex is really, really fun, and it becomes more fun the better you get at it. But most men that I know, and the vast majority of women, try to be fairly cautious. There are too many venereal diseases out there and no one wants to be the first person to contract the one where your penis explodes. I think the reason why so many people feel that promiscuity is such a big deal is because men tend to lie about it, quite often. Actually, if one of my friends gave me a figure I would probably divide it in half, and even then I may be skeptical. Anyway, that small minority of people that will screw anything that moves tends to ruin sex for everyone. This is because they usually end up seducing more moral individuals while they are intoxicated and passing along there horrible germs. Yuck.[/color]
  7. [color=indigo]Randy Orton vs. Edge -I think Orton will retain his title due to disqualification, however I think there will be a huge surprise in store for Orton...they have to have something planned, he has been a title holder for so long. Maybe a set up for Rock vs. Orton at Summer Slam, obviously non-title. I know they have a 3rd generation match planned. La Resistance vs. Ric Flair and Eugene - La Rez, leading to the breakdown of Evolution. It will be a hysterical match though. Chris Jericho vs. Batista - [quote] This is a tough choice, but I think that Batista will go over here, due to some dirty tactics. Batista could benefit from a win more than Jericho (since Jericho will be over with the crowd, anyway), so I think that Jericho will do the job and go on to get a big victory of some sort at Summerslam.[/quote] Yep. Kane vs. Matt Hardy - Matt Hardy is going to get the push he deserves. I think Kane is going to go down. Chris Benoit vs. Triple H - I think HHH will get the title back...he has been without since Wrestle Mania. I think he will get it just to lose it at Summer Slam.[/color]
  8. [quote name='Balmon']WC, you seem to be missing an integral part of this whole thing. People shouldn't have to hide what they may love, or really anything at all about themselves, because of some group of people who feel better by preying on them. By your replies to everything I've said so far, you are obviously still confused. You still make it out as though the bullies are doing what they do out of necessity. IT'S NOT A NECESSARY PART OF HIGH SCHOOL. I managed to make it through high school without being bullied, why? Not because I wasn't something of a geek - I mean... I'm a frickin' pianist for God's sake! But it just wasn't something anybody in our school felt was necessary to do. Bullying is NOT a necessary evil in our world of necessary evils.[/quote] [color=indigo]I don't think that Wrist Cutter is missing an integral part of this post, I think he is just trying to be realistic, per usual. Why should bullies hide an integral part of [b]their[/b] character just to make other people feel more secure with themselves. Perhaps bullies love bullying, although that isn't really a valid argument because murderers may love murdering, that doesn't make it right. So, I guess I would agree with you on the aspect that bullies are not an appropriate part of childhood, however, learning to cope with bullies in high school helps you cope with bullies that will bother you the rest of your life. If you cannot handle being bullied by something as trivial as anime or band by someone who is a more or less a stranger how are you going to handle your friends when they try and bully you into spotting them for rent because they spent their money drinking or a co-worker that is vieing for your job by slandering you to your colleagues? Once you have to deal with the "grown-up" bullying that is going to occur no matter how inappropriate it is, being teased because you doodle anime between the margins of your notebook seems pretty insignificant. And I tend to agree with WC, bullying should lead to growth. Maybe not the growth to change your likes and dislikes, but the growth to accept yourself for who you are. Those are the people that are usually susceptible to bullying in the first place.[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]No, I don't think it would be fair for the rich to pay steeper taxes so the poor can benefit. If you reside in the US you are probably aware that our tax percentage increases with the amount of income you make. This entire principle is ridiculous. I honestly think that our country would greatly benefit from a flat tax. However, that is neither here nor there when it comes to America's health care system. Our problem lies in HMO's and the litigious nature of the American people. Is it reasonable for a doctor to have to pay $200,000+ of his income for insurance just because the threat of malpractice suits are so great? Our problem is the power that the HMO's hold over us...medicine should not be confined to a middleman. Its entire structure needs to be torn down and rebuilt...how? I honestly am not nearly smart enough to know [b]how[/b but I do believe it is imperative and will happen with in the next decade. [/color]
  10. [color=indigo]I always struggle when I write top ten lists because I always feel I have left someone out. I decided to base this list solely on wrestlers that I have watched throughout the years. These are not necessarily my favorite wrestlers but they are the ones that I feel had the greatest impact on wrestling [i]since I have been a fan[/i] (hence no King Kong Bundy or Superstar Billy Graham). 10. Sting- I was going to put Ultimate Warrior in this spot but then I realized Sting probably had a bit more of a lasting impact on the wrestling world. Sting was an all-around wrestler that could and would do everything. His work ethic was great and it seems as though every professional wrestler that stepped into the ring with him enjoyed working with him. 9. Rob Van Dam- Rob Van Dam has absolutely zero ability to cut a promo. However, his in ring ability makes up for any of his oratory slights. No one can do what Rob Van Dam can in the ring. Every one of his signature moves looks like they have to be executed to perfection in order not to seriously injure either wrestlers. 8. Kevin Nash- In my opinion Nash was the best big man in the biz (since I began watching wrestling?Andre was more or less retired by that point). Nash was an excellent character when he was himself, he could cut a promo, he was as good in the ring as any other big man in the WWE, and, most importantly, he was an integral member of both the Clique and NWO. 7. Brett ?The Hitman? Heart- Best damn technical wrestler ever (well not really, Kurt Angle would have kicked his ***). He was so great to watch in the ring because he was so fluid; he made everything seem so easy. He wrestled so many great matches and just brought out the best matches from other wrestlers. 6. Rey Mysterio- Mysterio gives the best in ring performance of anyone ever. His only limits are those set by him competitor. Mysterio has to be the craziest wrestler in the business to attempt some of the stunts he does, but when he nails them, boy! are they spectacular. 5. ?Rowdy? Roddy Piper- When I was little I loved to hate Piper. I remember his character on the WWF cartoon being comparable to Lex Luthor in Super Friends, or Skeletor in He-Man, he always plotted overly complex schemes that the bumbling Hogan would disrupt. Piper was a great wrestler and a fantastic mic man who could piss off an entire crowd during his rants. 4. HBK- Even though he is past his prime and has suffered crippling injuries, Shawn Michaels puts on a better show than just about anyone in the wrestling biz. His promos are always sharp and he always could get the crowd excited, regardless if he was a face or a heel. 3. The Rock- The Rock?s wrestling skill doesn?t warrant him a spot this high on my list. However, he has become such a media icon that I think he will soon eclipse Hogan as number one on my list. No one gets pops like the Rock, no one. Sure, for awhile quite a few fans would chant ?sell out chants?, but now, even though he comes back only to boost ratings, fans go nuts. As corny as it sounds, he does ?electrify? the ring. 2. Ric Flair- Ric Flair is amazing in the ring. He was the ultimate heel-face, no matter how much you hated him, you loved him. He can talk trash then turn in a flash and knock you on your ***. Ric Flair made submission moves cool; I know that my friends and I practiced that move thousands of times in our backyards (just in case you didn?t know, the figure four hurts like hell). Flair may be the most decorated wrestler ever, and if he isn?t, he deserves to be. 1. Hulk Hogan- ?What ?cha gonna do when Hulk-a-mania runs wild on you?? Hogan is pretty much responsible for the celebrity icon status wrestlers receive today. He had an outstanding ring presence and was so charismatic that he was the first Wrestler to truly bridge the wrestling-Hollywood gap and [b]star[/b] in a box office movie. [/color]
  11. [color=indigo]I honestly am quite disgusted with the graphic context that media has been displaying as of late. The media could relay the events in a much more tactful and humane way by simply stating what the terrorists demands were and that a person was beheaded because the demands were not met and discussing what a tragedy it is that another man was killed in such a barbaric fashion. I believe that the average person does not need to try hard to imagine the terror that one of these prisoners must have felt before they were murdered, therefore the media doesn't need to emphasize it by constantly playing the tapes of these incidents. Imagine having been a friend or neighbor of Robert Johnson and flipping the channel to the news one night only to see him bound on his hands and knees with a gun to the back of his head and knowing that there is nothing you can do to help him. Imagine the horror of seeing someone that was so close to you in such a vulnerable position, and knowing that he [b]knows[/b] tomorrow he will be executed. It is hard enough to hear information like that but to see it, to view it and know that the rest of America is viewing it, must be unbearable. the media has handled these events in a disgusting and hypocritical way. They show such brutal and horrifying images and then wish the families of the victims well. The following week they discuss the ethics of what they did all the while showing snippets of the same graphic horrors. It is not just the twenty-four hour news networks that are doing this either. There have been segments on the Today Show and Good Morning America, Ted Copple and Tom Brokaw have done similar editorial pieces. I understand the medias right to [b]report[/b] the news, it is necessary; but showing this footage is no different than showing a snuff film. [/color]
  12. [QUOTE=Juuthena] [SIZE=1][color=deeppink]Someone could write a book about this. As for a few examples, the Bush Administration pledged $15 billion to help the world fight AIDS. He also promised to 'fully fund' a Low Income Home programme and instead, cut it by $300 million. [/SIZE][/color][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Bush didn't cut the Low Income Home Program, both congress and the senate opted to cut $300 million from the program, which shouldn't have been a program on the national scale anyhow. A low income home program should be funded on the state level, not on the national level, and they are very easy to enforce. Maryland has a great system where builders have to offer a set number of houses that cost below "x" dollars. Anyhow, the war in Iraq (yeah, there is still awar over there) is pretty screwed up. The point is, however, that the US needs to finish where it started and remember to clean up our mess before we leave. I still think that the war in Iraq needed to be fought, and I never based that thought on WMD's or homeland protection. We should have usurped Saddam back in '92 (even Clinton wanted to but halted due to UN protests) but we didn't. Right now I have equal distaste for both presidential candidates. Bush has allowed his staff to fight a shoddy campaign mainly because he was afraid he would piss off too many people if he was truly gun-ho. I would love to support Kerry, but I have no idea what he stands for, and I have looked. The only thing I know for certian is that when Bush says he is going to do something he takes steps to acoomplish said goal (which is a trait that really hasn't been seen in several past presidencies). Because he does that I know exactly where I stand in relation to his issues.[/color]
  13. [QUOTE=Lady Macaiodh][color=darkblue]I just remembered another one, which I'm sure you will all make fun of me for. Yesterday morning, I was really bored and flipping channels and I saw... Saved By the Bell. Who could ever forget the greatest couple to ever exist, Zack Morris and Kelly Kapowski? My brother and I were talking about a year ago, and he admitted to me that he still watches that show nearly every day on his lunch break. This was before teenagers were portrayed as real people, folks.[/color][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]That show was great...I even remember coming home from school and watching the early episodes when it was just Zach, Screech, and Lisa, and they had that wierd female teacher with the bad accent.[/color]
  14. [QUOTE=Emme888]Does anyone know of good tummy excercises.. you know. .to get the little section underneath the belly button? ... thats the only fat I have.. and its bothers me..cause no matter how many damn crunches i do.. it never goes away. someone said lay off protein, and that'll help.. eh?any suggestions?[/QUOTE] [color=indigo]If you want to be lean and have a good physique, nothing is more essential to your diet than protein, it is the building blocks of lean muscle. Follow the dieticians advice, if you work out quite a bit I am sure he/she is recommending a balanced diet that is high in proteins (chicken, turkey, steak), vitamins ( all of your fruits and veggies) and essential carbs (those made with wheat and not white flour). Anyway, here are some ab exercises for your lower abdominals. --Using an exercise ball Lying flat on your back grip the exercise ball between your claves Using your abdominal muscles (keep you back straight!) simultaneously pull your upper body and lower body into a V-shape until you can grab the exercise ball Slowly lower both sides of your body but do not allow your feet to rest or touch the foor Repeat the same motion placing the ball back in between your legs Do as many as you can --Without an exercise ball Lying flat on your back, grab a chair leg or a pair of ankles to keep you steady Keeping your legs straight, raise them until they are at a 90 degree angle to your body. Very slowly lower them until they are just hovering above the ground Repeat until you cannot repeat [/color]
  15. [color=indigo]Eh, even though I am not the biggest fan of Jet and even though I wish I had not wasted my money on a Kings of Leon cd, I am glad that they are having some success on the pop charts. It is nice to see someone that actually writes their own music get some recognition again (even if I am not the biggest fan). My biggest issue with those bands is that I can hear songs with very similar, yet better, music and much better lyrics by throwing any old AC/DC album into my CD player or turning on a radio station that frequents Led Zeppelin. Hopefully bands like Jet will help to get people interested in some of those older, better bands.[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]These are some of my childhood favorites that were actually on there first run when I was little, not syndication. Boy, do I feel old. He-Man-yep, I loved He-Man. I wanted to be He-Man between the ages of five and seven. Actually, nearly twenty years has passed and I still think it would be pretty cool to wield a sword and ride on a tiger in my skivvies, I guess it is my homoerotic fantasy. He-Man was also a marketing organizations wet dream. I know I had everything that dealt with he man. I even had a Skeletor secret base that I could slime characters with (but you couldn?t slime Moss Man because the slime would cling to his faux-moss body). I was so cool. Transformers were cool because you could combine the robots (which turned into things) with other robots (that turned into things) into a big robot (that didn?t turn into anything and often fell apart with a slight nudge). The coolest transformers were the ones that ad heads that separated from the body and turned into little robots. I remember always loosing the heads. I remember watching the Snorkels quite a bit as well. The Snorkels were really just colored versions of Smurfs with snorkels super glued to the side of their heads, and instead of living in Mushrooms they lived in kelp. I actually think they used the exact same voice actors that the Smurfs did. Another favorite was Inspector Gadget. That show was so sweet and I so dreamed that my mom?s mini-van transformed into a sports car. Another great show was Danger Mouse (which may have been syndicated by that time). While Mighty Mouse was basically a Superman type figure, Danger Mouse was a mix between Batman and 007. I think I watched that show pretty religiously. Dukes of Hazard and the A-Team also caused a great amount of television fixation during my youth. Oh how I wished and still wish that I could own the General Lee, BA?s Black Van, and Daisy Duke. [/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Ahh, the Blair Witch mockumentary. I have no idea why people thought it was based on real events. The area in Maryland where the Blair Witch was set never had a similar legend or myth until after the movie became such a phenomena. Anyway, I found both movies to be lacking in just about every aspect that makes movies enjoyable. Like the Passion without good cinematography.[/color]
  18. [color=indigo]I actually thought that The Chronicles of Riddick was a pretty enjoyable movie, as was Pitch Black. The Chronicles of Riddick had the nice balance of action and sci-fi that I was expecting and the plot was engaging even though it wasn?t outstanding. Although it lacked the Alien-esque suspense of Pitch Black it was a good attempt at an epic sci-fi movie. My only real complaint is that the movie didn?t delve into the Necro-whatevers enough. I also thought that Vin Diesel fit the role of Riddick (again) nicely. Though he is far from being the world?s best actor, I think he usually does an adequate job in most of his roles (I thought he was really good in Boiler Room). I?d like to play the video game just to see if it continues (or adds to) the plot (and because I heard it was ?wicked cool, [i]wicked[/i]!?), but I seriously doubt I would want to [b]read[/b] anything in order to further the saga.[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]I have been playing the guitar for a little over six years now, although I don't get to play nearly as much as I would like. I think you made a good choice by going with an ovation because they aren't terribly expensive but you can play most of Ovations series anywhere and for nearly any circumstance. My only recomendation is to buy a fundamentals book early if you are going to teach yourself. I tried toteach myself just by playing tabs and sheet music and I regretted it once I realized how much it would have benefited me. Have fun. [/color]
  20. [color=indigo]A thirty-five year old should not form a bond with a minor that could lead to a sexual relationship. Actually, the mere fact that two people at such varying levels of age and maturity should realizing that by engaging in a sexual act they are proving that they are not truly in love. If a thirty-five year old was passionately in love with a fifteen year old, he/she would recognize that engaging in sex could seriously harm the fifteen year old socially, psychologically, and physically (if they contracted an STD or became pregnant). A person that is truly in love with another would be willing to abstain from sex until they realize their partner is both an appropriate age and sufficiently mature enough to handle sex, relationships, and all their social ramifications. A fifteen year old is so emotionally confused dealing with hormones and social situations that they are really incapable of truly being in love. However, quite often relationships formed during this time grow romantic and can even blossom into true love [b]over time[/b]. However, if a fifteen year old was truly in love with a person twenty years their senior they would realize that by engaging in sex they are putting their partner at risk to be socially ostracized and arrested. Most importantly, it is just really weird when a thirty-five year old claims to be in love with a fifteen year old for reasons other than sexual attraction. Fifteen year olds really aren?t worldly or mature enough to offer a terrible amount to a relationship. They just don?t have enough life experience (obviously I am generalizing, because there are experienced, worldly fifteen year olds?well, maybe one or two anyhow). [/color]
  21. [color=indigo]I have never seen a male that looks less like a jack-off with body piercings than he would without. I do find certain piercings attractive on women, and I think an extra earring or a belly ring is fairy provocative for some reason. I also find women with tongue rings to be attractive (except when they constantly click them against their teeth, which is annoying as hell) but that is probably only because I am a dirty man and it reminds me of fellatio. I am not at all a fan of tattoos, mainly because I find the reasoning behind getting them so stupid. A tattoo is [b]not[/b] a form of self expression unless you personally give yourself a tattoo. For example, if I paint a picture, I am expressing myself. If I pay someone else to paint a picture for me and tell them what I want to be painted, that is not self expression. This is the same redundancy that I point out to every tattooed person that whines about pop stars not writing their own songs. Therefore, I believe that if you are getting a tattoo, it should be for aesthetic reasons only (like buying art and hanging on your wall). Since tattoos wear and end up looking pretty crappy as your skin expands and contracts, I often find even aesthetic reasons pretty stupid. Obviously this is just my opinion[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]This post is in reply to Inari?s most recent question(s). I do not believe that immigrants should be forced to learn English before they enter the United States, because it is very plausible that it is not a job requirement. However, I do feel that the United States should once and for all declare English the official language strictly for public educational purposes. Many public school systems have been forced to build schools that are entirely taught in a language other than English, despite English being the primary language used in America. I do think, however, that Spanish should be required to be taught in every American school (beginning in grade school?perhaps fourth grade) just because the language is becoming so prevalent in the US. As our economies come to rely on each other more and more it is only appropriate to incorporate a bit of their culture into our public school systems. Travelers, on the other hand, would be better off knowing a bit of the native language wherever their travels take them. I would think it would be a necessity just to get around. However, they shouldn?t be made to learn the intricate workings of a language; it would just be beneficial for them to know how to ask directions. Finally, by encouraging immigrants to [b]learn[/b] our language we are not stripping them of their heritage, we are broadening their knowledge. They don?t have to speak English in public or social settings. More than likely an immigrant is moving to the United States in order to change his/her life for the better, and is willing to make little sacrifices in order to better his or her life. For example, if I moved to Japan for work I wouldn?t expect the entire Japanese culture to bend over backwards and accommodate my American lifestyle, I would somewhat have to assimilate aspect of their culture and language in order to survive.[/color]
  23. [color=indigo]It seems as though everyone has more or less covered the basis. My only advice for you is the same advice that I give to everyone that has a psychological disorder. Exercise. Lots and lots of exercise. When you are able to become disciplined enough to workout regularly you tend to become disciplined in other aspects of your life as well. It is also very theraputic, killing off quite a bit of your free time and allowing your mind to wander away from your life problems as well. I would also guess that working out would help remedy your poor self image. It would help you tone up and get leaner while the same time allowing you to eat without haveing to purge (mainly because your body will need the food for your workouts to be effective). Anyway, whatever you decide to do I wish you the best of luck :)[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]Although I have had Downward Spiral for eight or nine years now I didn't really start listening to NIN until a similar (but slightly better written, heh) thread was started about seven or eight months ago. Since then I have bought several of their albums and grown quite engrossed in Reznor's music. One aspect of Nine Inch Nails that I love is the steadiness of all the albums. I often have my best workout sessions to The Fragile and Pretty Hate Machine. Both albums are incredibly intense, hauntingly melodic, yet hypnotizingly even. As far as complete albums go, Reznor is a genius choosing song patterns and tones that remain consistent or are, at the very least, attached in some way or another. A great example of this is on tracks two, three, and four of The Fragile. There is something enchanting about the way The Frail seems to act as the connecting piece for The Day the World Went Away and The Wicked. While they are all great songs individually, they seem whole when listened to at the same time. I honestly think I could loop those three songs together and run until I passed out from fatigue.[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]Heh, I think the longest relationship I have ever been in lasted around six months. It seems as though I go through dates like most people go through tissue paper. Don?t get me wrong, I am not a male slut that attempts to fool multitudes of women into sleeping with him. I just become disinterested very, very quickly. Within the first few weeks of dating a girl I can (or at least I think I can, maybe my tragic flaw is that I can?t) usually tell whether or not I could enjoy them enough to begin a relationship with them. I have a rather?unique personality and even though I enjoy tedious tasks, boring lazy days, and mediocrity in general, I know that I would feel a bit odd around a ?normal? person for too long. [/color]
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