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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [quote name='Swordsaint']Of course I still went to prom, and to dinner and all of that. And I plan on moving on after today when I talk to her[/quote] [color=indigo]Personally, I have never accomplished anything by talking to an ex right after a relationship ended, things always tend to be a bit too emotionally charged. Either you'll end up dating and break up again or someone will say something they regret later...at least that has been my experience. Best advice I can give you is to play the nice guy. Sure, your pride is probably messing with you right now but suck it down slick, it will only cause problems. Ignore her new boyfriend, or, even better, be nice to him. Say good things about your ex around your friends and her friends and when someone asks you about the break up use lines like "It was fun while it lasted" and "I guess we just weren't meant for each other". These are classic masculine lines that make you seem both even tempered and slightly reflective at the same time (in other words you won't seem bitter or depressed). If you are too emotional one way or the other you could alienate your ex and scare of potential future dates. [/color]
  2. [color=indigo] I tend to enjoy different variations of rock music but I definatly lean more towards the blues side of the genre. Anyway, I am a pretty experimental person and I would definatly want my band to reflect that, so I guess I wouldn't really intend to mimc anything but initially it would probably sound a little like the Doors (with a bluesy harmony and powerful vocals and lyrics) mixed with P-Funk (with that bass and rythm that makes you want to move). [b]Vocals[/b] Whiskey is the only way I can really describe the sound that I would want from a vocalist. It is like a clear grit that some singers can add to their voice at will. Jim Morrison and Paul McCarteny both used this type of singing style, one moment their voice is clear and lucid as water, the next moment it sounds like cold sand feels. That kind of vocal prowess has always intrigued me and I try to mimc it often (never successfuly). [b]Lead Guitar[/b] A solid lead guitar player is essential in the type of band I would create. The guitar player doesn't have to be the next Van Halen or Steve Vai, they don't have to be able to rip the guitar to shreds. I just would like someone that is experimental with all types of string instruments and someone that knows that lead guitar players don't always need to play. [b]Rythm Guitar[/b] The back bone of the band. The person would have to be a "guitar George" and know all "the chords" cause he is "strictly rythm" [b]Piano/Harpsichord[/b] I thought it would always be cool to have a friend that could play anything on the piano, because the piano can really do anything, it can fill bass, play harmony, and stand alone as an entity to itself. The harpsichord has also always interested me because of the different moods it can portray with incredible fluidity. [b]Percussion[/b] A classically trained percussionist is a must. They know when to cut loose and they know when not to play. "When not to play" is a really important factor in a band, especially in a multi layered band. A good percussionist should also be able to play a host of instruments including the timpani...one of my absolute favorite instruments. [b]Bass[/b] The bass player doesn't have to be phenomenal, just someone that can get the job done and flow with the band, although it would be cool if they could play double bass as well. [b]Other[/b] I'd love to have a little jazz section with a horn and a sax, something that could mimic the old Dizzy Golespi sound, kind of muted and dull. I was talking to Semjaza awhile back about how I thought it would be cool to incorporate brass into the modern rock setting.[/color]
  3. [color=indigo]As much as I would like to say that I share Spike Spiegel's casual charisma or Jean Starwind's unyeilding determination, I won't because we all know it would be a lie, lol. Actually, I think my kindred anime/manga spirit would probably be Motosuwa Hideki from Chobits. In the begining of his story Hideki desperatly wants a persocom believing that it would instantly make his life easier. However, when he finds one on his front door step, his life becomes even more hectic and chaotic. This is definatly a feeling a can relate to, often times I dream about having material possessions and how those possessions would effect my life for the better. In the end, however, I always seem to spend too much time with these possesions cluttering my life to an even greater extent. Throughout the Chobits manga Hideki is portrayed as a good, loving, romantic person, yet he never seems to want to portray this image and he actually becomes embarrassed when others bring them up. This trait mirrors my own personality. Although I attempt to project a different image of myself to the masses people that know me always tell me that I am a good person, that I am a loving romantic...and yes, it always embarrasses me.[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]Hmmm, I have been playing the trumpet since I was four, so this June I will actually have hit the twenty year mark...jeez that makes me seem old. When I was really young my mom used to play quite a bit of creole jazz, and it just sparked my intrest in the instrument. Although I don't play my trumpet much now, I practice a couple times a week and I still do the occasional wedding gig...it is a great way to put a little money in my pocket. I also have been playing the guitar for six years now, and I have become...decent at it. I tend to play quite a bit, especially when I am watching television. I am a fairly proficient piano player as well, but I think that coincides with being a good musician.[/color]
  5. [color=indigo] [img]http://home.neo.rr.com/heavenscloud/spike_red.jpg[/img] [b]category[/b] Cowboy Bebop [b]title[/b] Spike_Red [img]http://home.neo.rr.com/heavenscloud/ed_red.jpg[/img] [b]category[/b] Cowboy Bebop [b]title[/b] Ed_Red [img]http://home.neo.rr.com/heavenscloud/Jet_red.jpg[/img] [b]category[/b] Cowboy Bebop [b]title[/b] Jet_Red [img]http://home.neo.rr.com/heavenscloud/faye_red.jpg[/img] [b]category[/b] Cowboy Bebop [b]title[/b] Faye_Red [img]http://home.neo.rr.com/heavenscloud/binaryedward.jpg[/img] [b]category[/b] Cowboy Bebop [b]title[/b] Binary Edward [img]http://home.neo.rr.com/heavenscloud/faye_green.jpg[/img] [b]category[/b] Cowboy Bebop [b]title[/b] Sunny Day Faye [img]http://home.neo.rr.com/heavenscloud/faye_rose.jpg[/img] [b]category[/b] Cowboy Bebop [b]title[/b] Elegant Faye [img]http://home.neo.rr.com/heavenscloud/ein_ed.jpg[/img] [b]category[/b] Cowboy Bebop [b]title[/b] A boy...er girl and dog [img]http://home.neo.rr.com/heavenscloud/spike_bang.jpg[/img] [b]category[/b] Cowboy Bebop [b]title[/b] "Bang" [img]http://home.neo.rr.com/heavenscloud/freelance.jpg[/img] [b]category[/b] Cowboy Bebop [b]title[/b] Freelance [/color]
  6. [QUOTE=Godelsensei][COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Deathbug, I know what you're talking about, but the fact is that parents have less of an influence on their children than they used to. (I'm not attacking you in any way here, BTW_ _U) [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Only because they choose to. I agree with Deathbug on this issue,your parents telling you that "you are fine" was never enough. Humanity evolves and grows, styles, fashion, and technology all changes. In the end media in general reflects people, not the other way around. Media is only successful if people will watch it. Is media, at times, a desensitizing, manipulative essence? Yes. But literature and music and plays can also have that effect. In the end a person is not going to be molded by the television they watch or the news they witness, they are going to be a product of their upbringing, their enviornment, and their determination to thrive.[/color]
  7. [color=indigo]Wrestlemania XX. Madison Square Garden. I wish I was going to be there, but I will have to be content watching from the comfort of my couch. Here are my pics for WMXX, I am rarely right... 1. [b]Molly Holly vs. Victoria[/b]- Victoria will win this match...the WWE wouldn't schedule a head shaving match unless someones head was going to get shaved. 2. [b]Tori & Sable vs. Stacey & Miss Jackie[/b]- I think Tori and Sable have this match won, unless the WWE pulls another one of those "everybody wins" matches 3. [b]Ten Man Cruiserweight Open[/b]- Ultimo Dragon is going to win the title at Madison Square Garden...it was the reason he joined the WWE 4. [b]4 Way Raw Tag Match[/b]- As much as I like Booker T and RVD I think the Dudley Boyz will come out of this match champions. They are the "staple" tag team of WWE. 5. [b]Kane vs Taker[/b]- The Dead Man will remain undefeated at Wrestlemania. This will mark the return of vintage Undertaker. 6. [b]Big Show vs. Cena[/b]- This match could go either way so I'll pick Cena because I like Cena's charecter. 7. [b]Rock & Sock Connection vs. Evolution[/b]- The Great One wouldn't return to WWE to loose a match...yet. It is a guarenteed win for Foley and Rock. 8. [b]Jericho vs. Christian[/b]- I am actually really looking forward to this match, a match that probably will mark the return of Edge. Look for the Peeps Champion to come out on top. 9. [b]Lesnar vs. Goldberg[/b]- I am uncertian about the outcome of this match. If Goldberg sticks around then he will defeat Lesnar only to get stunned by Austin at the end of the match. If he plans on leaving (or is forced to leave) then Lesnar will win the match only to gt stunned by Austin. 10. [b]Angle vs. Gurerro[/b]- I was glad to see Eddie finally win the big one, but I don't think he will beat Angle at Wrestlemania. 11. [b]HHH, HBK, Benoit[/b]- In my opinion this is a really stupid angle. Look for HHH to retain the title after possible interference from Brett Hart. [/color]
  8. [color=indigo]President hmmm? Seems like an awful lot of work, dedication, and time to contribute for a seemingly thankless job. If I was president, however, here are some issues, statues, and bills I would present. I would attempt to establish a fifteen percent flat tax, ten percent to be disbursed at the federal level, five percent at the state level. All businesses would be required to pay a flat tax of ten percent, seven percent going to the federal government, three percent to the state government. I would also attempt to establish a bill for a nationwide sales tax of six percent on all items except food and clothing; the revenue would be distributed evenly throughout city and state levels. I would propose a bill that made public school teachers exempt from paying all but sales tax. I would completely revise the federal budget...it needs to be reevaluated from the ground up. Corporations based in America that import over a certian amount of products (based on revenue percentage) would face obvious additional taxes. American based corporations with overseas employees would be responsible for paying a ten percent salary tax for each employee (for example if a corporation paid a guy in Bangladesh $3000 a year they would have to pay the government an additional $300 on top of their standard tax). I would propose bills that abolished the "don't ask, don't tell policy" and allowed gay marriages. There are about a million and one other things I would like to do if I was president, however, I am not bright enough to know if any of what I just said would work, let alone implement those plans...[/color]
  9. [color=indigo][center]You wanna be a gangster man, huh? You wanna spin your guns? You wanna be a hardcore gangster and rob liquer stores for fun? You aspire to be a villan, huh? You aspire to be proper and sheik? You aspire to be a proper rogue and become a covetous sneak? You are a street fighting man, huh? You are a gorilla in a suit? You are a tough hombre that never blinks before he shoots? You going to get a real job, huh? You going to earn your keep? You going to find gainful employment or are you gonna continue making mama weep?[/center][/color]
  10. [color=indigo]She was suspended for a day for making derogatory comments? That sucks, I always make derogatory comments but I am never chastized or punished for them...then again my derogatory comments tend to span all religions, races and sexes. Perhaps you should tell your friend that she needs to diversify her hatred, it probably becomes overwhelming when she focuses it on one group of people. Also remind her that it isn't very smart to write derogatory comments during a time she could be held responsible for them...[/color]
  11. [color=indigo][center] Mingle for awhile don't be shy awnser with nonsensical nonesense in brief reply Smile, act witty play the part of the queen giggle at cunning compliments and frown at the obscene Eat and drink make merry with the host talk of Tolstoy's traumas and speak of Freud's Ghosts And when its time to go say goodbye frolic forward forgetablly on an eloquent high[/center][/color]
  12. [quote name='oshi]As far as I'm concerned, the fact that he has done this has just proven that he doesn't give a crap about America. He's using something that he [I]could have prevented[/I'], that killed so many people, that hurt so many more--emotionally as well as physically--to bolster his career.[/quote] [color=indigo]And you my friend are a moron. I don't care if you like or dislike George Bush, but to say that he doesn't care about America is almost as ridiculous as stating that he could have prevented 9/11... Both George Bush and John Kerry are very good, very patriotic individuals despite the fact that they both have different visions for America. From day one Bush has done only what he thought best for the country, if you don't agree with his policies that is cool but insulting his charecter with the garbled mess you just wrote proves that you are an idiot. As far as the ad goes, I don't find it at all immoral. The President obviously feels that America has acted appropriatly since 9/11 and has become a safer more prosperous place. If that is truly how he feels shouldn't he consider it an accomplishment and feel somewhat proud of himself? I know that when I accomplish something that I promised to do I feel a sense of pride. Again, George Bush says something and then does exactly what he said he would do, in that respect he is a very productive leader. If you don't agree with his policies or politics don't vote for him.[/color]
  13. [QUOTE=Godelsensei][COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New] Do you believe that parents should have the right to bring their children to a film of this nature? Or, in a more general view, do you think they should be allowed to truly have the final say to what their child can and cannot take part in? In my opinion, parents should not have the right to expose their children to media of this nature, nor should they be allowed to determine whether or not it is safe for their child to live in a home with a large, aggresive dog. In my eyes it is a form of emotional abuse. In yours? Hey, this was my 100th post. Do I get a million dollars, or a goldfish or something?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] :all:[/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Before I respond to your question I'd like to ask one of my own, if parents should not be given responsibility of their and for their children who should? Sure there are horrible parents that do horrible jobs raising their children, constantly bombarding them with emotional and physical abuse. Face facts though, the overwhelming majority of parents care a great deal for their children and go out of their way to ensure their safety and happiness. Media violence and school bullying need to be dealt with at the parent/child level. If a parent decides that the moral attributes of "Passion of Christ" outweigh the graphic violence of the movie then that parent should allowed to take his/her child to see it. At the same time a parent should have the right to forbid his child to watch South Park because he or she doesn't approve of the language. It seems that the American government really thinks that they have the ability and the [b]right[/b] to monitor and nil decisions that parents make about the wellfare of their children. Personally, when I have children, I don't want to be put in a bottle... So, yes, I do believe that parents should have the final say to what their child can and cannot take part in. When a child is old enough and mature enough to live entirely dependantfrom their parents then they can have that freedom.[/color]
  14. [color=indigo]My superiority complex transcends all boundries, so regardless of how others percieve my social status I always believe that I am better than you. In all honesty I don't really know what my social status is in real life or online, I haven't been concerned about it since high school...I guess I just find too much comfort in anonimnity.[/color]
  15. [color=indigo]I heard rumors about this album awhile ago but I never really bothered looking into to it...Dave Grohl is a phenomenal musician though so I am sure the album (at the very least) pretty decent (despite Lemmy recording vocals for the album, boy do I ever hate Lemmy). PS...Tom G Warrior...I haven't heard that name in awhile. My friends and I listened to "Into the Pandemonium" quite a bit when I started college, actually it was ritual for us to get absolutley hammered and run around the dorm ripping off dry-erase boards and smashing them over our heads to Inner Sanctum. Kids, don't drink...it is a foul habit[/color]
  16. [QUOTE=James][color=#707875] I would say that if you are an American living in America...you cannot possibly understand what it's like to live in another country, where your own country isn't a superpower. It really does have an affect on every aspect of people's lives, from culture to politics. [/color][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Hmmm, I guess I can agree with that statement. I think that the largest difference between American schools and most European (and I assume Australian, though we all know assumption holds little truth) schools is that European schools stress current events quite a bit more than American schools. I really believe that America needs to add cirriculum that stresses both global and local current events.[/color]
  17. [b]Then[/b] [i] Jeanette Marie Diaz sat smiling in quiet anticipation, her black cylindrical leather case resting at her ankles. She loved bull fights; she loved the sadistic skill and the raw, unmerciful emotion that encompassed the sport, she loved that ballet like grace with which the matadors moved, and she loved the primal ferocity of the enraged bull. Jeanette was the embodiment of the term ?aficionado?. Today two brilliant matadors were performing, the legendary Caesar Hector and his young protégé, Carlos Paho. Hector was considered the foremost matador of his time, and, despite having reached the twilight of his career, he still worked extremely close to the bulls, taking risks that would cause most in his profession to tremble. While Hector was the greatest bull fighter of his generation, his young protégé, Paho, had the potential of becoming the greatest bull fighter of all time. Courageous and brave, Paho worked within a hairs breadth of his bulls, relying solely on his own speed, skill, and agility rather than the usual feints, tricks, and misdirection tactics that others in his profession hid behind. Paho was fearless, humble, and cared deeply for Caesar Hector who was more like his father than a mentor. A fanfare of trumpets bellowed and a giant bull was released onto the field. Jeanette had seen countless bulls in countless bull fights, but this beast was different. A torrent of hooves and horns, it seemed to possess the strength and stamina of a herd of ferocious bulls. The toreador?s piccadillos broke upon the beasts hide as it gored and gorged their frightened horses. Realizing that the bull would not be broken easily, Paho waved the riders off of the field and approached the bull. Brandishing a velvet cape and his wickedly sharp muletto Carlos Paho locked eyes with the bull and unwavering electricity shot between their eyes. The bull charged. Holding his ground the bold young matador tightly gripped his red cape. For a moment Paho and the Bull were one, then, with uncanny speed the matador pirouetted away from the bull. The great beast slid and turned to face Paho, the two stared at each other for another electric moment, then Paho fell, a bright crimson flower blossomed on his shirt. Snorting translucent steam, the bull glared mockingly at the fallen matador. Stamping a hoof, it lowered its massive head and prepared to charge. Across the stadium a flutter of crimson caught the bull?s attention in mid stride. Caesar Hector took the field. [/i] [b]Now[/b] [color=indigo] Jeanette stood over Joshua, lightly licking her lips as his blood pooled onto the stadium floor. Raising both her rapier and her dagger, Jeanette readied for her coup de grace. Her action was halted by a cold flash of blackened steel. In a smooth fluid motion Jeanette leapt four or five feet backwards, narrowly escaping the snakelike blade. ?That is my friend,? snarled a dark man, his katana wavering with decisive malice. Jeanette smiled and hissed a catlike hiss at her new opponent, who was strong and lithe and held his sword in an arrogantly careful manner. The two combatants danced for a few moments, locking eyes and testing wills, trying to force the other to misjudge their footwork and gain the upper hand. Then, in a moment of finality, they both rushed at each other. The man struck first, aiming a diagonal blow at Jeanette. The sword cut through empty air where she had been a moment before. Swiftly and silently the blade retreated to a defensive position only to strike out snakelike again and again. Dodging the man?s deft strokes Jeanette looked for an opening. Her opponent was skillful, very skillful, but Saint Death noticed a subtle fault and struck. When the man lunged forward Jeanette caught his blade obliquely, pinning it between her rapier and her dagger. Holding tightly to both blades the angel side stepped and turned her hips into her attacker to ward off any incoming kicks and to gain leverage. Smiling at the katana wielding man, Jeanette slid her dagger down his black blade towards the man?s throat. She laughed spitefully as the friction sent sparks flying between the blades. [/color] [b]Then[/b] [i] Caesar Hector valiantly battled the massive bull. However, with every flutter of his velvet cape the experienced matador came closer and closer to falling beneath the animal. In a final vain attempt Hector dropped his cape and drew his muletta. Holding the sword at eye level, the matador took a gamble and swung at the bull?s throat. Missing its mark, the silver blade clattered against the beast?s great horns and was sent flying across the arena. Hector closed his eyes as the bull charged. He felt the heat of the bull?s breath and the stink of its fur, but he didn?t feel the anticipated impact. Opening his eyes to the roar of the stadium, the aged matador saw his bloodied protégé straddling the great bull, his muletta protruding from both sides of its thick neck. [/i] [b]Now[/b] [color=indigo] Jeanette?s opponent shut his eyes as hot sparks caressed his cheek. The dagger made a noise not unlike that of a nail on a chalk board as it slid towards his throat. He knew he had been bested and he knew he was going to die. All of a sudden the noise halted and the pressure against his black sword eased so quickly it caused him to stumble forward. He opened his eyes and stared into Saint Death?s smiling face. Maroon tinted blood bubbled grotesquely from her barred lips and large butcher knife pierced her swan like neck. Behind her, Joshua sat crumpled, broken and bloodied on the stadium ground. [/color] [b]Then[/b] [i] Jeanette Marie Diaz left the bull fight upset. She realized she just witnessed a pinnacle moment in bull fighting history, but she would have savored the match so much more if the bull had come out the victor. [/i]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]He's entitled to his own opinion alright, but if his opinion affects my life, hell no he isn't entitled to it. And the only thing that makes me sick are the bigotted things he says right out infront of everyone and people think this man is a good role model for their children.. He's a bigot... he doesn't like gay people... it's obvious... there is no real logical reason to ban gay marriage.... the only reason one would do that is if they don't like gay people. Thats the only ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY reason. This Defense of Marriage act is only a scapegoat for his own biggotry toward gay people. It's a bunch of BS, pure, 100% prime cut, all American Bull S... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Well, the Defense of Marriage Act isn't Bush's initiative, is was a Clinton approved bill (personally I think Billy boy had a grudge against gays as well) but I do agree whole heartedly with you TN. I truly feel that Bush hides behind this act because Gay marriage undermines his Religious beliefs. [/color]
  19. [color=indigo]In some ways I feel that internet friendships are really no different than ordinary, real life friendships. Friendships usually occur when two people enjoy one another?s attitudes and outlooks. Sure, a person can easily mask their true self on the net, but I have also known many people that masked their true self in real life. Lies are universal. However, I have always had varying levels of friendship and I really can?t think of too many people that made it past my outer most echelon. A lot of people I have met online intrigue me, and I would enjoy meeting them?but I would enjoy meeting them to satisfy a certain level of curiosity I think. As far as online relationships (ie: boyfriend, girlfriend) go, I would not mind meeting someone online, but it would have to be a situation where we could easily meet in person. I do require physicality in a relationship.[/color] ~BIG "YAY" TO DRIX
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]-But intelligence sources tell 60 Minutes II that since 9/11, the U.S. has quietly transported hundreds of terror suspects captured in different parts of the world to Middle Eastern countries for tough interrogations. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=INDIGO]Just to extrapolate a bit on your point... I would at least agree that 60 minutes is attempting to hint at a conspiracy that doesn?t really exist by stating this fact. The US probably has captured hundreds of terrorists around the world and deported them to different countries. However, if a US or Interpol intelligence agency captures a suspected terrorist in France that is a citizen of Lybia, shouldn?t we be shipping them to Lybia for detainment and interrogation? I don?t understand why that practice would be considered the least bit inappropriate. I am sure if a United State?s citizen was caught in Germany and was suspected to be a terrorist, the US would expect Germany to ship them back here for interrogation. [/color]
  21. [color=indigo]As many of you know, President Bush presented the State of the Union Address last evening. Because this is an election year, President Bush, like many presidents before him, used this platform not only to outline his plans for the 2004 year, but to discuss what he hopes to accomplish if he is elected for a second term. Although I think that Bush has done a pretty fair job as President of the United States, and though I have been his advocate on many a debate, I was distressed about a few of his points and propositions. One of my concerns may not end up being a concern at all, but since the budget has yet to be released I will share my skepticism. Between the war on terrorism, the additional funding for school drug tests, the additional funding for the [i]No Child Left Behind[/i] act, the increasing proposed aid for both Medicare and the senior citizen prescription drug plan, funding for the prisoner re-initiative plan, and additional funding for college tuition aid, how does he plan to cut the National Deficit in half without raising taxes? I just don?t find it feasible. Bush tends to be a president of action and when he proposes something, he usually follows through with it, and if he follows through with all of these programs I think (at best) the National Debt will remain the same. Again, this is a concern that is subject to change with the release of the National Budget in two weeks. I?d also like to comment on some segments of President Bush?s speech, and on certain ideas that I am skeptical of. [/color] [quote] Testing is the only way to identify and help students who are falling behind. This nation will not go back to the days of simply shuffling children along from grade to grade without them learning the basics. I refuse to give up on any child -- and the No Child Left Behind Act is opening the door of opportunity to all of America's children. [/quote] [color=indigo]As many of you already know I do not have the fondest opinion of the [i]No Child Left Behind[/i] act, and President Bush?s above quote pushes me even further away from accepting it. By stating that ?testing is the only way to identify? Bush continues to take power away from the most important and influential person in the education process, the teacher. More than likely a teacher knows when a student is falling behind in class and whether or not he or she is on par with fellow peers. I truly believe that Bush should have used the funding for the [i]No Child Left Behind[/i] act to fund additional tax breaks for teachers and administrators. [/color] [quote] By computerizing health records, we can avoid dangerous medical mistakes, reduce costs, and improve care. To protect the doctor-patient relationship, and keep good doctors doing good work, we must eliminate wasteful and frivolous medical lawsuits. (Applause.) And tonight I propose that individuals who buy catastrophic health care coverage, as part of our new health savings accounts, be allowed to deduct 100 percent of the premiums from their taxes.[/quote] [color=indigo]While I do support a government bill that will allow Americans to deduct 100 percent of their health care premiums, I am skeptical about allowing the computerization of health care records. Call me old fashioned, but I think that by computerizing these records we not only compromise the doctor/patient confidentially but we risk not knowing exactly who is viewing our medical records. [/color] [quote] To help children make right choices, they need good examples. Athletics play such an important role in our society, but, unfortunately, some in professional sports are not setting much of an example. The use of performance-enhancing drugs like steroids in baseball, football, and other sports is dangerous, and it sends the wrong message -- [/quote] [color=indigo]I am not really sure why President Bush focused his anti-drug blurb on steroids. Perhaps it is because steroids are one of the few drugs in America that have not witnessed a rapid decline in confirmed use over the past eight years. I don?t disagree with the president on this issue, but I do think it was pointless to mention it in this speech. If he had simply stated that confirmed drug use among Americans has declined during his administration I believe he would have made a much more eloquent point. [/color] [quote] Activist judges, however, have begun redefining marriage by court order, without regard for the will of the people and their elected representatives. On an issue of such great consequence, the people's voice must be heard. If judges insist on forcing their arbitrary will upon the people, the only alternative left to the people would be the constitutional process. Our nation must defend the sanctity of marriage.[/quote] [color=indigo]My biggest problem with the President address lies in the above blurb. Not only do I disagree with the [i]Defense of Marriage[i] act, but I also think that the President is unintentionally implying that he will bypass state?s judicial systems and their rulings and propose an Amendment to the Constitution to the Supreme Court. It is very odd that Bush would imply that he is willing to take power away from state governments and feed power to the national government; it is very much the opposite of Republican ideology. I definitely think that the president?s religious beliefs are affecting his judgment on this issue. Well that is my two or three cents on the State of the Union address, what did you guys think of it? What issues do you agree or disagree with? Did the State of the Union Address give a more or less favorable opinion of the President? If you didn?t catch the President?s State of the Union Address this link will forward you to a text copy. [/color] [url] [url]http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/01/20040120-7.html[/url][/url]
  22. [color=indigo]The dirty Lecherous French man, Lance Elliot, continued hurrying through the woods with careful abandon. Still quite angry about the small black spot on his shirt, a distracted Lance bounded over a small shrub and bumped into a man wearing a shiny brass helmet. ?Argh!,? the helmeted man bellowed, ?ye made me piss all over me leg!? ?Well maybe if your hands weren?t so small, your aim would be better you oaf? Lance exclaimed in an attempted condescending fashion. ?That doesn?t make a bit of sense,? the urine stained man replied. ?Wouldn?t it be better if you said ?maybe if your manhood wasn?t so small, your aim would be better??? ?You are absolutely right!? said an astonished Lance. ?Forgive me for being so rude, but I am French.? ?Ahhh, well with insult you would never have guessed it?wait a minute! You are that dirty French bastard that I caught gang banging hens in my chicken coup last week!? The brass helmeted man tried to lunge at Lance but lost his footing on a pool of his own urine. The helmeted man fell onto a sharp, pointy tree stump impaling and instantly killing him. ?Few!? muttered the lecherous French man. ?These woods are dangerous; perhaps it would be best if I traveled incognito.? Lance took the impaled man?s brass helmet and put it on his head. Even though Lance detested wearing such a heavy, sweaty item he knew that if it spared his life the dank stench would be worth it. Lance headed towards the clearing and instantly encountered a large group of men, the same men that wished to see him dead?[/color]
  23. [quote][i]DaggerIX1[/i][b] Anything by Neil Gaimain is pretty much guaranteed to be interesting. I haven't read Neverwhere in a while, but I do remember loving it. His writing is beautiful and has a certain unique, dreamy quality that really makes it stand out, especially since so much contemporary fantasy is rather poorly written. Go ahead and read his latest book (American Gods) while you're at it. I'm a sucker for anything that references Norse mythology, and American Gods definitely satisfied me in that regard.[/b][/quote] [color=indigo]It is nice to see some other members discuss Neil Gaiman. Whenever there is a favorite book thread I mention him, and (with the exception of Sara) I figured that no one else had read any of his stuff. Neil is perhaps my favorite author presently and I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that his writing has a dreamy quality to it. Dagger, if you haven?t read Gaiman?s Sandman comic book definitely check it out?it is a fabulous comic.[/color] [quote][i]Arcadia[/i][b] I thought I should point out that if you haven't yet read The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis, then you really, really need to go and find them, as soon as you can.[/b][/quote] [color=indigo]Growing up, I loved the Chronicles of Narnia. I actually re-read the series about two years ago and I still found it very enjoyable. Another enjoyable series that is aimed more towards young readers yet tends to transcend age is Susan Cooper?s [i]The Dark is Rising[/i] series. I haven?t read these books for seven years or so, but I still remember them fondly. [/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megumi momo [/i] [B]Kurt Cobain was murdered...some say and another group say he committed suicide. The stress of being big was getting to Kurt cobain so he overdosed. answer number one. He was murdered by his wife love because she did not lke all the attention he was getting plus his multi millon dollar asscets. answer number two. If you wanna really find out look for unsolved mysteries...the show They did a very good piece on Kurt Cobain and it opens new areas for how he died got any question just pm me no prob [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]What are you talking about? Kurt Cobain took his own life, and it wasn?t death through an overdose. Cobain had a history of attempted suicide, one time he actually fell into a coma after chasing dozens of pain killers with a bottle of Champaign. On April 5th, 1994 Cobain, an avid gun collector, went into a small room in his Seattle home and shot himself. Cobain left a note for Courtney Love and his daughter Francis Bean. I was actually listening to In Utero at the gym this morning. Every time I listen to Nirvana I remember how much I enjoy there music. Since I was a teenager when Nirvana was at its pinnacle, I was pretty engrossed in the band (and the whole grunge movement). I remember exactly where I was when I found out Cobain died. My friend and I were in the back of my Mom?s old mini-van goofing around when my mom turned around and asked ?isn?t Nirvana that band you like.? I told her yes and she said ?the lead singer just committed suicide. Oddly enough I don?t remember being surprised. [/color]
  25. [color=indigo]I remember sneaking to the TV with my friends to watch In Living Color. Jim Carrey was absolutely hysterical on that sketch show. Obviously he had the Fire Marshall Bill bit, but I also remember him doing a hysterical interpretation of Vanilla Ice, and a great skit where he and another woman were two school nerdy school children on various field trips. Jim Carrey also hosted one of the funniest Saturday Night Lives ever. The Jacuzzi Lifeguard sketch was hysterical, and you could tell that Carrey actually succeeding in giving Will Farrel mouth to mouth shocked Will Farrel. He also does great cameos at the MTV awards, when he received the award dressed as a biker and made the comments he did I almost died laughing. My favorite Jim Carrey movie has to be Man on the Moon simply because Andy Kaufman fascinates me. However, I think that Liar, Liar is Jim Carrey?s best true comedy. The movie is hysterical, my sister and I still mimic Cary Elwes character?s attempt at the ?claw? (it?s gonna getcha!). The movie has such a good principle and so many great one liners that I find it hard to resist.[/color]
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