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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B][color=indigo][size=1][font=century]That's the exact opposite of how the NCLB act is supposed to work. Schools with lower grades and fewer passing students get [b]more[/b] money, not less. I'm kind of curious as to why so many people have the completely wrong idea on what the act is trying to accomplish. Where did ya'll hear this from?[/color][/size][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I got my information at a government sponsored web site ([url]http://www.ed.gov/nclb/accountability/ayp/testing-faq.html[/url]) and it seems to me you are partially wrong and partially (but mostly) right. "[I]Under the act's accountability provisions, states must describe how they will close the achievement gap and make sure all students, including those who are disadvantaged, achieve academic proficiency. They must produce annual state and school district report cards that inform parents and communities about state and school progress. Schools that do not make progress must provide supplemental services, such as free tutoring or after-school assistance; take corrective actions; and, if still not making adequate yearly progress after five years, make dramatic changes to the way the school is run."--above web site[/i] Just a point I would like to make about the supplemental services. If a school performs poorly they can request additional funding to help provide extra services, however, both the state and the federal government can decline additional funding if they think that present funding is more than adequate. If a school continue to score poorly after five years obviously the administration will be fired and funding will be reduced. As of right now the bill is not terribly strict, and the testing is relatively simple. My biggest problem is that it has the potential (with added legislation) to actually take away even more freedom from the teachers to teach what they find important. As of right now the bill is fair (although I will always be under the impression that some kids should be left behind) but it is something to keep a close watch on over time.[/color]
[i]Just a short addition. I doubt it will upset Shy's post, but if it does I will remove it.[/i] [color=indigo]Emmanuel Fache leaned against the wrought iron gate, languidly puffing his cigarette. A foul crease furrowed his brow and his wide lips drooped at the corners. Fache loathed working gate duty, preferring the electronic warmth of the stadium?s security booth. Stubbing his cigarette out on one of the large iron bars, Fache stared at Olympic Stadium with contempt. As a boy Emmanuel Fache dreamed of working as a Vatican detective. He spent his childhood studying criminal and forensic science while simultaneously training to enter the priesthood. When he was twenty-three, Emmanuel was given his first true assignment guarding Cardinal Jacques Saunier. Four months later the Cardinal was caught molesting an eleven year old altar boy. Caught in a whirlwind of scandal and ill press, the Vatican dismissed the Cardinal and all of his staff, including Fache. The dismissal black listed him from Interpol, the police force, and the private security sector, Fache was forced to take a security job with Roma Preservation Department. Even though Emmanuel had been working security at the Olympic Stadium for nine years, he still cursed the Catholic Church on a daily basis. Actually, he was in the middle of profaning the church when a sleek BMW came to a screeching halt five feet in front of him. ?Great, another fucking rich press bitch coming to photograph the Stadium,? Fache thought to himself. Fache?s attitude turned from contempt to desire when he saw a raven haired woman emerge from the car. The woman was wearing an elegant black business skirt that enhanced her muscular legs and a white silk blouse that was cut scandalously low; a cylinder shaped black leather bag was slung over her shoulder. ?You must be press,? Emmanuel commented with a knowing smile. The dark haired knock-out nodded her head and flashed a seductive smile. The guard blushed, ?do you have your press pass by any chance?? ?Of course,? the woman replied in a smoky, accented timbre. She stepped within inches of Fache and when he inhaled her sweet perfume filled his nostrils and caused his knees to shiver. He stared nervously at the ground and her legs, trying to fight off an erection. Distracted by the woman?s beauty, Fache only felt the glimmering light as the woman?s delicate hand moved quicker than his eyes. His throat filled with liquid, and his attempt to swallow caused him to spit up blood. He stared at the glistening dagger for a brief second, watching his blood form a serpentine pattern on the black steel. Averting his eyes from the blade, his gaze wondered towards the face of the dark woman. Her eyes danced with maliced excitement and joy, and she smiled a blindly satisfied white smile. ?Fuck,? Emmanuel gurgled as the woman pulled the dagger from his throat. ?Fuck?? she replied, ?I am truly sorry. Although I am quite kinky, necrophilia has never turned me on. She unlocked the wrought iron gate with Fache?s key and strolled into the stadium. As the wrought iron gate slammed shut, Emmanuel Fache mumbled his final prayer, and cursed the church one last time. [/color]
[color=indigo]I was able to beat him in Chapter 1 but it took a load of time and patience. Once you get the creature?s HP below a certain level if he sweeps you off of the map he regenerates that energy. I beat it by getting its HP down about one third, getting swept off and then I came back attacked. I started the battle by using a chocobo wing to cast haste on my entire party and I continually chained together gunner?s trigger happy attacks until it died. It didn?t work until I acquired the ?trigger happy lv.3? ability though?[/color]
[color=indigo]When I was younger I remembered hating funerals. I thought that it was incredibly inappropriate to throw a reception when someone near and dear died. However, when my grandfather (who was more or less a second father) passed away, I realized that the reception/wake/funeral process really helps and forces a person to except that their loved one isn?t alive. I guess being among my grandfather?s old friends and family and listening to them tell tales of him that dated to his childhood calmed my grief. I have never been a fan of the embalming process, however, but my family seems to have always favored cremation and the scattering of ashes. The few funerals I have been to that have had open caskets were for people I really didn?t know well. I always found it disconcerting to see a lifeless body as the focal point of a room, but again it is a tradition, and I am sure it does help people to cope sometimes.[/color]
[color=indigo]Name: [Outrageous accent that is supposedly French] Lance Alliot, but, much to his chagrin, everyone just calls him ?Nancy Boy? Age: ?Nancy Boy? is twenty-five but is often mistaken for older due to the horrid stench that surrounds him Weapon: A gigantic rusty broad sword that he never uses??Nancy Boy? is French after all Appearance: Lance Alliot is a tall, skinny fellow with a beaked nose and a perfect set of white teeth. He has close cropped, curly, greasy dark hair and a fair complexion that seems dark because ?Nancy Boy? is perpetually covered in a film of grime. Ironically, his white ruffled shirt and tan pants are always clean and pressed, and his boots are always polished. The only armor that Alliot wears is a pair of chain mail briefs that cover his twigs and berries with an accentuated bulge. His huge sword is mounted naked on his back and causes him to perpetually stoop his shoulders. Bio: For the first eighteen years of his life Lance Alliot was a faithful member of Baron von French Guy?s court. Like all members of the Barons court, Lance Alliot partook in the ?Trials of the Lion? ceremony. Lance successfully completed the first two coming of age trials (Imbibing the Holy Grape and The Seduction of a Housewife) but failed miserably at the third trial and final trial, the Degradation of a Fellow Human Being. Poor Lance was unable to make rationale, condescending insults. Because a French man really isn?t French unless he is condescending, Lance Alliot was banished from von French Guy?s land forever. Since his exile Lance Alliot has wondered from town to town being, lecherously copulating with married women and attempting to grasp the art of insulting, condescending rhetoric. At present time he is attempting to elude an ever expanding troop of angry husbands that want to draw and quarter him?(and for the record, his best attempt at a biting insult so far is "You have the work ethic of an eight year old mule that has grain as slow as a goat twice her age!")[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shy [/i] [B][size=1]I just started chapter 5 and I only have thirty-something percent completed, it's kind of sad, really. But the less I complete now, the more I'll be able to do when I replay it with New Game+.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Egads Shy! I am not even through Chapter 1 yet and I am already well over twenty percent complete!...[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shy [/i] [B][size=1]My only real complaint with the new battle system is that it can be [i]too[/i] fast at times, and the difference between winning and losing a battle may only be a second or two. I'm a world class nerd, so my reflxes are pretty quick -- but there are a lot of people who don't have the capacity to work out detailed combat strategies in a three-second period. I doubt anyone under the age of 13 could handle the combat system as it is. Still, if you can figure out how to use chain attacks to your advantage then you shouldn't have a problem with battles. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I actually had to become acclamated to the swiftness of the battle system. Fortunatly you can change the speed of the ATB system until you are used to it. However, it does help to have the system at full speed because (like you stated) it helps encourage chain attacks...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Well you can either take the quick and dirty route that will only temporary fix your problem, or you can be smart and mail your PS2 off to Sony. I mean, obviously it's your choice. People have to keep in mind that there is literally ten different things that can be causing these DRE problems... it's not just dust on a lens or a wheel problem. It can be things like unfocused lasers and voltage problems that you simply cannot fix yourself (usually anyway). The thing would cost maybe $15 (with insurance, mind you) to send to Sony in the first place, and they rarely keep them for more than 2 weeks (3 to 4 is the max). I honestly think people could live without their PS2 for that long lol. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I have had quite a few problems with PS2s in the past. My first PS2 stopped reading discs for some odd reason (this was two and a half years ago or so), luckily I had a warranty so I was able to replace it. My previous PS2 started distorting scenes, skipping scenes, and eventually just stopped reading DVD?s and DVD games. I took it back to the GameStop I bought it from and the guy behind the counter said that he could fix it. He opened it up, dusted it off, messed with the wheel, and accomplished absolutely nothing. The PS2 was still having errors reading discs, so the counter person sent it back to Sony for me. About a week and a half later I came home and there was a new PS2 sitting at my backdoor, apparently it was easier for them to just send me a new system. Actually it was kind of cool because they sent me another controller (I didn?t ship back my original one). [/color]
[color=indigo]If your parents were invalid then I could [i]maybe[/i] understand them allowing you to get your hardship license, but that doesn?t seem the case. It also seems that they can make other arrangements for you and your instrument to arrive at school, regardless if it suits you or not. As far as the rest of your problem, I am not sure what your parents are really like but from reading your posts it seems like the biggest problem is that you think your parents are a bit strict. Tough. Some parents are strict, some people are strict, it seems as though they are putting food on your table, providing you with shelter, and aren?t beating the crap out of you. Like every fourteen year old, you make yourself out to be a victim. I really don?t have any advice for you except that you should quit letting it bother you, if you continue to want more than you are going to get you are bound to grow up bitter.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AzureWolf [/i] [B]How is that possible? You wished you hadn't bought it?! :twitch: Anyway, I'm interested as to how they were trying to make the series more complicated. They certainly didn't succeed, as Noir is the simplest, yet most elegant anime I've seen. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I guess that I really didn?t write what I meant. I guess my main problem was that they ended up putting too much emphasis on the Soldats and seemed to place the bond between Marielle and Kirika on the backburner. I felt that the creators spent too much time trying to explain what the Soldats were and how they tied into the plot and didn?t devout enough time to the main question that the story poses: ?Will Marielle kill Karika??[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pbfrontmanvdp [/i] [B]Outcome: Not going to explain about it but just say that the outcome of this anime is great. I still have on major question about the anime, which is p.m.o and maybe the manga could probably help me out with that answer. Its not exactly how i thought it would ended since in the middle of the anime it kinda represents another perspective of how i thought the last episode would conclude. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I enjoyed Berserk and I thought that it was a very entertaining series. I did find certain aspects of the movie disappointing however. The animation was choppy at times and I felt that they reused way too many frames. I also thought that the opening theme was a little out of place and really didn't fit the show. The aspect of the show I found most disappointing was how they ended the show. I liked the final two or three episodes but I thought the series justified another eight or nine episodes. Perhaps the manga clears it up though...[/color]
[color=indigo]A Pair of Scarlet Knights? More like a Pair of Scarlet Poopy Heads! Two sides of the same coin? Perhaps not But the tie that bonds Is scholarly and more Two tongues lash out With lewd lyrical linguistics Two sides of the same coin? Perhaps not But the two scarlet knights Unsheathe their swords And attack elegantly In a debated confrontation Two sides of the same coin? Perhaps not For one wrestled his kingship With his grasp of inane lunacy While one remains a poisoned commoner Yet is outside the box, holding a controller Two sides of the same coin? Perhaps not And to quote Shakespeare ?A rose by any other name Would smell as sweet? And that may be true But I still want them both back [/color]
[color=indigo]I always was of the opinion that Noir was better than most anime but not as good as some. The animation and frame work was well done and there are only a few scenes that have the stationary ?anime hold? where they flash back and forth between two identical frames. I think that the dubbing on this anime was exceptional; actually I really think this is every bit Cowboy Bebop?s dubbing equal. The music for the series was very well written, but it seemed as though they didn?t write enough music for the series so you end up hearing the same song over and over again. I thought that the plot was good at first but it deteriorated towards the series finale?it almost seemed as though they were trying to make it more complex than it needed to be. Overall I thought it was a fun series to watch but I wish I hadn?t purchased it. [/color]
A question for the ladies: Chivalry
Heaven's Cloud replied to DeathBug's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink] It may be outdated in a lot of ways [like standing up every time a woman enters or leaves the room], but random acts of kindness are always appreciated. Men often hold doors for me or let me go in front of them in line, and I don't find that to be sexist, I think they're just being nice. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]In less I am in a large group setting, I stand to greet a lady enters the room. Then again, I don?t think that it is a chivalrous mannerism, just an old fashioned sense of manners that my parents instilled me with. I unlock and open the passenger door for anyone that rides in my car, I remove my hat (if I am wearing one) when I am inside, I pull out chairs for women (as well as my mother, grandmothers, and aunts) at restaurants, like Tony, I?ll hold a door open for anyone, and when I sit down to eat the napkin goes straight in my lap. Again, I don?t find these acts at all chivalrous; I just find them to be appropriate and necessary manners. Fifty or sixty years ago these things were considered chivalrous because they leant themselves to showing a woman that they were respected and appreciated. However, with the change of women?s roles in society, I think chivalry has changed with it. I think it is more chivalrous to respect a woman?s views on politics, their decision to pursue careers instead of being a ?stay at home mom? (or vice versa), and their decision on whether or not they wish to join the armed forces. [/color] -
[color=indigo]I usually watch two or three episodes at a time, but rarely do I marathon an entire series?that would be too much anime (at least too much for me). I usually don?t enjoy watching anime an episode at a time, mainly because I find many series anime fairly weak (content wise) based by individual episodes. Usually even sub story lines overlap two or three episodes or so, I tend to feel weird if I don?t finish at least a small part of a plot. Obviously there are exceptions; I have no problem watching some episodes of Noir and Cowboy Bebop because they may be a stand alone episode, however, if I am watching a series like Vandred or Kenshin I feel compelled to watch several episodes at a time?[/color]
[color=indigo]Vanish Where do you go For months on end My wondering maiden bard My songstress my friend Where do you go When you vanish in the air I hear not your siren song Nor your see fire flamed hair Where do you go When the fires grown cold I doubt you faded You were always much to bold Where do you go Upon angelic wings Your friends are eagerly waiting To see what tidings you shall bring Where do you go And will you come again For I so do anticipate The return of such a valued friend [/color]
[color=indigo]Death and Rebirth does end with fragments of Asuka's battle, but it doesn't really delve into it. The whole point of Death and Rebirth was to recap the main plot lines of the story and hint at the final ending. I guess that the creators made Death and Rebirth because they felt that the series was complex enough to need a little extra validity before its finale. Personally Death and Rebirth actually helped me understand the point a little bit better and I doubt I would have gotten the gist of the show if I had not watched it....then again I am slower than the average bear.[/color]
Let me take a more specific approach...
Heaven's Cloud replied to CB Shin's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B][COLOR=green] Heaven?s Cloud ? I assume in the below quote you are referring to Adolf Hitler. If not, feel free to correct me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]As I recall, Hitler was a rabid anti-communist. Therefore, he had nothing to do with Karl Marx. He had his own manifesto, [I]Mein Kampf[/I]. Just thought you?d like to know. -Boba Fett[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Although you are right in saying that Hitler was a "rabid anti-communist" (I liked your phrase and it seems fitting, especially considering Hitler's view of Stalin) he actually was known for quoting Marxist philosophy. He often said that the Utopian society that Marx envisioned could only come about if a dominant race and power took control of Europe. Anyway, I agree with your entire post, mainly because people thrive in adversity and competition, two things which cannot exist in the world according to Marx. Like I implied in my jingle, philosphy can afford unrealistic rationale, government cannot.[/color] -
Let me take a more specific approach...
Heaven's Cloud replied to CB Shin's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] If by some means you do know him, than post whatever you feel like, kind of like a free style thread. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]So let me get this straight, you want us to freestyle about Karl Marx? In 1818 Marx was born in Germany And soon after Became interested in philosophy He gave the middle finger To traditional thought (perhaps he was smoking too much pot?) and turned to the works of Ferbauch and Hess Marx was more inquisitive Than Elliot Ness Unsatisfied due to German suppression Marx moved to Paris And sought freedom of expression It was during this time That Marx met Engles And soon wrote [i]German Ideology[/i] A work with no catchy Jingles His insightful exposition Of his dialectical materialism Was way to radical And would have sent the world into a schism But he wasn?t satisfied And he joined the Communist League And wrote his manifesto (at least according to AskJeeves) In 1864 he started The Working Class Association It would have enticed more members Except they required castration All though his ideals were lofty They also had stern connotations There is a limit to what I can rhyme So excuse me for the lack of elaboration After Marx death His views were twisted and skewed They were tainted by a dictator That killed millions of Jews The moral of this rhyme Is to take philosophers with a grain of salt When their ideals go perverse It is usually some other guys fault. Dude that was really difficult. How is everyone supposed to freestyle about communism and Karl Marx?[/color] -
[color=indigo]Here is my totally biased view on what I think of whom and who I think of what. If you understand what I just said you either are on my list or need to seek professional help. [b][u]General Awards[/b][/u] [b]Overall Member of the Year: Semjaza Azazel?I am not sure how many threads you created this year Tony, but all of your threads that I read were intelligent and well thought out. Since the OB has to have intelligent, well thought out threads to thrive, I think that you are obviously numero uno this year. [/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention: Shinmaru?Threads are only good if someone posts in them, and your posts are always articulate and well thought.[/size] [b]Male Otaku of the Year: Charles?not too many people can write a ridiculous poem follow it with a serious social debate and then wrap up a day online by going toe to toe in a battle with yours truly. Sometimes, Charles, I honestly don?t mind allowing you to use my name.[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention: Poison Tongue?I feel obligated to give this to you because you can be incredibly offensive an condescending at times, I guess that most other people don?t view that as an attribute?but I sure do![/size] [b]Female Otaku of the Year: Toriness?You have to deal with the overwhelming amount of garbage piling up in the Lounge, for that you deserve this award as well as many others.[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention: Sara & Cera?yeah you are a good poster and everything, but your deciding grace was the fact that you never seem flustered when confronted with a decision (except the boxers or briefs one?you were pretty flustered on that issue)[/size] [b]Staff Member of the Year: James. Do I really need to explain.[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention: Adam?He is why I have a place to go when I am at work.[/size] [b]Funniest Member: Wrist Cutter?I realized that I get worried when he attempts to post in a serious nature.[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention: Poison Tongue?the whole fiasco between you and Kevin was absolutely hysterical. I know it wasn?t an appropriate situation but funny situations rarely need to be appropriate.[/size] [b]Most Opinionated Otaku: James?he always has a well thought out response and proof to back that response up.[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention: Cloricus?he always has an opinion.[/size] [b]Member most likely to be here in two years: Shy?he deserves many of the above awards, but I am giving him this one. James won?t ever let you leave Shy ;)[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention: Syk3?he is young, a good mod, and an outstanding poster, so I am sure he will be here for a little while [/size] [b]Best Newbie: Terra?my favorite of the newer members, actually (to my embarrassment) she is one of the few newer members that I have taken the time to talk to. Anyway, she is quite bright and she is an incredible writer.[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention: Drix?another outstanding writer.[/size] [b]Best Oldie: Shy?he has been around and back again. He is more or less an OB staple.[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention: Transtic Nerve...I don?t notice him online like I used to but TN is defiantly another OB icon.[/size] [b]Most likely to become a Staff Member: Dagger 1XI[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention: BabyGirl...the return of a mod goddess? hey, it has happened before (pokes Sara)[/size] [b]Favorite Banned Member: Taylor Hewitt?for giving Tony his wonderful nickname.[/b] [b][u]Random Awards[/u][/b] [b]Avatar Award: (Best Avatars Overall) Charles[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention: Semjaza Azazel[/size] [b]Signature Award: (Best Signatures Overall) Sara?always something clever[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention: Semjaza Azazel?dancing Hitler rules[/size] [b]Best Otaku Couple: Piro and Tori[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention: Mitch and whoever wins/won his contest[/size] [b]Best looking Otaku: Lady M?Deb where are you?[/b] [b]Best MyOtaku: Charles[/b] [b][u]Otaku Writers[/u][/b] [b]Poet Laureate: Mitch?for being different in a creative sense.[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention: Charles[/size] [b]Brawler of the Year (sparring): The Harlequin[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention: Charles[/size] [b][u]Social Otakus[/u][/b] [b]Entertainment Otaku of the Year: Manic[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention: Semjaza Azazel[/size] Well, that pretty much covers the OB that I am familiar with?[/color]
[color=indigo]If you like the FF series and you were a fan of FFX then you will probably enjoy FFX-2. I enjoy RPGs quite a bit but I was reluctant to buy FFX-2, so I did what any self respecting young person would, I asked Santa for it :) So far the game has been surprisingly fun so I thought I?d mention its good features. The Garment Grid and Dress Sphere System- The battle system is actually quite fun to use and is easy once you get the hang of it. It is nice to be able to change properties during a battle, especially when you want to use an attribute, not a character type. ATB system- The ATB system in FFX-2 is by far the quickest and most complex yet. It is neat how you can actually halt an enemy from attacking by casting haste and attacking in chains. The only downside is that your characters can get in the way of your own characters. Limited Main Characters- I am glad that you don?t have to worry about advancing a ton of main characters. I am one of those odd people that has to complete every aspect of a video game so I find it nice that I am not going to have to build up three or four characters I will never use. The Graphics and Mini Scenes- The game is loaded with cuts and story lines which adds quite a bit to the game. [/COLOR]
Do you consider yourself a real Otaku?
Heaven's Cloud replied to Moor_Child's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo]The odd thing about this entire thread is that I have always been under the impression that the people on this site that have seen quite a bit of anime and are somewhat knowledgeable about the genre would never admit to being an otaku. At the same time I have always thought that quite a few members that consider themselves knowledgeable about anime and manga really aren?t. Obviously there are exceptions. Although I seen a ton of anime and read quite a few manga I don?t think I could ever be considered an Otaku, mainly because I don?t find it superior to western cartoons and comic books?.[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I absolutely hate Jet. It's one of the most derivative bands I've ever heard... I mean, I can name a classic rock song they've ripped off for every song on that album. If other people like them, that's cool. I don't heh. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I kind of like that song, despite the guitar solo sounding oddly familiar (cough Jimmy Page cough), but I am not a big fan of the rest of their album. Anyway, I am currently listening to Hoover by Holopaw. They came recomended by Semjaza Azazel and so far I think they are pretty good, although I really haven't heard enough of their songs to make a fair assessment.[/color]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Heaven's Cloud replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo]So what? That is my reply The response to your question An echo to your goodbye. So what? I answer to all the who cares Upon deaf ears Falls their blank stares So what? Sings I, on anon Fortune?s flight flew from here It is gone So what? What was the question Never you mind, I forgot the lesson. [/color] -
Blackouts(not the electric kind)
Heaven's Cloud replied to kenshinsbabe's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo]I just had a friend that was hospitalized for a similar problem. It turned out that he had a type of ear infection that screws up your equillibreum, causing him to become dizzy and black out. Anyway, I would probably go see the doctor...usually if you blackout more than once you go see the doctor,lol/[/color] -
[color=indigo]Well, I am not sure I believe you or not, because I have a lot of friends and family that have gone to school on athletic scholarships and what you are saying is opposite of everything I have ever been told. That being said, I do wish you the best of luck with choosing a university, it is a tough decision. Hopefully you'll keep us posted about your decision. Also, if you do play football, I'd appreciate a copy of your strength training program that you recieve in the summer. Being a bit of a gym rat, I love trying different college training programs (I actually have quite a few from some of the larger universities and I rotate them monthly) because they all are remarkably different.[/color]